We Compete to Make the Most SATISFYING CGi #2

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there's an art to satisfaction i'm gonna gather the correct team of 3d whiz kids that we got for this render challenge who is the most satisfying renderer here in the room that one was immensely satisfying i'm not satisfied at all everybody's stressed out and we need to chill everybody out there's an art to satisfaction we've known this for thousands of years how do you satisfy someone we need to have people watch a video and go like ah that's all we need we need to bring a little bit of satisfaction to the world right now to help hatch over all that dissatisfaction why don't we just make a whole video out of it again it's time that we go back to that let me give you guys some new satisfying renders and guess what this time i'm stepping in i'm going to make a runner too i'm going to join why are you leaving you're stepping in and i have to make space because this is such a big presence stepping in there's nothing more pure than making a satisfying render forget your scripts forget your sets forget your actors forget your compositing tricks all we're doing is making a satisfying render so i'm going to gather the crack team of 3d whizz kids that we got here in the studio we're gonna lay the ground rules here for this render challenge ground rules crown rules rules of the ground i want to keep this fair no 30 90s i only have two 20 80s all right two 20 80s as well we don't want these fast boys zooming past us i want to see you guys take it up a notch i don't want any joke rangers i want to see the most satisfying vendors you guys can come up with so here's the thing no rules just satisfying that's the only rule people are having bad times out there we gotta satisfy them all right who's that hey i've got six cases of red bull oh that's satisfying six cases if i'm not in the next video you know why so griffin may be satisfied and i'm jealous of that because i'm not satisfied yet and you're not satisfied yet so at the end of this week we're going to come together we're going to show each other our renders trying to satisfy each other as best we can ready guys cool break yes we don't have 30 90s we have to go faster than you guys i got to figure this out all right we're trying to figure out what to do here the most satisfying renders follow that basic idea of a magic trick we're turning one thing into another through vfx so here's my pitch futuristic 3d printing method where we use like smoke that turns into like solid objects like particles that in vapors that go and they make solid objects and every once in a while on the assembly line the printer is going to glitch out the shape doesn't form correctly and we see this gross looking thing and maybe like shatters and throws it away is that satisfying to be trapped in a dystopian like space factory with lasers i'm hoping it is i don't know how many simulation challenges it's been at this point but i've lost everyone i'm tired of losing so this is kind of important to me i'm going to put a lot of effort into this is this satisfying whoa that's kind of cool but i wouldn't really call it satisfying and the reason why i'm looking at these satisfying videos right now is because i'm looking for inspiration i'm trying to find something that is satisfying to listen to first how can i harness that to make a satisfying render around you know i love the idea of that satisfaction that you get from a perfect loop or something slicing something perfectly but what i love even more is emotional satisfaction and my idea was to have this little hedgehog who's shivering in the rain and then this farmer comes along sees the little hedgehog he's like well hedgehog i'm gonna build you a house and then the next three frames of the comic are little satisfying house building activities and then you have the hedgehog enjoying his new home which it gives you that primal satisfaction and also that emotional satisfaction that comes along with a little hedgehog being housed finally if i have to stay a little late that's fine i want to make this sweet hedgehog render i have an idea we have this plugin called x particles for cinema 4d i haven't used it yet so i wanted to take some time and learn some x particles and i looked at some tutorials and there's one thing that looked really cool which is their granular fluid simulation a way to simulate things like sand or snow immediately start thinking about sand castles and how fun and satisfying it is to smash sand castles i mean ideally you're not smashing someone else's sand castles unless they give you permission so what if instead of sand sculptures with snow sculptures i take classic statues like like the venus the milo and i make it out of snow and then i have like swords going through the whole thing and slice it all the pieces i feel like cutting things or splitting things apart and satisfying renders are a little cliche at this point they're overplayed so i don't want to have anything like that but this got me wondering what if something like fits into place so perfectly now we're getting into like machining tolerances right like i find that satisfying so i'm wondering if there's a way i can emulate that what if i do puzzle pieces everyone knows puzzle pieces then i can have multiple going in one after another and then just barely lines up perfectly and ideally the top surface of it is the same surface as the surrounding ground so that you can't tell it was never there i have a direction i think this will work well okay before the guys get started on their satisfying renders i've realized something how do you determine the success of what makes