Trendy Vs. Traditional: Cheesecake • Tasty

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[Music] hey guys it's inca welcome back to training vs traditional where i will be making trendy interpretations of your favorite classics unfortunately my previous co-host chris lovingly known as big forehead will no longer be able to join us but that's okay he'll be right here watching over us i have found an amazingly talented roster of friends to come and join me on this journey beginning with alvin i'm alvin i'm one of the producers on tasty and i make food and what are we making today today we are making cheesecake i love cheesecake i don't eat it as often because it's so rich and heavy but i love how creamy it is it's a lot of calories that i don't want to know i'm putting in my stomach but it's really good the cheesing i'm doing today will be a little bit different i kind of have a slight hunch on what you might be making you're excited i'm very excited i'm excited i'm excited to eat yours i'm excited to go on a actual showdown with alvin and competition all right so we're gonna get started okay alvin thank you you're going first good luck yep i'll see you later thanks i'm not gonna need it you're gonna win you're what i think when you like look up or think of the word cheesecake the first thing that people think of is like new york style cheesecake it's a thick slice nice graham cracker crust i'm gonna be taking inspiration from that but adding a couple of twists because that's how i like to make my cheesecake first thing the crust graham crackers sometimes you gotta beat it down i like adding brown sugar because this tastes better than regular sugar a little bit of salt lock this down away we go so today i am actually going to be making the jiggly cheesecake from japan i feel like it is the first thing that pops to mind when people think trendy cheesecake i've had it when i was in osaka i think i waited in line for like an hour before i got my cake it's really the texture that won me over soft almost like souffle-like very jiggly that's what i'm going to try and aim for today starting with some cake pans you actually bake it in a water bath which just means i'm going to be filling up this pan with a little bit of water and then we're going to bake it like so it allows there to be more moisture when you're baking it in the oven and it's really important if you don't want your cheesecake to crack and for this one you really really really do want that smooth top i am going to fill this with water now and pop it in the oven okay so the texture i like to look for is pretty fine there's no huge lumps in there this is melted butter makes it come all together it's looking like wet sand oh it smells good though springform pan dump this all in squishing it down with a measuring cup because it's really satisfying i like graham crackers you actually know it's invented to not taste good someone could look this up but somehow everybody used it for like the best tasting things that's smooth i'm gonna go bake this now i'm gonna start off by actually melting down a couple of things we have a little bit of cream cheese then we're going to put in some butter butter is always good a little bit of milk whole milk for desserts the more fat the better right now it's super lumpy very chunky we just want to melt it down until it's all together you don't want it to boil i'm actually going to leave this to a side and get cracking many eggs we're just going to separate the egg whites from the egg yolks these eggs are the only thing that are going to give our cheesecake volume so don't want to mess that up this is a lot of cream cheese it's it's a lot i use more than a lot of people might say i softened this by putting it in the microwave add my sugar it saves a lot of our muscles sugar and cream cheese all coming together no problems no lumps you don't have to be this violent but you know i just want my stuff to come out faster i'm actually kind of getting all the sides you remember how i said how this is supposed to save you arm muscle and tiredness i just realized i'm getting pretty tired right now i think it's worth it check back in like five minutes i might have a different answer for you guys hello cream cheese and butter smells like yogurt like hot yogurt some people says this looks like mayo i think it looks like delicious cheesecake it looks like alfredo sauce right now looking good looking good you guys see how it's now this like goopy texture take it off of the heat we want to temper the eggs a little bit you don't want to cook the eggs we're going to add the cream slowly instantly makes it a lot lighter and paler in color looks great i just want to combine this well now it just looks like a custard cheesecake in general is just a lot of mixing i'm tired it's like nice smooth almost like like a sticky pudding kind of thing we're gonna stop because i almost spilled the next ones are the wet ingredients first we do vanilla oh that definitely smells better wow it's getting warm the eggs we're slowly getting there my hand is getting tired [Music] nice i like to make it a little bit lighter so i'm going to add a little bit of sour cream you can just eat more of it which is what i like to do a lot of blending happening today i want to put in some matcha i feel like matcha is a really really popular flavor now i also love matcha a lot and so matcha jiggly cheesecake can't get any trendier than that right i'm going to start off by sifting in cake flour helpful you makes the process a little more fun get all the cornstarch in the reason i'm sifting it is just because i also don't want like lumps of flour in there now we're just combining all of it together the matcha smells so good i