We Compete to Make the Most SATISFYING CGi

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The first one at the beginning? It's their " dobe in this bitch" song which they haven't actually released. They've been using it a lot in songs for b round music though so maybe they may release it soon... Maybe on the website

Longest version I found was at 18:35 in this video https://youtu.be/TBoxkc0-zwk

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BeerHR 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
what makes something satisfying what if we each just took a few days to make the most satisfying render we could possibly think of one of these fine gentlemen is gonna get this computer if they win this challenge thanks to simply say for sponsoring this video stick around to find out how you can get this award-winning home security system tactical three loads is done we just spent the last few weeks working on visual effects for it so we're a little burnt out from doing effects so i think it's time to kind of redirect our energy towards something a little bit more satisfying i was i was watching some like really satisfying simulations on instagram and i realized you know what now is the perfect time for us to try that so we're going to be kind of like figuring out today what exactly we want to simulate and how we make it satisfying first off what makes something satisfying what's the best of the last month what the heck oh my god that's just terrifying is something satisfying if it's all so creepy well that's personal you know ooh nice i like that it's pretty sweet oh and it loops it looks see that's another thing i think a good gif needs to perfectly loop yeah agreed agree 100 so rule number one it has to loop yes yes see that's satisfying that's satisfying i think that actually is another thing that goes into the satisfaction is like it looks extremely real it looks like you can touch it and like the more you can like taste it and touch it the better dude it's like visual asmr it is 100 here here we're starting to get this is starting to get there [Music] whoa this is this is peak yeah this is top notch right here oh that's satisfying the motion is satisfying here because it always just barely lines up perfectly it has everything it's that perfect fit it's looping the colors and the design is really well done it feels like i can touch it it's rendered very well it's lit very well this is what i'm trying to emulate here with my render there's so many different things we could simulate here like what are you guys i am gonna do something food related oh you are nice okay okay i'm probably gonna do a smoke simulation ooh because i've started messing around with this program called ambergen i definitely want to do a japanese themed wooden something hearing the sound of like hollow bamboo going against each other and like i feel like half of this is going to be in the sound design oh here's a challenge we all have to do sound design but we're not allowed to use any sound effects only our mouth i'm going to accept your challenge it's a great idea and it's a way for me to make my render feel more tangible for smoke i'm just gonna like blow into the mic like uh puget like rushed a call yesterday with me and jake and said hey nvidia really wants to work with us they're like do you guys know these guys named cordo digital they wanted puget to make a fully custom system integrated with their new rtx 3090. it's going to be a cg vfx wizard computer i don't want the 39 computers are going to go to wren or peter so it could be the prize for this uh competition here this is not supposed to be the stakes for this video peter is ready to be uncaged and unleashed on this tournament right now yeah if i win i get to decide who gets it because i'm already set up with a nice system i have the power to choose between ren or peter so normally when we do these runner challenges we only have a small amount of time no no not today we're going to put all of our effort to make sure that we can do the best that we can do so we will take the rest of this week to work on our renders and at the end of it samunika will judge them to see which ones are the most satisfactory 2020 has been a year of non-satisfying events and we are here to end that damn damn damn with everybody kind of at home the studio is a little emptier than usual which obviously is less secure because there's less people to see what's happening so simply safe they sent us a bunch of cool gadgets to set up our studio security system so i'm going to grab rin and we're going to set some of this stuff up oh wait is this the new security thing simply safe is an incredibly effective reliable home security that will make your home safe you just order it online over the phone and it's delivered right to your home and you set everything up yourself in under an hour really all you got to do you simply plug this thing in and set this up and you can program all of your sensors this is actually really cool it's a microphone but not just any microphone a fancy one that specifically detects the frequency of shattering glass if you manually hear something going on they also have this panic button you hold that down well and if i don't punch in the pin in a certain amount of time that i get to set they will call the police they've got sensors to cover every window room and door plus lots of great extras like water sensors temperature sensors and hd cameras we need the flood warning one for the bathtub it's all really easy to use and you get around the clock protections for just 50 cents a day with no contracts we've set up all the gadgets myself and especially jake because all the way in texas is gonna have a little bit more peace of mind knowing that we are fully secured with a studio security system if you want to step up your home security check out simply safe at simplisafe.com corridor crew link in the description below to check it out statues of the gods this must be their garden all right so i've been playing a ton of ghosts of tsushima and i'm totally obsessed i mean i just i love the japanese culture been there twice the looping animation to