New Secret Start Area with Everything! (Cat/Quartz/Coal/Oil nearby) | 01 | Satisfactory Update 6

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welcome to satisfactory update six my name is neil alz and this is the beginning of a hopefully long let's play tutorial walkthrough series where i will be showcasing awesome designs for you and the first thing i want to show you is an absolutely amazing uh start location that i have found that's called a super secret start location that is better than anything you've ever seen before and then we start out in the dune desert actually you need to start in the june desert and you head south as you will be seeing here i'll be making my way south trying to there's you can aim towards the green trees but you need to go sort of a bit more there's a a canyon here that we are in for so it's keeping that way now if you uh are interested in watching more satisfactory then i'll be streaming i'll be releasing videos mondays and fridays on my youtube channel as we make our way towards the start location i will be streaming this on tuesday thursdays and sundays at 8 pm central european time on twitch tv so do also come on over there and since this is the first of a hopefully long series then any likes and comments and that kind of thing it would be greatly appreciated because it helps the youtube algorithm to to find this video and show it to someone else which is exactly what we want so thank you very much of you supporting and pledging here we can see we are coming to our location and this location has two pure iron locations which is absolutely amazing for a start location i know someone would go like that but there was a place where three yeah but this is not close to the spire coast and we wanted to see this fire coast because it's new in update six so we need to um remove a few of these they are luckily so absolutely derpy in the first in this version here that they are no challenge at all it's a bit of a shame how dirty they are maybe they get fixed so maybe when you're finding them they will be super nasty but at the point right now they are very harmless there is a normal concrete location as we saw here and then there is also a normal copper location which is all we need for this but you know that there's a lot of places where you have these things next to each other but uh what we really need well let's build our first our hub and then i'll also show you some of the other cool things because we have keterium quartz oil and coal nearby as well so with that with the hub built it is time for us to just jump ahead ahead get some of the initial milestones out of the way and then uh and then it gets started on the build and a bit of time has passed and we've built all of the milestones uh to begin the milestones we got the level one stuff out of the way we got a bit of level two i have an awful little spaghetti factory a few burner miners to keep the whole factory going an iron mine hooked up with belts into some smelters going into making iron rods and iron plates i have my construction here to make to make biomass now biofuel out of biomass i have my cables i have my uh yeah what's the copper wire yes and over here i've had the concrete so at this point i build this i fill up my my burner miners with biomass and then i know now i need just need some time so what am i going to use time for because i need time to just let the base chug along build up the resources while i do something else and it is like a perfect match because we want to have a lot of resources before we start working and what better opportunity for us to go out doing two things finding some ketarium finding some quartz because we need that for unlocking research in the mam but also showing you how awesome this map is it starts right here look at how close to the base we have oil oil oil and a fourth oil right there isn't that absolutely amazing it is just insanely good how how close the oil is it's always like one two kilometers away we have another little concrete facility if you know anything about how i built my bases you will know that i need a lot of foundation to to build my base and that's why we have two of those already hooked up and chugging along just building concrete for us so that when we come back from our little foray out into the wild we will have lots of concrete and you will also have some a better base than the spaghetti mesh you were seeing over there let's have a look at the map because we've unlocked it it'll also be a good way to explain how it worked we started here landed and then we ran into this location the new spire coast area is up here where i will build my future megabase i hope and then we have worked our way in here and this is where we have the oil we will actually have coal right here so that's not very far away and if we look at this location we'll just do a little highlight and that would be a good opportunity for me to run this way and that is actually where we find the criterium so let's run to this location it's pretty easy to find i'll just open the map one more time it's like uh in here yeah it's like in here uh you run up can run up that ramp go around go in there and underneath here and then get there very simple and you unlock the map extremely fast in this uh in the new iteration which is really nice there's no reason why the map should be such a late game late game thing so over here we have the kitarian mine i have already visited and what i would recommend you do when you visit the guitar mine in the early game set up some miners i set up five so that means when i come back and i'm gonna always come back and pick up 500 keterium kids or if i need it just an early game and the next one we want to go to if we look at the map that is up here this is the southern now the northernmost part of the titan forest and it's up here so it actually is quite convenient that we can run up this ramp this area is protected by hatches hatches are not a problem in this patch but i'm sure that if you play anytime except the day after it gets released from uh from early access then they will be less buggy and therefore also a tiny bit more challenging but hey nothing you can handle i am sure of it and we just run up here someone has been kindly enough to build the ram for us so it's easy to get up and we run over here and then buy that i don't think it's the northernmost tree but it's the almost