WE JOINED THE STUDENT COUNCIL - Yandere Simulator Amazing mod

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what is up guys pj mike here for years and yeah dairy simulator and i have been playing this for years i believe one of the most requested features is the ability to join the student council just imagine the ability to boss people around and to pepper spray people it's been a dream of mine and finally it's actually possible and i'm super excited to play this and this is made possible by the youtuber named paul lux so yes it is a mod but let me tell you this is actually one of the most impressive mods that i've actually seen in the game the mod is so good it feels like an update to the game it really does and because i don't play a lot of yandere simulator i definitely wanted to jump in this because it not only is it an awesome mod but it's gonna give us a challenge just like you know the original game you know for me playing this game especially when it comes to the 1980s mode it was so fun because we had all these goals and things to do you know no it's you he's like what no one's ever said that to me before also shout out to ashley for letting me know that this existed you guys think i don't read comments i read comments i read them all day that's a lie but i do read them so how do we join in the student council and get our pepper spray that's all this is really for if you think about it we just want some pepper spray to pepper spray people i'm telling you this mod has got everything we have tasks for every single student council member we have to befriend them and we can even get kicked out of the student council with its own cutscene so you know i was gonna obviously be playing this who is this and where have you been all my life so you're probably thinking uh yeah we get pepper spray but why else would we join the student council well when you join the student council you don't have to worry about intruding you're the student council you can basically do anything you want you could even be late to class but in order for us to be a part of the student council we have to be a very good student you know just get into student council for being a bad student so that means we cannot be late to class our reputation needs to be uh i don't know if it needs to be high i think it actually might i'm not sure but i think it's really awesome because if we misbehave that means we can't be a part of the student council this is a really freaking good mod so let's start the student council challenge [Music] all right so i believe the first thing we need to do is befriend all of them because we go to the debug commands which by the way i'm not going to use well it doesn't matter because i can't even activate them anyway i don't know how alright so the first thing we need to do is find a student council member i have to remember not to be late to class as well hi can i talk to you for a moment talk to me when you got them all i don't really like to say this out loud but i'm actually really into video games the psycho corporate help okay okay how are there's one problem what about this right now cost much money and i can't afford it right now yes he doesn't want to admit that he's in video games but i know the price will only get higher and higher but i feel bad for asking would you please be willing to give me a psycho dot matrix what the heck am i going to get on my game boy freaking sp that's what it looks like the release of the psycho corporation got him crazy by him the latest release of the psycho uh campagne to get on his good side what yeah whatever i'll get you video games no i thank you so much with heart what's funny is that like you asked me he's like i love video games and look look it and then he pushes me you just wait you just wait until i become part of the scooter suit accounts i'll pepper spray you okay so i'm pretty sure we just need to get enough money go to the store and buy this the the console that should be good enough which that's really cool i mean they actually created like new cutscenes and stuff too i think there's another weapon in this as well okay so i believe there's a student council member on every floor we need to go to every floor now hey you're the same guy you just asked me for a favor don't be pushing me man oh there's another one now do you really want to help me or do you just want to know if i'm into girls like you whatever i suppose you know how very close a friend wait i who what okay okay i was in the same group as okay it's too fast but he wouldn't listen to me i'm just i'm seriously worried about you so i was thinking if i could convince him maybe you can well i guess you guys got the posit uh all right at least i could read this daisuku aragaki is concerned about his former friend convinced the leader of the male delinquents to stop causing trouble at academia also he was friends with one of delinquents but then he had to become a goody two-shoes i see so obviously he can't be hanging around with the delinquents anymore interesting thank you very much i'm glad you understand my point of view i really wish i would have been able to understand what he said but you know the text is a bit fast oh i forgot we also have the female delinquents as well i totally forgot that they exist in this mode brings back the old days of yandere simulator that was fun back when they all just hang around oh ghosts we got freaking ghost jan in here i forgot about ghost chan i don't have a camera though so i don't know how to actually see her oh i think this is the leader right here can i talk to you for a moment you know how people with very low