I Made A Giant Krabby Patty (ft. Babish Culinary Universe) • Tasty

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hello i'm alvin welcome back to tasty's making big the show where i make giant food for my friends one thing i've always wanted to make on this show was the krabby patty so my friend andrew ray who you guys might be familiar with is the creator of the babish kleiner universe he sent me a challenge video so let's take a look alvin andrew here from binging with babish you know who i am you've been here in my house i hear you're back to your old tricks again making gigantic food and whatnot and i'd like to challenge you to make a giant version of one of the most popular recipes of all time from my show the krabby patty now i maintain that the secret ingredient in the krabby patty is nothing they have a burger that creates its own viral marketing campaign the krabby patty is an enigma so to make something satisfactory for our audience we gotta just try and load it up with as many underseat mommy ingredients as possibly maybe grind the umami ingredients into the beef and nobody really knows what's in the krabby patty the only thing i know it's not in the krabby patty is crab because it'd be kind of up right it'd be good to have mr crab serving burgers made from crab that's barbaric so load it up make it big i can't wait to see it well andrew had a lot of great things to say i think we're going to start with making the bun so this is actually a recipe by the great joshua weissman this is his burger bun recipe check them out all right so i put some yeast and sugar in some milk let the yeast get nice and bubbly yeast will start to grow up right before our very eyes they grow up so fast don't they that's what my mom used to say she's she's still said she's here she still says that while that's going i'm going to make what's called a tangjong it's essentially a milk bread inspired recipe so i'm putting in milk some flour and some water gonna give that a nice stir essentially this kind of makes like a milky roux kind of situation it's gonna give the bread some really nice textures so this mixture is getting kind of thick as you can see it's like a very milky paste but i think this is good to go all right i'm bringing in todd so we have our good friend todd back in the fray in a bowl red flower don't spill stop spilling alvin classic salt and this very dangerously bubbly yeast mixture all right and you go and we're gonna go slow all right this dough is coming together i'm gonna put in the the flour paste i'm gonna go in with the eggs there we go this is a stiff dough well as you can see i'm bracing this mixer with my entire body he seems to be having a very very difficult time oh he's working hard i'm gonna add in the butter we're gonna turn the speed to low and he shut off we're gonna give him a little break todd's pissed he's very hot let him cool down a bit and then you know we'll talk because we can't resolve these problems right now and now we're going to slowly add in butter i think he's ready for some more butter all right no more butter there you go okay last bit here we go again i hope this table doesn't break i'm gonna call this done just because uh this is very hot but i think we can make our bun into this bowl all right get out of there hey i should stop doing that do that too much actually give this guy a nice flip and i think we're good this dough baby gonna take a nice nap and then we're gonna keep making the crab patty well it seems like my dough has gotten quite large kinda looks like me after a big meal time to punch it down [Music] anyways this comes out onto the board i'm trying to get this roughly all patched up into a ball shape so then i can turn it over this is a beautiful dough baby we're gonna get him into this ring just a warning this is not how you handle babies don't do this okay here we go to the oven so as andrew specifically mentioned in his challenge video the secret ingredient to krabby patty could either be nothing which is very smart or he also mentioned that we could do a custom powder based on things you might find in the sea so first i'm gonna put some kombu just dried seaweed or kelp into a spice grinder ah you know i feel like this makes sense you know mr krabs has a wealth of these resources about him bonito flake which is dried fish flakes some dry shiitake mushrooms and one little anchovy this is the fish that got on mr krabs bad side don't do that he he tried to steal the recipe so he became a part of the recipe wow that's dark anyways i'm gonna spice grind these now that's fun this is looking okay that's a wow look at that i'm just gonna sift this it smells very like c c seafoody like the seed smells good it's just out of my nose so the krabby patty is still a burger and based on andrew's recipe and his show he likes to make the burger from scratch which i also do as well so we have a lot of beautifully marbled short ribs and we have chuck chopped into nobody saw that chunks and semi frozen here we go put too much we're gonna do this in batches just like andrew does in his videos which is the correct way to do it i did not listen oh that's better yeah all right nice and pebbly oh that's beautiful look at that i'm very happy with this and this isn't all the beef this is just the small batch as you can see it's going to take quite a while but grinding beef so we will be back well after a lot of help from the culinary team we have 25 pounds of ground meat it is time to season andrew said putting the seafood powder directly in the meat could add that extra flavor so that's what i'm going to do go in oh look at that there we go ground pepper and salt all right i think this is going to be my workout for the day here we go oh boy here yep we'll be right back okay well this has been sufficiently mixed let's see if i can do this oh my god that's heavy let's get this guy into a nice shape i want to make sure there's no big air pockets seal this guy up i've never seen this much beef before oh except sometimes unlike you know random like twitter drama this is like the comment section right here i don't use twitter so i don't really know if that's true let's do some final seasoning i know already seasoned inside but if i make a burger i'm going to season the outside just to get a nice you know flavor salt from very up high covers it evenly and you know some pepper careful album that's a lot of pepper i think it's safe to say that this 25 pound patty is sufficiently ready and he's gonna go into the oven here we go oh my lord time to go oh god my arms are so tired [Music] i think also andrea on his show for babish makes custom tea slices so we're gonna make a custom american-ish style cheese so first i'm gonna bloom gelatin in some milk and now i'm going to heat up some milk and butter so this butter and milk nice and melted so we can move on all right bring back the whole the food processor in here it's going to dump in a lot of teas slow and steady wins the race is what a loser would say so we're just gonna yeah we're spilling that's okay okay now i'm gonna put the salt in and it's gonna quickly pulse this until calms down a bit okay and then into this milk and butter situation