We Finally Go FULL Delinquent In Yandere Simulator (Delinquents Club Update)

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hey I'm chief from the Cub Scouts welcome back to her other episode of beyond Aires simulator you know how the delinquents are mad they're shoving people they always seem like they got a stick up their cheeks well now we can be just like them without the stick in the cheeks of course so we can join the delinquents we can dye our hair we can have bad reputation we can just be mean and tough and nasty and there's a lot of things that we got to get through right now so I'm gonna read it for you and here it goes each of the delinquents now has the tasks this means that it is now possible to befriend all of the delinquents normal students will do favors for you after you befriend them however delinquents function differently they won't do favors for you even if you befriend them instead the friending of delinquent offers different benefits if you befriend a delinquent they will no longer shove you when you get too close or become alarmed when they see you with a weapon however the true benefit of befriend a delinquent is something else entirely if you befriend all delinquents dye your hair blond lower your reputation below 33% and use the tough persona you will be able to speak to emoji the delinquent in the yellow shirt about joining their game if you join the delinquents your reputation will never be able to rise higher than negative 33% but you will gain a new command intimidate which forces students to do favors for you without needing to befriend them first it is not possible to purchase blond hair dye from the online store accessed in your home and when wearing a delinquent mask press the left Alt key to change the texture on the mask okay guys so we are gonna transform Yong Chun into a delinquent right now if you get school dang you down with that everybody get ready and buckle up cuz here we go alright ladies and gentlemen so as you guys can see I have 93 dollars and 36 cents basically I'm a rich [ __ ] and I got it because I hoard myself out at that cafe so what we're gonna do we are gonna go on an osama for your mama and we are gonna buy blond hair dye which is actually only 849 so i didn't even have to go hard on that minigame i thought it was gonna be like $8,000 but it says this is blond hair done if you purchase this item your hair will be blonde for tomorrow onwards unless you dye it another color okay so let's check that and do we have blonde hair oh no tomorrow right okay so let's go to sleep and let's wake up with beautiful blonde hair fight the heck where's my blonde hair do I have to go to school to get blonde hair I only have blonde hair once I hit the school grounds is that what we're doing because I still have black hair blacker than my pubes there we go we got two luscious Goldilocks blonde hair that's what I'm talking about guys okay so what we have to do besides dyeing our hair blonde we have to change into the tough persona and we got to do it at the mirror I think we can do it inside of this bathroom right here correct me if I'm wrong nope I'm right okay top there you go we tough as hell okay last thing we got to do is lower down that reputation so now all we got to do since we have blonde hair we have the top persona and we have a bad reputation we just got to speak to emoji and let's get this started can I talk to you for a moment I would like to task that ass you trying to get all buddy-buddy with me you think we're gonna be friends or something it ain't gonna happen you're still here fine how about this give me $100 what best friends $100 will Maji kiss Iguchi is trying to get rid of you so he told you to bring him $100 because he thinks it's outside of your capability show him that he's wrong will you accept this task you bet your sweet ass me will ya all right okay so we got to give this rude $100 if you would stop shoving me just let me out of this circle so I can go to my damn maid job okay so we're gonna end the day we're gonna go to our maid job we're gonna make more than a hundred dollars and we're gonna slap him right in the face with it all right you know what just to flex a little bit I'm gonna show you guys that I got the skills that pay the bills we are gonna go on rock-hard mode with a vein right down the middle and we are gonna make sure we get everybody's order watch this guy's I'm an expert now look at that she wants a steak steak ISA coming right up there you go he's cooking it for me because he is the man with a plan so we are also gonna get the club sandwich right now BAM you like that guy's give that to you enjoy your meal nom nom nom you want a hot dog okay you're gonna get it after I give this guy his stuff so hot dog BAM there you go and then this guy wants a salad you know he's trying to watch his girlish figure so let's give you the hamburger and time's up and I didn't feel I got $194 let's go that's how big my nuts are all right so this wise guy right here doesn't think that I have the money in order to join the gang but joke's on him because here you go I can't fine I'll take it just you know this doesn't change anything what I'm just accepting a gift that's all okay so task complete so he really doesn't give a dog's dick about us but the good thing is we can befriend all the delinquents so I think once we do each task they are gonna accept me as one of their own so let's talk to this guy and get his back he's trying to get on my good side you think if you're friends with a big bad delinquent everyone is gonna respect you phones get cracked skulls get split oh oh shut your ass up give it up are you okay here's a job for you find me something nice whoa pause on that I can handle that bet you think the side of the blade bro is this fool kidding me I've been ending life booze for like four years Hokuto Luke Azul has challenged you to bring him a weapon to prove your bravery he thinks that you are too faint-hearted to carry a knife prove him wrong will you accept this task yes are you kidding me I can do this in like 20 seconds one tiny guy's knife ooh in my hand teleport right now actually I need to teleport right here why is there a timer that is that what is that that is I'm just trying to teleport okay I have no idea what the hell