careers can instantly become well known through their country by doing an amazing task or accomplishment like stop stopping a killer i hope you understand my metaphor i'm trying to impress the headmaster but there's no killer at academy i know there must be some troublemakers on school grounds but i haven't managed to catch one red-handed yet raichi tsunami is convinced that there are troublemakers on school grounds their job is to find if there is any troublemakers and confront them thank you for lending a hand i really appreciate that i can find some troublemakers i'll cause some trouble right now so i looked at the video a little bit i think i actually know how to begin this one um troublemakers troublemakers troublemakers i think it might have something to do with this girl right here and confront yui rio wait one of my confronts you hear about troublemakers hey you rio yui rio what are you doing over here i'll have to report this to the student council is this the troublemaker what whoa get some help i wasn't gonna do anything i know you're doing trouble standing by this tree wait why is my reputation going down was i wrong uh oh is it possible to mess up so that's cool like i've never seen like that little prompt right there how do i have to witness her doing something bad is that what i have to do did i just keep confronting her no you're doing something bad again oh yeah that's making my reputation go down this is not a good start to this challenge at all i feel like i should just restart it okay so i made a mistake all right i'm restarting the day it's okay all right this is actually better because now i can find all the student council and just maybe get their tasks real quick hey i'm sorry i have a problem but i doubt you'll be able to help by juggling by your language grades whoa okay maybe if you raise your language skills up to level two at least okay so okay wait so i can't even do his task until i raise my skill right like they're actually adding some new sort of like gameplay elements right i don't think there's any other tasks in the game where we actually have our skills at a certain level unless i'm just like not remembering okay i think what we should do is join the gaming club obviously wait there is no gaming club ah it's a 1980s mode i forgot you mean i actually have to join a real club all right i think i'm missing one task okay well i do have one task where i have to confront the delinquent guy so let's do that real quick since we're already here well they listen to that bad boy music huh is it this one guess what oh wait let me guess you guys you sit here by daisuku if that if that's the case then no it's not going to happen you're still here huh i like how determined you are you really want me to flip the goods to the good side don't you you're pathetic okay then if you want to talk about this so badly maybe on the school rooftop at 4pm okay so now i gotta do his task now to do the other task he says he wants a knife though i should probably bring one i have scissors is that good enough okay very interesting so now i gotta go get a knife oh yeah this is the guy i'm too stupid i'm literally too stupid right now to do his task well we know from the tutorial that we just uh to get a knife all we have to do is go to the cooking club i can't talk oh i have the knife i have the knife on me i didn't know oh i didn't know hey hey just forget that you saw anything see if i was a student counselor i could be like go somewhere else oh no no no i need to get my reputation back up maybe i could just do a task and like befriend him oh god that's fine i think i could still i could think i could still do this okay i restarted the day again i didn't i just didn't want to do it all right let's try this one wait why are they staring at me stop staring at me widows all right this time i'm not gonna be caught with the knife okay so now that we got all that done uh we need to make sure oh wait there's another student are they doing trouble are you doing trouble can i talk to you i'm having trouble what are you doing over here how do i know if they're causing trouble though yeah that's really cool so like already like this like the student has already changed so there's a little bit of random to the mod as well i guess like i said it's very impressive what they did are you causing oh you it's trouble about to be brewing right now oh she's just walking walking very suspiciously i'm assuming i will see them do something right wait what are you doing how do i know when there's trouble of ruin so do i have to actually go look around the school see if i see anything like weird happening like someone banging their head against the wall you know i don't know that seems like trouble oh senpai what are you doing senpai what are you doing another thing about joining the student council is that you can just open locked doors i guess you have the key to everything so that's another cool thing that we can do it's gonna be basically playing the game on easy mode oh i can confront her as well i don't know should i i don't really don't know okay i'll just go fight her what are you doing okay she wasn't even doing anything how do i know that though you're doing something okay i'm looking my reputation is ruined it gave me the option to do it but now i don't know dang it all right now we gotta i'm i'm not gonna restart the game again we're just going to try to get our reputation back up all right it's gonna take a little bit but we'll get there eventually maybe we'll find something at lunchtime oh what the heck is this oh i think this is a new room that they actually added the english english