WE JOINED THE "MEAN GIRLS" - Yandere Simulator Amazing mod

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and last episode of yandere simulator we joined the student council but today we're going to join the Mean Girls I have to say Mean Girls because they won't let me say the other word but I'm sure you're not dumb but before that let me change it into something a little more comfortable that's better it's been a little bit since I've worn this I feel like I could like bust this thing open not like that [Laughter] [Music] thank you I forgot how Airy this feels man is disappointed in me listen the truth is I was just jealous of Jay I saw him and his yandere costume and I forgot I have mine Jay's looking good his his goes down a little further than mine um try so hard to like not freaking show everything I've got a little a little more spool I've been working out a little bit and uh yeah it's uh there's amphibious good as it used to I keep asking Jay to invite me over so we can have a party but he doesn't reply I'm just joking he replies he said Yes we made plans that's true it's not actually it's not true so if you watched last episode where we joined the student council you'll know that this is another amazing mod like I'm telling you these mods are really really freaking cool because it really feels like the real game by the YouTuber pull ups they make these mods with like so many tasks and so many things to do I really really like it and plus we actually get to see yandere-chan join the colorful mean girls but in order to join the Mean Girls we have some set of rules and here they are number one we have to befriend all the of Mean Girls we have to have a plus 66 reputation we had to have a book bag we have to have accessories fake nails earrings we have to have makeup have tan skin and we have to dye our hair blonde with red highlights so as long as we can fulfill all those we can join them and I'm assuming we'll get powers I'm actually not 200 I'm not too sure and the student accounts a lot we got the cool powers to like tell people to leave no matter where we went we were able to basically go anywhere in the school without a key and best of all pepper sprays so yeah that was fun so I'm looking forward to seeing what the price here for this one is all right I think the first order of business is we have to go talk to Hane good old Hayne all right yeah and to get that reputation up we definitely need to start because I remember how hard it is uh to get your reputation up for everybody I gotta do book reports for every student in the freaking school this is one of the few times I really don't care about Asana unless we can use our powers to like do something to her then maybe I will you're not safe yet Rosanna I'm looking forward to all the like new tasks as well okay I just gotta find them I shouldn't have let them get out of my sight but yet I did oh there's hating the nail okay I'm about to read really fast because last time there was the text was really fast oh this is gonna be awkward but I'm just gonna come right out and say it I've missed a what she's pregnant please don't call me a a bad word you asked if I needed help so if you can give me a pregnancy test I'll do anything for you oh my god Hannah what have you been doing it looks like okra Memorial might be grinding it I wonder who the father is anyway buy her the schregnacy tests on the street to get her on her good side will you accept do I have to really pay for that I'm asking because I can't bring myself to do it I am judging you Hannah I am judging you she's mean okay I don't feel bad for her okay well that is a very interesting one to start it off with okay what do you do la Mao not trying to befriend me LOL just like you hang out with me you better prove yourself before I even consider it I've noticed the art Club recently brought brown paint and I would totally love to see you prank someone with that paint we gotta practice with brown paint hostiko would really like to see someone get pranked she mentioned in a paint plot in art Club maybe you can use this who am I pranking though this is what I like to hear bring me a photo as proof when you've done it like anybody I guess I just have to prank anybody okay in the meantime I'm gonna be freaking doing all these tasks as much as I possibly can uh this time I don't have a newspaper Club to join so I can't just force people to like me by lying in the newspaper oh yeah this time I can actually join the gaming Club that's what I'll do we gotta get that we gotta get that status up man wait what the heck is Enlightenment it's a secret is that a new thing I've never seen that stat before what does that do all right I think we would have raised our seduction because that would probably make people like us more that's what I'll do I'm gonna play my dating simulator games all right I decided to restart the day that way it's easier to find them uh let's try our task here's the thing I don't think we could be a great match as friends girl are you literally forcing me to become your friend yeah fine you know that Maka tensei girl in the art Club who lives in her own fantasy world well she's been peeping me off like like really she's even said she had some thoughts about me being fake the Life coming for just pause the video you know that's right I really try Musa made run shotgun wants you to lower Maca tin size tensei's reputation so that she can have something to go gossip about now if you would please give me some free space I'd like something that's the only thing that I have a problem with with these mods so one of the stupid teachers took my bag and like I have my whole life inside this bag they must have hit it in my bag somewhere in the faculty room ow I feel so normal without my bag they're just supposed to say you if you want me to let you be seen around sneak into the faculty room and bring my bag back ooh okay we gotta go on a stealth mission to get the bag back yeah I knew I could count on you hurry up though it's like nice and mean at the same time oh what do we have here a little Miss uptight isn't it why are you talking to me well yeah I have to tell you about the hunkiest boy it's cool like oh my God that blue-haired guy from the sports club is so hot I mean this doesn't even say what the task is about uh but I guess I'll accept it do I have to match make them you really will that's actually really impressive what was the test okay I think I'm gonna start with well we'll probably try I'm gonna try to do them all at once but I'm gonna start with the hardest one okay well let's lower Maka tensei's reputation so that we can have something to gossip about all right okay so that's Maca it'sensei oh yeah she did say