I Made my Friend a Real NERF FINGER

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i only have one shot is he here is jen here i don't see him it's a little nerve-wracking right now it feels like a calm before the storm a storm being jammed so i'm new to the corridor office i'm new to the corridor crew i mean i'm just an intern but i keep seeing all these different rituals uh this thing uh see a lot of that there's a smash breaks you know there's a lot of things that go on but the one that stands out above all else is anytime jan comes in the office there's pandemonium jan has this game that he always plays with us where every time jan comes by he tries to kill us all with these nerf guns and so we are forced to like defend ourselves [Music] it's literally an ongoing war we've had for like 10 years now and so it just feels wrong just because we're more adult now to get rid of it jan's better with the nerf blaster so every time i've gotten in uh a blast off with him he always manages to get me before i can get him so i decided to uh go the way of the blade this time last time you saw jan he had just received a new peaky finger well he's made some upgrades of his own and he's coming by to show us today and for us to begin working on some new arrangements for his finger but first as always jan should be here any minute we don't know where he's coming in i'm a non-combatant for now for now you see that round oh my god that one right there that has your name on it all right scared me man i scared you you scared me oh i literally haven't seen any of it but i hear screaming bang bang oh yeah you know and it sounds fun i'm outta here oh that doesn't work [Music] [Applause] oh i missed one shot he killed everyone [Music] i got my arm perfect yes gg gg i was so close to a teamwork so close that was close but it wasn't quite enough so jan last time people saw you was two years ago and in that time people have been asking me do you still even wear the finger oh wow oh man oh man this be they i basically have every color in the rainbow i don't even know how to describe what i'm looking at right here you've made so many which one is the original right there this is this is the original one it's still got the janky layer shift and everything it's your personal signature my personal signature is jank you actually got into 3d printing because you wanted new fingers and now you have a bunch of different versions you can match to any outfit you could potentially ever have you opened the door into an evolved life i am now more than man and more than a machine made me a god and of course i use the fingers in fact i use them pretty much every day the only time i really take them off is rock climbing oh thank you bro i mean oh dude that was special uh don't worry landed on the rock okay we can get it back we can get back good good good good and i had a finger printed out of stainless steel this one though really has a gratifying it's cool it's the roll royce oh yes it's got like actual like mass yeah but jan you are here today for a very specific reason you are at a restaurant and you saw nico sitting unarmed and you wanted to shoot him with a nerf gun because that's the game we play there i am confronted face to face with a combatant and i'm unprepared [Music] and i would like to never repeat that mistake i would like to live the rest of my life knowing i am better i think it's time to remedy your pain i want to make sure that you are perfectly armed with the correct weapon to assassinate anyone when they're not ready by turning your finger into a nerf blaster you're looking to give me an upgrade peaky promise i will make you a nerf finger the first thing we need to do is figure out what exactly you want so we can orient our goals around that regardless of how it actually shoots it what do you want an inner finger when i close my eyes i picture an elegant design something that wouldn't weigh me down something that wouldn't get in the way it's much like this finger in that it's just a finger so that eliminates any of the ideas we have about like having a tube running down to your back and having like a whole like pneumatic actuator or power system on your belt and look if that's the reality of the situation brad that's even more cyberpunk because that's something we could do where we have it built into like your wrist strap here this section of it would be the nerf blaster the string kind of coming through wrap over here and then go down as you pull on this this will rotate and then on the end over here we have the actual nerf tip uh let me redraw this i heard jan and ren talking i thought hey there's something i can help out with because i don't know visual effects very well um i've been here for a while and i haven't really learned a lot but i did go to engineering school ren and jan had a bunch of ideas going into this this shell that maybe comes up and around but this is also on a hinge which is fine because ideas are good but a lot of them were very complicated what if you pulled your finger back like this and it actually shot outwards that way okay some of them are very nonsensical i'm not hesitating to say that some sort of twist crank and you have that on the ring on your other hand so you can be like yeah okay that's pretty sweet that's great we got to come up with a whole bunch of ideas so i need mark's help to come up with a propulsion system for this nerf blaster so i went to the drawing board and i started doing research how do you propel an object is really the fundamental basis of this because once you know how then you can know how small you can make it you have a gas propellant you have gun powder you have some kind of explosive propellant you have springs you have pneumatics technically you could make a rail gun