First To Get A Full Shiny Pixelmon Team Wins

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m and j tv and i are going to be racing through pixelmon trying to find shiny pokemon and the first to get a full team of shinies wins make sure to subscribe to pokemon 7 plays and m jtv plays and let's dive in three two one so m j tv and pokemon seven are currently filming a youtube video in this private server since mikey lost the last video i just found mewtwo are you kidding me what he's paying me 100 in robux gift cards to pop out of nowhere and murder pokemon if he's about to get a shiny i've secretly joined their discord call so we're gonna see what's happening we got a platform of caterpies we're getting a catch combo i'm gonna grab every single one catch combos in the newer games for pokemon and pixelmon will help you get chinese quicker but as soon as you beat a pokemon battle or catch a different pokemon the catch combo's over five minutes of visibility wanna go punch him well no i have a block of dead i didn't think you could do that you doubt me there's no such thing as a mikey gap anymore insert the clip the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows well oh no no no no what what just happened i okay there are too many pokemon spawn i just lagged near the middle i almost got him in the quicksand i'm safe up here i'm safe up here i'm safe up here they won't they won't see me if you've ever shined it down there that was what i was gonna say if i found a shiny right before i died that would be tragic okay finally did that has happened to me in pixelmon and it still haunts me i like i used to go shiny hunting on an old server i'd fly around on my shiny flygon sean has never hit tab my invisibility's gonna run out let's just drink the milk and get it out of the way [Music] any shinies any shines any shinies [Music] he just saw me he definitely just saw me you think they can you think they can see me here i've gotta i've got john will get this joke i have a spy fort mikey i'm not saying this is your fault but the pokemon not despawning it's really becoming a thorn in my sides let's go back up they're gonna despawn they won't despawn because i'm stuck here john might catch on because these pokemon are not despawning did you put is there witchcraft on this is you just that sick of me just spawned what is going on mikey i want to find shinies i am hidden they call me naruto uzumaki oh now i can see everything from up here this is pretty sweet mikey lead him away why is jack here mikey that's why the stupid things were spawning jack is not here that is an automated message please leave your tone after recording are you stupid or something all right let's let's finally despawn these pokemon jack uh what when did you even hop in the call what is going on um mikey can i tell him ah no mikey paid me to kill you if you found a shiny how did it even get a diamond sword this is my server nike the the thinking about the spawns you impacted my spawns was admittedly an oversight so you paid jack to make it so he would kill me so you would get the shiny but you paid jack to eliminate new spawns hey hey listen it's good money it's robux he's [Music] [Music] [Laughter] jack i suppose i suppose you could just join the competition what's the rules here i was just no one has found a shiny because somebody was sitting in a tree spy shack am i allowed to take off my disguise now i put on a disguise that way you made sure it wasn't me your skin looks exactly the same as normal i didn't think that far i was wearing a mustache in real life is there fall damage but you didn't even tell me what are you spending the hundred dollars on in that game so there's roblox pokemon and you can use robux to buy starter pokemon are you paying to win a children's like fan game of pokemon yes oh what's that mikey there's something important to say at this part of the video hey m jtv here don't forget to subscribe dude that's crazy did you train him to say that i he he just had it ready man that's crazy mikey why is there a tree in the desert john already went down john's trying to cheat bro i mean not like someone paid someone to kill someone if they're kind of shiny that was just words carefully explicitly described as illegal what is this what is this where'd the beam of light go i found max powder i want it but yeah i want it wait i want your diamond sword yeah no i want yeah come here i want it how long does it take for them to reset i don't know if i don't find a shiny soon i am going to can i get a 100 roblox gift card i've never played the game but now i want one mikey please oh no it's so much to spam i keep asking you every video for a hundred dollars come here come here come here come here come here come here what why isn't the that pokemon despawning okay well i'm hitting him off oh but what is he talking about oh i survived it i ender pearl survived there was i thought i saw shiny sparkles no no no no no no no no no wait what's he talking about i swear i saw shiny sparkles when i was up there if the first shiny that shows up despawned before any of us could catch it yeah that's gonna hurt my feelings he's been here for seven hours all right john why'd you ruin it wait i got you there faster oh just because i'm a pro minecrafter oh i mean yeah what you found one he found one he found one no he didn't find one no i stopped him from getting the shiny thank you good sir can i have my hundred dollar robux gift card didn't i already give it to you no what uh john where's the rest of the footage don't worry tyler i have hours of troll footage i'll make sure to send it over when i'm done playing wait what prove is the wonderful sponsor of today's video but you still need to finish the actual video too i know tyler but it's just so easy to get lost in trove trove just launched on the nintendo switch as a free to play action mmo and i've been having a bunch of fun as soon as i hopped in the game and saw one of the 17 playable