We pick apart our Community Wiki and talk about unreleased content

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Okay which smartass reported this for:

"Discussing spoilers or modifications to obtain hidden information"


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Haigen64 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh man, I'm curious of what are the undiscovered easter eggs, come on guys, let's get working!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rigab πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video goes against rule 6 of the rules of this Reddit. I think we should ban the poster of this video, right?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/houghi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Right then lads, let's start theory crafting where this easter egg is in the 'really obvious place'

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Alundra828 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great Video Discussing The Satisfactory Wiki and Unreleased Content!

βž”The Satisfactory Wiki is a valuable tool for all Pioneers and is continually being updated as each Game Patch is released.

βœ“ A good portion of the Video discussed the Unreleased Content Wiki Page (Link) and is only mentioned in this Comment because it was mentioned in the Post Video by Official Sources.

What Is Discussed In Video:

  • Wiki Home Page - CSS does NOT edit the Satisfactory Wiki, it is created and maintained by Game Fans.
  • Quick Look at Clock Speed - Example of how detailed the Satisfactory Wiki information is.
  • Arachnophobia Mode Error Discussed (safe for those with Arachnophobia - fear of Spiders) - 🚩 This REVEAL confirms the actual number of Stinger Types and current Stats. While the Wiki shows 4 different Stinger types there are actually only 3 different types, Baby (0.4 scale), Alpha (1.0 scale), and Elite Gas Stinger (1.5 scale). Each has a "Cave Version" with the difference is that "Normal Version" only spawn at night and "Cave Version" can spawn either daytime or nighttime. Also Cave Stinger Types are used in the Swamp Biome, Red Jungle Biome and while not mentioned is presumed Cave Stingers spawn in the Red Bamboo Fields Biome also.
  • Arachnophobia Mode Cat Names - One cat is Natalie's cat called FΓ©ja (not FrΓ©ja), other cat's name is Siri (Sofi Sprangers cat).
  • Object Scanner Discussion - Gems Versus Slugs - Early on the Object Scanner was called "Gemstone Scanner", and in fact Power Slugs use to be Power Gemstones.
  • Coffee Stain Studio Wiki Page - Confirmed several of the Trivia about Jace and Snutt.
  • Lake Shark Wiki Page - The Lake Shark appeared in game until Update 3 when it was removed.
  • Unreleased Content - Dark Matter - Talked about Dark Matter (perhaps early version of Nuclear Pasta) which was made in the Hadron Collider which was made into the Particle Accelerator.
  • Unreleased Content - Quantum Crystal - Talked about Quantum Crystal a crafting component to make Superposition Oscillators which is something that will end up in the game.
  • Unreleased Content - SAM Fluctuator - Talked about SAM Fluctuator a crafting component used to build the Remote Storage and the Converter.
  • Unreleased Content - SAM Ingot - Talked about SAM Ingot made from SAM Ore (WIP).
  • Unreleased Content - Heat Resistant Suit - Talked about Heat Resistant Suit that would have been used to prevent the engineer from taking any heat damage. Currently there are no plans for "heat damage" to the Pioneer.
  • Unreleased Content - Rebar Scatter Gun - Talked about the Rebar Scatter Gun which was a ranged weapon that could be unlocked in Patch 0.1.5. It couldn't be reloaded with Spiked Rebar, rendering it unusable.
  • Unreleased Content - Rifle Mk.2 - Talked about the Rifle Mk.2 which was an upgraded version of the Rifle. Snutt mentioned how initially there were going to have a Mark 2 of everything, but then dropped that idea.
  • Unreleased Content - Mk.2 variants of buildings - Talked about the Mk.2 variants of the Assembler, Constructor, Foundry, Manufacturer and Smelter which would operate either 25% or 50% faster. Snutt and Jace both discussed why these won't happen.
  • Unreleased Content - Converter - Talked about the Converter which was a building and could be used to convert any two raw resources into any one raw resource of the player's choice. Snutt mentioned that this early building was shown in one of the first game trailer.
  • Unreleased Content - Hadron Collider - Talked about the Hadron Collider which became the basis for the eventual Particle Accelerator released in Update 4.
  • Unreleased Content - Industrial Lighting - Talked about Industrial Lighting which was a Power Pole-like with two power connections. Despite its name and appearance, it did not emit any light, even while powered, rendering it useless. In Update 4 it became Street Lighting.
  • Unreleased Content - Powered Wall - Talked about the Powered Wall which was a building that powered the Foundations underneath it, removing the need for Power Lines. This was removed and Power Wall Connectors was its conceptional replacement.
  • Unreleased Content - Quantum Encoder - Talked about the Quantum Encoder which was a building used for crafting the Quantum Crystal and Superposition Oscillator.
  • Unreleased Content - Remote Storage - Talked about the Remote Storage which was a building that could be used to access items stored within the storage unit from anywhere, accessible from the inventory. Jace prototyped this first and shown in game in this Video Snippet (see Center / Background). Jace mentioned it was called "Central Storage" early on in Game Development. Snutt mentioned one of his first tasks was to rip the coding for Remote Storage out of the Game Code.
  • Future Content Wiki Page - Jace did not want to speculate much, neither confirm or deny anything, but did want to talk about Biome Changes, and❗REPEATED once again to get out of the Spire Coast Biome Rework Area (in White).
  • Lizard Doggo Wiki Page - Discussed about both the internal name and in-game name of the Lizard Doggo and how "Lizard Doggo" was chosen and also if the Lizard Doggo actually died in the Update 4 Patch Notes Trailer.
  • Easter Egg Wiki Page - Talked about ADA Voice Line "Howdy Partner" Easter Egg and Jace mentioned a possible even rarer version of same using his voice. Also mentioned that NOT ALL Easter Eggs in the Game have been found yet.