and have magnetic propulsion which would be very cool but all these are very complicated and many of them have multiple points of failure and that's the biggest problem with engineering is when you have too many points of failure so you try to minimize the number of places where it can go wrong the most reliable solution will be the one that you actually want on the battlefield uh this is a co2 nerf gun made by wreck attack i'm really happy i found oh man dude look what i found oh that was sitting in this box how did you not get the box too i think we need to test these out just to even see if co2 is viable for this project [Music] i think this is armed now i don't want to fire this at anyone until i know how hard this fires it's way too tight in here let's let's go shoot it out there oh my god what try to shoot the couch oh my god oh my wait wait wait oh no you're crazy don't worry the intern will clean it up okay that glass went everywhere you guys got broom oh thank you there you go okay i'm gonna shoot you in the back three two one ow that just graced me in that hurt you okay i'm good i'm good we can't give him 800 psi hit me that that hurt about as bad as like an airsoft bb [Music] oh no safety safety anybody's safety it's a check check safety anybody's safety oh i always want people to be safe when they're getting hurt what the heck so that's a lot of pressure mark has gone ahead and literally taken apart an old airsoft gun and so this is the simplest mechanism so here's the air container here's the co2 cartridge it literally slots in like this using an allen key we tighten it and then that will release all the air pressure into the actual valve here and the idea is that just simply pressing this release will let air out [Music] [Laughter] whoa dude much pressure no this is perfect you want someone to be hit with that oh it broke it there was so much air pressure in it it literally split the dart apart hence the whole concern of 800 pounds per square inch uh i like it you're the one that's going to be shot by it yeah true oh my god you're right i didn't think about that okay we are now taking a break from shooting season two of son of a dungeon so that i can tell you about our sponsor audible because i've been listening to this really cool book called the calculating stars from the lady astronaut series by marie robinette cowell so picture it's 1950s space race era except a giant asteroid takes out pretty much all of the eastern seaboard and has now put enough moisture into the atmosphere that in 50 years the climate will be uninhabitable so instead of a space race fueled by the cold war we have a space race fueled by survival if you're into space stuff or engineering and math stuff like that this book is awesome and of course you can listen to this book on audible of course audible's got the largest library of audiobooks but if audiobooks aren't quite your thing they've got podcasts too tons of podcasts you got thousands of titles that you can listen to you got some from the premium membership that you can listen to for free but also with your membership every month you get a free credit that you can spend on any book regardless of its price it's a great deal and the best part you can download them all to your device or stream them directly from the internet whichever one's more convenient or better for you if this title sounds interesting to you check it out by going to the link in the description or just go to audible.com corridor crew and guess what you can even text corridor crew to 500 500 and you will get a free 30-day trial thanks again to audible and back to the video so even though the co2 cartridges are very nice and powerful i think mark is right with wren's incredible guidance and his genius shining down upon me what i've been blessed with wisdom airsoft literally has electronically controlled valves to regulate air pressure that is the whole fundamental basis of it how is this different than the thing that we're messing around with downstairs though was that not an airsoft thing that that's the thing it was exactly but that's not electronically controlled that is mechanically controlled it needs to cut to one oh this is more reliable you can have a button press these kits exactly are what we're talking about they're wired up they have a controller all we do is hook it up through a high pressure tube to the barrel and then at the press of a button i've yet to meet jam you haven't met james i've never met jan dude you're not missing out okay so i don't know anything about these sort of airsoft pistols and whatnot but evic they are located here in la they're nearby actually we could go directly there and have them answer all of our questions perhaps are we in the section oh we're here we're here oh this is it we're here evic pointed us in a direction that i didn't even know existed your motor your piston all of that is held up here this seems to me to be a much easier way to slap on somebody's wrist than an entire air setup this is an airsoft pistol but this is not a normal co2 air pistol this is a motorized pistol it is entirely battery powered there is no co2 what this does is a very clever compact mechanism where the battery powers a motor in the bottom to pull back a miniaturized piston that's in the grip in the same way that this pulls back this motor in the bottom of here spins to pull back a piston and that creates a pocket of air the air is primed in the chamber and it pushes the bb air this is a compact solution that delivers reliable air through battery power for me this is what i really believe is the best solution i think it's going to be worth it so i got to rip this apart i'm hoping that matt can take the actual build to the finish line mark handed me an auto electric pistol that had