MandJTV & PM7 Metronome Battle

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Welcome to our first video Just the Two of Us on the John Michael and Co patreon every other week John and I will be just playing a game together it's Pokemon today I'm gonna do some metronome battles just for fun because we think they're fun but it won't always be but the first thing we ever did together was metronome based it's only feels right as we start this next step in our journey together as creators we can dip our toes into the metronome waters before we we go elsewhere with varying levels of success yeah we're doing we're gonna do just like double battles 2v2 and you gotta swap out two each time um and we'll just go for about an hour and just see who wins more metronome's always fun you're all your only complaint is I wish it did better because we could just do more yeah and with that I'm gonna win I'm gonna go with my fat guys oh dude come on come on as long as you don't bring those when I accident we bring grassy Terrain oh goodness because I mean I I got a lot of I got we're so we're using the same Pokemon we use for the metronome video we did and you had the filthiest team possible yep I think the only one that wasn't bulky was Lucario and it always died quick yeah I think like every time hello hello uh bye cursed body and pseudo legendary that's great how do you feel about the bad job not Stellar oh my God oh my God good start though right no great start it's fine I'm just gonna I don't know Fisher Okay that's not gonna do much damage but that's chip damage that's like better fire spin that was a crit okay that's a little embarrassing I hate that so much for me the chip damage though the chip damage I know that's why I hate it expanding false oh no that's super effective it's incredible ow let's do a little more that's fine I think it does more on Psychic terrain uh um okay oh Slowbro is now a dragon flying type ice move ice move don't love that okay does it go five turns or is it two to five I don't no it's two It's gotta be two it'd only be two it's easy to yeah please oh oh no oh my God that would have been insane that would have that would have been ridiculous this is why metronome's so good if that had actually happened would have been great and sometimes you just magnetic flux your favorite move you're always talking about more like magnetic no I'm not gonna make that uh okay if I can snap out but you might be one hit away from night night I could hit myself and be done um break a meteor oh that did so much less than I thought it would yeah are you kidding me but anything on Dragonite right now is a win in your book yeah the Magna storm is is nice all right let's get something crazy come on why are you I wondering it's fully healthy okay do not hurt yourself do not hurt yourself this may not hurt yourself oh come on all right all right come on something big oh that is that's nothing not that's negative anything yeah okay well as long as I can escape and survive and I still have the attack boost that's annoying that's just annoying yeah embarrassing all right it's not embarrassing it's just annoying oh that doesn't work useless right I feel like it should work if you go first with metronome and you get Sucker Punch just well a little bit of funsies uh Slowbro is slow bruh don't do anything crazy why would you do that okay well at least oh I didn't take it out I thought I was gonna take it out oh that's so huge oh that's when I get surprised I didn't slap you hard enough to hit your cheek it was just all beard anyway I know it was it was just like it was an owl of surprise how did both of my Pokemon oh my God howl boosts both of you oh that's incredible wait no why is everything happening to Dragonite okay this is getting upsettingly close yeah it is Slowbro is the healthiest but he's cursed is magma Storm still going I really need it not to be okay oh it's slow and I'm upset I am oh my gosh I think you died in the burn next turn I or magma storm a Magna storm might be over I don't know how long it goes this is like bad this is my best too what do you think you can't leave there's nothing in the back snap out come on wild bolt storm minute oh it hits one of them and it okay all right come on this is huge you gotta get something okay that's damn not on slow bro come on oh yeah I would have resisted that either way though cause dragon type all right finish off the Gengar or you could do that useless thing okay it's it's a a Gengar versus the world oh you lived the burn this is preposterous just magma storm no yes oh no let's go Oh Ship damage is so helpful in this game so bad now you're just gonna curse body both of my Pokemon and I'm gonna I have 11 HP I'm not curse buying anything let me just surfing kill both of us okay oh that might kill something oh my God come on yeah yeah yeah all right okay round one to me I defeated the John guy do you always name yourself then do you always name yourself Michael yeah but like I never call you the John guy so I'm like I never apologize what do you call me Mikey okay well I've named myself that before but like I don't know Mikey is still a name the John guy is like a lot there's a lot going on do not like it I know I like it okay I'm just like oh it's a unique thing to do a rocky beginning of this next step in our business venture all right Michael's not even your real name just for all of that I'm gonna be unbearable oh boy yeah how about that well I'm gonna be on unflappable that was fair