VFX Artists DEBUNK Bear Attack Videos

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gotta love corridor digital for always being based.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Flipman107 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2022 🗫︎ replies

O yes I agree. Wonder if Fraser knows about that or not.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ShotgunRaider 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ShotgunRaider 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2022 🗫︎ replies

Fraser is known to fake bear attacks. We know of 3 but we suspect of others.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ChrisKoopa 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2022 🗫︎ replies
there are tons of videos online of people getting chased by bears a lot of them are real but some of them are fake that would be some triple a tier quality work this is a hundred percent real that's no there's [Applause] hey how's it going welcome back to another episode of vfx artist debunk that's right that's our new show name i like it i i just decided right now it's probably not our show welcome back to the bunken brothers okay listen so i saw something on reddit that made me do a quadruple take i'm not sure if it's real or fake i've been seeing a lot of buzz about this and a lot of the comments are like oh that's definitely fake if i look at the pixels i can tell first off let's just go ahead and watch it yeah fair [Music] because it's a sweet drone shot flying up and over the trees like that's a shot that i'd be pretty happy with look at this dude flying by uh and the bear wait hold on a sec what i love about this is that dude that double take from the bear this is a hundred percent real that's no that would be some aaa tier quality work for a random video on reddit i don't know what if this is like a resume for someone in the visual effects industry but hit us up because we're impressed that's insane that's so good let's say this bear is a cgi bear it's visual effects what is the thing that stands out to you as the most challenging thing that this video does flawlessly here's the trickiest thing in my opinion this is the very first thing i looked for when i saw the shot and that is the bear's shadow against the other shadows on the ground yeah that exact thing so you have real snow snow acts a lot like alabaster or marble or milk or candles it's a medium where the light goes through it and scatters they're almost like volumetric shadows like shadows and fog so shadows take on this like depth to them they have this fuzziness around the edges and the light propagates the snow in certain ways and then if you're going to project another shadow on top of that well you need to cut out those other shadows so that your shadows don't double up because that's not how shadows work if you look the bear's shadow is not on top of the tree shadows it's the same light being of spirit that the trees are obscuring so that's the thing that would be effectively impossible to do unless they actually had the entire ground bcg notice how the shadow actually deforms over the terrain of the snow perfectly too perfectly while also then combining with the existing shadows flawlessly there's no like sort of blend mark which is an artifact that you can tend to get when you try to do that sort of proper blending it's that more than anything else that convinces me this is real i will say watching this the plausibility around just why this clip exists like checks all my boxes like i think it's pretty clearly like on their farm of some sort i don't think the guy's running for his life from the bear the guy does not look freaked out it feels like it was a clip that was produced to be funny it feels set up in that way but certainly not in a way that like the bear is cg because there's so many different elements here the shadows are perfect the footprints in the snow you're talking fur simulation you're talking snow kick up particle simulation even the way the bear looks back is the drone flies by naturally like something would if something's like flipping perfect animation perfect animation animation the way it stops and it reacts to the ground like one of the problems with physics systems and visual effects is it's hard to get them to feed back into each other because at a certain point you're in a feedback loop it's one of the issues they had with king kong when he's on the boat is when king kong moves that would cause the boat to rock which would cause king columns as a creature to adjust their balance which would cause the boat to rock which caused them to adjust their balance when you throw it into a computer it goes and it dies because it just feedback loops so at a certain point the artists were like we will animate the boat and then you guys can drive the animation of king kong based on that and sure do physics for the hair there are to some degree like ways to get these things to interact and feedback to each other and interact with each other on a simulation level but yeah when we're talking about animation that's a whole different ballpark where that feedback loop would break it i'm almost thinking looking at this it would be simpler to just make the entire environment and bare cg so that everything works in tandem but now all of a sudden yeah don't worry about sam he's looking for project loon i need to figure out the secrets of logic