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finally the moment we've all been waiting for 10 rivals finally in yandere simulator in 1980s mode now i certainly didn't expect that and i know a lot of people didn't either but yandere dev worked extremely hard on this update and i've been really excited to play anything new from yandere simulator because this game always has a soft spot in my heart this is 1980s mode there's 10 rivals in here we got to end all of their live foods i'm going to try to get through as many as i can in one video if you guys cool that you down with that everybody get ready and buckle up cause here we go every night for as long as i can remember i have been having the same dream same in this dream i meet a boy fall in love with him start a family and live happily ever after same i've always believed that this dream was showing me my future showing me the person i'll be with for the rest of my life same same i spent years fantasizing about what it would be like to finally meet him and then one year ago you thought i was gonna say same on that last sentence huh i found him got you the boy for my dreams is in the same school as me but i'm too afraid to speak to him because i'm worried that i'll ruin everything and make him hate me so for the past year i've been admiring him from afar while i built up enough courage to speak to him he's my soul mate my destiny looks like puppet combo made this intro screen but while we're at school he's just my senpai i was having so much fun watching him learning everything about him and planning our life together but then someone had to come and ruin everything always somebody out there coming to ruin the party he's trying to take him from me all right let's get the knife and i won't let her get away with it let's get the knife and that rifle you know what we're gonna do come on now everybody so i haven't played this in a few months so i gotta remember where all the keys are i gotta remember everything because your boy needs to catch up it's like i haven't been to school in a while and i gotta relearn everything that i didn't remember over the summer so this is gonna be a wacky [ __ ] [ __ ] but i'm gonna make sure i give you all the best viewing experience known to man so use the wasd keys to move and mouse to rotate the camera okay i played video games before come on now press the t key to spawn trail leading to your next destination follow the trail tea will spawn a new trail i'm going straight into the bathroom what in the okay into the bathroom stall let's see what we're gonna do in here oh [ __ ] okay so we're on the third floor bathroom so me and a place like this if you know you know exit the bathroom stall and approach the girl like if you know this girl you know so we just gotta do this right i mean my instincts told me to do it hold down the e key to talk to the girl oh [ __ ] let's uh hide that hello oh rio bachchan are are you the person who left that note in my locker what did you want to talk to me about i need to tell you something about the boy you have feelings for you know who i have a crush on oh that's so embarrassing [Music] well what is it what did you want to tell me well i wanted to talk about our lord and savior jesus christ sight you can't have him he belongs to me after i disposed of the girl who was trying to steal my senpai i cleaned up all the evidence i left no trace of what i had done or so i thought when the police investigated the girl's disappearance they found a single blood stain that i failed to clean up well i feel like in 1989 it was easier to get away with killing people and getting away with it nowadays you got cameras you got cell phone you got everything you get investigating the girls it's pretty easy to get away as a possible murder case a potential murder at an elite school was big news it was a stain on the school's prestigious reputation the headmaster didn't take it very well i heard that he struck a deal with the police to keep any future investigations as discreet as possible the faculty and the student council will be on high alert from now on i'll need to be more careful in the future but i can't rest yet another threat has appeared she plans to confess her feelings to my senpai at 6 pm on friday i need to stop her before then if i kill every girl who shows an interest in my senpai i might attract more police attention to the school so even though i'm tempted to plunge a knife into her heart perhaps i should consider avoiding bloodshed yeah i'm a pacifist at heart so maybe we can make that work i should eavesdrop on their conversations i might be able to learn some valuable information with a little bit of sabotage i might be able to ruin their budding relationship and make my senpai lose all interest in her oh she's already talking so she's kind of like osana so i'm gonna hide behind the street oh i made a benzo for my sister this morning but she left it i don't want it to go to waste would you like to have it oh sure i'd be happy to who the [ __ ] is dot [ __ ] great here it is i hope you enjoy it boy looking like he got bed head and regret thanks i'll keep it on my desk for now and eat it at lunch time okay at 5 15 p.m let's meet up back here so you can tell me how it tasted all right sounds