the game's the game what are you gonna do I do like how we have the same picture just yeah could have been in the same spot you actually got a different outfit I completely brought those part of the game oh my different outfit was uh like well you changed it at least once the default outfit is the one with the shorts I guess that's fine I got that for like buying the DLC early oh you get like four outfits and that I was like that one looks kind of nice clothing you got to do something wow wow um all right all right yeah we're going to timer we might be going to timer with this one yeah we made a mistake oh boy I missed you can tell when it misses when it's like uh I was pretty sure but if that had hit pew pew that would have been very much the another wild boat storm that did some good damage too it does that let's go wait guts do I have gods or do I have thick fat oh me oh let's go you gotta think fast oh you were yeah oh that's so huge man okay which is going to be paralyzed for the rest of the game yeah that guy behind the sub not moving unless like heal Bell or aromatherapy happens that happens sometimes oh boosting up screen tail all right all right bigly rough oh wolfy name this no that's what it was one of the like actual Pokemon names I gave to the uh the the like the Paradox Pokemon oh oh yeah yeah okay yeah yeah I remember that now like and like brute Bonnet is a verbosa you haven't gotten a grassy terrain up so I could heal from the sub I don't understand what are you doing I it's like and you really gotta make the most of these come on come on buddy any attack that is huge well I'm not on the steak fat oh but you're not moving this turn zero chance yeah I uh I I don't like how it does it and then goes away hey well I really hope that didn't Target the freaking slacking oh no they're both normal type gosh dang it I always forget they made our believer freaking normal type for no good reason yeah all right I told you this would be the most unbearable Duo big fan why don't you just use camouflage and turn like grass type nah you're too fast yeah are we having fun I am having fun yeah okay good I'm like trying to lean towards you and I don't know why I'm doing that because we just recorded for hours and I didn't do that yeah you're getting my back oh time pass you slash useless I thought you were gonna say something it's just ripping the Pokemon for no reason oh my gosh all right that's I mean yeah I think unless I had the iron defensive okay he did [Music] a resisted head hey grassy terrain though yay my Pokemon are at half Health I'll take the healing [Laughter] just oh yeah but you really are being unbearable here's the Pokemon I had from the last video I I don't know what to do oh wait we didn't have time to make new ones I mean that is another Ghost type move I've seen I mean you're really bad at clicking metronome thanks thanks man yeah you already beat me I can't say anything I'm being reminded of my nicknames catch these is a funny name for hariyama hariyama's just I feel like it's a Pokemon that you didn't think about a lot in gen 3 But as time goes on I just appreciate it more and more yeah it's a ridiculous looking guy he is those little arms around the hands oh more chip damage I don't I cannot see the little arms he just has catcher myths and nothing else his number one Prospect for the Yankees and there's nothing else going on okay sweet scent uh I still don't actually know whether uh accuracy changes affect OKO moves no idea is there all kinds of funky and it's definitely changed a lot over the years [Laughter] start talking about other things yeah we're waiting for something exciting to happen but we got it this is this one's a slog we gotta accept the the consequences of our own actions [Laughter] but I mean the beauty oh that did a lot pretty good right yeah it was pretty good oh okay let's go all right no wait JMC we just finished recording all of that yep what a journey what a journey indeed I mean you would have said it but bye-bye yeah that's what I said bye-bye every second of gen 9 we've been thinking of John Michael Cup competitions recording them setting things up Yep this is the first time we're sitting this game without like that looming you know an eventual end the next idea yeah you know this that and the other it's very weird it is weird it's a good weird but it's it's odd yeah kind of nice I don't have to worry about wait a minute if I lose this metronome if he just Fisher and then Guillotine I I don't have to get closer and closer to a toilet trophy yeah and I mean it's like I mean that's kind of wanted why we wanted to do this was just like be able to like make content together with like less pressure yeah hair down a bit Yeah like is this like like there's probably not going to be any Cuts in this and so it's like oh well that's nice it's like old style Let's Plays that yeah you can post daily well I mean when we were doing the metronome oh just wiped out my synthesis no just stay in the conversation you won't realize what's going on everything's great oh my god oh never mind everything's great yeah it's a lot more crit too oh what laughs what was that I know that's like uh his suing electrodes move but I didn't know what it did is it like just self does it do or is it like uh wait I think it's grass self-destruct no I don't think it's self-destruct I think it might be like um like grass uh what's that uh blastphalon's move mind blown maybe wait I Really Wanna [Music] it's a damage