something satisfying how do you determine the parameters by which somebody could create something to be satisfying i've got some thoughts i want to offer them to sam and i think it'll be beneficial for him guess who it is hey sam courtesy of today's sponsor squarespace you know i'd like to offer you a few of my thoughts on that okay hopefully um it'll help you jake i'm all ears uh it needs to have a beautiful award-winning template ah interesting if you go to squarespace.com templates you'll be able to see exactly what i'm talking about head on over there right now yeah just yeah just head on over there such a simple url anyone can type that now do you see how these templates sort of give you an arrangement identity that's going to be satisfying to the consumer who's going to be on your website oh yeah when people actually go on to a squarespace site it's already got this inherent sense of satisfaction which i think is really cool you know another thing you might notice is that nothing is built entirely by itself you know with squarespace's multiple contributors tool you can have multiple team members contribute to uh your your website or in this case you know your render interesting i've never thought about multiple people satisfying a render well now you have is that all no there's a couple more things i just need you to know about um don't forget squarespace has members areas now i don't know what this has to do with satisfying renders but if you have a squarespace website you can create a members area and have subscription paying members partake in the content that's on that part of your site isn't that great what if we got into exclusive renders oh that kind of sounds like nfps obviously they have great traffic overviews tools so when you do create your satisfying renders and you post them on your satisfying website you will be satisfied knowing how people are utilizing your site you know what's more satisfying than a render a graph that charts your users satisfaction with that render if you want to know even more head on over to squarespace.com corridor crew and you'll get 10 percent off the first purchase of a website or domain wow that's satisfying all right well until until next time looking forward to uh satisfying you with this render and uh i guess you can go to squarespace to satisfy whoever the hell you want i'll talk to you later man good luck thanks gonna need it so got all the assets prepped time for a day of blasting through animations i'm thinking i have either six or seven small tiny little shots i think it's doable but i'm really happy with what i have so far hey what is up andrew kramer here so here i have a 3d model which is a scan of adidas to milo and what i have happening here is it spawns a bunch of granular objects basically all these particles stick to each other they have a bunch of parameters and as these swords slice through it they stay chunked up so let's try elevating the number of particles here oh that's a lot more particles so let's take it up again so once i get to this point i need to really be dialed in i need to be confident that's working it take a long time to do so i kind of set it up and then i had to go and i give it three or four hours and i come back to the computer or i run it on a separate computer or i do it overnight but once i got my physics style then now it's not hard for me to do other things with that now i can grab a different statue apply the exact same physics and i can slice it with swords or in this case smush it right when you look at the big scene here this is all just kit matched parts vitaly bulgarov kit bash parts he's great he's just a great designer so i've got this like environment here but i need my actual smoke box or whatever to form well i gotta fill up a shape so i make my shape here you basically just put a smoke emitter inside that shape and i actually have the emitter spin around basically i want to like i'm like painting the inside of this 3d object it has taken the shape of my object i then actually bring it into my scene here i'm creating like a rainbow gradient within the smoke itself i'm animating the colors as it moves so i can have it cycle through way more than it normally would and i've specifically put in little strobe lights so one flash goes off and then when the second flash goes boom and now it's this new object so to take that idea to the next level that's where we started to do the the broken pieces instead of completely filling the structure i just half fill it and then i'm actually turning the smoke simulations into objects all right my animation is mostly in place here i haven't figured out my camera animation yet but i finally got everything loopable and tileable so i hit play this thing comes rolling in so now i just need to basically replicate that motion for the other four blocks remember the end blocks are the same block halfway through each of those blocks will be the looping point essentially but before i go further i really gotta figure out what the sounds are gonna be this is what i was talking about these are those little like green styrofoam bricks what i want to do is i want to soak them in water i'm going to get a high quality microphone pointed at this stuff i'm just going to start going to town chopping them on a wood block but also the sound of like a plate getting scooted across the ground downstairs i need like a chopping knife this one is sharp you want to know why because i bought this one in high school and donated it to corridor mom and dad remember when i chopped the banister with this oh god yeah this was like my favorite sword growing up [Music] [Laughter] that sucks this is not the right