NEW Ammo types and Equipment System Improvements

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My main takeaway from this is that Snutt really needs to clean his mouse.

👍︎︎ 149 👤︎︎ u/Kraall 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies
  • Multiple body slots: Yea, fantastic! I don't mind the balance issues. Jet pack and blade runners together is just QOL.
  • Holstering: I absolutely love this. Clean up the screen without wasting a hands slot on the mug.
  • Different ammo types: honestly, I use none of those weapons so it doesn't really affect me. But pretty cool that they all look different. But kudos for the nuke sketch.
  • Improved tooltips and codex: excellent.
  • Improved to-do list: OH YEA BABY!
👍︎︎ 270 👤︎︎ u/audentis 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

Hover Pack + Running Blades + Gas Mask + Hazmat Suit. No longer have to pick and choose, that feels like the power level boost I think you SHOULD get as the game progresses. Awesome.

👍︎︎ 193 👤︎︎ u/Wolfenstyne 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

The question all are thinking about: Is the time of nuking the effing stinky pillars to slag finally upon us?

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/FairyQueen89 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

I got emotional like it was the end of Titanic when he opened inventory to reveal the new body slots. Now we're Pioneering!


👍︎︎ 161 👤︎︎ u/SmokePenisEveryday 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

Open hands mod is in shambles lol. Assuming things are equipping where I think they are. You could in theory use Blade runners, jet/hover pack, and the nuclear suit all at the same time. That's actually amazing!

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/majora11f 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

My only thing is that with the introduction new ammo types, the multiple body slots and the radar tower spotting enemies; I really want to see some kind of epic boss to fight now.

The crab boss?

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/IFeelEmptyInsideMe 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

Sees the new Pulse Nobelisk type


👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Totema1 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

