Cooking Challenge Against A Master Sushi Chef

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here's a fine dining experience puts me in a spot where everything that we make on this channel i vastly understand so why don't we put myself in a place where i don't and i compete with an expert [Music] this is damon hello yes uh good friend of mine i've worked with him for many years he's a trained sushi expert okay he understands sushi in out upside down all around done right can we agree with that for the most yep what was that that's how you make the gear the more you move your arms the better it comes out is that true expert we actually worked in the same restaurant for a while together and i never came to the sushi bar but i watched him do his thing all right i've always wanted to go up there and do something so now we're here now we're doing it he's gonna run me through the entire process and i'm gonna challenge him the best of my ability to keep up with him and see if you know there's a good chance that i'll win i think potentially maybe not a good chance what do we think that percentage is editor of the day ah that looks pretty good i understand what's going on sushi requires a lot of attention to detail there's multiple layers it's about the rice that's the most important element it's about the fish the way you cut it the quality of the fish there are so many different elements people don't get it get it in your brain this takes time we want to show it the respect that it deserves and damon's going to be our shepherd my sushi mommy gonna give you a good spanking so damon first step please the most important element can you walk us through the rice absolutely follow me howdy y'all we're about to make some sushi rice i've got five quarts first thing we have to do is rinse all the starch off this is the rice nut we're going to be using to make sure the rice doesn't stick to the bottom of the cooker here we get about three wrenches off of this guy the first wrench is always the starchiest we're gonna use this almost as like our strainer here gonna lift that up and dump this old water out all the white stuff has to go away number two the goal is to have it under water for between seven to ten minutes so with each rinse we get lighter softer and softer like a soft ocean breeze number two all right we got our third rinse coming here easy kind of like a sunday morning you can see now that the water is almost see-through it's not milky milky cocoa puff anymore now what we're going to do is we're going to let this sit for about 10-15 minutes it's called a hungarian take that sushi rice once it's fully cooked put it inside of here we take a sushi vinegar which is rice wine vinegar heat it up seeped with kombu seaweed and then salt and sugar mixed into it for seasoning pour the sushi rice over and we cut the vinegar into the rice not only does that season but it also allows the rice to be separated so that it is equally malleable when we actually go to make the sushi this is the wooden spoon that we use to spain all these sushi chips and make bad sushi rice all that water has now soaked up you can't feel it through the screen but you can at least see how dry the granules are when it turns to powder take my breath away it right in i'm going to add a little more water than i normally would to accommodate for the humidity outside we're gonna add it on in if the water gets past my middle knuckle i know that i have more water than i usually need and you can see that water is right before my knuckle now unfortunately because i only actually need one quart of sushi rice i can't show you the cutting process but here's the video of josh doing wow josh great job okay so how'd it go did you pick it up no look at that here i am big ass tub of right yeah that's what you think but it's oh yeah rice is done what's next fish fish this is a fish did you know that i had no idea actually well you can tell it's a fish because of the way that it is this is a hawaiian amberjack it's a hawaiian what amberjack i really enjoy this fish i thought you said you'd only broken it down three times well i have but it's really similar to a lot of why don't we choose a fish that you've only broken down three times to break down on camera i don't know man we're just gonna go for it bud watch for these barbs because they it has poisson in it poison poison the french foison is fish in french poison in french it's it's fish back check on that thank you i thought you were supposed to be the expert not in french are you ready why don't you stand over here why so you can see better who's training oh my god now when it comes to sushi every bit of this fish counts so we want to try to get as much as possible first incision is going to be at a slight angle okay make that cut and we're going to follow it all the way down the bottom and now i'm just riding that that bone up until i get to the spine here but over you'll break through the bone if your knife is too sharp i'm actually going to start at the bottom a push cut at an angle right and then i flatten out take your towel you hold and you ride right up the spot come back cut through the bottom and you have a beautifully played fish i missed a little bit right here let's get a little nervous all right you're up are you left-handed i am left i had no idea that you were left-handed really till today that's why i'm so funny how's that correlate well i'm funny honey just drag the knife all the way down just one nice slice terrible wow now you flatten the knife tilt it this way okay remember let the knife do the work yeah you're doing really bad try to feel that bone oh okay i hear it do you want to feel the spine without feeling like you're cutting through the spine yeah you