like a plan boring ass conversations in 1989 i must say meet me here at 5 15 p.m let me know if it had enough seasoning okay so she's gonna put senpai's bento on the desk so we already know how that goes and i can't fast forward time so we legit gotta watch this who the hell is this [ __ ] who the hell is this fedora wearing [ __ ] it's you yeah it's me what about you is that you two i know you're hiding something now with this look on my face i know we can't kill him with hair like that on his face ain't no way we're gonna sneak up on him you don't scare me i'm not even doing anything i'm just standing here fool the others but you can't fool me i'm legit just standing here so yeah this part might go a little slow paced but we gotta just wait for this girl to put the bento she doesn't have anybody following her though so this one should be easy peasy actually wait i don't even have any poison how the hell am i gonna do this open rival's bag okay she put something in her bag she got books bento and contraband bento steel bento okay so i can either put a medic lethal headache sedative or steal the bento i don't have any info chan because i don't have a cell phone so we just gotta do this the 1989 way which is just still [ __ ] legit like straight up so let me see let's see uh that's locked does she have keys she doesn't have keys why i'm the holy mother of fook does she not have keys man this science lab actually looks freaking cool what is this ammonium fulminate i remember there was a bench i think that we can make our own poison right let me see hopefully there's like a guide um no [ __ ] wait does this [ __ ] have keys this [ __ ] does not have keys this bart simpson looking ass dude how the hell am i gonna get any type of poison okay i'm not gonna lie to you all this menu screen looks freaking sick this is badass i thought i could talk to info chan but obviously i can't because 1989 you know i mean i could do it the lazy way and just freaking put a knife to her chest but why would i want to do that paper clips can i get paper clips okay i got paper clips does that act as a [ __ ] i thought that would be like a lock picking thing her pins maybe that's it hair pins okay so if i use hair pins and paper clips i can combine these objects to make a lock pick i am so freaking legit that looks like a gun dog all right so let's open this bad boy up get inside here and we've got circular saw shovel jerry can rap poison bingo baby there's got to be a way to speed this up though because this game is gonna be all about trial and error so if you [ __ ] up and then you gotta relive every single thing and then relive every single second it's gonna be very tedious and it's gonna become really repetitive so i feel like there should be a way to speed [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] i did not mean to bend down like that i just try to look as stealthy as i can whenever i'm spying on somebody but she finally got a taste of the poison uh oh stomach hurting stomach bubbling stomach a rumbling and it's lagging okay let's go yes off to the races we go right after you miss there you go table for homina she's gonna go inside of the bathroom you already know we're gonna do [Laughter] all right time to drown that ass hey what are you you know the vibes everybody you know the vibes first rival eliminated nine more to go this is gonna be very very long but yeah um i think with that we could just leave her here let me laugh my sanity off and let's just go through the date god damn that face is evil the following things are present at school right now corpses one body part zero blood stains bloody clothing bloody weapons if you go to class now the police will be called yeah but they don't have any evidence against me ryoba attempts to attain class without disposing of a corpse while walking around the school a faculty member discovers a corpse the faculty member immediately calls the police the police arrive at school the police determined that kaguya wakayzumi died from drowning the police treat the death as a possible murder and search the school for any other victims the police are unable to locate any corpses on school grounds you know what i do you know what i do the police are unable to locate any murder weapons you know what i do the police question all students in the school including ryoba the police are unable to link ryoba to any crimes the police do not have enough evidence to perform an arrest the police investigation ends and students are free to leave senpai is deeply saddened by the death of his friend ryoba stock senpai until he has returned home and then returns to her own home so the first rival is eliminated that was pretty much a piece of cake i kind of want to see what the basement looks like in 1989 probably not too crazy right yep same old basement let's see what the town looks like in 1989 i want to see maybe there's like lanterns horses galloping and [ __ ] um nope we just got random young girl maid cafe we still got a dude from shasuda town talking to young girls freaking creeps okay uh what about over here turn around and walk away oh okay uh i will pretend i saw nothing after eliminating that girl i thought my senpai would be safe but now i have a new problem to deal with here we go