the northernmost tree we will have a nice little quartz location which we again can place five more of the portable miners on so we always have enough mine uh always have enough of that so if you wanted to go you can always come back also note the new system for warnings uh for notifications you can see that i am you can see that a heads-up that you can oh let's activate the parachute yes please you can consider subscribing if you feel like it and also i'm streaming i'm gonna be raising videos mondays and fridays here on youtube i will be streaming this tuesday thursdays and sundays at on twitch and yeah you can just get a little reminder on screen for that in case you're forgetting in the meantime we will be running home and by the time you've been out here under this little foray you will have lots of things that you can unlock in in the mem so you can have lots of materials we can bring back i also found a bit of sulfur that's also nice find some slugs it's also good to get those and a few more materials that means you can be busy just unlocking oh that's not necessary to use a a parachute for that you can unlock thing in the mem which is really nice and then hopefully your base will also have been chugging along if you remember to put enough fuel in it and then you can we can go in and build the final factory no not the final factory the the beginner factory the beginner hub that will be just making everything so much easier when it comes to sort of forward momentum forward process in the space so let's uh gather our stuff and get ready to build that starting again here the base is built everything is chugging along all of our materials are just yeah going in here so we have lots and lots of biomass we're gonna go to this location and i've just put a little foundation here just to sort of give a sense of it this is an absolutely brilliant place to work it's a very nice elevation this is where i'm gonna start building my base and if you look at the map i can then build it over here and then start working my way towards having the mega factory here but this is a great way to build a great place to build our starter factory and you know we got to build it somewhere and then i'll be remembering to press r to get into zook mode so what are we doing here well i am i'm building it big it's going to be big and how big are we going to make it if we go all the way down there that's going to be 11 since it's built 10 i am going to build it deep and then very far down there and just keep going down here and let's see when we are done with this and then let's also built yeah we're gonna build all the way down oh look at that it's raining isn't that amazing i love it it's raining i don't know it supposedly it will have an in-game effect i don't know what in-game effect it can have but uh that's nice rusting iron plates no hopefully not good so let's get all of this built so we can get ready for the next part which is actually building the next foundations on top or the building the actual factory on top of it there is a nice platform ready for us to build on and of course also take a look we have our backpack for parachutes and we have our legs for blade runners that's glorious it's nice to have both of those if you want to learn one thing from the way i build factories this is it this is the thing you want to take away from how i build factories if you like the way i build factories then then listen now right i always build in the middle or on the edge but try to always build in the middle of the tile that means i'm going to leave a bit more space and for all of my things and then i plan things out in events so first row here i will leave that empty second row will be used for transporting belts inbound so from here i can say this is going to be my belt inbound i will get one of the iron belts maybe two one of the copper belt or one copper belt and one concrete belt or limestone belt and then maybe later on i'll get the other iron belt that i have here for something later down the line but that means this point i can build i'll build it up ready for three so this row will only be for transporting the main line in then as it comes into the next i will have a splitter level at this point point i'm also going to leave this empty and actually that's empty as well so at this point here i'll have a splitter why does that then because as i bring for example the iron line in i'm going to be splitting it to all the smelters i need then i'll go to the next part that will be a smelter and again perfectly align it towards the middle then after the smelter i'll have a another one reserved for either splitting or merging or splitting and merging then we'll have one reserved for construction for example uh copper plates oh not copper plates there's no such thing copper copper wire let's say iron rods uh then we'll have another one reserved for um i can't see a damn thing i'll need to go down here one more thing here and this is reserved for splitting and merging and then sometimes you're actually gonna need to bring it into one more level that will be for example the iron rods going into into screws or the copper wire going into cables so you need one more here and then you need a an extra split a merger location so that you consolidate them into something then the next one is going to be reserved for splitting it out later on for any excess should go into a resource sync so i need all of them having or the ones i want potentially wanted a resourcing i want that to have a room for a splitter here and then moving forward i should have room for a there now i kind of feel that i might have missed something right because i have more space than i thought yeah no i think i want two spaces here so as you can see there's i leave a lot of room for my my things here and that means it's going to be so much easier to build because now at this point i want to start building well obviously what i want to build i'm going to have 120 iron coming in here i'm going to eventually have 120 copper and hopefully also 120 limestone coming in so that's going to be my benchmark for the starter hop so i want to consume 120 and get the most value out of it so the first thing i want to build is the iron part because well that's the one i want to build here first things i want to build is iron ingots i'm going to take 30 of this so i'm going to be allocating half of my iron into yeah okay