that is but I can't teleport for some reason so we're just gonna go over here and bam I'm pretty sure that was 20 seconds guys okay so let's talk to this guy and here's your nightmare dude good enough not exactly what I wanted exactly what you haven't changed okay man these guys are hard to please these guys are grade-a Brown stinky [ __ ] let's talk to the third guy I got you figured out someone's been giving you a hard time and you think if you hang out with the scary delinquents nobody will pick on you anymore I'm right okay well Yeti you guys's dicks are huge I'll just turn you into an outcast you'll be worse off than you could possibly imagine if you really think you've got what it takes to join us I want to see some proof I've smelled boobs on the headmaster moving into his office find a secret stash bring it back here Oh megusta I like this one gaku hiki sudhi believes that the headmaster has a secret stash of alcohol hidden somewhere in his office infiltrate the Headmaster's office and retrieve the booze will you accept this task yes seriously don't even think of blaming me if something goes wrong I like them and this guy's creative with his task this guy find me a knife boys what a god man I'll get your mom's kitchen knife with your ho ass okay so what we're gonna do is we are gonna fast forward time because the headmaster always leaves his room at lunch he always you know just go somewhere I have no idea where he goes he could just like poof into thin air but what we're gonna do we're not gonna question that all we're gonna do is we're gonna go upstairs a little bit and we are gonna sneak into that headmaster out [ __ ] oh my god everybody want to test me today okay Headmaster's office is anybody in there nobody's in here okay so it's time to do a little sneaky sneaky and get freaky freaky where is he high in the booth huh all the booze is right here you guys already know if you're boozing you're losing that's why the headmaster is a loser he's a four-eyed freak and we're not having that all we're having is that bottle of booze in our hand that we are about to give to our mans that's not right here oh my god I feel like a loser right now did you actually not bad I suppose must have been real easy to find let me guess it was right out in the open wasn't it not well whatever I'll take it but you're not one of us yet oh you know what I guess we're gonna do the task of this super saiyan wannabe next you've got to be real desperate for friends if you're talking to me of all people what's the matter are you such an outcast that you're scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point listen up we're from two completely different worlds you live in the light and I live in the dark I ain't saying that just to sound edgy that's just the way it is you're the type who studies for tests I'm the type who just steals the answer sheet got it that's the difference between the two of us we're not exactly compatible oh that was his task I thought he was just talking a bunch of random stuff dido kusuda kazoo is under the impression that you are too well-behaved to break school rules to convince him otherwise you must steal an answer sheet from the faculty room okay you got something planned gonna try and prove me wrong yeah yeah m-net Odin man breath the hell do you guys do in your spare time copy each other's voices you guys all sound the same hopefully the teachers aren't inside here are they they are okay that's gonna be a little bit difficult because the answer sheet that I need is right over here so we're just gonna wait I'm actually gonna fast forward time wait for everybody to go back to their classroom and that's when we strike all right guys there you go it is 123 everybody is walking back to their classrooms except her I am so sick of you stop stretching your old saggy ass nobody want to see those titties anyway okay so she's gonna go over there I am going to steal this right now oh [ __ ] down did you think you could get away with stealing we'll see what the counselor has to say about this protip guys if you're trying to steal don't make so much freaking noise why are you rustling all those papers when you're trying to steal an answer sheet come on girl okay guys so we got to do this the hard way we actually got to get the radio and we got a distractor with noise as we steal the answer sheets because this radio is gonna muffle out all the sound I don't know if that's true but you know what I want it to be true so bad so I'm saying it to you guys right now so we're gonna put the radio right here we're actually gonna wait for everybody to leave the hallway so the only person who will go to it is the gym teacher and then we're gonna get down to business all right so gym teachers coming this way turn that on did you hear that she did okay so let's do it okay we got to be quick come on come on come on as soon as she turns it off you gotta clench your buttcheeks oh my god she turned it off hurry hurry oh my god if you don't hurry I will kill you before she kills you got it okay where is she she came back oh you guys like those skills those were some skills on you guys already know okay we're gonna close this because we just Joop they're so freaking hard she did not even see us coming oh my god that was perfection okay so you were the one who one of the tasks hey buddy chill I got the answer sheet right now you just I hate to admit it but maybe I was wrong about you I thought your hands were maybe were cut from the same cloth after all we're not friends yet though all right guys they're starting to warm up to your old pal Jay we just got one more guy to do he is at the very end right here so let's get it you're one of those types aren't you you see a bad you think you're gonna be the one to fix him that's right no Helena you think you're gonna turn me into a fine upstanding citizen don't you know I like a book I love even broken and you ain't my type so whatever fantasy you've got in your head it's not gonna happen screw off why are you still here damn you stubborn as hell I'll say it again I don't want you around me the only thing I want right now is a smoke hi Inari sue me otto is extremely dismissive of you but has expressed an interest in smoking cigarettes perhaps if you bring him what he wants he