another girl is showing interest in him a cute tomboy with a gung-ho attitude boys like that sort of girl if he keeps spending time around her she might steal his heart i can't let that happen now that i'm thinking about it i heard a nasty rumor about her oh i love cheese me apparently she has a secret hobby something dangerous something she could get in big trouble for okay now you have my attention it might be worth it to follow her around school and learn what she's hiding perhaps i can find a way to make her bad habits backfire on her so i think that we're gonna turn into a snitch on this rival you know what they say you play with fire and you get burned love the voice acting here is that michaela hey shout out to mikaela if that's michaela if that's not michaela this is going to get very awkward but you can't go to school on sunday you can skip this day or you can use this day to go to town and work a part-time job to earn some money no need or no money all right let's go to school it's a monday it's the 10th this girl has a secret hobby so we just got to follow her around school we just got to be her shadow and we got to make sure it backfires on her oh she's already talking to senpai too she said hey senpai i want to ask you something what sure what is it my scatter brain sister accidentally made an extra bento this morning i didn't want it to go to waste so i thought i might offer it to you wait what you have a sister too that scatterbrained oh that's thoughtful of you i'd take it is this the same dialogue as the first week girl great here it is i hope you enjoy it thanks i'll keep it on my desk for now and eat it at lunch time what the hell man and you want to talk at 5 15 pm too okay let's figure this [ __ ] out i don't know where she's going right now but with that hand on her hip she walking with a whole bunch of attitude is she going in this classroom nope yes she is okay cool so she's on the second floor the classroom opposite side of us let's see if she has any weird-ass hobbies i don't know the hell are you looking at man there's so many creepers in 1989. the hell's wrong with you okay close that door let's see rival's bag what do you got uh you don't have anything huh she got a bento too what about contraband she don't got no contraband okay she put a bento inside of her bag and then she dipped so where's she gonna go she supposedly has like a hobby i don't know what kind of hobby she has but damn i don't know what's up with this guy he's being super freaking weird though look how close he is hand on the chin and everything hand on the chinny chin chin bro what the [ __ ] okay um i guess i'm just gonna wait here and see whatever she does look at that guy too i know the hand is on that chin too okay she's going behind the building for some reason what are you into what kind of hobbies you into do you spy on the boys in the locker room is that what it is i thought she was legit gonna jump up here and start looking in i don't know why wait wait she's gonna go towards that thing i saw in yandere dev's blog that specific can right over here so we gotta figure out what the hell is going on here hold on hold on hold on she has a weird hobby you say what in the holiest of folks you say hold on let's see what is she doing she's pouring a whole lot of nothing in there it's always just as spellbinding as the first time oh okay so she likes lighting fires in there okay oh my who started the fire how dangerous i'd better put it out she likes starting fires okay so what i need to do i actually gotta end her life who's somewhere over here throw her inside there burn the body and that's how we do it okay so let me see what i got over here um there's nothing in here i gotta wait for her to go again let's see if she goes again throughout the day because that might have been my only time to strike oh wait she's actually going back to the trash can what the heck okay so she just goes back i think that she pretends that she's gonna go somewhere else because somebody found her so i need a weapon that's not gonna put any blood on the ground and the baseball bat is the perfect one for that so wait what the heck this stalking [ __ ] what the hell um that's not good he wasn't there the first time but he's there now maybe i can talk to him and maybe he can go somewhere else hold on hey hey hey go get out of here go skedaddle thank you looking weirdo [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no you're not a member of the sports club these freaking snitches okay i'm gonna leave the baseball bat in there and this guy really he better not be giving a cookie to the girl over here i know he already gave her one so you better not be going over there wait is that a spam musubi bro let me get one let me hit that real quick what the hell is that [ __ ] look gross but yeah this is our time to strike so we're gonna get the baseball bats and we're gonna take care boom oh [ __ ] never mind let's do a little strangle it's like slow-mo too what the kind of weird-ass matrix angle was that all right so let me pick up the body and nobody's looking at me okay can i put the body in here i can't oh my god i'm so stupid i thought [ __ ] i thought okay well we gotta figure this thing out so let me uh laugh this up let me laugh this