dealing move um effects user takes damage equal to half it's Max HP um yeah so it's like a great move for metronome and not for me um but yeah so it's it's mind blown signature move but grass type well actually I don't know if their powers are the same but the half of your max Health recoil I think there might be another one that does that meteor beam maybe I don't know you you tell me near the competitive Pro though John I hey man I retired a long time ago yeah I mean around I mean around the time the the last metronome those lock we did when Pokemon seven plays well PM Summers Pokemon seven plays and that was really kicking off that's the last time we did content like this uncut say words yeah if you laugh at me for five straight minutes because I don't remember what the black white too fourth gym leader is all of that is kept in [Laughter] yep I uh black and mine two fourth gen oh yeah because you thought the that's right you thought the Gym trainer was the gym leader didn't you change hair between the two games yeah but like it was like yeah yeah it yeah yeah well that was easy wait there's more yeah well you had to do the whole like it does it is in the past okay it's in the past that was the same was that or it was dumb stupid seed in the first or second one it wasn't the first one I'm pretty sure or maybe it wasn't no it wasn't the second one wasn't it I think so yeah yeah that's I mean we've been doing these stuff like these things for so long it's hard to remember where goes what what oop up down left right center yeah because we we met in 2015 right yeah yeah because it was summer before I remember being the summer but that's rude uh sorry there's a summer before my junior year um it was for the GBA D League and it's kind of funny thinking back to like there was a period in my life where I thought oh because I'm a famous Pokemon guy I have to be good at competitive Pokemon battling because that's just what it's supposed to be and I've since learned no well and to be fair you were kind of a big reason for that not to be the case because Pokemon content fourth gen competitive battling fifth gen competitive battling beginning of Sixth Gen still a decent amount of competitive battling but when you applied for that gbad League I looked at the applications and be like 1000 subscriber like draft League Channel like 500 subscriber like just you know up and coming guy 150 000 subscribers like who is this and I went to the channel like okay this has to be like some like oh my God I am but I thought it would be like you got like one video like blew up or I don't know there was no one in Pokemon that had that many subscribers not only were you a legitimate Channel you had views better than anybody and no one I knew had ever heard of the channel and my mind was blind I I had like just gotten Twitter like like a month before or something ridiculous and you were applying for us it like we weren't trying to get any like big creators I mean it was the D-League it was like the you know the filter to go up so like I have to get this guy into a call I'd like what is going on yeah I was running it and we just immediately hit it off it like it was awesome it just worked out I mean we were we were good friends within a month yeah absolutely it was it was like oh like someone else I can talk to about YouTube this is insane it was pretty nice because the mentality for a lot of people back then in competitive Pokemon was you do not do this for any of the views of the game and if your videos start doing well that's bad oh well I just killed my own Lucario wow Lucario it sucks at metronome it's I mean you'd think the two good attacks like oh this thing could do a thing no no I mean at least you're sleeping a while yeah arm style is a weird Pokemon dude it is it is weird I like it though I like it because it's weird I like it too but it's so weird it's it's a hair monster from the darkness oh my but like why is it a fairy why is it a hair fairy Darkness well it's magical it's mythical you know like fairies have to do with like magical mythical creatures right and it's like a a goblin Harry Goblin yeah like an orc if they were very very hairy but also magical and what significantly less rodent Orchard was like early Grim smells like really like skinny hair makes it looks uh look buffer than it is why are you recharging there's no hydro cannon I did quite a bit of Chunk quite a quite a bit to your Grim snarl shut up and Phantom of course the weaker one oh and it was still enough dang it okay yeah I got it he got killed and that one all right see this is better once we're not focusing on the battle I start doing better okay we will discuss nothing else take this episode we just stopped communicating you roll a lot five wins straight yeah um I think we we just change like you pay you have to pick a pairium and picked yet um okay I got you [Music] I gotcha what if I steal yours you can't do that why are you the nonsense what I need to decide is who I pair Lucario with because Lucario is unfortunately dead weight like do I pair it with annihilate the best one or do I pair it with like wait I picked the whole team yeah you picked that you picked the theme and then you select which Pokemon on the team well I mean it's not like we've done this before so how would I remember laughs I'll read into that um I just I'm going impulsively sure to lip all right to the lip do you even remember your first draft League your first and only draft league team I remember a