and then here's the thing without going in copy paste it's slightly less awful than it used to be so i'm now producing 40 iron plates per minute and i'm consuming 60 of our 120 iron ore at this point so what is the next thing we want to do well we can do here two three and four make them really close to each other that will be and rods again copy paste yeah i have to be here so i can select it and there so that is four of these each of them requiring 15 so 15 34 is this the first two that means if i build it here they get a smelter each and you get a shared smelter between these two and you get a shared smelter between the other two there and that means i will get at this location i will get a splitter and i'll get a splitter as well i'm not going to make all of the pipe the belts well actually i'm going to make one of the belts because this is again something that if you don't build it like this you're doing it wrong right if you do it like this you're doing it wrong you you we don't build bills like this here is the one thing you go there and you go two steps back one two and then drag it in perfectly 90 degree turns no exception ever 90 degree turns no clipping we don't do that around here and if you do this for everything it looks amazing just absolutely amazing so that's uh how we do things i know that there will also there will always be someone who goes like well actually you can do uh some i can't remember what it is that people always say you can also turn it like this yet but then you still have to move it two over one more yeah okay see that's why i don't do it i do it like this two back straight in much easier on the other side well these two here are going to make iron rods and i will use a not a split up but a merger i'll be merging it at this location which will now be going all the way in do i want it to this to be something i will be jumping into into into the resourcing yeah sure let's do that and i'll build it here as well and i am these two are not going to be here because this is only for iron plates and i'm late to go at this location pointing towards me so iron plates and again one two back and straight in and then it will go onwards and potentially at some point splitting it half of it off to to the resourcing that's something we do immediately but something we'll do once it starts running full then we'll just resource sync the rest now at this location if we look at this this is 15 plus 15. um i made the mistake i always do don't i yeah i did i'm always making this mistake here doesn't matter there because there's a special weird thing we want to build here let's see let's see yes here you are gonna be at this location i will leave the middle one empty so i'll build my iron dots and i have 30 iron rods in total that's why i'm putting in the middle because at the next step i will be building here there that will be screws screws take 10 so actually three of these screw makers to fulfill or to consume the 30 iron rods that we have built before and how do we get that into that and here um the correct solution is of course having a merger in the middle having a splitter out here having a splitter out here and if anyone says that there is a better way of just consolidating everything onto one i then you i get this every time and i get so many comments so i'm gonna address it and i'm gonna address it a bit forcefully because i can't believe people still suggest this this is gonna be a perfectly perfect split it won't be a perfect spin in the beginning because of course you get 15 out here that goes seven and a half plus seven and a half that means the this one will only get seven and a half but it needs 10 and the middle one will get 15 and then it only needs 10. so this one will of course stockpile it'll backlog it'll backlog on this and that means it after a while it balances out so it goes 10 in here 10 in there and 10 in there because of course the 30 that are being produced can be shifted into these locations perfect and then there'll always be someone to go like oh you can save a splitter if you first merge it in and then merge it out yeah but did i not tell you that we only have one row for splitters here that means the whole entire build would have to be shifted just in order to save a splitter that means extra lines here all of this or even worse make it asymmetric did you just say you wanted to make it asymmetric wow i can't believe you said that yeah so no that is not the right way to do to do it i have also decided that i want to build it yeah so yeah that's it's something i always get that comment um so let's uh let's let's address it before we before that comment comes in now these three will now be making 120 so at this point we have to be mindful that 120 is a bit more than we can handle on one belt um oh i don't have any consolidation at this one yet so let's do that i'll consolidate into one belt and then do i want this to set the screws to my uh to a future resourcing nope they are simply not worth it and they'll be filling up the entire belt so that's gonna be a no we just put it into the box right so that is the iron build then i'm going to leave the space open and then we're going to be starting on the copper belt copper builds as well because we want to build the copper as well let's get that here copper everything we can do we do need to do two things two things that is the wire takes half and the copper sheets takes the other half so uh i will do the wire part first that is 15 inch so it's more like the iron or rods two and three and four that is good so once we have that i will build copy and paste paste and paste so from this location i will consolidate the first two that is a splitter i want it to be a merger here they will be consolidated on one belt and will they be put into next level yeah they might be put into uh into the resource sync eventually but they will also be put into a box so that these two will be producing in total 60 yes 60 wire per minute the other two will also produce 60 wire per minute so i'll consolidate those as well why am i doing this again i think i want to build it i want to put it like this instead much nicer way of of building it this goes out this goes out and this one's not needed yeah these two consolidate the two remaining that is 60 60 copper wire and now the 60 copper wire will go into this location which will be making cable there's never enough cable 