The Full Story of The Forest & Sons of The Forest Explained (1.0 Release)

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now that Suns of the forest is fully released out of Early Access we have the complete story available in the game due in large part to the added performance by Shawn Ashmore as Timmy it's going to happen again you have to leave but while sons of the forest is in the spotlight I thought it'd be a good time to do a complete story explained for both of the two Forest games without wasting any time let's explore the story of the forest and the Suns of the forest [Music] We Begin our story of this Forest based Cinematic Universe in the first game the forest released into steam's Early Access program all the way back around 2014 this classic horror Survival game had some gnarly stuff from the start but didn't possess much of a story until they added one later in development and speaking of that story let's Dive Right into the forest is set on a peninsula supposedly along the coast of the Pacific Northwest in Canada as far back as we know the story goes is roughly around the 1800s when Christian missionaries discovered the peninsula and eventually discovered a strange artifact found within it this artifact was at the bottom of a giant sinkhole why was it there no [ __ ] clue but these missionaries really liked it and they came to worship the thing after screwing with it a lot it basically killed them I think there are loads of skeletons that seemingly just had their flesh burned straight off in this cave so they kind of just were doing this weird ceremony in a strange Circle and yeah so that's that's cool I guess I'll be honest it's rather difficult to fully understand what happened following their worship and seemingly subsequent Annihilation but it is a reasonable leap to assume that these missionaries eventually went on to become the cannibals that you fight on the peninsula the forest has a theme of child sacrifice which is more important later on but may have been spurred by these early missionaries considering their obsessive worshiping of the artifact child's sacrifice is not much of a stretch either and what these sacrifices may have provided well we don't entirely know other than likely being the cause of creating the many Abominations mutated creatures and the like wandering the area there were two obelisks the power Obelisk and the resurrection Obelisk the power Obelisk is the one that burned all the Christians and the resurrection Obelisk is this thing that's able to basically fit a kid inside not quite large enough for an adult this is likely why the missionaries sacrificed children because they would have been large enough to fit inside there fast forward to the 20th and 21st century this is when things really start to get interesting the peninsula started to Garner a kind of reputation for missing tourists and children as is shown on multiple scraps of paper and lore bits you can find across the game world and eventually a company called Sahara Therapeutics decided to set up a huge base of operations on the peninsula the two obelisks were of particular interest to Sahara Therapeutics and the company subsequently set up a large base of operations to take hold of them and use them for you know as evil corpor operations would profit the lead researcher on the project was a man named Matthew Cross who had a wife named Jessica and a sick daughter named Megan see his daughter Megan had a disease that was seemingly incurable like many fathers would Dr cross seemed to be pretty distraught by this and would do anything to solve the problem and it just so happened to be the case that Sahara brought on Dr cross to look into the potential transmuting or rejuvenating effects of the Resurrection oblisk for medical purposes this as you can imagine was inevitably not going to end well what happens when you take a desperate father trying to cure his daughter of an incurable disease and plop him next to a mysterious object that could potentially cure a human of any ailments yeah you guessed it Dr cross started to obsess over this story from the Bible about gyrus a similar father who had a dying daughter Jesus in this story magically revived the daughter after she died and Dr cross was like the aliens could be like Jesus and then started the project Dr cross's wife Jessica was not on board for what her husband was about to do basically testing this alien Tech on their daughter and Jessica tried to get a restraining order but ultimately Dr cross likely killed her or had someone else kill her as we see in this autopsy report he subsequently took Megan to the peninsula and enlisted her in the program seemingly the gyrus program which was designed by Sahara to enlist children that were likely terminally ill to be used in experiments to either cure them or have them used as sacrifices themselves in the dyrus project slideshow we see two experiments that already went wrong subject 37 B5 known as Virginia was a girl that ended up being transformed into a monstros lacking a real face and growing multiple reproductive organs as well as more legs and arms subject 72 C6 armsy also developed multiple Limbs and facial distortions but was highly aggressive and that aggression eventually led to the creature breaking out of containment and killing multiple people including Megan with his daughter now dead Dr cross likely went into a frenzy desperately doing anything he could to save Megan that power Obelisk I mentioned earlier well it had the power to take down a whole plane presumably with some kind of EMP blast so Dr cross decided his Target and got ready to click the funny convenient