couple members yeah that's what I'm trying to think do you have a restaurant because you were the gastrodons no um I I remember like that there was the GBA D-League like uh after the battles each week there would be like a gba channel that would do like Recaps and stuff and there was like I was a highlight of mine was in there once which is I used my Toge kiss and I predicted the gastrodon switching and used uh Grass Knot oh and that made it on there that was like the best of the Season yeah I mean that was sick it was sick yeah I think that and then I think I need a queen oh yeah I think I had one of the legendary beasts I think I had I think I wanted Entei and goddar manitan I think I had sweet okay but I'm not positive I could look the videos are still up I could go look but like it's hard to remember it's been long like eight years now I mean that makes me think and I mean it's already something you've discussed on your channels but I will never forget the behind the scenes of your first Nuzlocke when you walk out of the room and you told me before you uploaded it because I remember just talking about it in people were so mad mad so if you did not see that he lost I think it was your first book when you ever lost the Nuzlocke right correct and you're just so upset you just leave the room and you're like legit legitimately left camera keeps going did you just land poison on both of my Pokemon no there's no way I did the animation first oh my God why is that a new move it was just poison gas like it's got low accuracy I think and you just landed both man I'm doomed yeah that was I don't know you can't come back from that unless like like no land like two sheer colds in a row Jesus no but I mean I it maybe it'll be kind of like that that Golbat moment because in the moment people Furious I think the next time you talked about it it's hilarious oh yeah I talked to veteran in the video where I just like I told the story of it all yeah and it's like I'm like people were mad uh wouldn't wouldn't do it again I don't understand why someone would be mad that's just so funny like stop watching it's a funny bit yeah and I I love that so much I I just remember that back and forth like I don't know you should do that like I don't know you did it yeah no one no one's perfect no I haven't if I knew everything I knew now or if if back then I knew everything that I know now it probably wouldn't work out the same I would if I knew everything I know now I would have instead said no do it because what people don't understand is like back when I watched competitive battling only everyone will just upload wins and then you'd know what would happen and you do a Nuzlocke well if someone lost it'd be like a 10 minute episode so for you to have your first death ever in a 30 minute episode and it happened like 10 minutes in you couldn't predict that their suspense and excitement yeah I love that because it's missing in a lot of content or at least it was forget that is and also very funny wow you are just I'm getting crushed you think it's because you're not using a Pro Controller not a pro apparently I don't know the Pro Controller like the d-pad always annoys me like I remember playing breath of the wild and I would hit like up and it would register right so I'd be trying to like switch my power and it would switch my weapon or vice versa and I'd be like what the hell is this bar barrage that did freaking nothing oh wow and so did I well thanks a lot ah oh gosh this is this is not going well no oh yeah how many Hydro pumps have I hit ew that's both from Dragonite I think yeah this is the whole nickel saying the the two nickels oh yeah not a lot of them fight a nickel for every time this happens I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's where this happened twice yep all right well yeah that was uh that was violently one-sided poisoning both of my Pokemon was broken I didn't even know that was the thing that would happen uh yeah well they mean there are certain moves that like you don't really know how they work in double battles yeah because they're not very good moves like poison gas you just use toxic you know um so it's weird that like like there's like howl you delete howl off your starter immediately but then like oh using it in a double battle it boosts both what yeah that's like really really nice all right so I don't use like a another pair you've already used yeah um we're mixing and matching yeah so I like I can't use muck and Lucario again so I'll use muck and I don't know slow bro I'll be really obnoxious oh I was being obnoxious why are you being obnoxious ah guess I want to win man you good and then you've won three straight and it wasn't close yeah see that but that's the thing we we went in the you know my bag of just nonsense and not focusing on what's going on this is I win Fall Guys and I'm bringing that same I don't know how you play fall guides without focusing though it requires attention well I think the more I can like not focus I can also Focus that doesn't make sense but it makes sense to me he like takes the pressure off a little bit like you can get a little bit more relaxed you know yeah a little bit of a silly conversation are you kidding dude I was about to yell bees we're more like ants or termites if you what the heck I was waiting for my slow bro is going to be under half at the end of this turn I mean that's you know sure yeah I don't know what I don't know what you've done to have this happen I don't know