I Ranked All Ark Survival Evolved Maps in 2023

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the year is 2023 an arc survival evolved has been out for over 8 years now with 12 official Maps released over the course of these years I fought with Asa on the horizon there would be no better time to rank all these maps in order of release date now please do keep in mind this video is purely my opinions but I am more than happy to hear yours in the comments below so please feel free to voice them in there number one the island starting out with a map that began at all the island was the first map that Arc released with back in 2015 and my God I don't know whether it's just Nostalgia talking here but what a map it is the island of course has undergone many a change since it was first released with the game in 2015 back then there was no snow biome no swamp biome and no underwater caves just to name a couple of things and there is no doubt that all of these things have of course significantly helped to bolster the map especially when you compare it to some of the more recent Maps the island to me is the most balanced map that Arc has with just the right level of tough environments bosses and caves to explore while also some easier ones if you don't rush through the game playing on high rates it will allow you to slowly Master the game step by step and some of the base building spots on this map are just so beautiful the Hidden Lake of course showcased in the very first Arc trailer is still to this day one of the most popular spots and a favorite of mine for me the island is a definitive Arc experience there are three very different bosses to take on tons of caves to explore and of course the overseer and Tech cave to take on to round it off if you are a new player and you haven't played Arc before I cannot stress highly enough how you have to start with this map and I for one cannot wait to get started on it once more arxs V ascended it is ultimately for that reason that the island is going in the S tier rank number two the center ah the center I'll say it now it's actually my favorite map an unpopular opinion I'm sure but I love this map but I promise to try and look at this from a non-biased point of view launched in 2016 the center was huge like quite a few of the maps to come on this list the center was originally of course a mod map which then became a free-to-play official Ark map it cannot be underestimated that this was the first official map launch for Ark and at a time when people were just starting to get a bit bored of the island in came this brand new shiny map to excite everyone again the center is undeniably visually stunning especially when you consider when this map was released the map's Natural Beauty with its waterfalls Lush forests and towering Cliffs is a testament to the developers creativity especially at a time when the map was released it really did offer a lot but the island just couldn't it was far better for resources such as cementing paste and had more balanced metal spawns around the map locations such as lava Islander the underworld are to this day still some of the coolest locations on Arc I also wanted to say that I do love the soundtrack on the center some truly beautiful themes on here however in retrospect it is probably fair to acknowledge that some of these revolutionary aspects of the center are less revolutionary these days floing Islands lava islands and underworlds can now all be found on other Maps but I think the center deserves a lot of credit for introducing all of these so early into ark's lifespan there is of course a Redux mod of the center out on the Steam Workshop right now which actually looks pretty impressive so so it might be worth a look into if you want to play the center just before ASA releases similarly to the island one of the things that I love most about the center are the caves the size of some of these caves are huge the two snow caves in particular stand out to me other highlights include the Pearl cave on lava island and the whole jumping puzzle area which features great loot a water cave and just a huge area to explore in general areas such as the underworld cave as well which well might not have an artifact in them offer great building spots for smaller tribes on PVP it is why the map has always maintained a committed PVP player base despite for so many years it being terrible to farm element on in conclusion I still think despite its age the center makes a compelling choice for those seeking fresh adventures in the world of Arc and whether you're a season Survivor or new come to the game the center is definitely worth exploring for that reason I'm giving it an A and of course cannot wait to play this map once more once the new game comes out number three scorched Earth the first paid official DLC released in 2016 this caused quite the storm this was of course because Wild Card had decided to release a DLC well the main game was still in Early Access and far from a polished product but all that doesn't really matter when we're discussing the map itself Scorch introduced arc's first desert biome and decided to make a map out of it map released were a pleora of new dinos such as wyvn rock Golems mantises and all of these were huge in 2016 with Scorch being the only place to get these at the time however as time has gone on this of course is no longer the case with the Phoenix being the only