hear that you hear that uh-huh oh you are cutting a little bit through the spine a little bit yeah well you're cutting a little bit this way it's it's caught on it all right mommy's got you dude it's really not that bad it's not terrible it's it's better than anticipated this is what i do when i mess up a fish a little bit scrape it out so it looks like i did a really good job and i'm like wow there's like no meat so we learned how to break down fish wasn't as hard as i thought but at the same time i think it's like one of those things where it's repetition repetition repetition and then you finally get it that's not about right so moving on we're gonna go into makimono we're making one makimoto and two nigiri so three things total god this is gonna be a long day roasted seaweed these are wooden cutting boards these are old-school oh really it's actually made out of cardboard they replace them every day sanitary purposes the reason we don't use a dry board is because when you try to apply the rice to the nori it's gonna slide all around your board get your hands damp a little moist collection of water all over you stay moist grow up go goose egg size of rice the less you touch the rice the less it will stick to your hand beautiful wow oh and you're gonna very lightly press this around your nori until you have a nice even coating of rice okay you want to leave a little lip up here and i'll explain that why later sesame seeds a little shake and the old fliparoo cucumber you want to build from the center you want all your ingredients to be consistent all the way through that way every cut is going to have the exact same amount right every bite tastes the same i'm going to take our tuna right along these your hands are like water moving on there avocado this is the hard part when you go to roll place it onto that avocado you tuck everything in and you want this rice to meet up with the end of this nori so you want to check make sure everything's stuck jesus wow if you don't want anything on the outside you press it right now make it look uniform turn it into a square a house a house it's like flat bottom apple bottom jeans boots with a fur that now i get it if you want something on the outside you don't press the rest okay because right now it's going to be able to catch these beautiful i don't know who made these i would literally sleep on these press on the top press on the sides by pressing in pressing down boom you're gonna roll it forward form that side and then voila get your knife a little bit wet wet knife keeps it from sticking exactly you want a much more of a slicing motion rather than either a push down or a sawing back and forth you cut in half amazing you must memorize what size the piece needs to be like i have done two three i'm going to trim trim at the end and then let's see how well i did wow look at that what's that all right now you remember that little do you have this avocado here no okay who's the teacher here [Laughter] you remember that little piece of space we left at the top of the door yes and i told you that you want rice to connect with rice yeah if you don't leave that little space what you're gonna have is a bulge of rice somewhere like this this piece didn't quite connect properly pops out into like a triangle shape right here yeah and then this one's like a beautiful circle that's what you're looking for in compass and then you transfer this over to a plate dame man i'm not recreating that what is that that's my name just looks like you went like this no i didn't do that they're so even okay so this is the crunchy tuna it's got avocado cucumber tuna and then what's this mayo jalapeno you forgot there's jalapeno in there oh there's also jalapeno that's the spicy probably should have had you explain this anyway it's okay this is a white chili aioli oh i remember this recipe yeah i've made this plenty of times i hated it i hated it out of the way let's make our nigiri let's make some of the gears we'll do fish first and then avocado it's going to look something like this you like it that thick i like it thick yeah and juicy i don't like it thick you like a juicy though i like a juicy can you just pay attention you're talking you slice just to follow it through so fluid wow follow the angle that you see here okay start at the thickness that you want you want to use the whole length of your blade yeah there you go and turn it much better i mean honestly look at these you could hardly tell the difference of these if your eyes were closed and sweat form it into a ball you want to be light okay you don't want to think about that girl who stood you up in trouble that's not how we do things around here not anymore damon you don't pick up the fish until you make the rice ball because you want to preserve the temperature of the fish and the warmness of the rice the longer it stays in your hand the hotter the fish is going to get we're going to form push it in form like this until it gets to the form that you're looking for a nice hump that's insane the ball of rice really conforms nicely to the size of the fish because initially when i first saw it i was like that's way too big this is beautiful i had no idea you started with such a small ball small balls can lead to big things next nigiri it's going to be vegetable that's a fruit this is actually a fruit all right we're going to start by wow yeah how long it took me to master that peel the avocado you've done this before right yes okay good peeled an avocado yeah you're not moving the knife you're moving the avocado conceptually that seems pretty straightforward can i give it a shot with this one yeah you got me getting the one that has like a [ __ ] broken piece on it i didn't give you anything you grabbed it