but I I feel like I don't know how you can you can fix this cars I don't know at least um this is like pretty not part of the JMC well that I mean that's the other thing that weight being lifted we mentioned it earlier but it is like I mean they're always fun to do but you can leave so I'm like oh come on man yeah are you kidding me yeah oh I landed it big damage oh come on I'm feeling nice oh oh we do have lamp of berries yeah oh so that's unlikely to matter you've never played um Pokemon Stadium right I I've played it like very briefly like at a friend's house for like 20 minutes if I remember correctly like the best strategies in that game is you grab Jolteon and then you just click Thunder because crits are decided by speed so it just goes yeah did I hit Thunder yes no I'm just swearing and oh yeah I mean I'm I'm dead slow I go I mean I'll get some damage but also I we're not recording my gameplay why is that still there what oh that is the check yeah I mean this game is so glitched out yeah I'm so glitched out I wanna believe that they're gonna like fix things with the DLC no chance but I they haven't fixed anything they fixed barely anything well that's six months well that's what I'm I would like to hope that they're saving it for that I don't believe that though that is very wishful thinking yeah it makes sense please just kill the Gengar the Gengar is the nasty one all right mine I got Speedy muck it's just blowing the the goop just is what now all right all right that was the smart move great um even bulkier slacking yeah this I feel like this was a mean Squad to bring I mean you just we did it as like a you just race to catch him in that and you were smarter than I was can you beat me I don't remember I don't remember it all someone won remember doing metronome battles in the back in the day where fairy lock would just crash the games oh my God yeah yeah that was that was really annoying that was crazy I think they eventually fixed it but I don't think I don't know if they did no they did like a very very very eventually like two and a half years of something ridiculous yeah nice that's yeah there we go thank you come on pile the Gengar this thing oh curse on oh yeah it's like never gonna die yeah unless I hit unless I get cursed bodied which is why I need the Gengar to just die oh that's why like I feel like I could like muck could beat the slacking one-on-one yeah it cannot beat either if it gets struggling well every time you know we did the the Metro oh come on the metronome League back in the day I'd be like Gengar yeah no matter what it's that cursed body is so freaking good all right well now mock is fast while right with Tailwinds hi I I see your strategy I see you yep oh wait what please watch speeds in your how does okay this is your moment come on buddy come on okay wrong Pokemon that would have been bad in the Gengar with your luck you would have gotten cursed body then it would have done negative five yep the cool negative five what's that do ability bye-bye yeah all right I don't remember what it is stench I don't know sticky old thumb yeah all right fun we're having fun yeah are we having fun oh man wow mock punch that just makes me have you ever seen the the Gordon Hayward uh no I don't know who that is well actually maybe it was a clip that I just didn't know it was a like a gender reveal and it's it I don't you don't have to put everything online you don't have to film everything he very he had two girls he very much was hoping for a boy they they do the reveal and the pig balloons come out and the two girls are beside them and the wife very clearly is like uh oh like how you feeling he's like kicking a balloon up Daddy's always happy and the most monotone voice and every once in a while just play in my head is this like an NBA player or something yeah so you're like we're having fun just kicking the balloon daddy is always happy that was resent I was a crazy sense yeah Gordon Hayward is the he's the gaming NBA player I think he's someone in the esport also kinda kind of dying so I don't know what's going on though yeah all those organizations and stuff I don't know oh that's gonna hurt your feelings yep there we go dude this is ridiculous muck get something decent please pull it together you've done negative damage honestly I mean at least you're not doing anything don't you like the the crowd in the background yeah they're two identical ladies Roar of Time this could do it yes okay oh boy what I thought it wouldn't work if you're dead no it was one farewell okay well I have to recharge yeah so maybe something crazy will happen no no I can always go boom you no I can't no no you can't no no you can't no baby you live now baby man this is the blowouts this is a blowout oh yeah yeah no um houses oh my Pokemon died to curse body actually I think the Slowbro mind just died else other ways yeah you picked so much better Pokemon for this like when we did the video you picked a much better Pokemon because we had done like the league with metronome I'd already like figured out what Pokemon were really good in that because you know I like winning things yeah I mean like I think in the JMC the the sillier side of me comes out but like if it's like the newer fans like I did like I don't know like seven years of competitive Pokemon battling like I was so painfully in the weeds of caring too much about Pokemon battles so we're gonna do that again I'm gonna care but if it's I know the Pokedex entry I don't know I