With all these smaller QoL updates in Update 5 and this one, I have hope that we are getting closer to the full release. It really seems like they are tightening up everything so the game will be feature complete.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Aradanftw 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies
hi everyone my name is newt i'm one of the community managers at conference lane studios and in today's video i want to talk all about the changes we're making the equipment system and additions we're making to weapons in update 6. so in update 6 we plan to add a bunch of different ammunition types to weapons the main reason why we want to do this is because we want to add like a little bit more variety to the weapons that exist in the game we don't plan to to like turn the game into like a first person shooter or anything like that we also don't uh you know intend to add like survivor mechanics or you know make this into like an action game or anything like that it is still a factory building first and foremost uh but we just wanted to like expand sort of the tool sets that you have when it comes to exploration and when it comes to weapons and dealing with enemies in the game essentially before we dive into the ammunition types what i want to talk about are uh some of the core changes we're making to equipment and the first piece of equipment i want to talk about are beacons so if you remember in the last video i put out uh you can check the cart here you know what to do um i talked all about how we're aiming to do away with beacons uh because we're replacing it with this new like market system that we made and i just want to clarify a few things when it comes to beacons like the equipment thing um because yeah like like i said we're aiming to do away with beacons and this is both in recipes and as an equipment piece so we plan to do away with all the usage of beacons within recipes um and changing those recipes essentially and this shouldn't affect you too much because most of the recipe changes are tied to like when you're constructing stuff in the workshop or when you're building buildings the only exception is one of the alt recipes for uranium fuel rods that uses beacons in like the production line we won't touch that yet but we will change that recipe in some time in the unspecified future but for update six that uh alt recipe won't change but anything else that has like beacons within the recipe will either be gone from the recipe as in like skip that part or we'll kind of rebalance the recipe as a whole but like i said it shouldn't affect you guys too much in your production lines because the only like recipe that i use is that's automated is that all recipe so the beacons will still be unequippable in the game it will still you'll still be able to like run up to the the workbench and craft one if you want to but the main thing here is that once you place a beacon [Music] it's just going to disappear and and show up on the map essentially as the new marker so essentially what's gonna happen in update six is like all the beacons that exist in the world and any beacons that you may place on the map they're gonna be converted to this new system that we made with the markers with the caveat that you know once you remove a marker it's gone because you know you don't need to spend any resources to place markers and the same goes if you place a beacon that's then turned into a marker you know those resources are gonna be gone you know beacons will still sort of be in the game but they'll be converted into the new system and essentially disappear so hopefully this will clear up any confusion surrounding the beacons etc etc and with that being said let's dive into some exciting changes we're making to the equipment system and let me just press tab boom and hopefully you'll see the biggest change coming up here which is multiple body slots baby you guessed it we're actually going to do this for update 6 we weren't certain but here we are um so yeah we're adding multiple body slots you're going to be able to like equip both the jet pack and the gas mask at the same time and like look at me mom i could fly while being gas clothes at the same time isn't that exciting sure hope you guys think this is exciting because we've worked so hard on doing this so yeah you're gonna be able to use multiple body slots at the same time one key thing here though to note is that um we're not gonna be able to like balance the equipment the existing equipment with this change in mind uh we've mentioned this before that like the the equipment that we have in the game are balanced towards having just one body slot so having multiple ones might be a bit funky you might be a little bit overpowered so we will probably tweak this in the future at some point um specifically looking at you jetpack and blade runners at the same time you naughty dog so yeah expect that but in update six you're at least going to be able to like run around and equip all the stuff at the same time exciting times we've also made an update to the hud for equipment so when you're scrolling through the equipment slots it will show you like which which equipment you have in your hands and which one are in the list so to speak and i'm about to absolutely blow your mind check this out if you press h so yeah we've added so you can holster and all holster uh equipment in the game now wow fantastic i can't believe we made it this far right uh that that's probably it you can probably stop watching the video nothing's gonna like be better than that okay but but let's keep going anyways and talk about the other stuff all right so let's talk about weapons and ammo types so we've added a bunch of ammo types for a couple of weapons in the game uh specifically we added for the rebar gun the rifle and the nobelisks uh they've gotten a bunch of items no better way to do it than to walk over to my little uh shooting range that i've prepared over here uh now a key thing i want to mention here is that a lot of the stuff that i'm about to show you here are working in progress this is really like the current state of development for these uh ammunition types so they may get tweaked in the future um you know their via like their visuals might not be final um so just bear that in mind all right so the way that this works now is that if you hold r you will get this like radial wheel and you'll be able to pick like which ammunition type you want to load uh in the weapon uh and you may remember from the fixmas event that we added sort of this functionality for the snowballs the reason why we added that was because we had this system in mind with a lot of other ammunition types um so that's why that change uh happened and we couldn't really say why but here we are today telling you exactly why so yeah we still got the regular rebar gun uh sorry the the regular like iron rebar that the weapon comes in today uh still functions the same way so the first new uh ammunition type that we've added for the rebar gun is the stun rebar so the stun rebar is essentially shooting out another uh rebar uh what it effectively does is it gives deals a little bit of damage and it also stuns the images of the enemies for a short amount of time so this is great if you want to like stop like an enemy running away from you or if you want like stun anemone and run away yourself uh this is essentially what this is good for all right so that's the stun rebirth the next one i want to talk about is the shatter rebar so the shadow rebar is essentially um it's essentially a shotgun so it functions the same way as like a typical classical shotgun in games right um so it it sends out like a bunch of smaller rebars so yeah it essentially shoots out smaller rebars that split up uh and you know deals damage over a distance uh one key thing to note here is that the damage that's dealt from the rebar gun um it there's no like