classroom like literally the english classroom wait unless this is just like a maybe i just don't know about this classroom i don't know dream you may what does it say or i don't know that word shi de kurasai i don't know the word but i it's something about a good youtuber someone's a good youtuber must be about me and it's got to be about me here's also what i can do uh because my reputation is probably going to be trash i can just join the newspaper club and improve my reputation bada bing bada boom just write an article about how good i am i'm so good have you heard about the students ryoba aishi she's amazing this year about how she delivered cookies to homeless people all right i have to meet the delinquent on the rooftop at 4. i almost forgot about that obviously i don't want to wait here for 30 minutes i think we could just go to the library actually i have to actually use the mechanics of the game to like play it right i just want to know who comes in this room if i was a delinquent where would i be oh there oh and bring me a knife okay dude i'm literally here he's like no i'm not i'm not in the place yet let me walk two steps over here now bringing it to me i feel like i should bring a knife with me first i do have it no don't dude i have wait why am i fighting him what i just kicked him in the nuts and he didn't even flinch that's the scarier part about this no no no no what happened i brought the knife look i have the knife man you want me to hit you with it what is this okay maybe i drop it pick it up what a weirdo what what do you think this is what am i supposed to do like attack him with it is he gonna stand there i hope he does cause i i don't want to mess my task up where else can we get a knife oh okay i brought you a knife but first about the thing we discussed earlier will you tell me your friends will you tell your friends to behave themselves ja what do you think you are do you what do you really think me to a you really expect me to play obey your orders listen up girly ah that's pretty weird are you sure about that she pulled out the knife are you insane fine if you want to fight then bring it on i already whooped your butt you just didn't even flinch wait what am i supposed to do when did you get here when did you roar you now give me that knife already are you sure about that i have to fight him but i already fought him oh something is wrong he asked for it uh i think i messed up i think i was supposed to fight him i figured out how to fix it basically to make the task work you have to have the knife where the scissors are so basically all i have to do is pick up the knife first and then it should work so there's some bugs but okay it's fine all right let's try this again no one tells you what to do now give me that knife already are you sure about that all right so now i gotta fight him there we go this is what was supposed to happen oh wait wait okay all right it okay it just takes it all right i think i've proven my point ah fine you won i could tell die you could tell daisuke that i'll try to act better from now on come on get the heck out of here already thank you he took those punches very well though all right cool i could finally complete a task it took a while but we made it work somehow wait shouldn't the student council be hanging around like in their club room right now yeah there we go pretty soon i'm gonna be in here yes you can't imagine how relieved i am thanks again all right i finally did something okay so i think that's all we can actually complete today the troublemaker one is still the one that i'm trying to figure out but let's just go ahead and go home okay so i can't forget to go to this the town and try to buy that what video game or something what the heck this is a this is a nice dress maybe i should go to the middle cafe no we gotta go to the game store i've never seen this before all right uh okay we can't forget about the best game here freaking scrub tales scrub tales and you know since i'm here look i'm gonna keep mentioning it because until the 24th you guys can get a scrub plushie right now go get it please it would mean a lot to me thank you to everyone that already has by the way okay oh so this is what we need the brand new psycho dot matrix wait it's 50 okay all right well i i guess that means we need to start a job oh god i have to do things the right way okay i just got fired i just got fired from the job no did i even get paid no i really need it if i can get some money okay i have to come back it's fine all right so update on the troublemaker student i realized that uh they actually will do something really sus and we will know for sure that's all i had to know i thought i had a guess and okay okay i'm glad i know that information oh what do we have here what are you doing why are you looking back and forth like that that's kind of weird [Music] your head is basically in the air conditioner do i confront her why why is she looking back and forth that looks suspicious as crap right but she's like not doing anything maybe am i overthinking it you know what screw it i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm doing it dang it negative okay it's fine my reputation is still fine luckily i'm part of the newspaper club i i prepared for this i prepared for this this is fine my reputation will be just fine what have you been doing huh what have they been putting in these school lunches i think i found a posture oh no he stopped okay he's good he was just having a little bit of an episode wait this place sucks so bad who's saying that is somebody under me that sounds like a delinquent all right so here's