that she's in the art room she's quirky eccentric girl who doesn't really care about what others think of her she only draws bizarre abstract artwork that doesn't make sense to anyone but herself look at her with their paint brushes oh there she is now oh she is like what the heck she got like brushes in her in her hair or pencils or something that's actually pretty cool I did what are you doing I'm not taking pictures of you all right let's socialize let's see what she likes you think she likes art oh my God I feel the same way I love art as well all right don't you just have to like take them to the classes for them to kind of find out what they like right yeah how does she feel about cooking all right now let's gossip to her oh my God I'm gonna spill the tea but wait in order for like the gossip to be successful don't we have to figure out the interests of the other schools of the other classmates as well did you know the Mocha tensei loves Drama Oh I can't get along with people like that all right it's already working I don't think the task told me who is she talking to though do you know that she talks to herself so you don't like her but yeah you're talking to her fake friend all right this is gonna take a little bit yo what is going on over here what you doing teach hey you ain't supposed to be doing that in class wait promotionally's young gram account oh we gotta take a picture of this I think we're gonna need that okay so I had to look it up I found out that I only needed to lower her reputation 10 points and I did like 30 points so I did a little Overkill there it might be possible that I failed the challenge but I'm not exactly sure but I guess now all we have to do is uh go home and come back the next day I want to know what was up with that teacher though so I know that one thing that we have to do is go to nozama and get some skin Tanner we're also gonna have to buy all this stuff too red highlights makeup kit trendy bags so that means we need some money I have one penny I'm not exactly Mr Beast over here so I gotta go get a job again let's go to the meadow cafe I forgot we cook ice cream yes yes cookie some ice cream coming right up here's some hot ice cream so yandere Chan worked tirelessly to get her money so she can buy her mean girl appearance alright now that I got 135 dollars I'm rich let's buy everything that we need we gotta get the shrugnancy test got that oh okay okay so I can't go to nozoma yet I have to wait you just can't get on the computer the computer just doesn't work in the morning you always got to go to school you can't just stay on your computer I guess that's someone who's saying oh my God you gotta stop you guys gotta stop so they actually updated the beauty salon as well with like new music and stuff so while we're here uh we can pretty much buy all the stuff that we need as well so we need fake so we don't have to go to nozombe or whatever all right so let's get those earrings accessories fake nails I think pretty much everything oh my God this stuff gets expensive though what oh we already changed what the heck that it surprised me so much we are literally becoming them oh wow look at me look at me we're almost there we're almost the transformation is almost complete oh I'm actually surprised they changed like uh her look at home usually it usually in mods the look doesn't stay the same but that's cool all right I have to do a little more work in my maid Cafe job pay for this expensive freaking club I call it a club but I mean it basically is Club of awful people that's it I just realized we still don't have enough for everything it looks like I have to work one more day but I do have a cool red sweater okay finally yes so it says so you have to have at least 11 I'm pretty sure not ten even though the video says ten that B has cut where she deserves thanks for the help in the end you're not that boring well I that's a backhanded compliment but I I think I thank you all right well I've almost befriended all of them I will have a few more that I need to do but let's let's get it done oh what the heck if you killed the the girl that musume didn't like she would have a different test and so this is the secondary task and that's what the young Grand thing was about that's actually cool there's like backup task so I've been stuck at 30k followers on young ground for about two days what's happening what if I'm being gasped canceled no it cannot be it maybe it's a bug that's hilarious well that's cool I am not gonna do both of them in this video but um I mean we already did her tasks so I thought that was interesting all right so the next task is for this girl right here purple here she likes the boy from the sports club so we have to hook him up basically and he has a task and we have to go do it now man these Powers better be worth it man I hope I that better be op so she likes this bar right here blue hair boy all right ask about kashiko Oh okay that's cool uh hi I heard that kashiko wants to ask you about maybe the two of you somewhere at school s really you think so well I gotta admit she's kind of cute so I'll give it a try tell her to text me when she wants to meet up oh well that that is by far the easiest one how do you know how to talk to guys so well yes Queen come hang out with be the girl sometimes alrighty then all right so I think I already did hers right okay no I have not I think she's the one about the bucket of brown paint oh okay so if if her boyfriend is gone she has a different task as well what is that she wants new makeup so you have to buy her makeup okay okay so Hannah's task is to get her bag back okay I forgot so I basically just gotta walk in there and uh get the bag okay I can't just steal it or also get caught so I guess we waited until Clash starts hear that or I laugh laughing always works all right can I do it can I do it no I can't do it you know what I might be able to freaking cheat my way through this let me see I think I've done this before if you giggle out here the the yeah they'll just they'll come all the way outside it's freaking hilarious although this is risky because I could get sent to the counselor and I have to raise my reputation up like pretty high all right so they'll come over here [Music] hey you got the bag I don't know if all of that was necessary but I did it anyway I'm a professional my bag my beautiful bag now I finally look special again and you uh just instantly became my BFF okay all right let's move on to the next one so the green hair girl wants us to pour brown paint on someone because she just she just thinks it's funny that's it and as messed up as it is we gotta do it so I mean I already kind of know this one we just have to go to the art room