button to shoot the plane down now this is where you the player comes in in the forest you play through the game as Eric LeBlanc sitting in a commercial airline with your son Timmy you're kind of an epic Survival Guide expert which is convenient since that knowledge would go on to be quite useful your plane is abruptly shocked with roaring turbulence and it begins a plummet towards the ground until you eventually impact you open your eyes and you see that your son Timmy is being abducted by Dr cross who wears red paint for some reason the paint is known to scare cannibals away but I'm not really sure why the explanation there is maybe a little murky nonetheless he leaves with Timmy and you're left to survive on your own as all the other passengers conveniently died except for you and your son who of course is not gone and this begins your tiate across the island as you search for your son kill anyone who gets in your way and decide to build a beautiful mansion for some reason you know player choice is really going to influence Eric leblanc's personality here so as the Epic survivalist you find the local cannibals explore their caves with their stuff and ultimately kill probably an incomprehensible number of them because let's be honest it's kind of fun along the way you find clues about the lore and eventually after finding necessary key cards and artifacts you make it to the Sahara laboratory inside the giant sinkle you find the facility a stage of massacre at this point Dr cross was already terminated off the gyrus project as you can find his notice of termination after wandering through the cursed creepy and all too empty Laboratories you find the artifact of Resurrection ction an ominous sight opening it up the inevitable May sink in as you realize who the most recent sacrifice would have been Timmy's lifeless corpse is stuck to the spiky innards of the device and you carefully detach him and take your son out of the inhumane Contraption for some reason you decide hey maybe if I just put Timmy on this bed thing here and clip some tubes to him he'll be fine once you do that it says that a new sample is required so naturally you search the facility for a sample eventually you find some bloody Footprints and handprints and by following them you'll reach a gigantic room at the end of it a little girl who would appear to be Megan is sitting on the ground playing with crayons until oh god of course she turns into a [ __ ] [Music] monster yeah so once you absolutely obliterate this monstrosity you take Megan's corpse try it in the artifact and find that in fact it doesn't work it needs a live sample so you conveniently get a yellow key card from her corpse head on into a new section find Dr cross's crayon impaled body and then you travel through different tunnels in the facility passing through a cave where those old missionaries likely were worshiping the power Obelisk which is no longer there so you finally make it into an elevator where you find yourself inside of a sprawling room at the top of the peninsula Mountain overlooking the whole you know stretch of the peninsula from The Cliffs the power Obelisk is right there with you and you are presented with the choice of activating the console and taking down a plane of your own as it shows matches identified for children that could be used to Save Timmy why exactly this facility has such an incredibly wellestablished system for taking down planes and abducting Kids a kind of plot convenience I mean I get that they tested on a lot of kids but how many [ __ ] planes did they take down dudes I mean [ __ ] man it's like literally a 3D render of a plane flying by and it shows this incredibly clean UI for activating the power obisk and taking the thing down what uux designer did they have make this how is it this clean looking I don't understand anyway so you can either decide to take the plane down or I guess you just leave and live on the island accepting that your son is dead but obviously you'd rather crash a plane right so if you decide to basically kill a lot of people and hope that a kid survives the game ends and you get a really poorly made cut scene where you and your son two crowned survivors of an insane situation on that Peninsula are now on a talk show to talk about the hardships that you faced with roaring crowd watching I got my ass you hold this thing oh oh like this not to be a dick here but this cut scene is horrendously made the audio is mixed badly the animation is pretty awful and the music doesn't seem to sink up at the end is he okay but it's not done there you get a cut scene after that where you are seeing life through the perspective of Timmy LeBlanc himself now as a grown adult presumably with multiple phds in parallel universes as he brushes his teeth and then shows you his extensive Charlie Day inspired wall of Clues showing this site to which hints at the second game before his arm starts to mutate confirming that something definitely is not right if that whole weird spasm he had as a kid on the talk show wasn't enough but returning to Timmy's wall what exactly is site 2 this is where we get into the second game sons of the forest the sequel that moved away from the horror of the forest opting in for a more action-oriented survival experience set many years after the first so with that said grab some popcorn because the next part of the story is a lot to take in as much as the plot of the first game is rather straightforward sons of the forest takes about a mile M leap of a step forward strap in and buckle up to your helicopter cuz we're about to experience some more turbulence if you can call it [Music] that