might take you more seriously okay I wasn't what ever do would you like I don't care okay this info Chon have cigarettes what I can't remember yeah pack of cigarettes okay so we just got to get some panty shots real quick and then he just gotta get hurt just drop the cigarette and then we got to talk to this guy before they go back to class because I want to complete this whole thing so let's grab the peck of the ciggies and don't smoke guys and stay in school that's a PSA from your old pal Jay so let's talk to this guy no no not maybe later I thought you were a bad boy I thought you're evil I thought you were can't change me type come on talk to me you don't need to go to class here I'm gonna give you cigarettes come on smoke this out of your [ __ ] damn it okay so we got to go to class try to make it to class on time take your seat shut your ass up okay so we gotta give him the cigarettes after class and then we can finally join the delinquents well at least I know you're not here to try and fix me [Music] as long as you keep bringing me free crap maybe I'll let you stick around there we go okay everybody's task is completes I think we just gotta talk to you Maggie now right no how do I join the delinquents I do everybody's task so now what do you want me to do do we compliment the leader I just wanted to tell you that you look lovely today I don't care what you think damn okay whoa what the hell do I do I did everybody's task you guys just saw it um nobody else wants to talk to me oh wait whatever I don't think I have the tough persona anymore I don't know what happened all right so let's talk to a megi there we go okay Impa you've earned yourself a pretty nasty reputation around school and you've been busting your ass to try and get on our good side it's pretty obvious what's going on here you actually want to join our gang don't you I still can't figure you out do you really believe you're some kind of badass thug or are you just trying to attach yourself to us for protection if you're really that determined I might consider it your reputation wouldn't get any better but it would be pretty easy to intimidate people into doing just about anything for you anything you say okay that interests me a lot less Joel series you really want to join this ain't a decision to be taken lightly bro I said I want to join so let me join if you join the delinquents your reputation will never be able to rise above negative 33% but you will gain the ability to intimidate students into doing favors for you normally it is necessary to befriend students in order to get them to do favors for you will you join the delinquents yes you're not screwing around all right then you're in welcome aboard new blood thank you I love being new blood ooh okay so we got the mask on all right so we got the delinquent mask on we look super badass we can change the texture like this okay there we go there we go okay which one do I like the X the we face that thing this thing or nothing think I'm gonna go with the teeth you know just so we can give a little smile you know we can look a little cool and we can get anybody to do anything for us we don't have to befriend them we don't have to be a fake friend so we can just ask this girl to do something intimidate oh and she's already intimidated okay follow me please you come with me okay just don't hurt me I'm so frickin scared of you right now okay so that's all we could do she can follow us and then let's intimidate again distract Sachi Basu go keep this person busy for a few minutes I guess I can do that don't mind my shaky legs as I run up the stairs you scare me so much all right you know what let me talk to you let me intimidate and I can actually tell you to go away get out of here oh all right Oh feels so bad I'm such a [ __ ] all right let me talk to my Bros can I talk to you for a moment I'm gonna compliment you I just want to tell you that you look lovely today I don't care what you think damn I'm in the club I thought we were gonna be cool what the heck I thought we all have like secret respect for each other or something I want to tell you that you look lovely today I don't care what you think bro worst club ever oh we can do a club activity this place blows we're gonna dip around 5:00 p.m. be there okay all right well it's 4:12 p.m. so I'm just gonna sit here with my hands in my skirt fast-forward time and let's see what this activity is supposed to be you ready to get the hell out of here club activities lasts until 6:00 p.m. if you choose to participate in club activities now that they will end if you don't join by 5:30 p.m. you won't be able to participate in club activities today if you don't participate in club activities at least once a week you will be removed from the club will you participate in club activities okay I guess we're just leaving the school so let's participate in that let's bounce let's bounce let's do it all right I guess we bounced the screen isn't fully black so I can kind of still see me but I guess we bounce guys so just close your eyes and just imagine that all right guys but that's gonna do it for this episode of yandere simulator once you do each task for each delinquent they will no longer push you I don't even think that they really like you I think that they're just using you for the things that you can do for them but you join their little gang and you also get like a cool little face mask to seal the deal as a delinquent if you guys enjoyed this episode and want to see more of this in the future make sure you guys give this video one big fat like and tell a friend today that Jay from the Cub Scouts is dead
Channel: Kubz Scouts
Views: 3,531,111
Rating: 4.9495893 out of 5
Keywords: kubz, scouts, kubz scouts, yandere simulator, yandere simulator kubz scouts, yandere simulator myths, yandere simulator osana, yandere simulator rivals, yandere simulator rival reaction, mysterious obstacle, yan sim, yan sim myths, yandere simulator myths kubz scouts, yandere dev, video games, indie games, japan, japanese, senpai, sandbox, funny moments, highlights, maid cafe, maid, yandere simulator maid cafe, delinquents, join delinquents, delinquents club
Id: Em4QNkeXe8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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