another one i just don't know like when like is there a certain time that i should be thinking about because i don't think he was very specific okay time to go back to work this time i need to get sixty dollars this time we're not gonna put on hard let's just go medium i got a hundred and fifty dollars now i can almost afford to get actually i think i can just go to the to the town now get the game there it is yeah baby let's go all right so we finally got that one it is now wednesday my dudes all right now it's gotta go find gamer boy you really did it i can't believe it i'm literally about to shed a tear he loves his gaming that much all right we just need one more task i think just gotta find the freaking person doing something weird it's harder than it looks yo see look at him he's not even look he's not even looking around this time i think i was really onto something maybe i need to find the person that's doing that and then follow them but i have to catch them in the act okay we're back but now my face is square i'd love to rip the screen apart okay okay where where is it oh oh i see you oh my god okay you i saw you no this is not what it looks like i was uh crap i'm sorry okay so i can confirm now that they don't always go like this shaking their head i found the troublemaker god so it turns out before i actually found i i heard the troublemaker they're like i hate their school but i didn't know where they were at this by far is the hardest task i was trying to figure out where where it's at okay perfect just the person i needed to talk to oh so there was someone messing around thanks for your help i feel much better now that i've gotten that off my chest yes so lastly i just need to get my language skills up oh i forgot i could buy better underwears so it boosts my stats i should have been doing that this entire time i don't know why i didn't think of that yeah there we go we did it speaking proper japanese is so hard i'm actually looking for someone that could uh give me just tips i guess you seem to have good grades in language would you be down to help out a bit i would only need you to help me with one lesson i promise jose is was that his name shiyuba wants you to help him strengthen his japanese skills oh i'm nihongo josu made him an english classroom around 4 30 p.m i accept meet me in the english classroom at 4 30. i'll wait also that's what we use the room for okay you're gonna be the best dane japanese speaker ever wait why are we speaking japanese in an english classroom really that doesn't make any sense whoa whoa what's that okay okay really helps jose just what is it it seems like says jose my god what is happening it was the screen right now i learned how he feels about solitude okay what kind of lesson was that okay so now that i completed all the tasks can i now can i just go join i hope i'm right about that because we only have one more day left i didn't do things in the most organized way but i did them and did them nonetheless what how do okay all right we gotta do some research there are other criteria you need to meet oh no that's the next subject of this video oh no oh no if ryoga wants to join the council she shall do more than just befriending the members of the council here's all you the criteria you need to meet in order for you to be able to join the student council you have befriended each member of the student council you have a high reputation you have all of your stats to level one at least once you have never been late to class you have never had a bad reputation you have never been sent to the guidance counselor if you meet all of these criteria you'll then be able to talk to reichi and join the student council okay so i have never been late to class i i you have never had a bad reputation i don't know about that one i don't know about that one okay i have one more day left in this week so that means that i need to take out uh the rival or else i'll get a game over and i cannot get a game over so just let me do that real quick and i have to do that without getting caught or else i'll ruin my reputation which makes this extra challenging i think this is a good time to take them out and i'm gonna have to take both of these people out well i might have to take three of them out because this one go away please if i shoot a council i could say just go away that would be amazing but i am not okay here's my chance oh this is gonna be so bad i love the slow motion detail though okay hurry up hurry up hurry up no no no no no close this close this oh my god okay i am on a roll over here okay we're just gonna we just need a little bit of a mop over here okay i also cannot be seen i cannot be seen by the journalist i can't be seen okay this is gonna be harder than i thought it was gonna be she didn't see it she didn't see it but or she just doesn't care oh no the teachers the teachers the teachers oh my god oh my god oh my god no i don't i can't my reputation can't go down right now all right hey hey we all good let's go home uh oh the cooking club is closing down and the newspaper club okay i don't even need those wait what the test why wasn't his task complete that would actually make a lot of sense of why i couldn't do it okay let's try it now yes i guess i didn't complete one of the tasks okay let's join are you sure think twice before you commit no i want this if ryuba joins the student council you will be able to command any student to do favors for you without having to befriend them first students will let their guard down around you and you will be allowed to be 30 minutes late to class you'll also gain the ability to walk anywhere