exclusive creature to scorched Earth starting out on scorched is a difficult process mainly due to the Heat and harsh while dying no spawns however I do find it quite a rewarding process and I think the early game is quite a good time on this map although it's probably not the best for someone new to the game however one of my main problems with scorched is that once you climb up the ranks and get yourself that first Wyn the map suddenly doesn't become much of a challenge the map only has three artifact caves in and while I can appreciate how beautiful these caves are they can soon be completed or ran on pretty much any Dyno The Scorch D Ascension added last year does help to flesh out the map a little bit but at the end of the day all you really get is some extra levels and a a couple of nice cut scenes I think in comparison to some of the other maps on this list I don't think Scorch Earth has aged terribly well and that is why I'm going to be placing scorched Earth in the SE tier number four Ragnarok and the reason why scorched Earth became slightly irrelevant so soon is because of the next map on this list the Timeless classic that is Ragnarok when Ragnarok launched in 2017 as a complete surprise out of the blue it took the ark World by storm both the PVE and PVP bases flocked over to this map which dwarf all of the maps in terms of its size base locations and sheer amount of dinos on offer the addition of mini bosses such as a lava Golem and Ice worm Queen which gave some great loot was such a neat addition but the main thing Ragnarok did right out of the bat was make scorched Earth a pretty irrelevant map every scorched Earth creature including Wyn was obtainable on Ragnarok which meant that you didn't even have to buy the paid DLC anymore to gain access to these creatures of course most people by this point already probably own scorched Earth but Ragnarok quickly became the most popular map for people to play as it was seen as the complete Ark experience with everything obtainable on a singular map still to this day I see Ragnarok as one of the greatest Arc maps and of course subsequent updates after the release help to add to this I'm confident that once this releases an arc survival ascended and the entire new player base gets to experience this map they will fall in love with it all over again or maybe for the first time for me Ragnarok is an easy s tier so that is where I'm going to be placing it on this tier list number five aberration next up we have perhaps the most polarizing Arc map both at the time of its release and probably still to this day yet I think over the years aberration has gained a few more fans at the time of its release I have no shame in admitting that I hated it it was simply too hard it wasn't the ark experience that I was used to like seriously what were these mushrooms on the floor that kept killing me there's no doubt that aberration is one of the harder Arc maps in fact for new players I would have it down as the hardest however once you learn the ropes understand the different biomes and creatures the map becomes a genuinely enjoyable experience not to flex anything but I did recently beat this map without taking a single spec of damage and it was of the most rewarding feelings that I felt in gaming and I actually found myself enjoying the challenge this map is undoubtedly gorgeous and I think it's probably the map that people are most excited to see on M Engine 5 when it gets released in ARS 5 will ascended later down the line my main memory of aberration from its launch is how much it changed the game in terms of metal farming the days of quol and ankes were over in a Flash as if you could Brave the Blue Zone metal was everywhere became the best farming map not just for metal but also for resources such as organic polymer and I think this really allowed it to stay relevant throughout the whole Arc cycle pretty much if I was to level of criticism at this map though I would say that the map is extremely difficult for your average Arc player until you manage to get yourself a rock Drake egg once you do get yourself a rock Drake egg I would then say that it becomes too easy with most of the challenges of this map no longer simply challenging I wasn't quite sure where I was going to put aberration but I've decided to put it is a high beat I think the official paid DLCs should be held to a slightly higher standard than the Creator release Maps so despite this I am looking forward to playing this once more in the years to come number six Extinction ah Extinction what a mess of a launch this was I remember the constant delays Extinction went through before release even launching some 8 hours late on the actual day of release and yes I know this because I stayed up until 4:00 a.m. in the morning to fly around this map and Scout it all out this map at launch was interesting let's say PVP wise it was absolutely broken Mech which could damage structures out of turret range ridiculous overpowered Titans and manag gamas are only a selection of the things that Extinction introduced that was completely broken I'm quite torn on this map personally I think it introduced a lot of good things despite it very shaky launch so I'll firstly say this I do like this map I'm a huge fan of the orbital supply drops I think they were a very neat addition and made leveling up dinos fun and a rewarding activity as the loot you could get from the