4,000 Hours Later - How to be "Good" at Satisfactory

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hello guys and welcome back to another video now i want to call this a guide but it kind of isn't it's more like a documentary um with tips as to my build style and my builds and the reason that i'm doing this is because i've had a lot of comments in videos but also people coming into stream and saying man your builds look so great i wish i could do this myself i've had three months in the game and i'm still like building spaghetti and the first thing that i should say is that we all have aspects to our builds that we're not happy with don't worry about it it's a process and there's no right way to play this game like this i mean i am going to fix this i promise you um this is just an example i promise it's gonna go what i do think is super important and something that's going to be so cringeworthy for me is that we go through all of my saves stage by stage and we see what happened after all all of this factory is just experience from 4 000 hours of gameplay in fact more so without further ado let's get over to the early save and i should mention if you dislike the spaghetti or if you like the spaghetti that you're about to see make sure to hit the thumbs up and obviously if you want to see more content from me do remember to subscribe by the end of the video this feels like we're stepping out into a whole new world again um this was the the last part of the factory before uh we had to restart for update three so we're going to go to the very beginning which is over in the plains oh this is a mess and i'm already regretting it now i do have to emphasize here that because this was my very first world there was a lot of experimenting going on for all of the videos that i were doing was doing at the time so a lot of it is experimentation and here we are welcome to the birth of total and again this is just to reassure you that we all start somewhere this was actually my secondary start because my first 40 hours were a true mess and my save got corrupted so this is this this was an improvement believe it or not welcome welcome tractor what you're doing there um i wasn't even aware i was using them anyway the point is when you first start out the chances are you're going to get a bit overwhelmed and it was at this point having done the starter materials and putting them into i tried to do like a wall of industrial like of containers um as a buffer for all my supplies really bad idea but anyway we did that and then we started to build the first clean factory i want to say oh dear i mean it looks alright from here i guess in all fairness despite it being my first proper factory we did have some really cool ideas but when you're trying to get through the tears as fast as possible mess starts to happen i mean this isn't that bad but and this is going to be my most shameful moment okay so this is your five second warning look away now look away because this is the thing i am most freaked out about my build and the worst thing by far i mean the spaghetti is real and there's clipping and i mean i'm sorry i'm sorry but this was kind of i guess cathartic for me because at this point i knew i needed to start fresh i then moved on to a whole new style which were these super compact factories that were able to produce x number of items in these tiny spaces and you'll find these littered across my map as you can see we even have a few on the cliffs over here which is by the big waterfall which brought me to a whole new idea which was to build a factory within the void and as you can see i actually tried doing pixel art this was my attempt at a boo but alas doesn't look great we built this massive factory which you can't see the ends of underneath here which are producing um things like the oscillators and computers but we spotted something else while we were down here across from here in that little corner there was once a gaping hole to the underworld unfortunately they've sealed it now but we can still get there the way that we have to get there though is through this little tunnel because i was actually a little bit concerned that they would seal it you see funny thing hindsight i actually did something right for once and here we have a little underground factory it's actually quite big um but i love how it went all through the underground and it just opens up the idea would have been to eventually have sealed this and now that we've removed the fog you can actually see uh the factory there's the tester for the rail videos and then we have the underground factory that i was building we also have a random fuel plant underground this was before we needed water as well so all it required at the time was just call through the middle oh how things have changed for the better i should add and this was when i built my first circular storage in fact i think it might even be the first circular storage that was developed by anyone at least to put it online and the idea i like to think was quite unique because all of the resources would have come up well come down from above to the storage area and so here we are those two circular store systems on the left and the right those were the elevators for all the resources we also had a personal elevator unfortunately this elevator doesn't work anymore because uh they've changed these jump pads so they're just not charging um but originally it would take you all the way to the top it's pretty cool and that's when i decided to start playing about with this and developing a mega factory and as you can see this is where we really started focusing on organization keeping everything clean so we've gone from spaghetti mess and trying everything to then playing about with keeping things compact well i'm gonna die and then arguably going to our