We Test if BATMAN's Vanishing Trick Actually Works

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what's the other Batman theme [Music] favorite superhero Nico how can you like Batman when he does this dumb disappearing thing all the time Nico he comes in today and he's just flying off the handle about Batman my favorite superhero now is Batman actually a superhero or is he just a billionaire who works out a lot I don't know the thing is is he's got this great disappearing act that's sort of the epitome of his style his finesse and his stealth Nico apparently doesn't think it's realistic there's a lot of things about superheroes that aren't realistic and I'm willing to discuss those things but this is actually realistic first off if a billionaire went out there and started doing vigilante justice no one would have it we got angry at Jeff Bezos for launching a rocket so but you know there's another problem with Batman every time it happens it's super distracting and it's whenever he disappears in the middle of a conversation it would never play out like that people would Emilio like whoa where'd he go on the couch and they'd go over they'd walk over and Batman would be freaking crouched behind the couch like don't look at me and no one would ever look at it that's not what he's doing though he's actually disappearing he's just hiding quickly when people look away it's so juvenile like people would never react how they do in the cartoon in the movies but he actually disappears what do you mean by disappears Define disappears he vanishes who didn't like he turns invisible if you never studied the the martial arts of ninja ninjas are famous for disappearing when you're saying disappearing what you really mean to be saying is hiding quickly well obviously his physical form is not Vanishing from the earth he's not a multiversal being right it's like oh hide and seek time with Batman like of course everybody's gonna really stop what they're doing I'm gonna go look for where Batman just went I'm gonna show you that I can pull Batman disappearances around here and I haven't studied the the ancient Arts of ninja it works for Batman he's a human being I'm a human being not only are you gonna see that a it's possible to disappear but also that their reaction isn't going to immediately be just to look for you it's gonna be a stunned off of disbelief so you're going to attempt to do the Batman disappearing thing in real life against real people to prove to me not only is it an effective way to end a conversation but people will react like they do in this in the movie in the cartoon that's exactly what I'm gonna do if you prove to me that the Batman Vanishing thing actually works in real life I will never doubt Batman again nor will ever complain about Batman to you ever again you got yourself a deal business [Music] so Batman yeah he knows martial arts he's a billionaire he's got all the technology at his disposal from Wayne Enterprises but what he also has is a little bit of magic and I know a friend that you also know who also knows a little bit of magic so first we're going to call him hey what up hey Freddy how's it going good man we need a magician's advice okay all right we're doing this thing where I'm gonna prove to Nico that Batman's Disappearing Acts are actually feasible in real life and I just need a little bit of foundational advice about how you go about sleight of hand so that I can apply it to my sleight of body techniques it's less about like looking at things and being like Oh look over here look over here because people's eyes are really fast right it's very easy to use for you to just like look in One Direction and be able to see something that's happening yeah it's more about managing when the ups and downs are in terms of your natural attention span right so there's a lot of stuff that happens when you're like oh it feels like the trick is over and and what you're exploiting is you explain the fact that you finish the thing and then you're leaning back in your chair socially telling the other person like oh okay this is done I can relax my my you know sort of hunting mode looking for things right the moments are performing it's like there's no way you can get something to look in another Direction because they're actively looking at you they're looking for what you're doing um and it's impossible to be faster than you know just them staring at you and staring and burning you down so a lot of times it's that moment when you're like okay cool it's done you're lean back and then in that moment relaxation they're no longer burning you and looking for stuff yeah you can kind of get you can lose so much more than that you can get a little stuff that's almost explicit um because they're not expecting that that's what the expectation is what in terms so that's when actually pull the trick but what what is your personal opinion on this do you think Batman's disappearances are realistic for a human being this guy's kind of a loser I think the only way you can tell is to actually do something like depend on somebody right that's the only way you're really gonna get someone's reactive okay so there's um two things we're gonna try one thing is the obvious technique of just hiding now the other technique we're gonna try is disappearing moving out of the space but for this one given all the stuff up here we're just gonna try hiding no one ever comes up here except for basically Jordan and Christian so nobody knows what it looks like or what it's supposed to look like now that's great because we can use the sort of oversaturation of materials and space up here to work to our advantage what we're gonna do is we're going to hide an envelope underneath this bin I'll have it sticking out so you can kind of see it so you're not just like looking for it and then turning around and asking me where it is red I have a little secret to reveal to you since last time I was in the studio I have hidden an envelope in the studio and I was wondering if anyone would find it that's all just a distraction they're gonna be on Hunter as Freddie said when they get into this environment because they're going to be looking for something suspicious it's it's right there oh tomorrow headed so I'm going to immediately explain to them what the point is only the fact that I can't tell them what's in the envelope then I'm going to relax I'm sorry I wish I could assist you it's part of the process but I need you to go over there find the envelope open it they'll be like oh okay this is simple I understand I don't know what's in the envelope but I'm going for it as soon as they do that I'm gonna hide over here [Music] foreign Nick and I have an arrangement of hats set up here to distract them from what is ultimately going to be my disguise it's like hiding in plain sight we have a hat it's going to go on my head and then I'm going to duck down and as I duck down I'm going to throw