We Made Slightly Offensive Bowling Animations

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Timestamps of all the retro cgi moments, their videos usually include a lot of fluff and many didn't use retro cgi at all: 11:38 12:27 13:00 16:18 16:48 17:28

I like how they concluded the same as my experience. You get a lot for free from just using the retro cgi aesthetic, it's pretty awesome.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/snacksy13 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

What a blursed video, I love it

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tjsase 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

Anyone have a link to the last video? 😂😂

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/blaster915 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
these days the next hot thing is going to be bowling animations what if we could make our own animations and heck we might even be able to do it a little bit better but we need to make sure it has some edge that the the teams can watch it and like think bowling's cool again and then they got us to thinking what if we also made them really offensive [Music] two years ago nico myself and our friends david and joe we went out bowling to our local bowling alley in our hometown it was a great time balls were thrown they were rolled pins were knocked down i love bowling jen and i used to go like all the time but then coveted hit and everything got shut down and then i broke my shoulder and i haven't really been able to go since but i can i can bowl now see look at this as we were bowling we realized we looked up at the monitor there were playing animations that corresponded to the exact moves we were doing on the bowling alley making these amazing little cartoons and scenes out of them to emphasize and hype up the excitement that we too were feeling the thing about those animations is that they're never really good and i don't know if that's like the point they look like they were made 30 years ago it's time for some intervention it's time for a new voice on the bowling animation scene what if we could make our own animations and heck we might even be able to do it a little bit better and then they got us to thinking what if we also made them really offensive how dare you mildly offensive it would be cool to make a complete set of these renders and then go to a bowling alley and actually have them use them wouldn't that be great christian you've been talking to some bowling alleys out here so there's no way we're getting these animations on the screen what like we can't just send them like an mp4 it's literally just videos on a screen why can't we just like go to a bowling alley and be like hey big bowling is literally only run by like three companies and they all use the same software that's like proprietary and they all use the same animations okay so you're saying there's like a like a cartel a big bowling ball if the bowling alley ends up refusing to use our animations we're effects artists we're going to force it on them digitally there's only one way we're going to achieve this that's to be crazier and wackier than what's already the craziest and wackiest cg on the planet i will show you things that you never thought were possible from a set of pins and balls let's create a list here and figure out what exactly we need to make a full set of animations a split is when there's two left on either side and then you have the europeans when you have two on each side oh is that a thing i'll believe you sure i'll write it i'm gonna give you the ultimate freedom do what inspires you do whatever you want the only thing that matters is that at the end of the day when we watch it we need to feel something in here they do say constraints make for better creativity i do have one constraint i think it needs to look like it was rendered in the year 2001. no octane rendered no redshift no arnold i want you to use straight up old scanline renderings i'm going to use a new render engine i'm going to make it look archaic i dare you to just make it archaic from the get-go for the sake of this let's keep these animations anonymous that way if one of us makes a oopsie and make something that's too offensive we all claim ignorance look sam don't gutterball the entire channel okay i'm gonna do one good gutter ball and we can cut it we can cut it we always can delete it later yeah so bowling animations always look like they were made in the 90s and i want to capture that look now they say rather than going out there and trying to mimic something just shoot or do the thing that you want to do with the proper tool for the job you want something to look like a shot with a vhs camera don't shoot it with a red and then put it through a filter shoot it on a vhs camera you want an animation to look like it was made in the 90s make it with software from the 90s in this case i didn't quite get all the way back to the 90s but i did find the oldest version of 3ds max that we had on the server still 3ds max has a renderer inside of it called the scanline renderer and it is super basic this is my first scene that i built like look at those soft white shines on the blunt ball and then the glitchy edge of like the polygon right there you can't make those glitches they just have to happen naturally i love the old-school render style but i really want to focus on telling the bowling jokes over the actual visual style of it here's the hard part what do you do for a bowling animation that's kind of funny ha ha tasteless but not too outright offensive what is the line between really offensive and slightly offensive i don't know how to ride that line i don't try to offend anyone so this is unusual for me i think humor at its core is all about coping with trauma sometimes there's a question of like how soon is too soon how many years back do i gotta go before it's been long enough everyone can laugh about it so i have an idea for how to make something slightly offensive with bowling and jesus you might be asking yourself what is this is the facade of a bank not just any bank a bank in one of the most ancient lands yes tiananmen square so basically it's got a very iconic image four tanks one man standing in its way and just like bowling sometimes there's that one pin that you just can't get just like the chinese couldn't run that one guy over with their tank i don't know what happened they they choked so just like that my bowling balls are gonna choke i don't have too much experience with 3d modeling so of course i've got to go asset collecting so i found this model of jesus and i was like ah i don't like the head so i grabbed this other model of jesus here cut off jesus's head and then just surgically implanting this beautiful jesus and putting it on the other one but i have a major problem here and that's the fact that there are no textures so i had an idea you know procreate the ipad drawing app i used for the bob ross challenge well they just released a new update for the app that allows you to actually import 3d models and paint directly on them this is the first time i've ever actually like painted a 3d model from scratch and it's really cool that it got to be jesus thanks jesus i'm glad i was able to paint you like leonardo dicaprio vinci i came up with the idea of an airline accident you have an airliner that's full of bowling pins and you have bowling balls that are basically birds they're flying along one goes into the jet engine the plane crashes it's a strike congratulations he got 10 points so i went on turbo squid and just grabbed the freest of the