up yeah it's hilarious how i'm not gonna get away with this [ __ ] you know what [ __ ] it i'm feeling freaky right now we might as well test this out let's see if we can put the body parts inside of the trash can because if i fail then [ __ ] it i fail we're just gonna do it again i will say like i mentioned this a couple times before in this video this [ __ ] takes forever forever so this is gonna be very slow if i have to do this again but you know what i'm gonna risk it i'm gonna risk it and let's see what happens all right so let's cut up the body and i hope this works i'm crossing my fingers crossing my butt cheeks i really hope that we can put the body parts inside of that barrel please please please please please nope okay so for anybody wondering if we can put body parts in the barrel and burn it nah i'm gonna get away with this though watch me it's just gonna take a little bit longer to get away with it but you know your boy can do this really wish i had some trash bags right now that'd be very great to have some freaking trash bags in my inventory right now oh the garbage bags were in this room home eck room so i'm putting everything inside of the bags it's like one body part per bag that makes sense right and i think the delinquents are gonna be gone hold on hold on hold on hold on let's do that place that in bag and then we gotta get the baseball bat the delinquents are still there what the heck go to class go to class you freaking rebels what is wrong with you guys oh my god they better not snitch you got a death wish come on man okay so what i'm gonna do everybody since i put the body parts inside of a garbage bag i'm not even gonna bother with those i'm just gonna make sure that we swept up all the blood and that i left no trace of evidence behind then i'm just gonna start the furnace because i threw all the weapons in there already and let's just see if we can get away with it even without disposing of the body now it's after school it's cleaning time they still haven't discovered a body so i did a really good job with this one the second rival i did that [ __ ] clean but we left no weapons we left no blood evidence the body is in a bunch of trash bags so i don't know how we're gonna get caught ryoba is ready to leave school oh that's it wait they didn't find any bodies i just killed the girl and they didn't find any bodies really nothing happened everybody there's no rival nobody we're all just chilling ryoba got that same dumb look on her face and yeah it's just a normal tuesday my sweet wonderful senpai there we go is too popular for his own good yet another girl has been getting a little too close to him lately okay i was wondering what happened to the second rival because we didn't get any closure on her but timid little bookworm this should be easy when a guy sees that type of girl he just wants to scoop her up in his arms and protect her right not me it makes me sick i need to get rid of her as soon as possible but if her death is an obvious murder it might complicate things if i do decide to kill her perhaps i should make it look like an accident how do we do that the only thing i know about this girl is that she loves books it sure would be a shame if the one thing she loves the most is what leads to her tragic untimely demise before she can crush my dreams i need to crush her how am i gonna make books kill her do i just grab a dictionary and just smack her over the head with it hey um senpai huh yes okay we got different dialogue this time that's what i'm talking about well i uh thought um maybe bento i made a bento this morning and um does everybody in this school know how to make bentos actually let me see something real quick let me talk to her she can't talk right now i was gonna see if she had a task for me to do maybe she had like a favorite book that she loves more than senpai so if we got her the book maybe she would leave him alone but nope we just gotta follow her and she is in the same classroom as the second rival let me open her book bag let me read the diary because i'm assuming that's what we do right you look through your rival's diary she likes drama cats gossip socializing and money she dislikes sports video games jokes violence and solitude who the hell dislikes jokes what kind of evil do you have to be to dislike jokes you learn some embarrassing secrets that will help you spread gossip about her most recent diary entry i can't sleep i'm too worried about that evil photographer perhaps you should befriend her and put a note in her locker to arrange a discussion about that topic okay maybe we can maybe we can talk about the evil photographer i would like to speak with you about making friends low grades fighting evil suspicious activity your friends oh evil photographer there you go please meet me um on the school rooftop at 7 30 a.m i'm assuming when we say school rooftop we mean behind the vent that we used to meet what the heck is this what the bro that should look kind of cool that i actually look kind of sick oh she's right here oh i don't want to push her must befriend her bro i feel like i should push her damn it i wanted to talk about stuff i don't want to push her oh my god okay um what do i do everybody what do i do what do i do what do i do um [ __ ] do