blue but yeah it's almost to the point where the entire environment would benefit from being cg but then you have the guy that ruins that too so all these things together it's just if you're talking the effort put in to make this real which i don't even think is possible versus the reward of one post on reddit doesn't make any sense yeah this requires making your own software level of like realism this is like i'm going to write my own program from scratch to do this all right wait hold on before we move on didn't somebody reach out and follow up with us on project loon like an actual flight path yeah it's pretty crazy we have a video on crew cuts on quarterdigital.com where we go into the after story of that if you wanted to know more about the ufo video go check it out quarterdigital.com our crew cuts show so i decided to look into this a little bit more and there's a bit of a rabbit hole here there's no information about this clip and the information that people are able to find was disappearing from the internet rapidly there's a fpv pilot that did share this video with the hashtag mavic and hashtag djv now i at first thought djv was a typo trying to say dji you know they make drones but djv is apparently a visual effects review software hashtag djv doesn't automatically mean they're talking about an obscure visual effects review software aka a video viewer with commenting abilities like it could be a million things there's a snopes episode that's written about this that claims that this is vfx in other words all of this pointed to the idea that the video showed a clever mix of cgi bear with a background video shot by a drone wrong they're wrong i'm inclined to agree because this seems more like a trained bear in my mind it's a trained bear guys it is in my personal opinion this is definitely a real shot yeah there's zero evidence in this not a single shred of pixels that point to this being visual effects yeah every piece of evidence sits firmly on the other side of that argument part of the mission of a lot of our videos is to help kind of educate the general audience about how visual effects are done and how to not have this mindset exhibit a this isn't no crazy hollywood level expensive deal cgi isn't as hard as people think nowadays i work in video and could have my post-production team replicate this in maybe three hours on an old laptop stop oh man just a few hours three hours on an old drone pilot slash videographer here you wouldn't get that kind of clear audio often like this yeah of course i've actually been very surprised by how often i've seen the sound comments like oh they replaced the audio therefore this video is fake that's step one in every visual effects shot step one is always to replace the audio when doing visual effects is the first thing we do it is very common practice to replace the audio from a drone because it just sounds like and so it's also very common to have people sound design the shots little sound elements like going by a creek you hear the water the whoosh is going over trees or dude going well yeah i mean video clips don't just upload themselves to the internet somebody consciously produced and delivered this clip online which you know the whole time it's like no the comment that really really got me here video is way too low-res to make out the graphic details but cgi is good enough at a consumer level nowadays to fake this easy easily oh okay maybe maybe he knows what he's talking about let me read his next sentence here rotoscope in the path with a realistic model add shaders and textures easy that's it you just put a static model there and then throw textures and shaders out don't forget you have the rotoscope that means something yeah it means you know cut out the path for some reason and then you know the rest is easy this is a classic example of someone who thinks they know what they're talking about because they know a few buzz words it's always important to remind people of the dunning-kruger effect when you learn a little bit about something you suddenly think that you're an expert in something in other words you have not yet learned how much you don't know you just learned a little bit of stuff that now you do know it happens to me all the time every walk of life it happens to me as well i feel like i start knowing something but the key is to get to the point where you start realizing how little you know you know for comparison's sake there are tons of videos online of people getting chased by bears a lot of them are real but some of them are fake and i kind of wanted to take a look at them to kind of show you what we mean in some of the senses that are tingling when we look at an actual fake bear chase hey guys it's me jake here out in the woods because today i'm going to be filming my first viral bear chase hit now i would use visual effects but i don't really know how to do visual effects so i'm going to do it the old-fashioned way where a bear actually chases me i know it sounds kind of dangerous but i've got everything covered courtesy of today's sponsor bessie i'm going to be wearing a pair of vessy sneakers and that's going to get me out of this alive okay and there they are oh wait oh oh no well okay it looks like i forgot them back at the house let me run up there and do is that a bear right there oh god i was just kidding i'm not actually going to do a bear taste video i was there's no there's