type of phone yeah that's awful oh that's so unsatisfying awful [Music] we're onto something with the sliding oh [Music] all right so i think i have enough to go off for now i'm gonna finish off the animation render it overnight and in the morning i will do all the sound designs uh that gives me like half a day to finish this i got a lot of work left to do i think i got something here this is the magic that happens when you give yourself the chance to be like creatively nimble and to get inspired in the middle of the project it can be really tough with deadlines but really excited to show this one off uh yeah i think it's kind of satisfying it's a little intense with all like the robotics arms and servos and junk like that it's like do you think being in a very intense laser factory is a calming relaxing place it could be maybe we'll find out all right time to render render render render render in record time i finished my render it's completely done i am going to simultaneously satisfy everyone here at the same time so loudly that they'll hear it in south america i am doing my final audio review here all those custom elements layered all together they actually kind of work i have a feeling people are going to be really satisfied the time is finally upon us we've all been working away sweating crying bleeding making the most satisfying renders we can and you know what we're finally here ren was a little late i was on time i don't know you're talking about people on the website will know we're talking about because what we're going to be doing here after we all take a look at each other's satisfying renders we're then going to turn it over to all of the live viewers on the corridor digital.com website so all the subscribers there have a chance to look at the renders and they're going to judge us they're going to sit there and they're going to be like i feel satisfied or i don't feel satisfied hopefully that doesn't happen they're gonna then tell us who was the most satisfying so it is up to them it is up to the corridor digital.com subscribers so tell us who is the most satisfying renderer here in the room i mean i got a satisfying render and i'm happy to share it with you i took a lot of time on this render so enjoy [Music] [Music] hey oh my god this is amazing that was really good i'm getting pretty good at this now dude the sound design is so crunchy how'd you get so crunchy son maximize stereo spreader exciter sam you have a knack for storytelling even in your renders where you set a precedent you set our expectations and you betray those expectations in a way that's really fun all right i'm going next speech all right i decided to do a bunch of learning for mine and i did a lot of computation um i had computers crunching sims left and right for hours at a time and here's what we got [Music] that's like an ant farm dang so this is the simulation you were talking about that took like a million years yeah [Music] oh it's still going damn damn okay that was my favorite yet dude [Applause] i sampson's better i know but hey but that one was immensely satisfying i'm not satisfied at all all right peter all right guys this one i didn't know if i could finish it in time but i'm happy to say that i did and i'm really excited for you guys to see it and so yeah dude yeah dude you finished it congratulations [Music] wow [Laughter] wow oh wow it's really cool it's really cool peter that's great i love how the board slid into place now like the paint spread from the paintbrush i knew that house at the end looks so photoreal and hyper detailed oh man [Laughter] well okay i mean i thought i was gonna have more time to work on this kickstarter filming challenge day to do it you're like i'm gonna make a movie the first three shots here are just like what they're doing i know [Music] [Applause] so this time around i want to be able to actually have something that's satisfying and i realized one of the core principles of a satisfying render is the sound design so i actually set out from the beginning to be inspired by sound and form a scene around it and so that's what happened here oh very nice dude yes [Applause] your materials are really nice they're glowing like translucent subsurface scattering whatever materials very nice he's done it he satisfied all of us i've never won one of these satisfying render challenges and i'm for once actually feeling pretty good about my chances at the end of the day it's up to the website subscribers so let's see if they uh agree lucky peter decided to make a whole pixar film and couldn't quite finish it in the three days he had [Music] write the name of the person that you think had the most satisfying render and [Music] go i think the quarter digital.com subscribers have crowned a true winner here [Applause] my first win finally i actually set out to try to win this one as hard as i could this time because i wanted to satisfy all of you so leave a comment down below if i satisfied you and if i didn't let me know what i got to do to satisfy you i'll eat whatever you want me to eat that's a great challenge everyone submitted some of their best work yet for a render challenge if you were satisfied you don't need a vote we know they're all great just write satisfied in the comments just i want to see a wall of people writing satisfied
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 2,532,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: render, vfx, challenge, react, simulation, simulated, satisfying, compilation, make, new, cgi, digital art, blender, cinema 4d
Id: km4-85UqrwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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