get that brown paint I don't know if this is gonna be seen as suspicious or not we'll find out so I think we can just put the round paint in the bucket is that how that works yes yes there it is all right set trapped cool no install right now we just wait for someone to walk through it should be pretty easy anyone but Senpai I think actually I can probably just make someone follow me I mean we might as well pick her we've already ruined her reputation uh anyway so are you kidding me oh I think open Dead that brown paint was expensive oh my God are you kidding me all right somebody anybody but the student council please thank you I'm sorry boss two sisters you smell like doo-doo now alright well as far as I know that's all we needed to do so now we have to go talk to her I'm an idiot I was supposed to take a picture of it so I went through all that trouble for what I don't know I guess she doesn't believe me she wants to see it for herself she could with me and watch okay I have a better idea I'm just gonna ask her to distract musume or senpai okay okay it says breaks so I think that should work now we go and do this again there we go oh that was so freaking hilarious I mean look at her face La Mao so Priceless haha we should totally hang out more together you're so mean I just had a dump brown paint on someone all right we finally did it so now all we need to do is get the last accessory that we need and then raise our reputation by 66 which is gonna it's gonna take a little bit okay I want to say that our reputation is good enough so I just need I think one more accessory and then we should be able to do it all right just gotta get that trendy bag it is trendy this is supreme what is this Gucci what is it insane oh man that's that's real Trinity all right can I join them now oh look at my bag is just like them oh my God yeah I think we do have to wait till after school oh no it's right there cool join wait I'm already in a club though wait uh what is this Are you seriously in the Club come on girl quit your club and we'll talk I I forgot I'm part of the gaming Club sorry gaming Club but all of our hard work is finally paid off oh my God yay totally me and the girls have been talking about how cool you were and for us to even say that consider yourself lucky if Ayanna joined the Mean Girls they'll develop a seductive Aura which means that you'll be able to seduce the majority of male students you gain the ability to ask musume everything she knows about anyone at school oh so you can literally just learn everything about anyone that's kind of cool your gossip would have more of an effect in your compliments as well your reputation will never drop below 33 percent however because of your popularity people will spot you from a longer distance oh so it's good and bad at the same time perfect you're like totally ready for a ride in our bins you got bins they ride around in a Mercedes-Benz what the heck I feel like freaking uh the garage door man will precisely mayor from dartmand in her and most of the characters that she plays so can I just gossip about anyone for any reason all right this should be this should do some major emotional damage okay that that did do a lot more that did like freaking like four points so we can like laugh all we want our reputation will never like be too bad it'll just reset so I can act freaking as crazy as I want and no one will say anything well maybe the student council will I just found out that the Mean Girls Club actually has a uh activity as well so let's go and do that but to do that we have to go after school I'm pretty sure she'll tell us about it if we tell if we talk to her let's see activity we didn't gather enough gossip yet like get back in a few minutes so yeah if we talk to Mel students it's way more effective now I'll see oh there we go there it is right there basically we have Mel's do anything that we want distract your mom he didn't listen to me but that that's because they're busy that's why I guess they can't do anything that's impossible to do but oh you can make them go away I have some private business to attend to here would you mind giving me some space I can respect that no problem see you later oh he looks all sad so it's a lot like the uh other one how we could tell people to go away but it's for a different reason it's because they love us if you think about it we're basically nagatoro from the freaking anime nagatoro if only it actually works like that and if we can like tell Senpai to do stuff as well but um unfortunately this still happens I think that would have made this mod a lot better as if we could have told Senpai things but I guess that would be the Naga tour of mine also I wonder if we can get kicked out oh look at that they're gossiping about things alright so yeah I forgot I forgot this is also a thing we can do some juicy gossip give me give me give me the scoop on oh we can't do it on Taro oh give me the scoop on osana that's gonna be so helpful learn opinions hey queen I'm like dying of knowing any secrets dirty secrets about the student well I don't think that's how you'd wear that but okay OMG I like know everything about them get a lot of this yeah that actually is actually part of the game this would be a very great help so that's why I like these mods because it really does feel like something that could definitely be a part of the game but anyway now let's do the activity we like have so much to talk about come on join us let's have some fun the Mean Girls got us about numerous students at Trash Talk the facility oh there's dude oh this is nice they look so engaged say what you will about them but they are very dedicated to this so again if you watch the student council one you know that there was like a whole like animation for like getting kicked out of the club I don't think there is one for this one so I'm not gonna try it but yeah feel free to download the mod yourself I will be sure to link pollex down below check them out uh I actually look forward to all their mods that they make now because like I said it's really fun to have something to do in the game and uh and you guys seem to really enjoy it as well so yeah smash like if you enjoyed this video subscribe if you haven't already and uh yeah it's time to hang up the galling dairy costume it'll be a while before you see this again oh God this thing's a little too short bye guys
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 1,586,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, Yandere simulator, yandere sim, yandere simulator update, yandere simulator student council mod
Id: vXD3byeQ5Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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