Thanks Snutt and Jace, it helps a lot! 😁

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Temporal_Illusion πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bummed about not having MK2 versions of the Smelter and Constructor. For mega bases, these two buildings tend to be spammed even with over clocks maxed.

I totally understand why they don't want to make two brand new buildings just for rate increases. However I really hope Coffee Stain, looks into it down the road and maybe provide us with some type of building addon that would increase the rates to help out in the late game.

Recipes help a lot, But not always. And now I'm starting to wonder if the current belts will be the fastest we get. :( I always thought 1200PPM belts would be top tier, as the extractors could do that fully overclocked.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DJNaviss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I see the wiki page for the stingers has already been updated.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UristImiknorris πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

While I agree with the idea of not having multiple buildings that do the same thing, there is a need for better mass processing.

To have a 1 UPM for an end game item like a turbo motor(Regardless of which recipe you use), it takes about 1k of raw resources per minute.
And 1 UPM is running a singular manufacture at about 60% speed for the base Turbo Motor recipe.

Power shards allow us to fill the gap some but the additional power increase in a non-linear fashion means that it isn't really a solution for this as much as a well built but misused bandaid.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IFeelEmptyInsideMe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 21 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

It change...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/olniv πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
here's here's the script there it is hey everyone my name is jace and i'm snoot yes snoot is here with me today we are in the same town so we figured we would just film this thing together instead so that's what we're saying we're filming in front of a green screen actually that's right look my hand goes right through him right through in today's video we just had like a fun idea what might be interesting is to show off the satisfactory wiki because we have a lot of people in our wiki contributing community and we thought it'd be a good idea to highlight the work that they're doing but also see if we can find some stuff that might be might need some extra um context to it maybe some extra information if there's anything that might be a little wrong we could maybe correct that as well i know that we go to the wiki often uh to check facts about our own game yeah more times than i'd like to admit yeah yeah exactly so hopefully we can show uh some stuff that's on the wiki and maybe see if we can find anything that might be wrong and see if we can help correct it hopefully you'll find it interesting thanks for watching bye that's the whole video uh okay so let's dive straight in i think we should just start on the home page i think it's just like i really like the the bullet list they have there the ball okay so down here i hear features the features of the game i guess yeah no base defense okay that's all right that's a key feature of the game i mean we didn't we don't we don't edit this by the way uh but we could we probably could but we don't uh this is just this is you guys so um yeah i think that's that's a pretty funny point to add there i'm just gonna show you just like a quick skim of the clock speed thing i actually don't like i i don't think we could confirm or deny anything here i'm sure that it's correct the information here but i kind of want to show you like how deep the information is like the people who are contributing on the wiki are doing such a great job they've got like all like information about all the minors math and stuff like that so the clock speed um wiki here basically they've got information of like how the power scales with the overclocking yeah because it's not linear yeah exactly so there's like a lot of extra information sweet graphs like a lot of people are are a lot of attention to detail putting a lot of work into this wiki and so i think this is just one page that kind of just demonstrates that if you need to know anything about satisfactory the wiki is like 99.9 accurate and i think it's a safe bet and it has pretty much answers to every question you could have so i cannot highly recommend the wiki enough and cannot thank the contributors to the wiki enough so much much appreciated everyone who is contributing to this yes that was a sweet graph check out this graph dude look at this graph actually this is something that we can probably point out and give a little bit more information on because we have spotted kind of an inaccuracy but we can we can uh explain a little more here so uh what's the deal here us yeah so they they look like cats that's kind of weird what's that we don't have cats in our hands so obviously this is arachnophobia oh yeah really i want to just mention this real quick but our wiki contributors have have created arachnophobia mode for the wiki itself and i think that's super great because some people can't you know stand the side of spiders or whatever and so it's really nice that by default it shows the cats on the wiki and then of course you can turn it off if you want to see the actual spider creatures themselves so uh you know huge props to wiki contributors there really love that but yeah what's what's the deal here snip so according to the wiki they they list four different stinger types uh which is like half true i guess or not really true because there's only three different types in