sons of the forest takes place many years after the first game on a remote island this one like the area you played in through the forest has alien technology once again there are two artifacts in particular a large Cube capable of revealing a window into other universes and a whole ass assembled device which you have to put together and unlock as a secret ending before we get into the main story surrounding your mission it is important to talk about three main parties that were involved with the artifacts in the past the first a group of Presumed Fishers who were setting up fishing villages on the island came to discover the circular artifact the one with many different pieces it seemed to have already been assembled at that time that they got there and while what it did to them is not entirely clear it did seem to bring bad luck as the artifact may have brought waves of mutants to their locations killing many of their groups the fishing group was not on board with the catastrophic properties of the artifact or whatever was doing and so they tore it apart spreading its various pieces across the island either by themselves or after mutants killed them and took the artifacts themselves to just place in random places on the island I don't know they're in caves on these like pedestal things so I don't know how they got there potentially another group that may have spread the artifacts could have been the cultists who were especially interested in wor shipping the cube artifact they arrived on the island on a boat apparently and were from not too long before the modern day seemingly having equipment like GoPros the game's villain is seen executing them in one of these videos for whatever reason the significance of these cultists is honestly incredibly confusing because other than the fact that one of them happened to know how to get to the cube and blows up a part of a VIP bunker later on to get to that secret entrance I guess they seem to do nothing basically other than appear as hundreds of dead bodies spread across multiple caves the last group of significance is a late civilization of humans that appear in astronaut suits and that came through a multi-dimensional portal which placed their spaceship in a [ __ ] giant cave under the island for some reason yeah you heard that right we know basically nothing about this Advanced civilization but we can imagine they came from the dimension that we see at the end of the game but we'll get into that after we go over the kind of main plot of the game at least on the surface said main plot revolves around some rather cliche billionaires Edward and Barbara puffton they owned an incomprehensibly wealthy business called Puff Corp and they had a daughter named Virginia who was around 20 years old at this point you may be wondering is this the same Virginia as the 12-year-old girl that got transformed in the forest no idea because it seemingly is never confirmed Ed and Barb puffton at some point found out about the cube artifact hearing rumors about the thing and after getting to the place and paying copious amounts of money for construction teams mercenaries and anyone else they could pay off to assist they decided to take advantage of this untapped unknown object for the potential of profit Hollow Springs was their attempt to do just this a look luxury resort for really rich people that had multiple bunkers on the island for residents to enjoy a vacation underground though as one resident reported this was hardly a luxury Retreat it took them 3 hours to walk to the damn golf course the main attractions of H Springs were a residential bunker a culinary bunker an entertainment bunker and a VIP bunker along with the many golf courses which honestly seemed to be more distractions than as practical leisurely spots ultimately the puffton willy-nilly spending ended up being part of their downfall as they hired a man who would turned out to be a spy Janu Jang he worked for puff Corp as a so-called corporate lawyer unbeknownst to Ed Janu was secretly working for Sahara Therapeutics the opposing Corporation to Puff Corp which was prominent in the first game why they're still up and running after the entire Scandal that seemingly was never actually properly explained no clue but nonetheless one day while the Puffin were having a dining event with the residents something real bad happened out of nowhere everyone was transformed into mutants and this was most likely caused by the cube artifact acting up due to a lunar cycle they didn't know about that transformed everyone outside of the cube into mutants either this or giu deliberately tinkered with the device but considering he apparently has never seen what it looks like on the inside according to his later voiceover I don't know how credible this is when it comes to the lunar cycles basically the cube was eventually known to activate every eight lunar cycles which is equivalent to eight or n months according to google regardless the now transformed mutants from whatever happened with the cube roamed the facilities and eventually made it outside of the bunkers mixing into the population of already existing cannibals from the multiple previous generations such as potentially transformed versions of those in the fishing villages the cultist themselves or fing astronauts who knows nonetheless this is where you come in and oh boy you're going to like this in Sons of the forest you play as Jack halt a journalist with less personality than one of his many book covers that use AI generated art you were brought to the island because Hank one of Edward Puff's employees or contractors was told to call for you to