purple drops in particular was well worth it I think the sunken Forest area of the map is very pretty and there are some really nice base locations that you can live on on there and the same can be said for the city area the King Titan fight is also a very unique boss fight and something that is completely different experience to the standard boss fights which you get on other Maps something that I did actually appreciate I will say though I think it's quite lame that you don't get any engrams or extra levels for defeating him of course Extinction also introduced cryopods which overall were a great addition to the game Arc have just announced that cryos will not be an arc survival ascended at the start and I actually am in favor of that but I'm still looking forward to them being added in the years to come there is a lot to say on extinction and a lot of debates had on whether it was almost the beginning of the end for classic Arc in comparison to what is to come however I will take Extinction every day of the week similarly to abberation I'm going to rank Extinction as a high B tier map number seven valguero next up we have valguero following in the footsteps of the center Ragnarok valguero was originally a created mod map before it became an official map launching in the summer of 2019 it did introduce ST unicus which in a similar fashion to Wyn eggs or rck Drake eggs you would steal from the eggs from nests now this isn't a map I've explored as much as I'd have liked to I've spent time over here collecting donica eggs and an awful lot of time in the locations of the oil cave and the aberration Zone both of these locations became a main stay in the PVP community and kept valguero relevant as other Maps suffered from a lack of strong buildable spots valguero actually flourished this is one of the arc maps that I haven't explored to his full potential so I'm not going to Waffle on about it too much more as I don't think that would be fair I do think it's an impressive Testament that valguero managed to stay relevant throughout the entire lifespan of F evolved and for that reason alone I think the map is worth at least a high B which is where I'm going to be placing it in this tier list number eight Genesis part one now here are where things start to get interesting with the release of Genesis part one we entered the Genesis era of AR survival evolved and it wasn't particularly a change I like to be honest now that doesn't mean I hate every single mission on these Maps hell I actually quite lik them during my Genesis 1 100 days at Saros I had an absolute ball of the time throwing Doos into basketball hoops and playing a ripoff wave for a64 while riding on the back of a manta yet the Genesis era was a change that I didn't particularly welcome a combination of the required missions to take on the final boss the teleporting to different biomes huge portions of the map being unbuildable meant it just wasn't for me who looks for a more primitive classic Ark experience while we are talking about missions we have to talk about the crazy loot that you can get from doing them this was obviously added to give extra incentive for people to grind and replay the missions to build up a supply of set loot as each missions offers something completely different loot wise I can respect that by this point Arc needed to evolve and add in elements that made the game less grindy so that season Pros could come back and not get burnt out too quickly this is where elements such as the mission Loot and the addition of the new metal gods magmasaur were successful I will add that I do like a lot of the new creatures in g 1 including the magmasaur and foxes it's also probably important to mention that the master controller boss fight here is an incredibly difficult fight especially on basa and Alpha and even with the help of friends there is really is no guarantee that you will succeed I actually don't mind the scaling though as I think the final fight should be tough so the map doesn't lose any points for me there however one thing that it does lose points for is how unbelievably difficult some of those latter missions are if you are playing with a group of friends you could argue that some of these missions give you some into to strive for and represent a real challenge to complete the map and Ascent however for any Solo or single player players there is no balancing whatsoever some of the missions are Point Blank impossible to do by yourself and the fact that there still nothing has been altered for this and changed to this day isn't a great look overall I find Arc Genesis part one to be a mixed bag offering both exciting additions and frustrating drawbacks while the expansion does bring new life to the arc Universe I can't say I thought most of these changes were good the missions could have been a fun side mode in the same way the orbital supply drops were an Extinction but to make them compulsory to progress in this map was not for me I could probably write a video essay on the Genesis maps and why they weren't for me but for now I'll just tell you all that I placed Genesis part one as a high SE tier map in my tier list number nine Crystal Ales onto our next map which was of course Crystal ises another mod map becoming official free DLC in August of 2020 crystal ises is a slightly strange map for me and there are certainly elements of this map that I do like it has the feel of a