this shoe so that it lands on the stairs and it sounds like somebody just ran down the stairs and then I will hide it is just a pile of hats only Batman's here what's going on envelope of fat stacks [Music] [Laughter] you just got Batman you just got Batman dude you weren't supposed to find me I'm Batman I was like wait a minute is that a real body it's a real funny I think it works to a 90 success I turned around and you were gone I was like you definitely Batman for a moment there I was like it's gone now I'm just picturing like Bruce Wayne like going he all right Jake best of luck to Batman and everyone else last time I was here I hit an envelope upstairs and I thought hey maybe somebody will find it in which case if they do this video will go one way if they don't find it the video will go another way no one found it so now it's going that way okay inside of this envelope what is perceived as a normal piece of information I need you to interpret to me what it is your first impressions of what you find will be critical to how you interpret it okay okay sure [Music] it's okay it's among other secrets and within there is a room because it's like [Music] whoa but dude Jake literally just disappeared holy that was crazy I'm being totally serious what the hell he just like vanished all right so far the experiment's working out marvelously but it's almost too easy so this time I'm gonna see how close I can get to them when I actually a bear and then I'm just gonna step back in here [Music] I'm like on edge dude I'm like I'm like looking in all directions Jake there you go man what do you think I think you're trying to help guys we have a very special merchandise announcement now with covet and everything it was really hard to get merch manufactured so what we did is we spent the last year coming up with some top tier designs just for you and we also restocked a bunch of stuff that was previously out of stock in our store and it's all available right now we've been asked to get women's merch in there well guess what we finally went out and did it we've got crop top we've got women's Cuts we've got hats we've got jackets we've got long sleeves we've got short sleeves we've got backpacks we've got joggers anything that you want maybe you're looking to get in early and get something for a loved one for Christmas or maybe something for yourself now is the time to do it because we ordered this merch in limited batches so that we can make sure that it's a high enough quality and that it's available to you at a relatively reasonable cost that usually means it sells out pretty quick so if you're a website subscriber at Corridor Digital you can get 15 off if you're not I would just recommend getting in the store now while it's still available because by next week a lot of it's probably going to be gone and Orders of 75 or more in the US get free shipping guys we even have air fresheners have you ever wondered what an overheating red smells like or maybe a a brand new green screen suit anyways I'm just super happy that we were able to finally get this out there it's been a year in the making so I hope you like it head on over there now it's available signing off hi I guess Jake went out and uh did some experiments he did some real research mountains of research Nico and I'm about to find out what the findings were the findings were just as surprising to me as I think they will be to you which is why I don't think anyone found the envelope but it's it's right there oh are you all right of course I'm all right I'm hard-headed so watch your head and uh it's right there she lies [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh yeah I'm just gonna jump out at you I don't know I don't believe that at home this is so ominously open it up [Music] okay foreign [Music] so I hit the envelope up here hoping somebody would find it um it's right there and uh I'm sure here yeah right there Hey Jake why don't you run away [Music] I'm like on edge dude I'm like I'm like looking in all directions yeah okay so did you did you make sure you pick up Dobby when you do it because hey what did you did you put something inside of it okay [Music] what are you up to dude how would you expect anyone to think this is out of place at all well it's an envelope I'm sorry I'm my my angle on this is the key thing because it's like foreign [Music] holy that was crazy I'd be totally serious what the hell oh is that doing like an actual reaction to Batman okay uh anyways uh the envelope is right there and within it is the information gotcha gotcha that's why okay [Music] cargo's not suspicious at all [Music] okay dude can you like oh I feel slightly frustrated what's it bad I'm just sort of annoyed with you there be your destiny that that envelope right there there's nothing in the omelette [Music] you just ignored shaking down it's in the envelope yeah what can I expect here there's nothing God damn it nothing what the hell is going on here I think this experiment went phenomenally well because the thing is when you're in the middle of a conversation with people they're not contextualized to people just disappearing in the middle of the conversation so no one's expecting it no one is expecting it so much that Nico not expecting it right now [Music] [Music] laughs oh man I the moment Jake started talking to camera I was like he's gone Jake's dipped there you have it so Nico now that you know that it's possible in a moment to disappear do you think that people would really search for Batman after what we found you know I think I think the scenes in Batman are like half true actually there's definitely a little bit of like elaboration to them but there's some truth I think I think in reality a lot of people are just like oh a little annoyed that Batman would just leave when they're talking and definitely some people would be like Batman I gotta get props though because your disappearing act was really good in almost every single one of these so I guess people just take it as kind of a rude way to end a conversation Batman would say it's mysterious and it upholds his legacy as The Dark Knight but if there's any other tropes from movies that you guys want to see us put to the test with some of our cinematic science experiments uh let us know in the comments down below we'll give them a shot I think the evidence speaks for itself let us know what you think because clearly oh I mean what do you think Nico you know I think you make some really good points there oh you just got
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 2,993,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: batman, DC, marvel, superhero, vanishing, trick, act, disappearing, magic, magic trick, funny, new, trailer, the dark knight, harvey dent, commissioner Gordon, christian bale, christopher nolan, vfx
Id: 3jzKtAqN5e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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