Why I'm Seriously Considering NOT Renewing My Carry Permit

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hey guys having him Randy here today I've got a video that I have been honestly I've been dreading doing it for a while but it I think it needs to be done now as you guys know I make notations in my phone from time to time and there are two notations that I've just kind of kept pushing further down the list and they actually kind of coincide with one another the first one says why I am seriously considering not renewing my carry permit I'll get to that in a second and the other one is the night that dispatch told me that the driver had a carry permit that one will start there this was 2010 I think something like that 2010 I believe I was on patrol one of our officers one of our new officers who had finally cleared FTO called the traffic stop and zipped on down as his backup officer it pulled up got out stood at the cover officer position at the rear of the car he came up made contact at the B post standing there and dispatch says I forget his callsign mine was signal 12th and he said and dispatches signal 12 is your radio secure and I thought oh that's not good that typically means the driver has a warrant and I used to have a free link system that uses near magnetic field induction so it's totally wireless and I'm sure they're probably commonplace now but in 2010 they were still fairly new technology so anyways I reached out when I go signal 12 that's correct go ahead and they go I forget the guys name some mystery you know mr. Smith they go mr. Smith has a carry permit as she said that I remember going flipping cares just as I was thinking that thought I watched in complete horror as my fellow officer draws his sidearm backs up and tells the driver keep his hands where you can see him is doing this and they look at the kid and I go he's got a carry permit I'm like so I called the officer back which was totally out of line for me okay I'm gonna admit it totally out of line for me I called the officer back and he tells the driver I'll be right back and the driver is like okay and he's got his hands out the window and the officer comes to the left side of the truck I'm on the right and I said what are you doing he said he's got a carry permit I said yeah I know why'd you draw cuz there's probably gun in the car I'm like so yep he's got a carry permit and I go cut this guy loose and he looks at me to go holster your weapon and cut this guy loose so amazing he actually did what I told him so he cuts the guy loose I said meet me in the pharmacy parking lot so we go over to CVS and I wanted to go down one road and I thought let me let me go at this gently and I very bluntly said how many ditches have you dug before you became a police officer how many ditches did you dig and he looked at me and I go how many burgers did you flip how much how much drywall did you hang how many shingles did you did you lay and he's just staring at me like he's clueless like where am I where I'm going and I'm sure that some of you out there are arguing is that doing okay let me be very very clear and by the way I called dispatch let me say this before I carry on I called dispatch and I said to the dispatcher I said why did you tell us that this guy had a carry permit because I wanted you to know that there might be a gun in the car I go you understand that law abiding citizens are the only people that get carry permits so the fact that a law-abiding citizen has a gun in the car is completely irrelevant to me because he or she is a law-abiding City so if they happen to have a sidearm in the car I frankly don't care because they're a law-abiding citizen because they went through the effort to go to the stupid class to do all the paperwork to pay their fee to get their carry permit background check - let's not forget that part background check to get a carry permit they are not my problem and the dispatcher actually said to me oh my goodness she said well you know what we really need is we need to know when the criminals have guns and I was like duh that's what we're here for we're the cops can you tell this gets me worked up I said to her the law-abiding citizen is not the problem do not tell me when the law-abiding citizen has a carry permit I frankly don't care don't care getting back to the officer by the way guys I don't know if it's changed but that is pretty standard now you get pulled over there telling the cop you got a carry permit you may or may not get a gun in your face you may or may not be ordered to pull your gun out you think I'm gonna reach for a sidearm ease so the the officer looks at me before doable when I asked him all these questions about how many shingles have you laid how much drywall have you hung and I said to him the fact that dispatch told you that a citizen had a carry permit is irrelevant the citizen isn't not the problem the criminal is you'll never know if the criminal has a side arm because dispatch can't tell you because criminals don't get carry permits so the reason that I asked him all these things is I said I'm not sure you understand that wearing that shield and that uniform is a privilege you are a public servant you are not judge dredd it is your job to enforce the law not harass people be respectful to all those you come in contact with and for goodness sakes don't go drawing guns on people because dispatch told you that they have a carry permit and the bigger reason why it asked him all these things about different jobs was first of all cuz I knew he was 20 years old secondly because I have a rule had a role no couple had a rule that if I ever walked up on a vehicle and I saw drywall dust on that dudes jeans and I don't mean like a little bit of dust I mean drywall dust I automatically was gonna let that person go if it was just a speeding violation and they weren't like heinous ly over I was gonna run they're they're they're they're DL only because you're required to once you do a stop you're required to run the DL it's it's irresponsible to not run the DL as a cop once you've made a stop because you might accidentally let a felon go so you really have to run the deal I would say to the driver I'm gonna run your your DL if it comes back clean you're on your way and I ain't sure enough to my word I come back up hand on the DL and I'd say god bless you have a nice day and I'd let him go it's a sign of respect people its treat people with respect the point behind this video which is why this is becoming a real source of irritation to me is we are seeing our government becoming more and more tyrannical we are seeing practices and procedures being set in place that are becoming more and more tyrannical toward the populace and it dawned on me the other day that when you go and you get your carry permit as a private citizen you is essentially registering yourself so here in Tennessee we don't have to register our firearms as an FFL when someone comes to me and buys a firearm I do their paperwork their paperwork stays in my file cabinet it doesn't get mailed to anybody their background form gets stays and physically stays in my file cabinet long before I forget how many years 15 20 years I forget but the the joke behind that as well you know the government really doesn't know what you bought sure they know what you bought because I entered it in the computer to run your background check I mean stop acting like they don't know what you bought they know what you bought more simply if you buy sidearm out of the newspaper or your friend knows a friend who's got a gun for sale yeah cool man 500 bucks boom you trade it's perfectly legal to do in Tennessee I believe that it should remain that way that it should not require background check for an individual to buy a firearm from an individual yeah that means that a criminal may buy a gun from another individual but I would much prefer that the private citizens have the ability to do the same exact thing because remember no matter what laws get passed the criminals will always do what the criminals will do anyways the reason that I say I am because of my experiences as a police officer because of seeing the abuses of power because guys it's not really bad it's just allowances the abuses of perceived power toward the populace is making me for the first time ever actually go you know what if you get your carry permit you have essentially registered yourself with the government and yeah your carry permit doesn't say well this is what I have and this is what I carry no but your carry permit if you get a carry permit you've essentially said to the government I am a firearms owner you haven't told if you haven't told the government how many firearms you have but honestly that's irrelevant if you are a carry permit holder you are essentially saying I am a gun owner and you have registered yourself think about that it's always I thank you guys for watching God bless you all get those guns on practice
Channel: Tier 1 Citizen
Views: 930,706
Rating: 4.9009309 out of 5
Keywords: Abner Miranda, Not Airsoft, Firearms Training, T1C, Tier 1 Citizen, Tier, Citizen, Training, Bravo, Concealment, DOS, Torsion, GS17, Glock 19, Glock 17, CQC, CQB, Close Quarters Combat, Close Quarters Battle, Shooting Steel, Steel Targets
Id: eLWdrshPXFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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