i push do i uh no if i push it's not gonna you know what i'm gonna push i'm gonna push oh my god i'm gonna push if we don't get away with it then i'm gonna befriend my senpai is perfect in every way he's smart talented handsome not worth the trouble so i suppose i shouldn't be surprised that another girl has fallen for him this one is an aspiring athlete fit tan tome dabs boys go crazy for that type of girl don't they she everybody has their type i'll need to take her out quickly she seems to be encouraging my senpai to adopt her lifestyle choices eat healthy exercise often no smoking or drinking of course all of these are respectable decisions but she's actually putting her health in grave danger by getting between me and the man i love smooth i heard that she prepares a special meal in the home egg room every day a healthy nutritious meal packed full of vitamins and minerals i hope she chokes on it oh damn okay so i guess we gotta poison her meal too senpai good to see you oh hey it's good to see you too she's an aspiring athlete maybe i was thinking about the rival the one with the blonde hair i'm still determined to convince you that healthy food can taste great i can confirm that healthy food does indeed taste great look i prepared this meal for you oh well um you don't want that healthy [ __ ] he's a growing boy he just wants to eat whatever hey don't be that way take it i swear you're gonna love it okay i'll keep it on my desk for now and eat it at lunch time great at 5 15 p.m let's meet back up here so you can tell me how it tasted all right sounds like a plan wait the fact that she makes a special meal i gotta get some poison ready huh actually let me do something real quick let me get the items that i need to make the lock pick and i want to see if we can find a lethal poison anywhere because there's a sedative and then there's a syringe and yeah i don't know where lethal poison would be there used to be a cabinet full of poisons inside of one of these rooms but oh wait what the heck how do i get that how do i actually get that how do i join the science club wait what hold on how the [ __ ] do i get that it's not letting me open it um let me see be careful always handle with fire oh always handle fire where goggles don't eat in the lab don't tell me what to do not my mom okay um i gotta figure out how the hell we're gonna join the science club because i need that poison okay so i just rang my chemistry to level two you have enough knowledge of chemicals to locate a poisonous substance in the school's chemistry lab poison can only be used to poison your current rival's food you can only do this when your rival leaves her food unattended there you go that's how you get the lethal poison so if anybody's wondering how to do that all you got to do is level up your chemistry so hopefully the girl is inside of the home neck room please please please jesus what the heck oh my god okay um how do we do this how do i distract her i don't know i feel like we just gotta watch her right or do we giggle and make her go to the other room i don't let me try it sumiko chachibani heard a giggle that was her oh [ __ ] but wait that blonde hair [ __ ] he's gonna notice right okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on let me see is anybody gonna notice please don't oh i didn't know someone is watching oh my god hey bro can you please distract somebody for me can you do that we can't oh my god i'm taking a fat l how am i gonna do this um let me see i'm gonna figure this out because she is twirling in a circle like an idiot in the corner so i just trapped her basically like a mouse and a trap oh wait a minute they all left damn it i didn't even need to do the radio thing okay so we're gonna poison this there you go did that [ __ ] with the quickness you know she poisoned [ __ ] before so to unstuck her i guess we just do this nope she ignored you i'm gonna ignore that okay bye please don't spin come on come back come back come back come back to reality please i want to gossip to um senpai no no let's gossip about her hey samiko did you know that yui rio really loves cooking whatever man you're mean you're really mean um i need you to go thank you okay so i just have to stand here to make her unstuck all right so now she's finished making her bento almost and i don't want lunch time to end because she needs to eat this [ __ ] maybe she could just scarf it down you know sometimes when you don't have enough time to eat you kind of just like inhale the whole thing barely chew uh-oh that face the realization oh yeah choke on it chugging it cop on it oh yeah you know the vibes they found a corpse oh my god are you okay can somebody give her mouth-to-mouth why are you guys just all surprised holding the bento she's clearly asking for help wait somebody started speaking spanish gotta get to safety okay me too ah like an insect buzzing around a meal that was left unattended another pest has begun to orbit around my senpai the latest girl comes from one of japan's wealthiest families she looks down on anyone with less money than her is she one of the psycho girls which of course means that she looks down on nearly everyone i can tell that she doesn't see my senpai as an equal it would be more accurate to say that she