me is very peaceful it's very zen so i went with a little zen garden experience a looping infinite circle this represents a whole lot of things but in my case it just represents life and death creation and destruction there's a whole lot of stuff going on with that but basically when i'm putting together this japanese zen garden i am trying to gather as many like references as possible so that i can model all this stuff by hand in c4d from scratch so i have an idea for my render basically i want to make this box about yay big and on it it says perfect breakfast and it unfolds into a tiny factory that's sole purpose is to make the perfect breakfast the reason i want to do this is because back when i lived in san francisco me and the old ball and chain would be eating breakfast and we would we would always make this toast with cream cheese and oregano and tomato so i want to make a render that's satisfying auditorially in the tactile sense and emotionally because isn't that what it's all about hey buddy come here who's a good boy gizmo all right i'm here and the idea that i've come up with to do is to basically 3d scan my head and have like my nostrils or my eyeballs or my mouth or something emits smoke and it's going to be cold smoke so it actually falls rather than rises that's not all i'm going to do i'm going to try to actually stick my head in the ground a little bit so that i have a bit of a static scene for the smoke to interact with the way i'm making this food in the render is i'm actually using a process called photogrammetry which is taking a camera and orbiting around an object while taking photos and then you feed these photos to a software in the computer which calculates the position of the camera and then finds common points in the photos and reconstructs the geometry based on those points so that's what i did for the toast i did one scan of just the toast and then one scan of the toast with cream cheese on it and then one scan of the toast with cream cheese and oregano and tomato on it and then i'm going to hopefully seamlessly blend these different 3d models together in the final render so i i've now clumped my head into the grass here my whole head and the background are just a photo frame it's still and not moving but my eyes are moving there's kind of some weird uncomfortable artifacting going on i'm already afraid that this isn't going to be a satisfying simulation because i think this is just going to kind of be a little bit of some nightmare fuel this is the uv map for my face this is the texture that wraps around the 3d model of my head like i said nightmare fuel so my goal here is to figure out how i can animate the rake here around the zen garden seamlessly what i did first was made sure that these rocks were duplicated 180 degrees onto the other side that's why i can get the perfect symmetry because camera is only going around the circle by half so 180 degrees i'm not doing a 360. once i got this right i'm going into photoshop and i'm using this render as a reference so what i'm going to do is use a brush i'm going to basically draw the perfect pattern and then i'll duplicate it onto the other side so everything on the left is an exact duplicate of what is on the right okay so it's a perfect 180 it loops seamlessly so once i have this displacement map then i can finally bring it back into cinema 4d and displace my sand anything that's gray stays where it is and anything that is darker can go down or up depending on where i choose now the last challenge i have for myself with this rake is to figure out how to get the actual rake to look like it's raking across the sand i don't want to simulate it that's going to be way too intense so what i had to do is actually animate the displacement map in after effects with just some animated masks here then i'd line that up drop it in as a displacement map in cinema 4d and it actually worked it gave a pretty nice result i thought so okay i now know how to use ember gen but first i got to take this shot into cinema 4d so that i can actually build out the scene add some geometry like my head and the fence and then i'll bring that into ambrogen where i will simulate some smoke and exactly what i will be simulating i have yet to figure out so coffee is important for making renders it's not i'm it's just a chemical dependency so the biggest challenge i'm having right now is how to actually construct this thing i feel like i need to be an engineer to do this because to make something that fits inside a box can unfold and then be a functioning factory that could realistically make its own breakfast is much more challenging than i thought it would be so kudos to the people who make these kinds of renders every other day it is 2 30 a.m i'm trying to get myself very quick managed to import some simple geometry for the fence and that 3d mesh to my head basically everywhere that's red the smoke is not going to simulate and it is going to simulate in there and what i did was i put little smoke emitters like on my nostrils in my ears and i spent the last several hours just kind of like dialing in the settings to get something that looked interesting look at that that's basically real time isn't that crazy it might be pretty cool i i'm starting to have doubts this is going to be [Music] satisfying so today i'm going into the studio to show everybody the render i was up until 3 a.m last night banging away on this thing it was way too ambitious it took way too much time man to be honest i i kind of bit off a bit more than i can chew with this thing now again i had a couple problems here in the end still i'd have to spend a few more hours with it but i just don't have the time we got to get this in and deliver it within the next like couple hours here although this video was super challenging to make it was really fun you have this idea in your head starting out and you have no idea how it's going to take shape or if it's even going to work and then you just start throwing stuff together and stuff starts working and you're like this is really satisfying so this render wasn't just satisfying to watch but manny was satisfying to make good