actually a bear down here i i was not prepared for this at all jake cake it is i bear here to tell you about today's sponsor bessie that's right keep running vessels are comfortable stylish sneakers you can wear every day i know you like boots not anymore you like bessies that's because vessies are made from an incredible patented dimetex material which will keep your feet cool in the summer and warm in the winter and they have anti-microbial insoles that keep your feet fresh while cloud-like cushioning keeps things comfy okay oh god i wish i had fancies on i just laughed a shoe did you know that vessies are 100 waterproof and snow proof fesis will have your feet dry in fall and winter's unpredictable weather the thing that i like most about bessie's is that they're sustainably made and vegan not only do they use less material waste and less water waste they're not made from any animal by-products that's right good for me good for you good for bears now you might want to harvest my pelt for a great winter coat but i can assure you humans have developed some very competitive technologies that will keep your feet and your body feeling comfortable lightweight and breathable all the time no more need to go out and harvest bear pelts all you need is to get a pair of vessies remember that vessels are a great investment to wear all year long for all different types of activities and weather conditions had you been wearing them here i probably wouldn't even be chasing you okay guys guys oh god okay i found a little fort right here i'm gonna hide in it i think the bear still has my scent but i should be out of here alive in just a little bit i'll let you guys know um in the meantime if you guys are interested in getting a pair of besties for yourself just click the link in the description below and you'll get 25 off each pair of adult bessie shoes that's 25 off each pair of adult vessy shoes by going to vessie.com corridor crew okay oh no he's coming he's coming back oh yeah that's the you can tell yeah where'd it go is there more of it oh yeah yeah i mean sure is the leaf not rotoscoped is the leaf in the foreground behind the bear in the background oh it's like a little bit above the branches above them it would have been actually pretty convincing the motion tracking was good you know the stock footage that he grabbed was decent he really just needed to work the colors i suppose just letting it just be the raw footage the color bothers me less than the luminance intrinsically you kind of just get a sense that the black levels aren't right yeah just it's the darkest thing in the entire frame yeah yeah by far so even though we only see it for a split second it just subconsciously feels like it shouldn't be there and it's the shadow again as the giveaway right like look at that thing yeah i think it's dense motion blur was the big one for me he whips back and then whips back forward again so quickly that you wouldn't be able to actually see the bear there is motion blur but there's just like one frame where there's zero motion blur at all and it sticks out even though we only see it for a 30th of a second i wonder if he specifically turned on a sharp frame just so like we have that like moment of seeing a bear i think the reason there's a single frame of the sharp there is because the motion blur that's happening here is a two-dimensional translation motion blur and here we have rotational motion blur we have jelly and skew happening from within the sensor itself from the rolling shutter we have compression artifacts and like you can't get that complexity of motion with your basic two-dimensional after effects motion blur you're just gonna get basic you know uniform smears of the object and that's it i'm not trying to dunk on this person in their vfx motion tracking is great and the idea is really funny and honestly the cinematography is kind of cool too we're just trying to point out what you would actually need to look at to make these effects look real in reference to the very first video that we all think is real let's look at the best bear effects in hollywood and see if those are at least on par with the drum bear or the drum bear is even better than the best that's ever come out of hollywood so let's check out the bear attack from the revenant i know we've looked at the shot before on vfx artists react but in this context i think it's worth revisiting oh my god in the plants i forget about the plant interaction so the very first thing that stands out to me is while it's well animated it does feel like it's animated it feels like somebody's gotten in there they're kind of working with motion capture of a person and they're just an incredibly talented animator but it still does not quite have like that chaotic natural randomness and weight shifting and detail that just real life has it's really close though i mean it's close enough that when i watched the movie for the first time i didn't really second guess that this was a real bear you know like i was watching a movie i was in it yeah i believe this was a real bear when i watched the movie it looks great right there fantastic work and the the wet fur is just like with all like the granular chunks and friggin yeah yeah like the bits in it and to be clear this scene there's so much more going on than just a cg bear the fact that like leo dicaprio is interacting with the bear like there's a lot that has