investigate what happened if Edward puffton went missing or had lost contact with everyone which he did hence why you arrived on a helicopter you wrote a book about him and for whatever reason that made Edward like you enough that he thought you could somehow solve his murder or disappearance if the unthinkable were to happen you fly into the island with groups of mercenaries the group in your helicopter being the B team and I suppose the other helicopter being The A Team for whatever reason you have a tattoo that says fight demons on your arm you're also basically decked out in tactical gear like the other mercenaries and after briefing yourself on the people you're here to find your helicopter is shot down giu finds you but notices a press patch strapped to you which is to indicate a journalist ripping it off he decides to not kill you for some reason despite working for a company that is trying to destroy puff cor the very corporation that you are on this island to learn more are about and he just hits you with his gun and knocks you out you then wake up next to one of the mercenaries and he has severe brain damage and you can't hear anymore Kelvin get off the [ __ ] ground he's basically reverted to a Manchild and so you adopt this creature his name is Kelvin and he comes with you to chop trees and [ __ ] Kelvin oh my God oh my God you're Asian oh my God you're Asian wait you're black now you're not Asian anymore careful so if you choose to play with other people you're joined by some um we'll call them hallucinations for now oh [ __ ] is the last thing you want to hear when driving next to the ocean Kelvin where are you going the loing off everyone is dudes just like most of the story because women in this game are only delegated to being impregnated like you'll see in the ending or turned into mutants right guys right Virginia who was not actually turned when everyone else was because she's already kind of messed up and mutated comes and hangs out with you sometimes and if you're chill enough she'll become your companion in our playthrough we didn't let that happen because we were too busy flailing off mountains in an indestructible golf cart to give a [ __ ] about that woman Virginia go back to Virginia is gravity to Bro the so Jack Halt and his Imaginary Friends explore the caves and bunkers of the island finding lots of dead people lots of of More Alive people and t- posing raccoons all right raccoon assert dominance along your exploration of the island you're able to find the missing B team members from your crew who have guns that are very useful as it turns out and you explore bunkers finding loads of lore along the way too bro look at this CD just absolutely just jammed inside this workstation what the wait I'm in a cut scene but you guys aren't for some reason wait listen listen hold on I got a here looking good Mr po wow he's that's what a crazy line so yeah you find Edward and Barbara puffton thus completing your mission as the protagonist except instead of leaving the island you decide to stick around and you find Old Timmy LeBlanc now grown up and mutated in one of these bunkers and he does this it's not safe here you're running out of time it's going to happen again you have to leave it's not really explained where he came from how he got on the island any of that stuff but he's there and yeah so you carry on find more bunkers and then you get to another spot where you find Tim again get down son little mutant Tim all up you wake up and are totally fine more or less Beyond being molested by the giant flesh thing more lore more cultists and if you happen to be particularly fascinated by the many artifacts that combined to make the Epic one you'll search through an unnecessarily gigantic cave system for 2 hours with your imaginary friend ducky as you lose the last sh of Sanity you had remaining I'm going to crush my balls with the [ __ ] tractor once you reach the VIP bunker you find Timmy once again he's at a door but he can't open it so he just tries to kind of touch it with his giant hand in order for you jack Hol to open the door you have to magically come to the conclusion that after finding this ancient armor which is worn by a pilot of that underground spaceship you have to build a stone bathtub put this funny ore in it with the armor and wait for it to do its thing as dozens of gigantic mutants swarm the area desperately tried to destroy the device or if you're like us you just mesh into the wall and place the thing outside the bounds of the map as the mutants slam their meat into the ground trying to get you oh my God talking each other oh those are the meat sinkies I Al I used to call them the meat sinkies oh no it's a slinky dude he's com he's back he's sinking his meat he's so fast he's so fast he's so fast once you've got the armor you head on back to the door use your hand on the hand whole thing and it magically [Music] opens something's happening it's working Timmy's like all let's go and you again to reiterate a journalist which seemingly has no connection to Timmy or at least it's not explained wanders into this unknown cave you're literally just going into this random place with a guy that masturbates too much to fight demons literally as it would turn out since you can burn the creatures found in the cave with the cross once you reach the bottom of what looks like hell a big guy comes out of the golden lava stuff and just flicks Timmy across the cave like a soccer ball leaving Jack Holton his hallucinations to fight the creature man he kill it yeah head did a back flip you guys want to chop it up and after you kill it you head into the cube