game really but we have uh like data wise we have four different stinger types but the only main difference between one of these is that they spawn in a different location i think we call them like cave singer or something like that um so really there are there are like three different stinger types there's like the yeah it's evil yeah right here in the in the trivia yeah um so so that doesn't like they don't have like different um ai or anything like that uh i think they function the same way like just that the different types have like different health or something like that um so the ones that are listed here at the bottom it's more due to the fact that where they spawn rather than like there are different stinger types right one thing that i'm noticing is that here with their like stats they actually have different sets like 10 10 50 30 100 300 and 100 and this one has like gas so i mean if this is true these are four different yeah stats what's the deal there i don't know because because some of this data on the wiki is like datamined from different builds of the game and sometimes we've uploaded accidentally like stuff in the build that shouldn't be in the game um so maybe sometimes they when people have data mine the game they find information that like isn't accurate because it's never used really but they find like the data essentials right okay well i guess uh i guess we can also double check this again um just to make sure that like this isn't really the case and we'll leave our verdict on the screen right here wow i can't look at that it turns out that this is the truth actually great hey everyone it's jason from the future here with the verdict okay so the deal is you guys there are actually three types of stingers okay and here are their stats um we call them the baby stinger the alpha singer and the elite gas stinger um and you can see there these are the stats for them now we also have these other kinds of stingers like a variation of these called cave stingers and each one of these has a cave version of themselves and they're exactly the same in every way the only difference is uh when they spawn so normal stingers only spawn during the night time cave stingers spawn during day and night the intention is that we would put them in the caves and they would always be there regardless of time of day but we also use some of the cave stingers outside in the in the world as well such as in the swamp or in the red jungle as well so um but yeah basically there are only three types uh and then we just have the variations of whether or not they can spawn during day or night so uh back to you guys oh yeah so one thing i want to say real quick about this here okay so we have we have the one we have the cats here this is one of natalie's cats and their name is freya but that is not listed anywhere on the on on the wiki so if you want to add that if if that's wiki worthy this cat's name is freya the other cat's name is here right here i it's hard for me to pronounce this name it's a really right it's a hard neighborhood i mean yes it is at least for me i'm not swedish so this name is really really hard to pronounce for me so i'm just gonna leave it on the screen here um and the other one is yeah that's uh sophia concept artists cat and also no representation of that cat here i mean maybe we could get a picture of the other cat here that would be cool so next up we were looking at the object scan scanners notes and we we spotted something in the object scanner yes what was it it was something to do about gemstones oh yeah so the trivia down the bottom yeah so this is a little bit of a trivia thing here that this used to be called the gemstone gemstone scanner internally uh which is true we used to call it a gemstone scanner slugs used to be gemstones so we changed uh for the longest times slugs were just like gems that you find in the world and then you turn that into power shards and then like pretty close to release we just decided like ah let's do something more fun with the gemstones and turn them into slugs or something maybe and they're slow-moving slugs or something so it is it is working the same way it's the same functionality it's just like we just renamed it essentially okay all right so next up we actually have there's actually a page on the wiki for coffee stain studios and it has like employees and just like information about you know the company the people who work here and stuff and there's like some sections on us that has um some just various trivia that has been sort of you know leaked or exposed or that we've talked about on streams for example and a great one here is hannah hannah's our word designer and uh writer hannah has a quite a vinyl collection can't confirm this is completely true for his warm milk i mean i mean there's a time and a place i i don't mind it i like it uh you know claims to be able to divide by zero true that is true yeah that is true i've seen you do that jace owns more makeup than hannah also true jace wants to be a fire truck when they grow up actually true uh this is new this is from last week's stream yeah snoot on the other hand has a whole host of stuff for some kind of reason and then there's tim tim doesn't even work for us anymore this shouldn't even be here i think it's hilarious that i have so many more trivia than you have maybe i'm just a more interesting person i mean you probably it's probably actually true i don't know about that you can add that to the trivia i mean it says it right here it's not looking it actually is here i guess it's true then it must be true if it's on the wiki it's true yeah yeah it's gonna discover the lake shark that's actually oh let's actually go to that page because that's something i didn't know about until yeah oh yeah so we removed this uh from the game at some point i mean we i don't remember when we did