will do my best but if I don't remember it and I can't use you know deductive reasoning yeah I'm goofing around and hoping it works out but if it's competitive battling and I know the IVs the EVS the stats the move the dude different side of me but then also if I'm playing Fall Guys to potentially win you know tens of thousands of dollars I'll dress up like a frog so I mean and then you did that is still insane I still can't believe that hey man you know I'm just waiting for more party games to come out and then the companies have way too much money for some reason and then I can trick someone to get me into the tournament and then I can just beat everyone's favorite creators and get a lot of money it like seems like a really sick time or maybe we can just keep getting popular enough where they just invite me normally and then I can still win lots of money on the party games why would you do that to me I just I needed it man although now you're now we're grassing well that was those fun memories and you just had to bring me [Laughter] how helpful guy Wow Bubble beans and look at them look at them olives bubbling Bumble and stumble and rumbling Mike allstock you know that reference many times back in like way back in the day when we were we Lads there would be a program every Sunday night for football with the highlights and Chris Berman rumbling bumbling stumbling Mike All-Star is just running people over that's fun hey I got rid of the grassy terrain why would you do that I don't know it was so genuine I don't know oh that's huge that's good damage no paralysis well come on you know you're luck by now I'm So Graceful with this too and graceful Pokemon I don't know how his arms don't get tired I have a complaint oh that it wasn't that that didn't kill I have a different complaint uh I was that I don't know if that was fair or psychic but it did a lot and now I'm only fairy I'm almost dead again you can't rest in the electric train nope which is fine I'm pretty happy yeah that's actually smart a good play yeah oh yes oh oh that's not good for me wait is it no no no your Pokemon is almost dead not mine hariyama is almost dead yeah your Grim smells a little over half I think wow that thing is so loud it's also because I nervously click it over and over again that's another reason I don't tend to use the Pro Controller is because it's louder that's fair I like being able to like play like this it's pretty sick oh that looks very cool and Casual all right that's a that's a timer on hariyama I just gotta win quick okay that's that's helpful I don't like that my special attack I Miss oh wait no that doesn't sync up does it yeah I don't think it does but this is gonna hurt you it's true you kind of just need damage at this point this is Grassy terrain decrease the damage of dig or just like bulldoze and earthquake I don't they add so many things to remember it's hard to keep track yeah I'll try Lucario earthquakes oh that's super helpful wait if this kills let's go I won one let's do one more okay I don't think so oh okay because you're up four to two and if we do one more set of three with three different pairs okay feasibly I could come back and win I I you know that wasn't in my mind but I like the sound of that should we just do the original three pairs again why I have no idea how I was just thinking no we gotta change it up okay change it up again yeah okay I'm just making sure okay so I'm gonna do these two and then I'm gonna do muck and scream tail and then I'm gonna do Slowbro and Lucario all right you got yours all set I don't remember but I know I didn't do Gengar and are above a lot of precisely yeah are Oliver I call it our believa our believer and you see her it might be our boliva because of olive but like I like saying it because I'm like and I saw her face that's what my brain was trying to do and it just couldn't figure it out it kind of we've done a lot of things today okay we have done a lot of things this week even good they've been exciting them fun I'm just letting them a little sleepy a world champion would say your Gengar can levitate again yeah that's not great because if you hit my stupid Olive Tree now get grassy terrain yeah dang it oh what is that oh my what that's galerian uh Slowbro signature move that is the worst possible versus whatever is higher between physical and special attack wow I don't like that at all oh again there's someone twice how does that happen twice you know if I had a nickel wow [Music] oh well I think you've won this no it's so far from over I you know [Music] I there's a happy atmosphere I love how they've just made a move where it doesn't do anything yeah hold hands is another one okay it's only one of you but wow I got it this time I thought I was just supposed to win all of these I thought you were just being nice to put this your entire thing is hating to win you always want me to win right come on yeah me historically completely uncompetitive yeah exactly yep what is this I was special offense it's so hard to keep track of those yeah what is this right under oh the shorts in the duration white yeah four of 16 plus the 10 from leperberry what is shelter uh it's uh the signature move of the um the hisuian uh sligu and Goodra oh oh my God not just end my misery please this is dumb and I would never bring a disgusting strategy like the Olive Tree and slay King that immediately substitutes okay feel bad for me sure Jan and you said best two out of three so I just oh crap that means