classes included candy barbarian i was sold and it's been an absolute blast so you've spent all this time eating candy as a video game barbarian no i've been going on adventures in different worlds taking on high level bosses collecting rare gear and occasionally even dungeon crawling with other players there is no way that is actually your house come on man i'm still working on my house i did add a parkour course on it though and since you can bring your home to anywhere to go to it's perfect for practicing on i should probably spend a bit more time collecting resources and working on my house in the build mode you can do that later trove isn't going anywhere all right tyler you win the link for trove is at the top of the description make sure you click on that and download trove today so you can get lost in the game yourself sorry i had to kill you john here jon yeah i will throw the sword in the quicksand i honestly i appreciate that where's the quicksand also mikey shout out to you usually you cannot contain your excitement you did a good job that time oh that's just approximately i'm going to become one with the desert and this will be the way i find my shiny actually it's still swampland the sand is merely decorative didn't ask plus ratio plus the hood watches xqc now six consoles hell yeah hello mikey i brought you a present what c oh thank you see these nuts in your mouth got him if they're in my mouth how do i see him well that's a pretty good way to defuse that mike you know come on come on come on come on come on i got a shiny i got a shiny i got a shiny i got a journey i don't know what pokemon it is though no i even hit the one oh my come on wait jack what what what what shiny is it scoping these nuts mikey you weren't even supposed to be in this video how are you beating me you know what i have one thing to say ratio you don't even have a twitter anymore jack ratio hey john how does it feel to not have a shiny it feels terrible hey mikey how does it feel to have a shiny that john doesn't have oh pretty good not gonna lie how did we get to a point where we're recording a video for me and jack not only has more shinies than me but also a hundred dollars for mikey that i don't have 100 robux john let's not get crazy wait mikey is jon still your best friend no i had no idea mikey come here i had milk from earlier so i can oh i'll hold on to it for now and then i'll give it to you later because then he won't expect it come here john i'll show you that is a terrifying thing okay so watch throw your pokemon out sure whatever i'll humor you for a second get quick sanded can't find shinies while you're quicksand how much stuff did you give him mikey uh you didn't give me anything and how did you get this uh i had milk and then i drank it are you up to something else over here are you still stuck in the quicksand where'd you go no i'm out i caught a shiny handman wait what wait when i was in the quicksand yeah hey another hundred dollar robux gift card no i no no we all have catch combos right yeah i'm at 54 because i've caught nothing else l nerd i hate it here i was clearing caterpies out of my party and i deleted my shiny vote coping no way does that count it does because the video is first to get a full why would you even clear the caterpies out because i liked my aesthetic michael michael i'm like actually i i don't know what to say that is yes as soon as he killed it yes yes what a moment what a time to be me my catch combo ended but i got a shiny yeah oh come on just let me celebrate why are you catching caterpies i want to catch combo of 69. everyone has a different process so whatever works here this is this is what i just thought uh shiny shiny oh no come on damn it yeah it's a boss the sparkles from this megalopany boss are gonna be hella distracting i am so happy with life because i found a square shiny no what i saw the sparkles before the pokemon that's why i didn't have a reaction because i was like i need to get into this battle immediately boom two on the squad let's go that was crazy that was out of nowhere where oh oh it's the loppany fool we've been talking about it i didn't know it was shiny mikey you know how we have shinies okay bro okay listen here all right mikey you wanna reset uh give me a minute and don't don't go up just yet all right i'm up i'm up i'm up yeah let's reset i'm gonna smack jack's butt don't do it please not right now i'm trying to delete caterpies are you making noises you are making noises what noise is he making i didn't like that are you like a choo choo train what's going on over there who too twain what okay dream dream back down yeah yeah donnie already went down goddammit okay okay that's my move to go down before everyone else goes mikey come on poor jack he got so lucky at first you guys have strategies and i have like no strategy at all for this i don't have much strategy i'm just running around do you think it's possible like to get a shiny caterpie up here or do you think they're just turned off no there there's no way to get a shiny of these because the the spawners don't have the raised shiny odds well that makes sense the shiny charm doesn't work on that i suppose that it's not no way it's just like way less likely yeah i am going to go back down and find a shiny haha what the hell is going on we were making fun noises i wanted to participate i can't talk as donald duck but i can do that oh boy oh that was beautiful he does do it wait i didn't know you could do that okay back to my corner of wonder anything no [Music] okay he found what he found in tamil where is he where is he where is he where is he where is he where is he where's he where yeah go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go yes i already got it shiny why are these caterpies so hard to catch why why do you guys have shinies that's the real question i mean did you could have been with us just because i deleted it by accident all right doesn't mean that you are opening the