this but i i didn't learn about this until recently it was like in a tiny ass lake there was like this creature that would just like swim back and forth like that there it is yeah because i remember in the early days there used to be this uh people would ask if they oh wow if there would be uh any aquatic creatures and we had this big thing where we would not add any aquatic to the game and uh if was probably around that time that this was pulled uh not really sure but does it say when it got pulled because it's like update four maybe or three here oh it's update three wow is that is that is that update yeah that is the actual point yeah yeah that's the first wow it was in the game for a while yeah yeah yeah holy crap yeah look at this yeah all the patches all the patches all the patches yeah what happened here it was very 3 6 12. oh damn this is so much detail here wait what was the first thing we ever did this is the first thing we ever did is it the actual release i guess it is march 19th so yeah this is the actual release intro this is happening the game is now released what a blast of the past yeah unreleased content snip so this was initially created in the hadron collider which we then renamed to the particle accelerator and reworked and reworked quantum crystal i have no idea what this is i've never seen this before what did they say here in the wikis crossing point used to create superposition oscillators maybe superposition oscillators are a thing people got it from their uh fixmas uh advent calendars right yep and that's uh probably something that's gonna end up in the game the superposition oscillators at least i assume we wouldn't have added this if we didn't intend to add it later so it's probably coming we just famous last words someone's got a plan for it yeah not these guys uh okay sorry same flactuator i guess comes from sam something same thing there like i don't know if this is irrelevant and stuff like people people have been asking about like when can we use sam or yeah we're gonna you can't use samoa yet but uh the intention is that you will be able to use it at some point yeah we don't really wanna say too much more about that we don't know if you'll be able to convert them into auras or not i mean ingots uh but um you know we have left them in the game because we do intend that you could do something with it so heat resistant suit so this is interesting because i don't know any thing that can hurt you by heat in the game um we have the radiation suit and i think this is maybe like a early prototype of that maybe yeah there was probably some plans for having uh some like heat damage or something like that but it's uh we don't have anything like that in our maps so yeah we had a couple weapons here rebar scatter gun which oddly enough couldn't be reloaded and this is this is just again it's like we we created the concept for it maybe prototyped it and it kind of just died and we forgot that it was there and that's kind of why it ended up shipping with the game the rifle is a funny story it's a great story because like the rifle was i i thought originally that the rifle did the rifle mark two did less damage but according this is just 12 damage yeah the magazine's size was smaller right i think cause the way i remember it was that we when we started working on like a lot of stuff we had ideas for like oh what if we had like a mark two of everything essentially and then when as we went on we realized like ah maybe we shouldn't do that because we can rebalance the game and make it work with just mark 1 stuff and i think rifle mark 2 was like a remnant of that but then when we before we decided that we were working on like the rifle mark 1 and mark ii and then like ah whatever we'll rebalance mark one rifle but we didn't rebalance this because we thought that we weren't going to add that but then we accidentally included in a build yeah and this was usable this wasn't even something that you could actually kind of this yeah um people were sending us a lot of messages about this being like what the hell is this about yeah you get this weird gun here that's not really obviously better or yeah you like that really why is it so bad and we were just like whoops let me just rip that out right away that's not 1.5 and then mk2 variants of buildings people still request like an mk2 version of uh buildings and they did technically they did exist at some point yeah we didn't have them in the game but they were just like the same model but we just made them better in-game but we ended up feeling that it was just kind of like where this cup there's a couple of reasons why we probably won't do this uh first is because of like we felt that if we would have to have mark ii buildings it was like we would need to make like new appearances for them so it's just like the same building but they just look better or whatever we actually wanted them to like look better and like animate differently and stuff like that and that is a lot of work like just getting our current machines to the point that they are has been a lot of work so just from that aspect we don't feel like it's it's really worth the work for what you get out of it but then there's there's also the element of like well what does a mark two thing do does it do the same thing as before but quicker yeah but you know then we have overclocking to handle that kind of thing or does it do different recipes but then that's what a new building does yeah so it's like why would we add a constructor like mark two and not a new building that can do different things there's a lot of work that goes into making it a mark ii version of a building and the gain is like kind of minimal it doesn't really change the game that much um more so than like a new what a new building could do yeah so i don't think mark two buildings are coming you guys i think some