What's Better?! MEGAFACTORY Vs MODULAR FACTORIES | Satisfactory

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today we're going to break down which is better a mega factory or modular factory so if you find this video helpful hit the thumbs up and if you want to see more don't forget to subscribe now there are two main tracks of thought when it comes to factories the first is pooling all your resources in one location to be manufactured into items and the second setting up multiple smaller factories dedicated to one or a handful of items then to be sent to another factory now i often say that it comes down to personal taste but there are other reasons why to choose one over the other but first let's compare the positives and negatives of each style now a mega factory actually before we get into that i should state it doesn't need to be a mega factory that produces billions of items per minute for this use case uh it's a factory that is dedicated to the vast majority of items that you produce now this can be very useful firstly you do not need to travel outside of the factory and you can slowly expand it outwards this is easily done because with a mega factory all of your resources in order to grow your factory are situated nearby which is another plus because few people like traversing across the map if there are any issues with their logistic network now along with the resources nearby this also means that you are not entirely dependent on transporting produced items from multiple different factories which for some may become overwhelming if you're using dozens of trains or drones or vehicles for that matter and you could also argue that a central storage facility isn't as necessary as all resources are nearby and one potential thought is kind of the bragging rights that you get with such a massive factory hell we all know how cool kibitz's factory looks and speaking of big factories actually the largest factory i've ever seen produces a hundred nuclear pasta a minute now i'll put a link to that spotlight in the top of the video in the cards now if you'd like to check it out it's pretty spectacular just on its industrial magnitude now a modular factory on the other hand has other important packs and again to state for the purpose of this video these are factories that tend to be much smaller dedicated to one or a couple of items which then sends the manufactured items on to another factory to be produced into something else for example a factory may be dedicated to smelting iron copper and keterium and from here the resources are sent to an iron factory which produces the plates and the rods and the screws a copper factory which is dedicated to the sheets cable and wiring and a criterium factory which is focused on the quick wire and then all of these resources from those factories will be sent on to another factory to produce something now this requires a lot more thought when it comes to the logistics front as you'll be setting up the inputs and outputs of resources between many factories and this for some may become overwhelming but personally i think that having a running logistics system of dozens of trains really makes the world feel alive and you could use vehicles or even conveyors but i am personally a big train lover if you hadn't noticed already now along with this building multiple factories actually gives you a lot of freedom to play around with your build styles so if you're looking to improve your factory's aesthetics this can be something that gives you that freedom whether you're building an open factory or one that's closed up you can really play around with the styles like for example what what i've done with this fixmas factory or the multiple other factories that we have spread around this save now you also don't need to worry about space as you can build another factory in another location it's a small perk but it really does help a lot and this is particularly prevalent for the main perk of going down the modular factory route and it's a big one if you don't have a beast of a machine or a dedicated server multiple smaller factories will save you fps have you ever walked up into a well-built up factory and seen your frames plummet well think about how your pc will feel running everything in one location and speaking of fps if you want to know just how good a dedicated server can be at saving fbs i'll put a link to that video in the cards above as well so with the two groups of perks i guess you could say let's compare the two styles directly and then after we'll talk about how i'd break down a new factory and what i transport and why so first we have the modular factories these um include the the factory just looks busy with all the the trains for example it looks very alive um it also gives you the freedom to experiment with build styles and you don't need to worry about the space in your factory and the other one is saving a lot of fps compared to built up areas which are great if you don't have a beastly pc or a dedicated server however the negatives are that logistics can get overwhelming quite easily and you become dependent on a dedicated storage facility otherwise you're traveling around a lot whether that's for building parts for a new factory or just collecting items that you need and the other thing is that you may need to fix your logistics which means you're going to be traveling around a lot whereas mega factories can be great because you don't need to travel all over the world to check your factories you also have all resources nearby so you can easily expand the factory and you're less dependent on the balancing act of dozens of different items coming to your factory along with that you're also less dependent on a storage facility because you have everything nearby and you get the bragging rights for having a really cool big factory but the negatives are that you run the risk of pinning down a single style of architecture for your factory which kind of prevents that freedom of expression something that i really enjoy in satisfactory and you can also end up dealing with lots of spaghetti at your factory uh because you've got hundreds well not hundreds but dozens of different items traveling to all the different like sections of your factories so do make sure that if you're going down the mega factory route that you have dedicated transport logistic floors for your items and the other thing of course which we spoke about is that you run the risk of struggling to cope with fps later in the game [Music] now hopefully this will give you an idea as to which style best caters for yourself your personal situation as it can be different if i'm running a my 30 80 ti and 32 gigs of ram and a good cpu then i'm able to obviously build a much bigger factory than someone who's playing on a laptop for example so you do need to think about your own personal situation when it comes to this and i'll admit that though i do have some larger factories even i tend to go for the modular build approach and i'd think that we'd all agree that the biggest argument for not building a single mega factory is the lag that comes with a large build but perhaps this will change as the game becomes steadily more optimized but for the time being if you're concerned with your pc's ability i do recommend the modular factory approach when it comes to your factories though uh one question that i've always been asked which pertains to this situation is how do you work out what you're transporting and so i highly recommend whenever you can reducing the amount of resources that you're transporting at any one time for example if you're going to be taking 3000 keterium ore per minute to a factory hypothetically let's say it would be better to smelt it first into 1000 keterium ingots as that will reduce the strain on your pc or if you need 1 000 wire per minute i'd recommend transporting the copper ingots and producing the wire at your factory rather than transporting all the the wire but regardless of your build style this will help and for more suggestions on logistics why not check out this video on logistics anyway guys i hope you found this video helpful if so hit the like and if you want to see more don't forget to subscribe thanks does go to our amazing supporters most notably our solo clips patrons the calamity cerebral tag james irwin and jerry2 as well as our lunas dixie chris lord of july and ben as well as our blood moon papa snoozy anyway guys until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 180,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's Better?! MEGAFACTORY Vs MODULAR FACTORIES | Satisfactory, Totalxclipse, Satisfactory Totalxclipse, Satisfactory, Satisfactory megafactory vs modular factory, Satisfactory tour, Satisfactory Tutorial, Satisfactory guide, Satisfactory Megafactory, Satisfactory Modular Factory, Satisfactory Game, Satisfactory gameplay, Satisfactory update 5, Satisfactory mega Factory, Satisfactory mega Factory Guide, Satisfactory Modular Factory Guide, Satisfactory array Factory, TotalXclipse
Id: uQWtke0dz7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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