gelatin is nice and bloomed we're gonna get all this plop in there just so that we don't keep spilling because that seems to be the theme of this show i'm gonna pour the milk and gelatin mixture into this cup there's a high probability i'm still gonna spill no spill it's like a cheese smoothie wow yeah that's definitely cheese okay this is done look at that that's beautiful oh wow this is like a paste it smells delicious i kind of want to eat it with like nachos i'm very happy with this technique wow that's satisfying it's like frosting a cake except there's no cake it's a burger all right well up yeah here we have it a giant cheese slice this is gonna go chill in the fridge so the gelatin can set and then i think we are going to start assembling i really hope andrew's excited for this because just look at this man well well well seems like we have a very large burger bun wow look at this dude let's carefully wiggle wiggle wiggle nice all right this is wild okay here we go oh it's very soft all right just some trimming on the bun as all good burgers the buns should be toasted because they don't have a toaster this big i'm just gonna do it this way some melted butter crush that on and we're gonna toast it i'm not sure if a krabby patty's buns are toasted maybe they can't toast it because they're underwater although that logic would kind of invalidate the whole restaurant idea i also don't know where they would get butter there are no cows then again i guess there's no beef so then they can't we're not really using logic on this show today we're just making giant food and having a good time well i have a heat gun and a dream takes quite a while to toast the bun with the heat gun so i'm going to be here for quite a while [Music] so uh with the help of my teammates this uh bun is now successfully toasted it smells incredible highly recommend toasting your buns anyways this right here is the cheese slice i'm gonna remove it patty's almost done cheese is here i think it's time to make a krabby patty so you might be wondering what is under this delicately blanketed packages and well i don't know why i'm talking like this it's the patty it's been baking for like an hour and a half it's time to finally see what we got dang that's a big patty and then now the big question is alvin how are you gonna get this patty onto the bun but i found a tool more like a weapon here we go so juicy i love it it means there's a lot of flavor oh boy i don't know if i'm physically strong enough to do this to be quite honest i don't know if these spatulas are either i have two hands three spatulas how's this gonna work i have no clue but we will try oh my god it's so heavy wow i think it's time to put on the cheese slice oh this is soft i might have to like completely flip this over fingers crossed i guess all right one two three whoa well the cheese is on i guess well we have our condiments laid out we have pickles lettuce tomatoes onions ketchup um with some msg for that umami flavor and miso mustard i want to see if i can get the cheese to melt a little bit smells so good all right we'll just do the lettuce then we're gonna do tomatoes next now i'm going to put the onions all right pickles last two condiments some ketchup so miso mustard all right the bun is going on careful alvin don't mess this up i think this is it this is a it's like a 40 pound krabby patty wow look at that okay final touch the sesame seeds gonna glue them on with a little bit of honey not sure if this will work but oh it one fell already that's okay ah nice one skilled dollop stick he stick since i'm doing these all by hand i may be here for quite a while so final touches and then andrew should be here and well our special guest is here welcome back to the tasty studio andrew thanks for having me dude so you sent me that video in the morning and uh we spent the day making a giant krabby patty you know follow the instructions i'm very excited to see what you made man i've never been made big before all right well without further ado one two three take a look holy sh look at the size of that what are the sesame seeds they're the little pieces of white bread that i cut out because they don't grow them like that um the beef is your recipe also from your basics burger episode it was 25 pounds of meat like no kidding jesus most expensive episode we've done oh the burger has the seafood powder so bonito kelp dried anchovy shiitake we kind of made that but yeah lettuce tomatoes onions just like mr krabs says we did miso mustard like yours okay some umami ketchup did you remember the pickles always if i i would take this top off but there are pickles underneath this bun because i was about to go bubble bath on you i just got really scared for a second uh anyway do you want to actually come here and take a look we'll switch sides let's do it all right let's see what we got here may i touch it may do things to it it's technically yours how are these adhered a little bit of honey nice yeah how do i eat would you like me to cut you a slice i think we should get a cross section of this thing godspeed alvin thank you this knife is vertical yeah that knife is not the size of that burger all right here we go let's see oh my god it's properly cooked i don't believe it look at that look at that it's like what medium rare ish that's a that's a solid medium to medium row which is astonishing considering the size of that burger let's eat some yeah would you like this hat thank you oh i get my own half what i'm going to do is i'm going to try to assemble myself like an actual bite yeah me too tomato lettuce i'm just making sure i have all the horses i respect that please there we go all right i got myself a bite here here we go well cheers cheers thank you thank you does it taste like something mr krabs would serve at his restaurant i'm gonna give that a big old giant yes just like your big old giant burger my friend that tastes like the krabby patty when i made it that's all i need to hear better even and bigger thanks for coming in andrew thanks for making this thing man this is crazy it's huge it's delicious it's a work of art it's making it big and well with that being said thank you andrew for coming in i don't know why he's frozen because he's lagging a little bit it's freeze frame freeze oh freeze frame please check out andrew's channel a lot of cool stuff uh going on there i made a video with him once that was very fun and yeah thanks for coming in we'll see you guys next time bye you
Channel: Tasty
Views: 2,167,976
Rating: 4.961019 out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, Tasty, baking, breakfast, breakfast recipes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, cooking, dessert, dinner, dinner recipes, easy breakfast recipes, easy cooking, easy recipes, eating, food, food porn, fun recipes, giant food, giant food challenge, healthy breakfast recipes, how to, how to bake, how to cook, kid-friendly, kid-friendly recipes, lunch, lunch recipes, making giant food, making it big, quarantine, quarantine recipes, social distancing, tasty, tasty recipes
Id: uL911Qp9tDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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