classic older Ark map such as the island or the center and there could be no doubting that visually this map does look absolutely stunning I think it might be the best Arc looking map on Survival evolved and if not it's certainly up there Crystal L does add several new creatures such as the shoag gamas and of course the crystal wyvn which were a pretty cool addition to the game it also hosts a griffin trench where you can find plenty of high level Griffins in abundance honestly there is quite a lot of positive things to say about this map a map which I originally had little interest in playing when it first came out a major thing that I think Crystal LS deserves major props for is being the first free DLC map to have an original boss as opposed to reusing old bosses and just making a new Arena so what are the negatives of this map well the artifact placement is a bit of a strange one for me instead of having to navigate caves to get artifacts the majority of artifacts at Crystal lves can just be found out in the open that are a few exceptions to this rule of course but I did always find this a bit odd KS for me are a huge part of the Ark experience which is one reason that I'm such a big fan of maps such as the island and the center as I thoroughly enjoyed the caving experience on both those Maps this does however give Crystal ises a plus point for the PVP Community as this was always a good map to collect artifacts quickly for any boss fights on different Maps as they were always quick and easy to get a last point to make is that as with many of the mod maps Crystal ises suffered from the post- production Wild Card treatment where the official release stripped back a lot of the content and vision by the original Mod maker lots of tames were removed from the Final Phase and the verdict from those that played the mod map before the official release was that it made the map feel far more Barren than the final release I do have conflicted feelings about Crystal ales I think the core map is solid and does a lot right but perhaps it released at an unfortunate time where a lot of its best features couldn't quite be appreciated enough I am interested to see if this map will make its way to ASA as I do think that the map looks absolutely incredible and would love to see what they could do with it on the new engine after a little bit of internal debate I decided that I'm going to place Crystal Isles in the C tier of this list number 10 Genesis part two the last official DLC of Arc one and I'll be honest I didn't like it Genesis part two to me felt extremely rushed which of course was Illustrated when the map released to numerous bugs and glitches as a big fan of early game Arc I wasn't a particular fan of the tech suit powers granted to you the moment you spawn in but as I have already mentioned in this video I was accepting of the need for the game to evolve as the story Maps went on this doesn't mean that I was a fan of how easy resources like element or basically anything where to get early doors in this map I vividly remember at the time of Genesis part 2's release I was playing on official PvP with a lot of my core friends I had commitments during the day so I popped on a few hours after release upon joining Discord I was told that we had already got 2,000 element after only a couple of hours of Play Time PVP wise I think this map was a bit of a nightmare it was some crazy balancing issues especially when you compare it to the other Maps Genesis 2 also of course brings back the compulsory mission that Genesis one did and I'm not sure if I prefer them or just likee the whole structure more missions wise I actually think that a lot of the missions in Genesis Part 2 are pretty good some of the missions such as survive the ark or code red are actually quite a blast to play through with friends and playing through Genesis 2 did make me appreciate how the missions give you something more streamlined to strive for however what I didn't like about the missions on Genesis Part 2 is that you have to do all of them to do the final boss which of course is Rockwell Phase 2 I liked in part two that if you didn't do a certain Mission I didn't have to I can simply move on to the next one and complete that one instead here there is a much more linear progression forcing you to complete every single Mission before you can Ascend if you're playing with a group of four or five friends I think that you can potentially have fun with this as a lot of the missions of genis part two are designed for exactly this however for a solo player just like genesis part 1 I think this whole process is incredibly tedious and unrewarding the general map of Genesis Part 2 is also a sore point for me the two main large biomes just feel like huge Barren lands with nothing of note to stop for while you you zoom over them in your Tech suit the map is undeniably huge but when it feels like little love or creativity is actually put into it it just makes the whole map just feel completely empty which is no more obvious than if you are playing on single player or on a low population server I don't actually think that no love was put into this map I just think that wild card didn't have enough time to properly execute their final vision for AR survival evolved which is a shame as I think it deserved a better official sendoff than we got like I mentioned earlier I feel that I could probably go on and on about