60 wire 30 cable out great cable will also be something that i can eventually throw into the sink comply comply indeed that was about you subscribing to the channel comply of course but most of you will probably be subscribed already i hope and otherwise look at the like left hand side right hand side consider subscribing and we're gonna build one two and three for the sheets because they consume twenty and give us ten so copy paste paste and they will now be consolidated as well with a merger at this location that's a merger and it will go into this location for a potential split off to the resource sync and [Music] there now we have a bit of space remaining what are we going to use that space for that is going to be for resource here and here and oops that will be for the concrete 45 concrete and three times 45 is a tiny bit more than than the 120 we can do but uh it's close enough and once we have the downscaling at the underclocking we can scale that up or down do we ever want to see ourselves putting our concrete into a resourcing no that would be idiotic for me at least because i always need more concrete right so what we've done at this point in we haven't done all of the smelters yet we've done the smelters for the iron part and now the smelters for the copper i'll need one smelter here serving these two another smelter here serving the next two and then one smelter at this location serving and this and this is going to be again 30 outbound 30 outbound 30 outbound and that needs to be doing the thing that we've done before i will need to do a first a splitter here and then a splitter on this side this is a i think this is a brilliant way of doing it of course i think that's why how i do it and then that will balance out into 20 for each of these 20 ingots for each i will also need to set this to iron and get this one to earnings and i'm also going to remember to build my here now we now comes the tedious parts that is hooking up all the belts and also after hooking up all the belts we need to hook up all of the all of the power poles and once we're done with that then we can get the whole thing going so uh you know what that is just one of those things where we have the luxury here on youtube that we can just skip ahead and buy the power of a little oh no don't fall down by the power of a little whoosh we should be able to wish our way forward into a better a build that is ready to activate and with that we are ready to go i have hooked up all of the belts and all of the power poles i hope all we need to do now is activate it on the way in i must admit that if you are building this yourself then it's probably better idea to build the iron first because you're going to be needing those iron parts to build the rest i had to handcraft a wee bit of the of screws just to get this going but it would also be nice to just make the iron part let that run make the cardboard part let that run make the concrete part and let me make that run but i wanted to activate the whole thing for you in one go so i had to do it this way so that this point we will uh to start i have made it ready so they'll be going in here and then i have a little plug over there so first thing you want to do is hook up our new locations i have actually deactivated my copper here because i'm going to be rotating this so i'll be rotating this copper part and it's going to be pointing pretty much right over towards this one as much as it possibly can if i'm standing right in front of it it's gonna be right there that's good and that will be a level two and that goes up to this location and now this is not product writing enough so i have my first few of these locations done and we are ready this activates but it will only go to the first bit now the next part will be needed to come from over on this case here let's take this little one out and then over at this uncontested or unused iron location we will be plugging that in and we will press my favorite hotkey they've added the h key that holster the weapon or whatever else we are holding there we go this is not done this is coming in at 120 so all good and let's see i hope i have handcrafted enough of these reinforced iron plates to get us going uh otherwise we'll just uh aircraft some more because that's what we do at this stage of the game here and that will go into this location all right final one it's going to come from this location here it could be our concrete which also needs to be going a bit faster i should have deactivated in the other direction uh do we want to take this out i guess we do it's always easier just to select another thing that we already have built and then target instead of having keeping keeping your hotkeys in order there this will also be 120 and get us up oh i think i'll go sort of sneak it on this side not super happy about this location uh this location yet let's turn it a bit and that will go up to the top floor i don't have enough well there's an easy fix for that now i do have enough so up it goes now we can activate all these at once but i think it's more interesting if we activate one and then just let it go so here uh here we are we are ready to go for this and i will jump up to my tower just to see what is going on here just unfortunately as night falls but it looks beautiful in this light nice purple color we like that nice purple color this is a level two belt it should be much faster than that so what happens here it splits 50 50 at these locations so that's 60 on either side and again it goes into an explainer and that splits 30 30. so 30 into oh that was a change of color for sure so there is a change here we get exactly 30 into these of each of the four smelters they are all activated do we have black plumes to smoke from the last one there we go that's the last black plume of smoke it goes into iron plate iron plate iron rod and rod and rod and iron rods over here so that's all coming here and then let's see when it comes out these two belts are consolidating no coming out with 20 iron plates each so that's 40 iron plates that will be on this belt which will eventually split out to send something to a sink but that would definitely not be in this episode for sure goes down there we have the iron rods coming here and over there if we just look at the distance hopefully we can see the first boxes there we can also hit p and then zoom in just p for photo mode and then middle