We Pick Six Random Pokemon Then Race To Find Them

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m j tv and i have the same randomized file of pokemon emerald and we've each chosen three pokemon for the other person to find the first person to find any one of their three pokemon in any way is the winner mikey are you ready yes i am three two one and we're off oh my god the starter oh that's an obvious selection i i really wanted to choose something else just to be different but there's there's no way i'm gonna let you have a sweet as i have a whismur i know i'm fully ready for my rival to have groudon at the very beginning and actually be excited about it wait a minute if i win by finding miltank that's just gonna be such a strange cognitive dissonance that's why i threw it at you you know even when i lose i win the problem with miltank is that it has four giant sausage nipples yeah well the same is true for you finding chimecho john chimeko you punt it then you don't have to use it i'm also used to speeding up obviously that is against the rules but it doesn't matter i flinched a dunsparce i'm on top of the world okay let's let's not brag about that that's a little upsetting to to me and others who like an actual good non-evolving normal type pokemon excuse you then you just start like a a tick-tock thing where you're taking like interesting pokemon questions yes i've only answered one question so far though okay wait okay i'll give you a question okay let's see what is a pokemon that looks very small but is actually very tall um [Music] dunsparce honestly i mean dunsparce is a serpentine pokemon and serpentine pokemon are measured head to tail okay so but like even so like i don't know the number off the top of my head but i want to say it's over five feet long oh you almost had it okay i picture it just being like just like two feet long right i could carry it yeah but like i'm pretty sure dunsparce's actual size i could not like realistically like easily carry dunspars could eat a cast form i don't know if its mouth is big enough it's got a pretty big head yeah but its mouth is small wait a second what i said wait a second i can i can figure this out wait should i stop playing no i just i'm looking at my plushie i don't know if you would say its mouth is very small and he's got wings he he's a is an angel from from the ground yeah that is not relevant to the like he's got a bulbous big head with a mouth that's a bowl statement okay he could stab cast worm through the heart with its butt tail good lord sorry would you just call it it's oh hello um did you just call it it's butt tail my bad it's monster dump truck tail it's just a tail oh tails by definition are on the butt usually yeah on his yeah on the dumpy on his dumpy yeah dumps bars that is a rayquaza oh my god very much almost chose that for you i know where you are then oh okay wow i was saying this route is something else i was saying it was terrifying that i could have almost lost not that i'm gonna lose to this thing no no no we have a suicune don't you forget we've we've won the the game of life a suicune that's only biting things with its tiny mouth this is very true remember this was jack we'd be on uh attempt 37 with this week [Laughter] [Music] on the spot boom pokemon mustache to your list where you put in swallow let's hear it oh uh low tier for me what it's got no volume but it's exquisite it's got the little twirl of everything okay maybe not low tier but like mid at the highest no i just like the who are you putting above it oh cricket tune okay oh let's go bubble bean what is it qriketoon cricketoons is it's not as long but for me i like i like the fullness okay this conversation is sounding more ridiculous as time goes on without the comments i'm already i'm already uh prepping for the uh the mustache tier list video every once in a while when i see a magikarp the only thing i can think of is the pokemon stadium like mini game where there's jumping up and down to the hit like a little timer thing and you just hear garp corp carp just over and over and over again john i gotta confess something to you i've never played the stadium many games oh i know he was uh later into the pokemon world than that yep later into the pokemon world than that older than me and uh the kids watching still make fun of us for being old it's it's a wild thing here four months older than you well right almost exactly you can't hide that gray hair i only have like three of them dye your hair silver go all in no way the hat covers it up most of the time well no that covers up how bald you are no no no no no no no no the meme is dead john right [Music] [Laughter] it was until you said your hair was going gray i got a haircut last week and she told me i had a lot of hair i do it's very dense and thick i think you lean in you become quicksilver it's time wait this guy is like okay the thing i stole is worthless i'm going to make my getaway do you want to battle me i'm not understanding his thought process he caught something that was or he stole something worthless he wants to make a getaway but now he's challenging the person chasing after him why wouldn't he just leave the pokemon and then run to get away are you asking why a member of a team that wants to expand the ocean because they think that would be good for the world you're wondering why that person is doing something dumb didn't you make an entire video making one a third one of these teams oh