damage uh distance fall off so like it's not like in any typical shooter where you know the further away someone is from your shotgun you know the less damage it will take um however you know these rebars will split up so like enemies will be hit by fewer of them um so in that sense it will maybe deal a bit less damage from a distance um but you know overall it will function pretty much like a regular shotgun in a game all right and lastly i want to talk about the explosive rebar so you name may suggest what this is so this is essentially the same kind of um function as a regular rebar but when it collides with something it explodes very fancy this one is a lot of fun when you're like shooting enemies and you're like leading the shot and yeah it deals a bit more damage than the regular ones all right so that's the rebar gun let's talk about the rifle before we dive into like the new ammunition types of the rifle i just want to mention that we made some changes to the default one as well so we've changed the magazine size from 10 to 15 so you'll get a few more bullets in each magazine now so you don't have to reload as often um by the way this animation is a bit glitchy right now like there's the hand kind of disappears but don't worry about that this is all set up uh one other key thing that we changed is that the the stack size for the the magazine is now uh 500 instead of whatever was before i can't remember um so you can now carry a lot more uh shots with you as you are exploring so the first new magazine i want to talk about for the rifle is the turbo ammo so what it essentially does is it turns the rifle into like more of a machine gun uh with increased fire rate so this is how it looks essentially and you can release the fire rate and like keep it going as to where it was before um or you can just let it rip and just turn into rambo for a second very good it will keep the fire rate so like if you keep holding it like this you can get this kind of fire red as well um pretty neat the last new ammunition type we're adding for the rifle is referred to as the homing uh it's got a different name here but that's gonna change so what this does it's kind of like it kind of functions like the smart pistol in like titanfall and stuff like that so it will home in on enemies and stuff like that so with this you just need to aim in the sort of direction of the the enemy and then the projectiles will home into it and last but not least let's talk about the changes we're making to noble disks so you still have the classical nobilisk like before uh please take note of the hud by the way i haven't mentioned this but the hud also is a bit different for all the weapons and stuff um so yeah you still like the hold when you hold it down you'll throw further and more precise you know press right mouse button you'll detonate it etc etc so the first noble list that i want to talk about is the pulse nobelisk so this one deals not a lot of damage but what it does is it creates like a big pulse so when you blow it up it will like push anything that's within like a certain radius away uh this is really great if you're like being chased by enemies and you want to like push them off cliffs or stuff like that another really cool thing you can use these for is if you've ever played quake or anything like that you can kind of do like rocket jumps with this so whoa look at that um so yeah you can almost use this as like a way to traverse the map as well it's really cool place one here and then shabang look at that so really cool look at me go i'm so far away now sorry i just had too much fun with this actually i forgot that i was making the video um so yeah really cool really cool another really cool way to use this next up we have the cluster nobelisk um so the cholesterol blisk is maybe the the name kind of tells the tale um it's a regular like no bliss that you throw but when it explodes it will like split up and cluster so it will create like a bigger bang essentially um this is really great for when you're clearing like debris as well so if you have like a bunch of foliage you want to get rid of you can just boom a little bit and then we'll get rid of a bunch of stuff um and it also just creates like a bigger explosion barrier essentially so it's it's really useful for like when you have multiple and it's chasing you one noble list that we don't have quite fully functional in the game just yet to demo is a gas nobelisk the gas noblesk is essentially a noblest that you throw and it will create like a poison gas and any creature that's caught within this gas will like try and flee away from it all right and the last noble list that we want to showcase is the nuke nobelisk um that doesn't look safe [Music] all right anyways now uh so the new uh noblesk is essentially just a bigger regular noblesk so once you throw it and it explodes it just creates like a bigger bang this vfx is just placeholder for the record uh it doesn't look epic at all hopefully the the actual one will look a lot cooler so yeah those are some of the new animation types that were added to the game uh really quick bonus round few more things that i just want to show off just because they're cool some additions that we made to the ui as well so you may have noticed when i'm hovering over some of these items they've got a little bit of a different description now so for instance for the weapons and then ammunition you can see that they're displaying like their damage um and we've taken a little bit how like the recipes look like and stuff like that and in the codex uh we've also kind of expanded a little bit of how this functions so now you have the option here to click to expand uh and it will show you like a bit more information about this stuff you can also change like if i'm overclocking like how many items do i need you know or if i want to say like i want to produce five per minute you know or in this case like 10 per minute like what does that look like do i need 10 okay cool you get that information and one final tweak we also make to the to-do list is that you know once you add this to-do list we've made it so you can customize this a little bit more actually so now not only with the to-do list it also shows you like how many parts you need to make stuff you can also leave like little notes to yourselves and when you close this menu uh it will still stay up in the hud uh and you will still keep your notes so you can kind of create like little to-do's for yourself and like check them off you can also do a little bit of text formatting and the cool thing too is you can add like public notes and private notes so public notes are for everyone private notes is just for you so you can be like hey everyone and then in the hud you know they will show up as like public notes and then you have your private notes at the bottom okay so that's gonna be it for this video i am absolutely done recording this video now uh thank you so much for tuning in everybody hope you're excited for the changes that we're making uh please bear in mind that a lot of the stuff that we showcase today are work in progress so you know they're not fully finished etc etc yada yada yada thank you so much for tuning in we'll see each other soon enough bye-bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Coffee Stain Studios
Views: 223,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, satisfactorygame, game, games, videogame, videogames, indie, indie game, indie games, indiegames, factory, factories, windows, pc, openworld, singleplayer, multiplayer, coffeestain, coffeestainstudios, coffee stain, coffee stain studios, goatsimulator, goat simulator, sanctum, sanctum2, sanctum 2, fps, thq, thqnordic, thq nordic, epic, epic games, epic games store, embracer group, embracer, game dev, game development
Id: QYMHs1aTyOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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