free airline models that i could find and i made like the jankiest clouds in the background purposely took a low resolution environment map and like oh it's so satisfying it's so retro it's like authentically bad but you know what if the bowling masters embrace the jank so can i the problem is that this looks too modern and you know what nico issued a challenge and i'm not one to step down from challenges he said to make it visually look like it was released back in the early 2000s or 90s and that means using an old-school rendering engine called the standard renderer in cinema 4d i guess now it just looks like how i painted it which was the idea to not have but you know what there's something very freeing about doing it this way because it looks janky and that's okay so i actually found this bowling pin off of this website called sketchfab if you use this model you have to credit this youtube channel all right what's your youtube channel dude ionic animation dude he has four subscribers you know what eonic animation i'm gonna take your four subscribers so i hope this counts as credit for you ionic i don't want to reveal too much just yet but jesus and these pens are going to interact if you want to see what this looks like i guess we'll just have to wait till everyone else sees it the only thing i'm going to hint is that just remember that you know jesus died for our pens i really decided that with gutterball it was all about telling a story what do we got we got booze and needles you don't plan on ending up in the gutter you know what i'm saying it's always through some other mistakes in life that get you there happens to be heavy use of heroin for this bowling ball look at this he is so jacked up it's kind of tragic to be honest look look at this guy all alone in the gutter he's literally in the gutter there's a little kind of an easter egg here when he trips over the wine bottles they're in a pin configuration it's like metaphorical he could have been getting a strike but here he is in the gutter is this one offensive i think it's more poor taste i prefer honestly i prefer not to think too deeply about this one or else i'm starting to go oh there's something wrong with me corridor we're on a tight ship it is a thriving business and these days the next hot thing is going to be bowling animations but we need to make sure it has some edge that the the teens can watch it and like think bowling's cool again i would love to be able to see these animations like on an actual bowling alley tv yeah so if we made them good enough the bowling alleys might actually make an exception for us that i don't know if we're going to be too successful with that what maybe maybe your guys maybe your guys i'm sorry if these are offensive i'm apologizing now like though the point was make them slightly offensive where you didn't have to feel like you had to apologize are you afraid i'm a little bit afraid i'm a little bit afraid all right all right let's watch some of these this is like frame one all right so you take your ball and you go oh gutter ball good ball [Music] [Laughter] wait what [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] the fidelity is so good-looking i thought we were supposed to try to make it look like it was from the 90s yeah i i will say it still has the air of a bowling ball animation but i do feel like it captures the essence of the feeling of a gutter ball it does you know what i mean it's amazing that's crazy all right you got this man [Music] right down the middle the perfect strike let's go [Applause] oh i love how crappy this looks i purposely left in glitches the flames look so bad i love it you nailed the look this yeah this feels like straight out of the 90s thank you i got 10 points we'll see what happens the next frame i'm hoping to get a strike i'm just gonna trust in jesus [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] i'm a little concerned because my wife's mom is a pastor so i hope she's not offended i think she'll appreciate it oh jordan yeah [Applause] freaking strike baby [Laughter] [Music] strike [Laughter] wow this is a high effort animation right here the eyeball is going down that lips you got slurpy eyes you're making me jealous with that animation wow i should have rendered mine out at worst quality matt europe oh dang i got the legendary 7 10 split the hardest one to do i have to choose one pin what's going to happen wow [Music] [Music] [Music] is foreign foreign you made like an art film out of that man your brain would be so messed up after going bowling at this japanese i love that you went like the high fidelity rendering route it looks really nice and of course if this gets accepted at a bowling alley we'll have two animations right i'm a bit apprehensive to submit it to a bowling alley because we're kind of in the finals for sundance and so all right rank two i throw the ball whoo it got all of the pins you got straps except one oh man [Music] the aesthetic is so good it's so good what does that say uh it says nine all right because sam left that one pin well i'm gonna have to knock it down let's see if i can nail a spare look out oh it's perfect i just nailed it [Applause] oh my god this style of rendering is so good [Music] wow man honestly there's definitely something to doing this in 3ds max it has that certain quality i think i've had a few too many pictures at this point so i'm gonna just do my best not to get a gutter ball oh i almost got a gutter ball but i got one you got one no metaphors at all oh [Laughter] the body except for the head is just mickey mouse i just ripped a mickey mouse model oh that's why they're gloves [Laughter] [Music] this one is a strike [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you for taking a stand there's only uh there's only one turn left in this bowling game and it's uh it's jordan's turn here we go for all the marbles i hit one i only hit one two oh my god [Music] [Laughter] oh [Laughter] oh my god oh my god jordan it was a pleasure working with you it really was i was looking for the line and i think i found it i found none of these animations offensive except for this one can we show this on youtube i don't know if we can put this one on youtube this is offensive it's insulting to watch because of how shitty it is in in both literal and metaphorical ways i did really enjoy all of those those are hilarious natalie oh my god you made a full-on short film that was incredible yeah the suicide divorce combo really makes it you know so you know if you guys uh see any other areas that are really in need of some really tone-deaf animations just leave a comment down below suggesting it to us maybe like movie theaters movie theaters need like the cool like squishy theater popcorn intro one slightly offensive movie theater intro that spoils every big like movie [Laughter] i don't know where i heard really offensive i heard it though okay check the tape and then they got us to thinking what if we also made them really offensive okay we're so look if we can't cover these horrific topics and bowling animations when you're out bowling with friends if we can't have these conversations then when can we have them you know like and subscribe thank you bye my god oh that's so good
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 5,709,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, cgi, challenge, experiment, visual effects, funny, bowling, 90s, react, reaction, blender, cinema4d, unreal engine 5, unreal, 3dsmax, c4d, render, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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