yeah and i acted completely logically the entire time the mind is the only weapon that doesn't need a holster assuming you saw the wild pokemon in the cave and the tail i mean it's spicy meatballs do you usually have spicy meatballs uh no no no i do not i normally have i'm right like mild meatballs i know i was thinking as everyone says spicy meatballs i never have spicy meatballs it sounds delicious balls are special which is why the special thing is spicy meatballs well i d i do i deserve special food sure you do yeah well i would like spicy meatballs can you cook me spicy meatballs uh i mean i could try i've don't know the recipe i would have sounds good thank you well old man thanks for the cell phone now i can call people who are you gonna call hello i'm calling you your phone's ringing bring ring hello we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty weeks ago jack told people on stream that i make a billion dollars a year on youtube [Laughter] i'm pretty sure most people didn't believe him but i feel like there had to have been some kids that did the ones that were spamming hail yeah over and over again no some adults like to spam hell yeah john it's a fun phrase oh no i believe that i'm i just would the adults be the ones that believed that no they would not can you buy me a hundred neopets i don't know how much neon fights cost one second all right all right i'm back i'm gonna get a story on on camera and then it will be an easy win for me guaranteed okay you might deserve it at that point it's a it's a mincy uh what do we call it what color what color what color uh cloudy oh my god what it's cloudy no way is it really yes that's amazing you literally what do you you can't you can't even see through the bag it's like a it's a dark blue bag that i bought on ebay i like how shell gun knows headbutt which means it knows tackle i mean it's head does kind of look like a butt it doesn't have a head john it's whole body is its head that's the joke well right but i mean like it's oh you sounded like someone struck you oh no this is the end of m j tv what do i do with this footage oh man i just i'm losing this gym battle life is a never-ending sequence of truly unfortunate events all right well joke's on you john i'm getting more experience from my speaking because i'm doing this gym battle twice what what level what is it at suicune the first time i started at level 18 but thanks to all the experience from his first two pokemon the first time well actually no yeah fighting the wigglytuff twice in the pidgeot twice beating them i am now up to level 20. starting to think opening multiple neopets on screen while running uh on and off camera was not a strategic i mean you beat the gym first try man you're you're you've got a bit of a head amount that you can utilize i i am making progress using my head and my brain that's true a kill with bite didn't go with bite are you kidding you're not any heal i like i had like one hp left man oh my god i gotta try to do this again and i've been layered i complain why am i having so much trouble against a shell god it does turn into a pseudo legendary so it's not a big weakling at least i finally flinched it kill kill kill kill yes finally all right that was a disaster huzzah [Laughter] soul rock and lunatone are two of the least utilized pokemon ever made that are so specific they're specifically the sun and the moon then we literally got games called sun and moon and they didn't get like a new form or anything fun you're the general they could have just done like one meteor pokemon instead or even have them evolve into it or like you bring them together into some special event like give them something cool well they didn't so uh no a lot of stinkers in gen 3. i've got a lot of stinkers dude do we need to make a list no no it's i mean it's pretty it gets up see the thing with gen 3 is it has a lot of really good designs i say what you mean yeah i would agree with the designs yeah the designs are awesome i mean they a lot of them do not stand the test of time the designs or the the pokemon the strength you mean yeah i mean even like most of the weakest megas are just gen 3 pokemon yeah i just learned raindance though ooh could you imagine a pokemon lego game oh yeah dude that'd be dope i haven't played the lego games in a really long time but i loved lego star wars and lego batman a very fun edited down like playing lego star wars together as a one-off could be outrageously fun those games are made for fun content yeah that would be really that would be fun i mean i like i'm a gamer i'm not like a you know substantial gamer but like you know i know i play more than you but like into the directs i like really only care about their main line stuff with like very occasional exceptions i bit a mushroom and now i'm asleep [Music] i thought you were talking mario [Music] i went back to talking about the game on on my screen that i'm playing right now i just realized i never got cut do we need cut well he's gonna battle some trainers to see oh but now that is not an option no damn it's you you stupid stupid okay what happened i'm just it's all like yeah i'll i'll let you enjoy this part of the game what is that supposed to mean you'll get there it's it's unavoidable i don't want to get it well you don't have to i cannot believe we have not found the i've lost twice the same trainer after two gym badges and neither of us have found one of six pokemon or you're a really