I Made A Giant 25-Pound McGriddle

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- Ooh sausage! (crew person laughs) Oh (beep) we're rolling. (upbeat horn music) Welcome back to Tasty's Making It Big. I'm Alvin and I make large versions of some of America's most beloved foods. And today we are going to be making a huge version of the classic McDonald's McGriddle. I actually grew up never eating one of these, I was given hash browns and orange juice by my parents because they were healthier, they said. That's definitely not true! You know how much fat is in those things? I'm going to relive my childhood nostalgia or lack thereof by making a large McGriddle! Enough said, let's get started. (jazzy bass music) As I've been told, a McGriddle starts with a pancake like bun, so we're going to make giant pancake. This may or may not be the same way that they do make it at the golden arches, if they do let me know, I'm actually curious of how they're made. (forcefully whisking liquids) Milk and I'm spilling, good job, dude. Flour, baking soda, sugar and salt and golden whisk for the golden arches. Good one, Alvin. (upbeat jazz music) Don't want too many lumps in here. (wet ingredients slopping together) Whoo! All right, let's get in this butter. Double whisk, double whisk. (laughs) It's like rubbing your belly and patting your head. I can do that actually. Good job. (audience clapping) I wonder if there's like a life scenario in which that'll actually come in handy. I don't know, maybe like squid game or something like that. Batter's looking good. Nice and battered. (metal whisks clanging on metal bowl) And this is going into quite a large pancake pan, it's over there, see you guys like 20 feet from here. So I forgot to add something. The McGriddle apparently has a lot of syrup infused into the bun. That's pretty, man, probably just poured in like $30 into this bun right here. I've been informed that this batter is the same amount of batter used to make around 60 pancakes, and this is only one of the buns, so this McGriddle is gonna be approximately 120 times the size of a normal one! (laughs) In here we have quite a large pan, pancakes should go in a hot pan, this has been roughly preheated. Yeah, there we go, nice sizzle. That's good, that's good! Grandpa told me, try not to waste, so I won't. Do my best grandpa. Back in you go, dude, this will cook until it's ready. I'm going to make a big sausage thing now! (upbeat jazzy bass) What is under this bowl, you might ask? Well, we have approximately 20 pounds of ground pork. This is a lot of meat and we're going to make the sausage out of this and to do this, we're going to need a lot of seasoning. Lots of seasonings, garlic, onion powder, ground sage, thyme, a lot of thyme, salt, pepper and brown sugar. Honestly, I think sugar and savory foods are underrated and often missed, but they can make the big difference between what tastes really good and what tastes just okay. Just like salt in desserts is also quite underrated. This is probably also why the McGriddle tastes great because there's syrup in the bun, there's sugar in the patty, there's probably sugar in a lot of other things as well. So ground pork, the one we have, has a good amount of fat content and that's one of the reasons why sausage tastes good, but this sausage is as mixed as it can. Honestly, it does smell good. All right, we gotta get you into our big cake pan. Do not handle your newborn like this. (meat slaps onto pan) (baby cries) Yeah, definitely don't handle your newborn like this. (exaggerated grunting) Who needs a rumble when you got this? Fun fact, I'm actually pretty good at giving massages because growing up my parents would always ask me to give them a massage at the end of the day, because they were tired and overtime I got quite good at knowing how to massage correctly. Some people think, "Oh, you just?" (exaggerated pounding) No, you can't do that. You actually have to go like this and you don't make your fingers firm, you have to let your fingers be loose. And a massage is more than just doing this, you got to do it the right way, because if you hit the wrong spots, it hurts! So I'm giving this sausage patty a little bit of massage. All right, into the oven we go! (pained grunt) Oh, it's heavy! Somebody order a pizza? Whoo! Oh, what's up, you little pancake? Here you have a buddy to keep you company in that oven. Oh man, it's looking good. All right, peace out. Have a good time, be friends. (upbeat jazz music) A McGriddle has signature fluffy egg square, and we are going to make the same exact thing, but big. So 24 eggs gonna get destroyed! (immersion blender whirring) Die! Die you yolks! (energetic heavy metal music) (beep) Ooh, that was fun. Heavy cream, make it fluffy, and salt. One more time into this machine of death! (immersion blender whirring) I like this. Oh, all right, thank you! Honestly, one of the most underrated tools in the kitchen the immersion blender solves a lot of problems, turns them into smooth solutions. Into a tray, this is 24 eggs, we're gonna be making two of these because, well this is not making it average, (upbeat horn music) gotta make it big! Into some parchment, make my life easier for the removal. Into the oven we go, yet again! (upbeat jazz music) So, the fourth and final component that we have for our McGriddle today is the giant cheese slice. It could be easy to throw cheese slices on top of the thing and call it a day, but this isn't, you know, Making It Lazy. (upbeat horn music) So we're going to make our own version of an American cheese slice, and that starts with gelatin and milk, getting bloomed here. You might recall this technique