luck to peter good luck to wren because i think i did a pretty good job here let's see what sam and nico think this was way more of a challenge than i thought it would be clint clint made it a much bigger challenge for himself because he decided to be super ambitious about it which i can relate to i've been there why are you trying to like render out a volume at like 3 000 samples time to take a look at the render from peter [Music] swedish loop it's a whip pan you could you could have made this loop with just a little bit more effort all right this is a 9 out of 10 oz uh this is definitely a 9 out of 10. it's way beyond what i was expecting to see in this render challenge also the amount of detail is nuts uh i deduct one because honestly the loop is a cap out oh yeah that's what i'm saying nine out of ten because it doesn't loop so great i am honestly incredibly impressed peter you have come a long way with your blender abilities over the last few years remember when we did that competition a few years ago run doesn't stand a [ __ ] chance i'm gonna destroy that piece of [ __ ] all right let's check out this render oh whoa whoa that's so sick i'd say this is very satisfying unfortunately there are still several things i'd like to fix about it there's like i did like the whole like grass mat technique with my neck you know but i didn't deal with my shadows my i have like this harsh shadow from my head going along the ground okay i noticed the hard line across the grass you'd need a little bit of displacement in there to just you know offset that shadow a little bit or even photoshop just well i gave this uh eight out of ten booze because a happy halloween rent look as far as a satisfying render goes i give it a 5 out of 10. whoa i'm sorry i don't mean to go real hard to you as far as like a technical render goes it's like a 7 out of 10. obviously the theme is not satisfying whatsoever the smoke puffs out satisfyingly it's very very clean it's like for as far as renders go like it's very high res it's very clean but i also will point out it is a flawless loop i did notice that your smoke continues and snooping smoke is tricky i wonder what clint's got because currently peter's in a heavy lead heavy lead is heavily pretty heavy lead i want to point out that i held to the initial rules i have a flawless loop i have sound design from my mouth clint i was like blowing into the mic i was like nice how much sound did you produce from your mouth clint you broke i forgot i forgot i forgot i'm gonna accept your challenge well it wasn't a requirement but it was like it was a bonus environment we all agreed to do all of the sound design using just our mouths it was a rule for the challenge clint totally broke the rules he should be disqualified i didn't check a box all right i didn't break a rule no wait wait a second puget heard her making satisfying renders and they'll need us some satisfaction so they gave us a new computer with a 30 90 in it this literally just came in right now that is the computer we talked about here too one of these fine gentlemen is gonna get this computer if they win this challenge god dang it i bit off way more than i get you on this one uh stop this is how each one starts everyone's like oh i just want socks i'm gonna render it at 7 20 by 404. delete it oh my god you [Music] no it doesn't loop on your hush me [Applause] that's a good loop how does this brush does it go through this rock here yeah oh yeah i saw it i made everything everything's from by hand except for obviously the mega scans i do have one question though yeah if i'm not mistaken one of the requirements was make the sounds with your mouth so if you could demonstrate the babbling brook for us the batman book first all right ready so that's the brook all right and the uh the big bell sounded so rich [Music] okay thank you uh that's all i needed thank you clint this is really good yeah that's super cool man i think sam and i are going to need to deliberate privately okay here let's deliberate right here just out at your side all right so cleanse is really good and arguably had all the elements of a satisfying render but it was really noisy to the point where it's flickery clint had a really good one but it looks like he was like about a day behind on getting it done render was rushed it's super grainy kind of looks like a cinematic from like a 90s game satisfying though but not as satisfying as peters [Music] three of you delivered some excellent renders today some of them were complicated some of them were technical achievements some of them had immense satisfaction with incredible loops but only one could be a winner that must inform you yeah yeah it's peter you guys are all great you're still all great we still love you all can i have your old computer peter that's my seat now son congratulations thank you i have the fattest head huge man listen i'm very used to losing so this is fine what i initially wanted to do was far more ambitious than i knew i was capable of and so i listened to myself to not do the more ambitious thing how many times have you learned this lesson i don't learn it that's the thing i don't learn this lesson dude i want to make these awesome things that i see in my head i i could have smoothed out some edges if i had scaled back a little bit but dude honestly same i bit off so much more than i could chew it's always just analyzing how much you want to die per project because i could have worked on this for a month but being like brought back down to a week made me crunch so hard and i thought i was going to be able to do so much more than i was and i always am learning this lesson of finding off more than i can chew and regretting it but then having something i'm happy with so it's just that balance it can always be better but you gotta find the point at where it's like good enough and still awesome while still not taking all your time so you can move on come here baby
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 2,250,749
Rating: 4.9448299 out of 5
Id: xCY8vw04f3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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