first clean factory with underfloor um loading and i must admit i was really happy with how this had developed and i found that with each restart i was trying something new or with each new factory that i was building and that's really important and it's fantastic that i'm able to reflect on this and show you guys despite a bit of shame how i've developed my skills as you can see here we've done a pretty clean approach to multiple level manifolds so everything was changing with each playthrough which is really important we're now going to jump over to a whole new save ah yes another 200 hours of experimentation this factory is actually much smaller and that was because i was traveling around south america at the time i'm playing on a really low quality laptop but still lots of interesting stuff happened with it plenty for us to talk about first off you can see how we've got this lower floor which is clear this became something that i really wanted to have for this the factory to the left is the old one and then above we have all the loading each area also had its own uh dedicated section so the factories became much cleaner everything was also balanced so that everything was efficient moving on from the flooring uh sections we actually started building the walls and then we'd have the resources underneath the the glass sections there were some really nice ideas but at last we returned from south america and that's when we started the five by five challenge unfortunately um i seem to have lost the save so this is the first 60 hours that being said the 5x5 constraints made it really difficult for me to build a clean base it was really useful to me as well because it gave me the experience of tearing down the factory and rebuilding it to make things fit within a small space and though this 60 hour save doesn't really do it just this i was really happy with what we achieved and the experience that it gave me and allowed me to start a new save the one that we're currently doing and this in itself has been a huge experience and we have definitely achieved some incredible things but we've also learned a huge amount from what we've done as well and none of this in my eyes is perfect but one thing that i often mention in our live streams which is twitch.tv forward slash total eclipse you can find me wednesday friday saturday is that all of this is an experiment for 1.0 you can see that we have open floor factories with underfloor logistics that we're trying out here we're also using rail lines you can see that we're also playing about with um conveyor buses which connect to distributing centers we're also playing around with architecture styles and different types of factories such as the chicago school style builds that we have here there's also prairie style architecture that we've been trying out and modernism all of this is a process of developing the experience that we need for later down the line nothing started out perfect i've also noticed my own faults for example if i build something and i don't build it beautifully to start off with the chances are it's going to take me forever to get back and do it but when i do dedicate the time to it i am certainly capable of some pretty cool things and so are you and also we're not always to blame i mean this was coffee stain they mucked this up and don't forget the generators for update 3 when liquids came and that's not necessarily a bad thing because we do get precious with our builds and we don't want to restart but if i hadn't had that imputus 2 restart then i would never have evolved my skills each time i start a new game i really do owe everything to being willing to start over again and in my experience a lot comes just down to experience and the amount of time you have in game but also persevering and pushing through um to try and make things better and though you may argue a lot of it comes down to talent and to actually have these ideas in mind and not everyone can have that but you can quite clearly see that i did not start off with talent i just was able to put in a lot of time and develop skills from there so if you are new to the game if you've only got four or five months of experience in and you're wondering why you're not performing like creating these factories don't worry about it it's a process each one of us has a process that we've got to go through a journey and there's nothing wrong with that enjoy it it really is a magical experience but guys i hope you found this interesting if you did please do drop a thumbs up and if you want to see more don't forget to subscribe and if you're interested in this process that i made in order to build this there's an excellent time lapse that i did earlier i'll leave the end card as it so that you can check it out and you can see how it was from scratch but until next time thank you so much for watching and thank you so much to all of our amazing supporters most notably our solar eclipse patrons the calamity cerebral tag james irwin and jerry2 as well as our lunas dixie chris lord of july and ben and our blood moon of the day which today is papa sneezy anyway guys until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 342,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 000 Hours Later - How to be Good at Satisfactory, TotalXclipse, Satisfactory Totalxclipse, 4000 hours in Satisfactory, Satisfactory Update 4, Satisfactory Update 5, Satisfactory tips, Satisfactory guide, Satisfactory tour, TotalXclipse Satisfactory tour, Fan Factory Friday, Satisfactory mega Base, Base Tour Satisfactory, Satisfactory Fan Factory, Satisfactory Builds, Satisfactory Base, Satisfactory Starter Factory, Satisfactory Early Access, Satisfactory early gameplay
Id: OiaoWlPc37U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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