to be planned ahead of time executed at an expert level and then all of the rendering and compositing all the simulations and whatnot all executing at such a high level to get what we're seeing here and you know if the team that did this bear did a bear in a drone shot the bear would probably look as good as that bear in the drone shot but it still has to go through the process of compositing and that's still just you're limited by physics to a certain degree with compositing and that's where it doesn't matter how good your cg is the shadows ain't gonna paint out themselves you gotta still do that hand work basically what we're learning here is that the drone bear guy is way better than this entire production on an old laptop in a few hours so that's i mean after effects there's another video i want to take a look at of this woman snowboarding down a mountain with a bear chasing after her and she's far too casual oh let's see oh the bear fake there's the baby it was fake from the get-go i just tell it's definitely a commercial and since she's listening to music she can't hear the bear chasing after her i think you might maybe it is a commercial for headphones you might be right they're displayed beautifully when i first saw this video i was like oh that's scary this is a great example of what compositing a bear in behind you actual footage of a bear would actually look like yeah it's nice because you can only really take the compositing elements so far and they did a really nice job from what i'm seeing here but you know there are obvious elements that are not real one of the first things that stands out to me see right there the difference between those few frames you see how there's like an adjustment in the entire environment it like goes muddier almost like lowers in contrast for whatever reason but the bear stays perfectly the same the other big thing that stands out to me is at the end of the day when you use footage you're stuck with the lighting of that footage the lighting here in this scene is not top-down lighting the ground and the sky are the same brightness it's wraparound lighting if you look at her jacket the bright spots aren't the top of the jacket it's the sides of the jacket where it's reflecting the brightness of the snow so the bears shouldn't be bright on the top and dark on the bottom it should be bright on the sides and dark in the center but you know all in all for having to cut out bare footage from an entirely different source color grade it try to match like the fogginess the scene have snow popping up over the feet it doesn't look that bad yeah oh directed by there it is produced by the wool shed company well maybe it's not for the headphones but if this wasn't that maybe if they're trying to pretend it's an ad like showing we can make viral videos did you see the website it said dot com virals yeah half a billion unpaid views and counting we tricked people into watching your advertisements oh they did the rolling and the tire one oh wait they did that lightning one too huh oh they did that one too and that one okay these guys are legit while many of the videos you watch probably don't have visual effects in them to do a trick on you many of the videos you watch are staged something doesn't have to use vfx to be fake staged i guess is a form of faking it although i will say for how often stuff just gets taken at face value on the internet i mean just look at any of the reposts of boss town dynamics it's nice to have people taking something like this and being like wait a minute maybe it's not real skepticism's nice to see i do like saying that we're getting some skepticism here and you know what let's be real part of the reason these people are probably breaking it down as cgi is because they probably watch the show and watch us break things down to cgi so we're partially to blame here in a good way at least people are learning about visual effects but just a reminder it's still very very hard [Laughter] i think at the end of the day all i gotta say is if you want more of this go to captain disillusion he has a way better take on it he makes incredible stuff you like debunking if you like skepticism if you want to learn more check out his channel so christian apparently set up an email debunk at quarter digital if you have a video aliens bigfoot loch ness monster and preferably the actual files the raw files none of this compressed like i got recorded off the screen my phone stuff but seriously if you have something you want to take a look at debunk quarterdigital.com thanks to all the spam on youtube comments now we had to like ban links in the comments so if you recommend a video through a comment you're not going to see it sorry nick was saying that like we already have a bunch of great ufo footage so you know what that means subscribe for more bunk-a-thons it's exciting i love this i legitimately want to be wrong i want to be wrong and i want to see you you want to believe i want to believe i want an unexplainable video yeah you want to barely
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 2,086,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, react, vfx artists, debunk, bear attack, attacks, breaks down, fake, faked, hoax, visual effects, drone, viral, hiker, shot breakdown, cgi, ufo, new
Id: XVcgXSb3n-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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