of these i think the converter and another one that's coming later we're in like one of the first trailers we're gonna put out in the game because there's a shot where like we we have like the holograms selected and we just switch between different buildings and i think this one and one that's coming later the uh the storage remote storage thing i think they were in the game for a long time um this one i have no idea what this is uh used to convert any two raw resources i remember the discussions around this yeah i remember this as well this is when i was programming on the game yeah that we were discussions about the converter um but i think we just didn't find any like real use for it in the game um even though it might sound like oh that sounds awesome but i don't think we actually managed to like fit it into the game to make it fun or anything like that so that's probably why we didn't include it hatred collider now this this interesting enough we didn't change too much on the model but we did change like the the front here so like the it used to be that the stuff came in from the side of it and now i think it comes straight straight in um i think the the way that the power was used you know how it ramps up now i that wasn't how it was before right i'm pretty sure that was a new thing with the particle accelerator that was introduced with the particles yeah so here as a patch 0.4 update four yeah it's been into particle silver it has different functions correct also we do different animations now because originally it was just like it would just light up and then simon did instead so that it spins and like does electrical stuff yeah it's like whoa flashing industrial lighting so yeah we did have early on in the game we did have a version with like a bunch of lighting in it and i think the the model for like the this industrial light is the same as like the what's it called in the game the street light street light yeah yeah didn't need to look up on the wiki this time i looked at it on the wiki oh damn it literally right there we did have an old version of the game where we did have lighting and it was just like a nightmare to implement because it slowed down the game and now we have like a much more clever implementation of lighting in the game so that's why we could introduce lighting in update four yep um so yeah but that's that's the the uncle or the grandpa of lighting powered wall powered wall i remember this this was uh so a lot of people asked for this actually when we introduced the game and we we didn't like the powered wall because it was kind of like not intuitive how you use it i remember when when you built something like you didn't like understand how you would feed in the wires and stuff like that and which we solved that by having the like wall connectors instead so this is like one of those features where we tried it out and prototyped it and we didn't know like it's kind of useful but not really in this state and it this evolved into like the the power connectors which i believe we also want to do in like along with this but i think we just decided that that's probably better you just have power connectors and i think they kind of serve the same purpose as the powered walls uh even though like it might be easier just if you had power walls they would like be sequentially powered or whatever yeah i i i get the feeling that if we you know if we talk you know mention this on this video you know a lot of people are gonna say that sounds really cool i really like it and if you do let us know let us know if you would like it let us know how you think it should work you know uh uh folks here uh you know they read the comments and uh also go to the qa site questions.satisfactorygame.com leave it there and upload it and stuff like that let the team know if you if you like this and how you think it should work the quantum encoder yeah i don't know what this is i have no idea what this is this is literally the first time i've seen this as uh was building used for crafting quantum crystal and superposition oscillator okay okay sounds good remote storage ah remote storage storage so actually this is interesting so yeah remote storage is basically uh something that i think you can like put items into and then you can access it kind of from anywhere or or something like that yeah yeah and i actually prototyped this first yeah so like this is one of one of the tasks that i had was to uh you know get the initial version of the remote storage working uh i think we called it central storage at the time yeah yeah yeah and uh and interesting enough one of my first tasks was to rip this code out because we did a bunch of uh when we changed how we did networking uh when we changed how we did networking in the game there was a bunch of like weird cases where like we had the sensor storage because you could access the sensor storage from everywhere yeah and like it would it would plug up like how we did the networking code so it was just like are we going to have this and we're like maybe not and then like all right i'll just delete it then yeah so uh i remember specifically a couple of places where i just saw code for like central storage i'm like ah get rid of that well sorry my story in my life yeah this guy just comes along so another page we've got is future content but i don't really want to speculate on this stuff too much because i think it's really fun to see what people come up with here and of course we don't want to confirm or deny anything um you can see that there is a list of potential release dates november 31st being my favorite year unspecified yeah one thing that i do want to mention is uh biome changes all right so we have confirmed biome changes and we made a video about that uh is that there's gonna be a change to the spire coast biome all right so looking at this map here