its own self-contained piston system and asked me to make it capable of connecting to a finger the biggest factor in all of this is trying to maintain a seal and trying to like reduce as much complexity as you possibly can to get that air into the dart and nowhere else so we slide the dart into here and then the tube supplies air straight into the dart we used resin printing this time around the build resin effectively is a very very strong version of what normal resin is and it allowed us to have very very small parts that actually allowed us to have like a lot of precision in a very very small package i think i've gotten to our prototype i put the piston inside of this leather pouch that i created and then made a little wrap around for it and then i directly attached the piston to this rubber hose that comes down to this finger linkage then i ran leads out of the auto electric pistol to a sound button for now we can change that to be whatever the sweet button obviously is too big we'll need a different one but i think the other thing that it probably needs is some elegant way to hide the cables as they're coming up you're suggesting having some sort of actual like glove because then that way you can have the actual power wires going up following up the hose and then maybe divert around the knuckles here inside of the the clothing that's what you're suggesting when he slips on it's like a nintendo power glove you know in a way either the bracer slaps on here and slaps on here velcro velcro or if you just slap on slide over wrist velcro here or it's all one slide-on piece so now that i have the trigger the battery and the motor all connected i have to build a gauntlet that jan can wear that holds all the components in one place so i decided to make it out of leather bust out that sewing machine creation is the fun part and if creation under dire straights is what it is it's like even the challenge is good i'm gonna go ahead and detach this i don't have a knife yeah scissors okay that's on corridor digital.com we have even more like details as to how this thing went together i made a ring it is as simple as this you just you just need a big button it's a very very analog kind of thing and it allows him to activate it at the push of a button which is conveniently right on his finger i don't know how well the string is gonna work but we at least got a ligament in there now so something that should be able to actually make it function as a finger so as opposed to just like a floppy digit it's there it's this is for the left hand right what right hand it's just oh no is he missing his left left finger i'm pretty sure let me let me just double check this we've always done it gesticulating i'm hoping it's his right hand right now we've always done that we've been uh boom boom boom [Music] [Laughter] no no no don't panic my fellow corridor crewmates this is fixable for you see hands rotate burner we just have to thread it the other way around i'm unprepared i came here today with the intent to do a team wipe and not stop me and then the secondary objective of perhaps getting a nerf finger so how's that going guys we have something can't wait can't wait through it all we persisted because we knew the end goal of arming you to make you the most dangerous nerf player in the world was achievable thrilled to enter the upper echelon i'm thrilled to become an s-class player i want to present to you version 12 of the nerf finger [Music] hold on what you have here is a 25-watt motor spinning at 5000 rpm housed in a composite aluminum plastic container with a 30 to 1 gear ratio pulling a 12 centimeter pin that's going to fire 300 cubic centimeters of air straight through this tube into the custom-made 50 millimeter firing tube that's going to be mounted to your finger to your exact specifications capable of firing a nerf dart at over a hundred feet per second i can't wait for this i could honestly see myself wearing it for sure the the ring is rad the shape and design of it the overall build is impressive to say the very least what will he destroy with the thing we have created our enemies all of them i just hope it works like my glove he's ready he's lethal groovy goodbye my friend [Music] good night good night good shot [Laughter] oh the chaos i will inspire be responsible never am i in the game now what is uh you're in the game what is that what does that mean from this point forward mark every time i see you and every time you see me the game is on you went through all of this to be brought into the game [Laughter] i may not have chosen this and it may not have been what i thought it was but i'll save the best for me now and you my friend [Applause] that's what happens when you shake hands with the nerve attachment the look of joy i felt like i was watching a child on christmas or something i think it is very cool i think it's rad the fact that it even functions is a miracle in my book and the aesthetics on point and i don't really have the feeling that it's going to blow up and take my my arm yeah oh it might that's a that's a lithium polymer battery just charge it yeah don't let it overheat it's kind of black leather so it's not in the sun a lot good to know [Applause] not the face how does it feel to be betrayed by your own weapon dubious i know hey dead watch out oh my god oh so close shadows i come out of get off our set
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 3,232,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerf, finger, vfx artists, built, build, make, DIY, nerf gun, blaster, shoot, fire, experiment, test, prosthetic, funny, markiplier, react, reaction, new, how to, nerf war, game
Id: W0vwJPeIdjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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