artifact right as the eighth lunar cycle occurred closing the cube with you and some others in it Kelvin and Virginia only make it in if they survive or become close with you respectively giu didn't make it so he's kind of just trapped outside yeah okay cool once inside Timmy has a moment and then it reveals a side of the cube that appears as a window into an alternate Dimension perhaps the same Dimension those astronauts came from with their flying ship I have no clue at this point this story is just going off the rails I've seen this before I saw it in a [Music] [Music] dream this was supposed to fix me it's making me worse so the cut scene ends and you magically teleport to the beach but then the bad guy that's bad and evil because he is because his name is giu breaks out of the ground which keep in mind the last time we saw him he was like hundreds of feet under theing Rock and then he punts Timmy again and you have to fight him di you what what what's going on buddy what did you see what did you seeing his mission what the what that oh my God all right uh uh uh uh hey at least it's kind of cool he grabs a helicopter and tries to hit you with it like a baseball bat is that Kelvin Kelvin hey buddy you see GI over there oh we killed him once you slaughtered the reality defying beatman two CIA helicopters fly in and Eric LeBlanc steps out Timmy's dad who Gan you shot earlier but oh wait there's cannibals everywhere oh no Timmy gives you a choice of going with him or staying on the island with your lovely artifacts and here's where the game split off into three endings with a potential extra to added on top either you stay behind and do have the completed artifact or you stay behind and you don't and if you go with them either you get the cut scene everyone gets regardless where you see Timmy in an office mad at a doctor who can't solve his illness and the game ends or you get that plus scenes with Kelvin and Virginia depending on your relationship to them in the game if you killed Kelvin while you were playing you don't get the Kelvin cut scene and if you were flying off a mountain in a golf cart instead of rising up Virginia or in other words just giving her stuff then you don't get her cut cut scene and speaking of her cut scene apparently you knocked her up and uh yeah you just one of the cut scenes you're just in a car with her you're just driving off into the sunset she's pregnant and kelvin's [ __ ] there regardless after all of the cut scenes you may or may not have you enter the credits and you get a massive dump of exposition explaining how Timmy goes on to cure his elements with solight the strange ore you made your golden armor with and that is all over the caves of site 2 but wait there's more Timmy goes on to cure diseases with solight start a m pharmaceutical Empire called Timmy Pharma and after the game shows you a very likely AI generated magazine cover to represent the island of the next game mentioning how it has the world's largest deposit of solop fight ever found you can imagine where things are going from here so that's about it thanks for watching no in all seriousness it's hard to actually have a level of seriousness when talking about this game story while I'll be making a dedicated video talking about the poor writing I'd like to briefly comment on this Forest IP is a whole considering both the forest and Sons of the forest in retrospect and how they massively contrast in the first game it's a rather simple idea you lost your son you have to find him your survival in this harsh Wilderness makes sense you're Eric LeBlanc a survival expert when you find your son the game presents you with the opportunity to do the same exact thing that brought you here in the first place to another father another mother or another family or you can choose the non-cannon ending and leave Timmy in the facility to just live on the island in a kind of stoic resolution it's a genuinely thoughtful Game ending and has a story that I can get behind but then T of the Forest goes actually we're going back to the 80s with this synth wve sh and we got shotguns now and TIY is a giant arm and he plays a meaningless character that seemingly has no connection to the central plot hopefully you got something out of the summary beyond my silly interjections I think while the story of Sons of the forest was a complete disaster and failure the game itself is fantastic the graphics despite the game being made in unity are really stunning in so many places the AI is great it's super smart and the game play is really fun it's just a shame that they missed the mark so much with the story an ironic fact considering how much work was put into the rest of the game but what do you think let me know in the comments below and let me know if I'm just being overly dramatic will they hire a real writer for the third game or continue to wing it we'll find out in a few years I'm sure subscribe for more and as always thanks for watching
Channel: NeddyTheNoodle
Views: 135,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sons of the forest story, the forest story, the sons of the forest story full, the forest full story, the forest new ending, sons of the forest 1.0, sons of the forest final ending, sons of the forest all endings, sons of the forest new update release, sons of the forest final version, sons of the forest final release, sons of the forest new story, sons of the forest full story explained, sons of the forest story explained, the forest story explained, new sons of the forest lore
Id: r-HZKKiuEaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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