without ever getting in trouble for trespassing and last you will unlock a new weapon and a pepper spray that's what we wanted warning you need to attend every meeting the student council will have including the one that will occur this day ah god i have the pleasure to say that you're part of the student council now so where's my uniform look now i have i what no i'm part of the student council now i've been informed that you would apologize i'm sorry it's refreshing i'm choosing to trust i'm literally gonna get kicked out the first freaking second i joined why was that bad i'm part of the student council now where were you we waited for you to show up ryoba i know this might be a stupid meeting for you but it shows how dedicated to the club you are that's why it's mandatory i can't let you remain in the are you nah nah nah where we're starting this day oh greetings everyone i hope you guys had a nice tuesday just letting you know rio but today your task is to fix a water leak in the west first four girls bathroom wait i have tasks as well that's cool okay dude all right i'm i'm part of the freaking council you can't just push me why do i have a box cutter be careful with that thing stop pushing me [Music] oh my god wha what is happening in this game we're about to start our daily meeting are you ready to join us so yeah my game kind of broke a little bit probably because of what happened i always find a way to break every game but now i am officially part and yeah so my powers weren't activated yet but now they are club activities last until 6 p.m if you choose to participate the day will end if you don't join by 5 30 okay obviously i'm gonna participate i have to or i'll get kicked out please have a seat the student council discuss the safety of the school and share information about some students they're basically a bunch of snitches huh i can't be dealing with this senpai stuff i have an important job to do now okay greetings okay what's the what's the task today check the headmaster's office and find his keys he lost them again what stop why do i always bring out okay so i oh okay why is it red still wait they're not supposed to push me why does the game break when i start the day oh okay they're not pushing me i guess they only pushed me because i had the weapon out i'm so confused so you're probably wondering now when do i get to use our pepper spray well if someone tries to apprehend us we will pepper spray them and stomp on their neck i really want to do it now look see now i can command people i command you to follow me i hope i didn't do anything bad oh don't worry everything is fine everything's fine see this is gonna make it very easy so i wonder if i could even do the same thing to my rival as well that would make things very easy and now i have a weapon that would make us really stealthy command you will follow me that is so cool this is going to make eliminating rivals so easy i can literally eliminate her like right next to the trash can oh hi fellow student council member how are you doing today it sure is nice oh oh she likes him i didn't know that yeah i don't need a key to go in here i just i just go this is actually a really good place to eliminate her so i will i will do that here now this doesn't really make any sense the way this looks but you know you just have to imagine that i'm using a rope to strangle her and plus i don't leave any evidence so this is good and i can sit here and laugh as well [Music] okay let's do our task real quick let's go to the headmaster's office oh um hello there young lady oh and you especially want can i uh help you with anything uh just like if you don't really my my you're quite comfortable here looking for your keys that you lost i'm not officially business class run along too no well i could be late suppose there's no harm in letting you spend a bit there's this keys you found the key i guess if i didn't do that then i would probably be kicked out this should trigger her to come over here what have you done yeah you know what i've done oh wait what what but that's cool i mean i think i was supposed to pepper spray her but um either way right she couldn't apprehend me it was amazing my pepper spray animation didn't work very well what happened yeah see that's what's supposed to happen they fall down and she just like she stomps on their neck right after to kill them though so i don't know why that happens but either way it's still a cool mechanic just to be able to survive getting apprehended but apparently you cannot survive getting apprehended by multiple students but just one at a time all right i just got sent to the counselor's office for laughing you don't tell jokes in the school it's dangerous and now i go home i should get if i go home now i should get kicked out [Music] ah the student council president asked ryobi to to talk to her in private he says that due to ryoba's behavior he has no other choice but to eject her from the council ryoba returns her uniform and goes back home she looks very disappointed and that is going to do it for this month i thought it was super impressive what did you guys think leave a comment down below don't forget to pick up your plushies before they go away on the 24th and i'll see you scrubs in the next episode of yandere simulator bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 1,133,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, Yandere simulator, yandere simulator student council, student council mod, yandere sim, yandere simulator update
Id: liutMA2M8to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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