the arc Genesis maps for quite some time but I'll stop here and announc where I'm putting part two in my tier list I'm going to be putting Genesis part two in the C tier along with its younger brother both of these maps have different things that I like about them and different things that I don't like and ultimately I feel that they both Belong Together number 11 lost island with the last official DLC now done we move on to the penultimate Arc survival evolved map which was Lost Island Lost Island was a strange one as when it was announced only 10% of the map was actually completed with wild card showing a lot of faith in the development team to push out a great final product for the most most part I think they did this I feel that lost island and Crystal Isles are great examples of why Arc really needed an update to Unreal Engine 5 as a developers tried to push the software to the limit in order to make a map that felt fresh and rewarding and ultimately struggling to do so lost island launched with three new creatures which were all pretty cool with the aragosaurus cinema crops and dagus all offering completely different things it also offers a surprising amount of DLC creatures that are tameable on it which is a pretty nice addition as both crystals and vgo had suffered from certain creatures getting cut from the final release one area that I particularly like of lost island is the jungle biome as it feels detailed and well done with a lot of love put into it I do just feel that mob Maps were always going to struggle to get that wow factor at the stage in this game's lifespan with so many maps to choose from it was always going to be hard for it to stand out in the same way the center or Ragnarok could do back in the day and I think the Lost Island is a map put together with a lot of love and passion I will give this map some great credit for its caves some of the caves on this map are beautifully put together which after Crystal ises was quite a big relief to me they are great to explore and I enjoyed taking a look around them ultimately for me though Lost Island just wasn't something that got me all too excited it felt like more of the same it had become crystal clear to me that the possibilities have been stretched to the utmost when it came to creativity that these map creators had with this thought process in mind I am going to rank Lost Island as a low B tier map and finally our final map map number 12 Fodor last but not least we have Fodor a map released in June of 2022 which had an impact that no free DLC had had since Ragnarok based all the way back in 2017 Fodor arguably proves a lot of my previous points about Lost Island to be redundant as it included so many new and exciting features into one large expansive map as well as the main World Fodor offers three Realms to travel to and jenim vanaheim and Asgard all of these offer completely different things such as exclusive Wyn scars limited to one type as well as unique World bosses these World bosses are summoned by run Stones collected by killing Alpha creatures and in total including the world bosses there are seven main bosses to fight on Fodor which adds an insane amount of depth and replayability to this map there isn't much that Fodor doesn't offer and in 2023 as we prepare to close down for Mark survival evolved after the island I think this map might be the next map I would recommend people to play next I think what I'm really trying to say here is that fjor was an amazing final map for AR survival evolved and I really really hope that it does come over to ASA one day I do actually want to make this point for on the subject of maps that I don't believe that every single map for Marx 5 Evol should automatically call to be ported over we want ASA to feel like a fresh experience and while we live in the island in all of its glory in what we're hoping to be a stunning visual upgrade this will get old pretty fast FAL however along with ragnok and the center has to be included for me let's see what ASA brings anyway and to get back to the tier list I am going to place feldor down as an s- rated map it truly is a great experience and was a fantastic sendoff for Ark survival evolv so there we have it all Arc Maps ranked this is the final tier list that I put together but please remember that this is is just my opinion however I would absolutely love to hear yours in the comments below so please do feel free to express your opinion below there this may or may not be my last video before I sended releases so if it is I just wanted to say thank you all so much for your support on Survival evolved it's been a crazy Journey so far and I cannot wait for more to come as always look after yourselves guys and I will catch you in the next one JS are you taking killing your soul baby you got to let go drugs are you taking [Music] killing I just don't get it I don't get it
Channel: Rampy
Views: 140,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark Survival Evolved, Rampy Ark, Ark Maps, Ark maps ranked, Ark Survival ascended maps, ark survival ascended, Ark all maps ranked, Ark Survival Evolved Maps ranked, All Ark Maps Ranked in 2023, ark maps ranked 2023, ark maps in order of story, ark maps explained, ark maps in order, ark survival evolved maps explained, Ark maps review, Ark All Maps Reviewed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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