good actor all of it's on the table i i i genuinely haven't seen any of yours no i'm getting i'm at the point where i'm worried that i've gotten like so just in the conversation that i've forgotten to notice but i know that's not the case i'm just getting like paranoid tonight scott i need you to stop scott talks a lot he does does he ever do anything he's like the host he's like the guy who invites you to the battlefront here okay yeah i never i never really did a lot with that i know it's like a very cool part of emerald but especially when you're i want to try it see my thing is that i want to try a battle frontier as an adult but i want to use the modern mechanics i really hope it's in brilliant diamond shining pearl yeah no it's it's going to be really interesting to see what happens with those yeah how faithful will they be and how much will they improve yeah yeah it'll be i don't know it'll be real it's gonna be a really interesting year for pokemon hey it's phil you were talking about spiel i feel like you could say like pretty definitively like it is one of the cutest pokemon yes gen 3 might have made its pokemon too weak it's got a lot of cute ones cast form spiel i've got a fondness for bagon well i'm saying spiel is universally beloved is adorable all right well now you're just being aggressive well i'm i'm not being agree aggressive would be saying what everyone says casform looks like not everyone says it i would say more more people than not i don't know about that i feel like if you polled non-pokemon people oh no i bet a lot of grandmas would really like cats form okay so if we pull grandmothers yeah okay okay i i think i am not disagreeing with you what are your feelings on like wow like pokemon cards are just hard to find right now like they're impossible to get because i i used to like casually collecting like every once in a while i'd get like a booster box if it had something i really wanted but i wasn't like a hardcore collector but because i was so casual i have zero desire to do that i agree i was totally i was very casual with it you know it was kind of fun if i just like went to like target and saw some and like oh yeah grab some you know but now that that's not possible i am not buying pokemon cards it's sad that it's so fully taken away from me one of the bigger pokemon fans you could find it is literally an impossibility for me to go to a store and buy pokemon cards why do i keep finding the same legendary where is my zapdos yeah i've seen mole trace and more than one articuno and i've been like yeah i'm going to get some articles now third articuno i just am seeing right here yeah yeah yeah i've seen so many of them it's frustrating do you still only have your suicune yes would you have like just a full team now uh no it's just my blaziken and my articuno but i trained up the blades again which is now frozen which doesn't seem fair or possible pikachu boo pika blue achoo well we really are collapsing yeah i have to burn a sceptile i'm sorry goodbye subtitle's not your favorite pokemon anymore right you know i feel like it still is but i'm the cast for my love for castle only grows every day oh really oh i thought it was like vegetable you would put over it at some point i said vikavolt might be my new favorite pokemon over sceptile after it was really cool to me in uh in gen seven i've done nothing with vika volt since gen seven no so vika volt is still one of my like top five favorite pokemon yeah like like two or three don't let the lizard go away i do like lizards right they're cool yeah they go lizard lizard oh there's a little spiel shout out to spiel did you just say they go lizards yes that's exactly what that animal sounds like just like horses sound like horse horse all right john i've officially taken down watson's last pokemon which means because we've been here for hours we are allowing the speed up gentleman's agreement all right well before we hop in who are you basing your super speed off of the flag i just said you're gonna spray paint your hair silver you can even take a quick silver what is this oh this is a mutiny oh that was an oversight on my part and i am deeply sorry you should be all right john what's your what's your strategy uh go very fast that's what i'm doing no strategy past that i'm going to be honest just i should have said lightning mcqueen come on can you lose if you're yelling kachow i always thought it was strange that they made them have the uh they made them have the eyes on the windshield instead of on the headlights because i always like whenever i see cars just in my day-to-day life i think of the eyes the middle tank oh my god i've never been so happy to see a mill tank i beat that a little bit ago and i was going super fast to try to try to find mine oh i'm so glad i went for the cycling road let's go no
Channel: PM7
Views: 901,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, mandjtv, mandjtv plays, mandjtv vs pokemen7, pokemon race, random pokemon, random pokemon race, we pick random pokemon, we pick random pokemon then race to find them, pokemon vs challenge, pokemon vs, pokemon catching competition, pokemon catching race, pokemon challenge, racing mandjtv, pokemon catching challenge, pokemon racing challenge, pokemon racing vs, pokemon competition, pokemen7 mandjtv, race, pokemon emerald, pokemon emerald race
Id: 9Du0aG3SQBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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