i'm opening the you you cut that one out editor oh my god come down come down come down wait why are you telling us to come down is there wait no wait wait there's quicksand on the ground be careful you don't want to i was so confused of why you'd be calling us i was hoping for like some really cool pokemon down there so i could like bait you guys into just getting us stuck in quicksand you've got me in quicksand yeah bait you guys into like jumping down and not finding a shiny and getting baited we have not found enough shinies for that to make any sense but you do uk there's a level zero trainer with a totem kamala what the i just saw the totem kamala bro that's a commo that is not a komala are you sure you're pokemon youtubers uh can i do this [Music] wait oh what the heck when you jump off and you shift right before you hit the ground you don't take any damage hello yeah i didn't think that would work but i figured i'd try it because there's no punishment for deaths [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no wait it broke free for me no no no no no i can't catch pokemon i already know my god he got it i did get it oh come on man i cannot believe that actually happened like oh my god when i came up with this idea i was like oh you know that'll be so funny if that happens now that it's happening like wow what a terrible idea for a video were you there first i saw it i saw it the sparkle he was moving very slowly so i just started spamming and you got it in the ball multiple times yeah i was feeling so good when i got those two in a row and now i'm i'm feeling down in the dumps yeah i'm running behind john because he's the one person that would miss a shiny wait no now i'm gonna go on top of this waterfall i'll be able to survey the lands and i will find all of the shiniest whatever that's just your first shiny i think it's a square shiny too how do we how do we tell what if it's square you have to send it out yeah john come here so we can see your square shiny oh yeah yeah i got you see oh okay how many shinies do you have mikey i have four you have four i thought you had three god look at my grimer hold on oh no that's just regular squirrel jack that's regular wait what is that wait what is that what i have five shinies boys are you kidding i've been catching caterpies this whole time and none of you even thought to question me oh my god no i am one shiny away come on from winning this challenge come on come on caterpie no stop being boss damn it damn it what is going on well you have five [Music] the gloves are off oh come on no the gloves are off and mikey's on the floor like this sunday sunday sunday mnj tv versus pokemon seven and his name is sausage nipples oh yes it works he wasn't lying caterpie are you stealing my strategy come on yes yes oh yes oh it was a poliwrath in the cactus so his color changed i thought you just won i was like dude i just got the three don't do this to me i had a heart attack there dude okay yes and my catch combo stays oh my god i need a new catch combo have you forgotten to get a new one yeah imagine i didn't delete my shiny i would be hey put in the comments if you think technically i should win no i'm getting you engagement on your video i'm just gonna go up and get another caterpie screw you guys damn it mikey's there first no way no more caterpies we are not ending it on a caterpie we both have five shinies now yeah we do all right next time we do this if there's a next time we're not going to include those shinies no why this is a match point so caterpies don't count at this point yes no that's all right it was a brilliant strategy i'm glad i was able glad you were what oh john john how do we get it john how do we get it john how do we get it how do we get it it's in the tree it's a no we've only had an ender pearl wait where is the pokemon it just despawned no i still see a sparkle what even it did it's gone it's gone you've got to be joking us i saw john chasing after it bro [Music] what's going on ah yes yes jack you just ran by it i thought that was a different color vivillon they're all different now john has four okay i've gotta win this no i gotta win this no you don't shut your pretty mouth oh oh my god i'm kind of back in it ish but not really because if you had just seen it you would have caught it and i would have won there's no way i'm gonna be able to sneak one by you thrown the wind twice one of your smeargles is out of its pokeball and it really startled me for a moment oh that's what i'll do okay jerkweed hey hey hey hey no no no it's my shiny hey really come on come on i cannot believe you got so many caterpies man dude i'm simply built different mikey stole my shiny i couldn't catch the shiny pidgey that spawned in the air i saw the trubbish before you did man you know what fine trumish does suit you better doesn't it suits me yeah what's trumpet you're a trashman you eat garbage leave me alone oh my god oh my god oh my god no yes no where where are you where where where did you get a sword mikey what is going on he's trying to keep straight you can't kill me i'm invulnerable i'm in what no no no no no [Music] you literally i literally threw the back i got one win then a second win and then that would have been my third win but no you think i won't do anything for victory
Channel: PM7
Views: 1,643,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, shiny pokemon, pokemen7 plays, pokemon race, pokemon challenge, shiny hunting, pokemon competition, pokemon shiny race, shiny pokemon challenge, minecraft pixelmon, mandjtv plays, mandjtv vs pokemen7, first to get a shiny wins, pokemen7 shiny, minecraft pokemon, pokemen7 and mandjtv, shiny pokemon mandjtv, pokemon shiny, new pokemon challenge, pixelmon, shiny pixelmon, first to get a fully shiny pixelmon team wins, shiny pokemon pixelmon, minecraft, purplecliffe, shiny
Id: jyMN9HkclMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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