that's this big white section can't see because this thing's here this big white section at the top here is gonna get like like a really really heavy rework and um you know we did talk about that in the video a while back uh just want to remind you all and in case you haven't seen the video it's changing i actually hopped on a call with hannah recently and uh she showed me what she's been doing with the spider coast and like yeah get your stuff out inspired coast it's it looks it looks different and there's a lot going on it looks you know this is what happened right i was like wow this looks so different it looks like you deleted it and started from started over from scratch and she goes i did [Laughter] so yeah i mean i've got like my fuel generators and stuff there where move your stuff out of there just move it listen doggo we've got a section on liz doggo um one thing that we noticed here actually is this little point here internally it is referred to as shrimpy or space rabbit and i mean that is kind of true because that is what we used to call it yeah but we didn't have a name for it exactly um and then yeah as this is the the wiki says here it was widely viewed as the game's mascot after its initial appearance in the teaser trailer uh and that's that's true but the name liza dogger came from uh community uh it came from like basically from the comments there there was like a suggestion there and a lot of people really took the lizard doggo and then we started calling it liza doggo but we now call it lizado internally as well uh so like i would say this is mostly correct but it's we used to call it that yeah everyone calls it liza doggo now oh oh they actually have that here the name liz dog was originally coined by youtube commented chad mojito nice this is wild that's a very chat wait is the actual comment does it go to that comment can you link comments i don't know if you can yeah you can't highlight it come here oh right here oh my god according to the trivia page here it says that it was killed by snoot so there's a real life lizard doggo featuring update for patchon's video we really use one of the animations from the gdc teaser trailer yes we've reused that animation so many times but it's also mentioned here that it was killed by snoot which is like i kind of want to say not it's not true it's like kind of open-ended what happens with the lizzie dog it definitely made death noises yes all right we can confirm it was in the subtitles the closed captions that have made death noises but did it really die you didn't see it dead i didn't yeah wait jase watch out it's coming right for us [Music] easter eggs yay eight of voice lines one of them is apparently howdy partner yeah i want a petition that we get even rarer one where it's like where it's where it's jay's saying yeah how to partner my name's adam and i'm here to give you helpful advice so uh upload that on the qa site please i would love to do it five thousand votes yeah but but but we need to make we need to make sure it doesn't look like it's my idea you guys all right this is make it look like it's your idea yeah there's a bunch of really cool stuff on the easter egg page maybe we won't go through like all of them but there's there's a bunch that i didn't know like a couple of i haven't seen actually but there's also a couple that i know are in the game that's not on this page oh really what are they doing i mean if i say it there's i mean where's the you have to find how can they find can we tell them give me a hint i'm for sure um no no screw you guys one is in a very obvious place i'll say that much okay all right all right all right um i like these ones here where like the model numbers on our buildings have like spellings or yeah like these these here but yeah there's this one here which is sky and that sky from the sanctum franchise i really like that one yeah and it's fitting because it's like on the freighter that goes up and that flies up yeah the drop ship exactly on the hub this here cycle reference yeah this is this is a reference to the cycle so uh the cycle is a game by the folks at jager in germany and uh yeah we're like you know buddies with a few other developers and we did some fun collaboration here where we kind of we sort of like on their game a little bit on social media and then they ended up including some satisfactory stuff in their game and we've included this here where basically uh we've sort of defamed one of the companies in their game so yeah uh definitely check out the cycle if you guys are interested in that on that note let's just wrap up this video thank you all very much for watching the video i hope you enjoyed it i hope you found this kind of uh this kind of stuff interesting uh enlightening and like even a little bit of a trip down memory lane here too so hopefully uh i don't know hopefully you found it interesting did you have fun snoot i sure did i didn't just kidding i had a great time uh thank you very much for coming along to my apartment and uh filming this with me thanks for having me yeah no worries man nice get out of here thanks for watching everybody bye-bye catch you later see you next time i didn't like that i'll try that much i thought it was okay yeah it was okay and that's the one we're sticking
Channel: Coffee Stain Studios
Views: 153,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, satisfactorygame, game, games, videogame, videogames, indie, indie game, indie games, indiegames, factory, factories, windows, pc, openworld, singleplayer, multiplayer, coffeestain, coffeestainstudios, coffee stain, coffee stain studios, goatsimulator, goat simulator, sanctum, sanctum2, sanctum 2, fps, epic, epic games, epic games store, embracer group, embracer, steam
Id: VBGakEZilwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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