I need to win the next two no you would have to go two out of three I just need to go one of three yeah I could get a failing grade I can do that yeah we'll do we'll do first to five yeah you know yeah that's fair yes yes yeah there we go look at me go yeah yeah you're spinning roundabout thing yeah that didn't go well you're uh you're a figure skater there we go duh no oh no oh yeah not do any damage because it's a special attack oh missed the explosion who even learns that move fairy types why do they add that to the game I don't know [Music] oh my God well I think we remembered very quickly why metronome gets old sometimes all right this is insane I don't know why they thought I mystical little fairy guys what if they exploded okay when you think of the tooth fairy imagine it just going boom okay I'm not out of this yet because I am healing now you are absolutely not out of it Gengar is not healing it's just you have cursed body and if you hit one move it missed wow okay okay you just need a dark move yeah like crunch okay clear the terrain oh wow it does okay I actually would rather that not be the case because now I'm just getting grain healing oh yeah you have ingrained I forgot yeah I do still having grain healing okay you're back on the ground but the terrain is gone so it doesn't matter wow you could do something crazy all right it's fine I still have a chance freeze Oh I thought that yeah wow all right this is intense I thought I would have won by now this was how that the last turn went so badly but now it's okay now you're insomnia like go for rest oh that actually I like that I think rest would fail I know that's what I'm saying but getting her to think about I like oh okay I was just no okay bulk this one from oh I got this in the bag too oh no oh no this is ending up as like the closest one since the first one yeah okay wow oh boy okay this is oh boy not great um not Stellar um please just Crunch and kill it Crunch and kill it no that's nothing this is Roman intense I at least if neither of us do anything I heal a little bit at least that you haven't hit him in so long do a thing do any of the things let's look at that back to killing okay all right all right okay all right come on because you're a plus one special attack oh oh no no no let's go okay all right all right wow oh boy I'm still questioning why they just made it so fairies go explodey I don't know man literally for metronome battles I don't know what any what other reason gosh you think in the Pokemon world championship that should just put us on stage to a metronome battle and Crown one of us the winner I'd be honestly sick I would be so down for that I I think that should our people will talk with their people I think I'm sure we can figure that out I I don't remember have I done Dragonite in slaking no okay I didn't think so and if we accidentally do as long as you're okay this is a casual thing but I'm wearing my fancy shirt yeah it's not business attire this actually kind of is technically my business with fire it is actually mine too I got that frog in me all right so you uh I'm fighting um uphill battle uh two of the strongest Pokemon in all of Pokemon um I got a little scared but I was both my Pokemon resist that um oh that's a stab move that oh God I forgot that all right scream tail is really low offense oh that's some damage jeez I do not want that thing sitting around yeah I don't know how I do this oh snap move Hey bow somehow wow they're not no acid hit both another one of those ones I don't know why it does either my bigly rough super Fang oh that stab how did you get stabbed twice in a row that's all that did oh my God you have no offense no it's a balloon oh my God yeah all right well at least that's yes yeah Dragonite the most intimidating of the dragons jeez wait that I think that makes you struggle it's temporary but I think you have to struggle now oh I don't like that I don't like that I mean any guaranteed struggle damage but the recoil wait what is that that might just kill something what is what is the Box oh because this game is extremely high quality oh wait that's got yeah it's like the border for the HP bar yep there you go muck no all right okay okay all right the box is really upsetting me I don't know what to do about it it'll go after the next turn is it both oh I do not like that okay Mark's almost dead but this oh I think it's because it's supposed to go around the fact that I'm not oh it's doing the check Target check status like this dude I love Pokemon this the longer it's been since release the more I'm like they've really messed this up yes okay okay there we go okay it's a balloon with hair we can be a balloon with hair come on attack harshly lowered all right let's get the Boost easy boost guaranteed boost guaranteed guaranteed boost police should still be struggling Dragonite I know I think it definitely is that's why the stupid box of Doom has appeared all right sure okay at least the dragonite's gone at least the Dragonite is gone I slay King versus biggly rough a battle of Titans yes indeed all right you're stronger but you only go every other turn I have no offense whatsoever so I could really use a fire spin yeah one you also said before this if I beat you I get your mattress so like that's gonna be pretty are you really bringing them back it's been years since I heard that phrase six years and you never gave away your match oh no oh that sucks you're not keeping it I don't think that's what that is comfy