mouse to remove the grid and then we can zoom in also really cool idea if a good way if you see something at a distance and go like is that is that a slug over there i think i thought i could see like a slug somewhere there is that a slug over there oh yes it is a slug it's a nice to be able to see that might be a bit difficult but if you see something suspected and use the photo mode to zoom in look at that it works ironworks let's fire up the next let's see if the copper works as well of course it works as well uh here is probably not the best place to look at the copper so we will be jumping down well that was a bit of a clumsy jump look at the icon for my uh well the chainsaw over on the left-hand side it's now a white x and then says 581 that's that's peculiar to say the least oh here we should uh let's go for the middle one here right if things go as they should of course they will and yeah roaming around i need my jet pack so i can get going here uh jump oh it's only now coming in oh i couldn't get back up there to this one all right so we have now the copper is coming in copper split again 50 50 so that's 60 on this side 60 on the other side these parts will go into the copper plates or copper sheet coils and this one will go into copper wire all of it will be copper wire we're so lucky that you found this most valuable artifact the artifact being this youtube channel of course and we should start seeing some copper wire coming out yes please not just yet but it this is starting this is a bit further away so they they're coming they're coming i see stuff moving on the other side that one is now start working you're not started working that's not good i mean there's gotta be some kind of ah see there gotta be some kind of thing missing right there's gotta be something missing that's why we check it that's why we check it and we have cable coming in we have the first wire coming in that's glorious and all the way over here we have the first copper sheet coils things coming in that's something we're gonna need like a lot of right now but it's uh once we need to make the hyper tubes and we do then that's gonna be super handy basically the idea of this is to basically get us going with some of the stuff that we really need to need in vast quantities and what we need fast quantity i'm too fast with these oh my god that's getting silly there uh two pounds with this blade runners so this needs to go all the way down here now notable this is wants to consume a bit too fast so we are going to scale down so that 15 um what is the calculation if i do this then i do 135 divided by 120 20 divided by 135 it's 89 89 or 88.89 i strongly advise you to focus this specimen copy and go to the next yeah and here gets us 40 in total and consumes the all of the 120. it also just lowers our consumption a bit how much the lowest we have no idea because they whether they change the to linear or from linear linear or exponential that no one knows it's i just do it so that it matches the consumption rate so 120 coming in getting split in three so 40 going into each of those locations that should be enough uh 3 times 13.3 is of course 40. so it's good this one as soon as it gets the first one then it will start updating there 40.001 perfect and we got the first concrete glorious i put it out here into three boxes because we're gonna need a lot of concrete when the other one run run full then junk the rest but when this one runs full i just wanted to keep going and there you have it that is all we wanted to do so in this episode i have shown you what i consider to be the absolute best starting location of all possible locations i found in the map yet we have everything nearby we have all the stuff we need for like our start starter base we have oil we have coal we have catering we have quartz everything we want nearby the coal has water next to it so that's also not a problem and we are close to the spire coast so we can continue to expand in towards the buyer coast and what that's gonna look like i don't know well you're gonna be have to follow me for the future episodes to see where that goes so let me mention it if you are still here then i am happy i appreciate it thank you very much for keeping all the way to the end and i hope you are subscribed if you are not then maybe consider it and of course if you hit the like button it helps me with the discovery here on youtube which is super important considering this is the first of a hopefully long let's play based on of course on the interest for it i'll be releasing videos monday and friday on my youtube channel and also streaming it on tuesday thursdays and sundays at twitch tv slash needle house and it's at 8 pm central european time the other days i'll be streaming something else so do always feel free to come on over just to hang out and be part of the design process as we continue if you are wanting to do something extra or you want to get access to save games then consider pledging on patreon i do have a patreon and of course it's completely voluntary the one of my only perks that i have for patrons is that to be able to get saved games for all of my uh on my builds so that is of course an option for you as well if you want that and here is the last thing we gotta fix catapult i need to fix this i need to fix it i need to fix it why does that always have to be because if i'm not fixing it you're going to be commenting on the in in the comment section about like the belt for screws is not not fast enough on the other hand it's always nice with a bit of interaction in the chat so do feel free to comment anyway about how nice it was that i actually fixed it because you had already planned to comment about it there we go that is now fixed and there we have everything should be working thank you for watching until next time take care and as always stay effective [Music] you
Channel: Nilaus
Views: 95,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, update, factorio, lets, play, try, early, alpha, access, factory, first, person, starter, base, design, automation, belts, iron, copper, rod, plate, concrete, tutorial, guide, nilaus, hypertube, resource, sink, desert, hyper, drone, nuclear, drones, robots, robot, update 5
Id: ueyiANrgR2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 24sec (2124 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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