being used from the previous season where we made a giant Krabby Patty. And if you did, you would be right, 10 points to you. While the gelatin blooms, we're going to heat up some milk and some butter. This is a nice glass, where'd you get this glass? This glass may or may not disappear within the course of the next three days. Some butter, in goes the gelatin-bloomed mixture. I believe I've seen this method used on other websites and people that are really good with food, such as Serious Eats, J. Kenji López-Alt. Really cool technique to make you own American style cheese with other cheeses, which makes a lot of sense, and I like burgers, so if I wanted to make a fancy burger, I'll probably do this. This is more cheddar than I have in my bank account, that's okay, we'll talk about that later. (metal tool tapping against glass) Some salt. (blender whirring) I'm very prone to spilling, so we're going to actually not do something stupid! We'll make the smart decision. (countdown timer ticking) (blender whirs) (plastic snaps) Oh! No, it's good, I'll go the other way. As you can see, I'm very prone to spilling. Yeah. (machine mixing liquids) That's a sound! I'll get in there and scrape down the sides real quick. Ooh! That's looking nice, you guys see that? (small laugh) I'll scrape down the side. That is satisfying, wow! Now gotta get it on to here. Look at that, that's some thick, smooth cheese! You guys ever heard of Velveeta? Or the nacho cheese you get at the bowling alley with your chips? Those are good. Spread this guy. Ooh, ooh! That's nice. Ooh, that's nice, I like that a lot. Oh, so smooth! Damn! It's like frosting a cake, but there's no cake, frosting is cheese, so it's actually not like frosting a cake at all, it's just really satisfying to do. It's also kind of like a race against time because you've got to get it before the cheese starts to set, but it's feeling pretty good, looking really good! Whoo! All right, I'm gonna call it. This is gonna be our large cheese slice. And this is going in to the fridge. (upbeat jazz music) (Alvin pained grunting) I think it's time we can build this giant McGriddle. We got a bun, we got a patty, and we have two sheets of eggs, two sheets of cheese, with a little alley-oop from the culinary team, I think it's time we build. Let's see how this bun looks like. Wait (scoffs) it's going to flip and it's going to hit me in the face. Here we go. (laughs) Hold on, my brain can't work right now. (pan slamming onto cutting board) Whoo! Ooh, that's a nice one. Look at that, it's all shiny and nice. Okay, so this'll be our top bun. (energetic jazz music) All right, no bun crackage, that's all good. So you got to get the cheese slices out. Let's give a little trim first. Now let's get this guy on there. There we go, now that's a cheese slice! (chuckles) Okay, this is a heat gun, it helps melt things on this show. (heat gun fan blowing) Ooh, that's hot. We'll be right back. (laughs) (triumphant horn music) It's getting a little melty! (exaggerated sniffing) It does smell good. I'm also counting on the heat from this patty to continue melting it, so here we go. Whoo! Oh boy, time for the eggs. Whoo! That's one, this is two. Oh man, that's pretty cool. All right, and the final shiny top bun. I got it, yeah. This is sturdy, nice! Ooh, that's a McGriddle! (laughs) While McDonald's seems to have their signature on every single McGriddle, well, you know, I like to put my name on things, so I want to see if we can dot in a little A. Get nice pattern going it. Look at that, that's an A, or that's a line. Oh, this is going to be delicious. Look how much syrup we're putting in this thing. Nobody tell my doctor. Just kidding, he'll going to see the video. Oh, you could see it in the top down! Let's go! This is not a Mc-Griddle, this is A-Griddle, 'cause there's A on it! This is a normal McGriddle, this is A-Griddle. As you can see, there's quite a big size difference. Okay, let's bisect this guy and see what we've got. Here we go, straight down the middle. (exaggerated huffing) Whoo! Oh, heck yeah. Pardon me while I don my protective measures, and here we go! Whoo! That cross section! A double egg layer, some nicely cooked sausage, still juicy, and the cheese! That's pretty cool. All right, I'll take a honorary wedge. One slice is bigger than the whole thing. Cheers. Okay, I'm gonna have to eat this in like three bites to get all the flavor. (whimsical string music) (speaking with mouthful) Better than I thought! I think the key to this whole thing is the syrup. The syrup is what makes it taste and smell like what I think this tastes like. Wait, I haven't had this one, hold on. (laughs) It's like the same thing, but big! Also take a little wedge of this. Let's see. (speaking with mouthful) This tastes so similar! This is the same thing. That's really cool! (energetic horn music) Good job, Alvin. Well, that was quite fun. It's a good thing that I do like eating what I make, because it seems like I'll be having lunch, breakfast and dinner for quite a long time. I can feel all the sugar getting to my blood vessels and I haven't had this much sugar in quite a while, so I'm going to go and maybe run it off. I'll see you guys in the next episode, peace! (energetic horn music swells)
Channel: Tasty
Views: 1,273,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, McDonalds, alvin zhou, american, batter, breakfast, cheese, classic, eggs, english, fast food, giant, golden arches, ground pork, junk food, making it big, mcdonald's, mcgriddle, muffin, pancake, sandwich, sausage
Id: 7lkER9Qi-tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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