oh great well wait is this on my not doing things darn yeah nice nice that stinks nice no put that away oh man yeah but the back in college my best buddy he'd come up with something where I'll wait oh wait charm though oh that didn't I forgot about charm nothing thank you I meant plus one defense I think now because I got shelter earlier burn do not burn as I was saying he he's a genius he came up with something with regardless of how bad his joke was yeah you had to pound and then you could get it back your way so if I said I've seen yeah that wasn't even a joke those are just noises I couldn't think of anything yeah I uh I just mean looked on your true on turn so I'm making great use of that yeah you have a joke that is super effective I think he just won yep all right nice congrats all right I don't think we need to do the last one unless you want to but we could you wanna do last one just for fun I could do the last one for fun okay we'll do one more uh with the last pair nice and we'll see if it finishes uh five to four or six to three I was looking I don't have to be rude okay I'm gonna be honest I feel like I should have come up with a joke instead of just making noises really eating away at me it was my moment really start my stand-up routines see what you thought of my first five minutes my set oh yeah I mean if you started doing stand-up I would attend if it was in Texas [Music] yeah I'm gonna I'm not gonna fly no if I'm already here not only am I going to start doing stand up I'm gonna travel to Texas but only let you know once everything is booked I'm not like staying near you I'm not visiting you but you can come and watch me bomb okay uh is it this and wait these two you did slaking and Dragonite and then you the first one was I think Gengar and uh I think it is whatever it's I mean you've already won five of the nine so yeah not all the games we do here will be competitive though we we will do collaborative stuff like John carrying me and fall guys yeah and I mean this first episode like it's very interesting of like are you looking at me like that because my voice cracked a bit no I'm looking at you because one of your favorite phrases to say is it's very interesting of like the amount of sentences I've heard you start with that phrase is in the hundreds which is not a bad you know one of your mannerisms which I find uh charming and adorable this I mean we we could have spent all of our time talking about all of our big plans but for us this is the beginning of a new Journey but also kind of the end of you know you use side blade and it didn't oh because it Mikey I got ah that makes sense that's all right sorry go ahead I'm beginning of something new the end of season two and it's like it's nice to just get this out of the system you know relax Rejoice enjoy because the rest of the things we're doing there's gonna be things maybe we've always wanted to do but didn't feel like we could do on YouTube or really just things that like we didn't even consider we could do because it would be dumb for us to attend doing them on YouTube but they're still enjoyable they're still fun yeah instead of like algorithm this that and the other it's I think we could have a fun time and make good content let's see let's try our hand instead of being worried of like okay it's Gotta gotta be something we're confident in like Chad of a doubt and Company rides on this video yeah want to play raft you want to play raft I've played a good chunk of raft it's a really long game though we don't have to finish it oh okay we can just we can just play a little rap I mean didn't play anything we could play anything you could play Frogger too I have no real interest in playing like war zone yeah that's fair oh you okay I mean that's my healthy one yeah yeah who Do You Think You Are I Am who Do You Think You Are I Am have you seen that clip yeah of course the goat are you kidding me who Do You Think You Are I Am come on so the greatest quote I don't like that I mean it's Court of all time yeah who Do You Think You Are I Am it's very as he wins and we have nothing on this man did I really just really dude my Slowbro was is being amazing I just realized it thrashed and then didn't get confused because of own Tempo at all so it's like two thrashes is what got your floor just down solo and then it just finished it off with dropkick where was this for you I don't know all right well let's just beat up on the Grim snarl well what that feels rude and uncalled for oh no that's on my own Lucario wait wait my wish is granted well this is going truly as well as it possibly could yeah it would have been more exciting if this happened first though and I still had a chance to win the series and I didn't have to go up against Dragonite and slacking and Gengar because you're really good at uh you make such good decisions wow this is just this was that was violent that was fast good night good night indeed all right so I finished five and four yeah even with you having better Pokemon I mean I'm pleased with my performance here as you should good game good sir good game and uh we will be playing other games in the future very soon together enjoying each other's company just having a fun time we hope to see you there we will see you there we will future site
Channel: John Michael and Co
Views: 491,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 36sec (3516 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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