right follow the shape of the avocado yeah oh well you went straight across you want to follow the avocado because you're looking for length push the avocado down ah beautiful there's your nigiri piece right there you can try to get another one uh we're going to do the same thing that we did with the dagiri only we're going to do with the rice ball move your hands a lot and what's going to happen we're going to put it right here we're going to form it into a square flip it foam and that's what we want such a vague thing to say move your hands a lot there's absolutely no point in moving your hands around i was more envisioning myself outside a walmart ringing the bells you're going to take your avocado and you're just going to place it right on top i don't like this chunk missing i was a bit peckish in english we call this a seatbelt because we're going to strap this avocado in for a ride when we fold it and place it back just like that and then boom it's done the thing that i'm noticing is like beginning to end every single movement has a purpose that holds the entire thing together basically if you skip one thing it will immediately be disassembled this is the level of consistency that's required of every single roll and you're putting these in and out day in day out not only do you never stop getting better the only way you really get better is through repetition anybody technically could make this to geary piece but somebody who's trained in it can make it look really good and they can make it really fast and it's just a matter of how fast and how good can you make it we've learned everything we need to learn let's put it to the test he's going to time himself making all of these and i'm going to time myself making all of them see if i can match his years of making the same thing over and over and over and over literally thousands of times he's got the rice he's got the nori down god you spread it so quickly he does this every single day however many how many of these you make like a hundred two hundred you know you don't have to answer that just focus on what you're doing i'd probably make when i work on the maki station i probably make at least 250 rolls a day power to guess i'm [ __ ] i oh it's that last end really determines a lot oh those are even better than your first one i just had to do a fat i don't even have a poor time oh in the nigiri sorry clean up three squeeze down elbow on it's the time the restaurant's going to be open by the time i'm done all right sure we'll see how this goes honestly when it comes to the gear making you just have to do it okay because you think about it like this that's what everybody sees what you just saw was a bunch of jargon that's what i saw when they were like just do it like this i'm gonna go for the gary first considering i don't know how to do it it'll probably take me the most one out of time yeah here we go it looks kind of like what you did and then the fish goes on and then you form it i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm doing all right we'll call we'll call that done avocado that goes right on your little seat belts it's not an ob shaking not the one kenobi style though done okay jesus christ this is broken it's a little bunch jesus the fact that you keep it from sticking to your hands is amazing this is the part where you have a lot of speed on me okay goes on i'm missing rice on a part of it that's gonna come back to bite me in the ass later tuna that's the glue cucumber come on jalapeno i feel like i'm forgetting something then you roll it into here it's not connected at all ah jeez back over that's all you did yeah just quick minimal jesus christ it's like sticking yeah i gotta wet the knife you're right [Music] all right those are really bad you tried your best bud almost twice as long and they look horrifying bring his over here yeah pretty distinct difference there these are really bad that's where the reps come in though you know you do it over and over and over at a certain speed and that accuracy is like built into your body speed it up slow it down you're gonna hit that mark every single time that's the consistency that's what makes a great sushi chef okay well i don't think i did terrible honestly i think i did a little bit better than anticipated but uh you know not great i think i could use some work damon i know you were here to hold my hand you were my mommy today uh-huh you know maybe we'll come back and do something and i'll be your mommy that'd be nice because i've never made sourdough before there's a lot of things i feel like you haven't you've been sheltered by sushi and i want to take you out of that shelter but i've never made love to a man can you walk me through that with all that being said if you enjoy this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time thank you damon we love you we appreciate you that out of here so that was fun let's just do a quick thank you to uchi houston for letting us do this in their place this beautiful restaurant my friends at high hospitality restaurant homies thank you you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 2,384,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, sushi, how to make sushi, makimono, how to make makimono, makimono recipe, nigiri recipe, how to make nigiri, easy nigiri, sushi rice, sushi rice recipe, sushi chef, master sushi chef, sushi challenge, challenge show, cooking challenge, joshua weissman makes sushi, joshua weissman challenge, break down fish, fish recipe, fast sushi chef, fast cutting, knife skills, sushi recipe, spicy tuna roll, crunch roll, avocado, avocado nigiri, nigiri
Id: mp8MZzpNqqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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