love matcha basically if there's a matcha anything i will buy it everything is well combined together as one this is pretty much done much better probably eat this right now if you wanted but it's probably not a good idea this is the crust it's been cooling it smells really good there's some bubbles and potentially some small lumps and that's okay because we're going to solve all these problems with a sieve may i have some help with the sieve please thank you man i wish life was this easy to get all this stuff in here i shall take it from here i don't like lumps in my cheesecake i don't think anybody does i made any mistakes while making it i just do this most important thing is that it's silky smooth so better to be safe than sorry you know that is pretty much it more for me there might be some more bubbles so we're just gonna okay we're gonna bake this so now we move on to making the meringue mixture i have my egg whites here and some sugar we just want to make this fluffy this is also the most time consuming part you gotta do it where are we at soft peak stage beautiful egg whites i'm just going to add a little bit in first make sure they're integrated you can feel the air we can start folding in the meringue mixture gotta be gentle putting the rest of it in i think it's looking pretty good i think we're there don't mess with it anymore then you have to this is okay i got some parchment paper we're just lining the bottom the heavy bowl yay tapping the bubbles out so make sure smooth out need to put this in the oven asap be right back we have four different cooking temperatures and four different cooking times we're gonna start with low heat go up to high heat go back to low heat and then go finish off with high heat because low heat can cook it without making it crack on top and then high heat will help it rise and give it color hopefully next time when you guys see me i have a cake that has fully risen and is not undercooked the cheesecake has been in for a while it's pretty much fully cooked smooth no cracks the last step i like to do is a little sour cream topping sour cream sugar and a little bit of vanilla put it all together a lot of creamy stuff today sounds like mac and cheese again it's basically like putting another cheesecake on cheesecake my favorite part is when you put it on look at this look at that look at those ribbons what happens to the michelin man when he retires and this looks like it's going pretty well we're gonna put this back in the oven literally for like five minutes and then after that it's gonna take a nap in the fridge good thing i made one yesterday i also made a strawberry topping because i like strawberries and cheesecake so very excited to eat this gotta be careful though okay the cake is done it looks like this right now we just need to be like be really quick if i do a little tap tap it comes off easily i'm like panicking basically what i'm gonna try and do is flip it over my history of flipping things isn't very good okay we flipped it smells good i'm gonna peel this layer off [Music] now for flip number two i'm really nervous the last time i tried to do it it fell off so i don't trust myself what i do what i do what i do what i do what i do here okay it's very soft it's pretty good pat pat tap tap jiggle jiggle wobble wobble wibble it passed the jiggle test so i think we're good now we're gonna move on to final plating yay [Music] okay alvin you ready i am ready [Music] yours is a green pillow i would gladly sleep on you cheat and buy this from the store this looks like the gourmet stuff you get at like cheesecake factories nice work nice we have our special guest who loves cheesecakes who's gonna come in and tell us which one they like more this is catching my attention this is very red this is giving me the typical new york cheesecake this is super gorgeous it looks very fluffy oh this is quick this is thick look at the presentation oh my goodness this is pretty pretty nervous let's get all of it in one bite wow wow that's very good my parents being from brooklyn had high standards for their cheesecakes and this consistency is very on par you did that alvin thank you thank you now for the pillow oh it's really good it is so moist you can really taste the matcha they're so happy this one's real good your nails are matching as well look at this it was meant to be we both did really good oh man two very good takes on cheesecake this is hard i can't ignore my stomach the matcha cheesecake wins i love it it's so good i love the fresh take on it it was the nails wasn't it shake this thank you bye bye congratulations yeah well done this is the biggest achievement of 2020. i'm so emotional right now i was fully expecting to lose congratulations thank you thank you do this smell so good this is very good very very good thanks so much for joining me alvin thank you for having me that's it for today thank you guys for watching let me know what you want to see on 21st traditional what kind of food leave a comment below otherwise see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Tasty
Views: 1,886,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, best cheesecake, buzzfeed inga, buzzfeed tasty cheesecake, cheesecake, cheesecake recipe, creamiest cheesecake, dessert, desserts, fluffy cheesecake, homemade cheesecake, how to make cheesecake, inga and alvin, japanese, japanese cheesecake, jiggly cheesecake, matcha cheesecake, matcha jiggly cheesecake, most difficult cheesecake, most jiggly cheesecake, new york cheesecake, tasty alvin, tasty inga, traditional cheesecake, trendy cheesecake, trendy vs traditional
Id: fXkpK1bRWw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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