wants to keep him as a pet i'd like to say that my senpai has enough sense to avoid getting involved with her but the promise of a cozy life in the lap of luxury might be too tempting for him just to make sure that he doesn't make the wrong decision i'll have to remove the option from his life altogether it looks like the only reason she enrolled in akademi was for the prestige she has no intention of studying at all she spends all day sunbathing at the pool you know every year a lot of unfortunate accidents happen around pools interesting it would be such a shame if she fell asleep and drowned it would be huh it'd be such a shame but you know what that's why i'm here because we do [ __ ] like that senpai there is a matter i must discuss with you huh what's up okay so this is the girl that's too good for school all right my foolish chef made an extra meal this morning what a blunder so everybody has a bento that they want to give senpai okay so we just gotta figure out when she's gonna go to the pool we're gonna tie the weight to her hair cartoon style and we're just gonna laugh our asses off wait there's a camera here oh [ __ ] this game freaky deaky now they got 1989 security cameras with laser beams and [ __ ] okay so yeah we gotta bring the weight to the pool area wait for her to sunbathe hopefully she doesn't have anybody with her hopefully she's friendless and then we're just gonna see what happens you know if we tie the weight to her hair and maybe throw it inside the water maybe we'll see what happens no are these the girls wait what was her name again what does she look like i honestly forgot she looks like that wait this is her i can just tell by the way she walks okay there's not enough for her to sleep on oh there is wait what but they're gonna notice me cause all their eyes are open folk how the hell is this gonna work okay so she has a special chair right by the edge of the pool i gotta see if these girls are sleeping because i don't know how to distract them or i do the pool's closed sign right and um i get them out of here you know i haven't gotten a game over yet let's just see what happens because i kind of want to see the game over screen maybe it's something new so let's get this weights and let's tie it to her hair wait push into water wait it won't work she's not asleep how do i get her to sleep you want me to sing her a lullaby or some [ __ ] what do you want me to do so i just restarted the day because i couldn't think of anything else to do with that rival and i'm gonna place the pool's closed sign right in front i think we can do it where right here what place the sign at the top of the pool stairs right here i don't understand okay right there students will now avoid the pool all right so these girls are coming up for the pool but how do i get rid of that sign that's the main thing that i want to do because i want the other girl to come here because that's the reason why i even put this pool sign they don't give a [ __ ] about the pool sign they said [ __ ] your pool sign they said i'm still gonna go swimming even with the pool sign i don't give a damn they literally said [ __ ] your whack ass pool sign i don't even know what that [ __ ] means i don't even study in school how you expect me to know how to read that's crazy okay but we got the girl that we need to kill coming up i need to figure out how we're gonna make her fall asleep we need her to be a sleepy ass but she won't go to sleep can i talk to her push her into the water but she's not sleeping see it won't work she's not asleep pool bookcase what the hell is this what the why could i do that push bookcase oh oh [ __ ] i could have killed somebody like that senpai clear your schedule you're going to accompany me to see a film tonight so yeah all these days are the same as osana but just a little bit different to match their personality the person said i won't tolerate backtalk meet me here at 5 15 p.m understood well yeah i can do that okay so yeah this is the one where they basically just go through a regular day and then they meet each other to go to the movies later so i don't know i think we should just eliminate her so we can see the next rival wait a minute she said a nap at cleaning time may be beneficial perhaps i shall after all it's not like i'll oversleep or anything like that oh wait a minute wait of freaking minutes she's gonna take a nap hopefully at the pool because if she'll do that then [ __ ] we have done it it's taken me almost an hour just trying to figure out how to get her but if we can just get her right here thursday that's the day we gotta get her how is she not sleeping yet this [ __ ] doesn't even make any sense go the [ __ ] to sleep okay it's 4pm i have no idea where the hell she's going she's doing something weird maybe we can get her inside of the bathroom when she's alone i kind of just want to get rid of her now like i want to see what the other rivals look like so i kind of want to get rid of her what in the world wait oh she taking a nap here she took a nap inside there what the i can't believe she took a nap at the nurse's office that she don't even make any sense man pop this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that i'm out of here bro i'm out of here i'm like sonic [ __ ] i'm gone i didn't get any blood on me or anything that dumbbell just got her clean it can't be what the heck bro i'm gonna take a shower though i'm gonna make sure i'm gonna wash this filth off i don't know guys i got pissed off i just had to end that life real quick i don't care anymore i actually don't need to bathe hey that dumbbell is kind of op i actually didn't even need to bathe at all i can't take my eyes off my senpai for even one moment because there's always a new girl trying to steal him from me this week my rival is a girl who dreams of becoming a pop idol what did i just say she spent so many years of her life learning how to sing and dance what a shame that all her efforts will go to waste bubbly full of energy always smiling guys can't resist that type of girl can they i definitely can't ignore this one i need to deal with her and quickly she set up a stage in the school gym where she rehearses her cute little songs microphones speakers all those wires and cables there's gotta be an opportunity in there somewhere she wants to captivate an audience does she well i should lend her a hand and help her give a shocking performance ah okay i see what you did there so we gotta figure out how we're gonna electrocute her but i just gotta make sure that we have everything that we need scissors screwdrivers things to sabotage stuff with maybe a pipe wrench and this is it right yeah look at this this is freaking dope okay i like the way this looks so let's see see what we can sabotage uh toggle electricity oh okay what the heck why did the music stop that's freaky how do i sabotage [ __ ] hold on i want to do it i want to sabotage things so freaking bad um wait wait wait dump water oh you're not holding a bucket of water what the okay cool so now we got a glimpse of things that we can do dump water so i need to get a bucket cause [ __ ] it and i know what to do we put the water toggle the electricity shocked that ass and yeah okay let's get it is nobody gonna see me do this because there's some people watching already this girl already got an audience no someone is watching i had to do it earlier okay so we're going to reset the day we just got to be quick with the [ __ ] the music just stops here on stage it's kind of eerie but i dunk the water and then let's go and let's let go of the bucket over here um if i toggle this nothing happens what if i go here nothing okay so i'm pretty sure that we just flipped the switch we don't need like a screwdriver or anything okay everybody but her is here she's almost here she's almost here okay so let's speed up time and we got a little audience so it's gonna be hard to get away with it but we're gonna be behind the curtains what the hell i'm not even talking to you fabulous eyelashes though the heck oh never mind wait yeah you do what the heck okay let me get out of here so yeah the whole band's here the whole gang wait senpai's here that's him right no who the [ __ ] is that i have no idea who that is i thought they were connected you know that little string that's attached but anyway she's gonna go and she's gonna stand on the water let me speed up time real quick these people take forever wait what hold on why is this not doing anything hold on girl hold on hold on chill with that chill with that oh plug and power strip [ __ ] i'm not holding a power strip i gotta go real quick before the song ends go go go go go go go if i need the screwdriver i am gonna be so freaking mad okay plug that in toggle the electricity what do i got to sabotage it yes she's still singing we still got time please please okay i can't do anything here i don't understand toggle electricity they said it'll be fun they said oh i have to sabotage that too okay sabotage that and there we go now we're going to shock her yes oh my god oh my god i want to see it i want to see it firsthand yeah buddy and thank you all right so somebody found a corpse i kind of want to do that again because i kind of wanted to see that from a different view okay let me talk electricity and here we go there you go everybody that's what it looks like from the front view just have to get like a crystal clear look at it the police arrive at school the police discovered the corpse of i doruyashi police are unable to look at any murder weapons and they question everybody in the school basically we just got done eliminating another rival many girls have competed for my senpai's heart most of them were mere pests rather than actual threats but the latest one is different akademi's top student the brightest girl in school perfect scores on every test flawless grades in every subject the perfect combination of beauty and brains any guy at school would be honored to have her attention if she continues to spend time around my senpai there is no doubt that she'll steal him away from me it feels like i've been seeing the police patrolling near akademi more often lately the unsolved murder from earlier this year is still a stain on their reputation any bloodshed at this point in time could attract unwanted attention perhaps i should keep my hands clean from now on hmm akademi's top student it sure would be a shame if she was expelled from school wouldn't it okay so we just gotta do a whole bunch of contraband stuff which means i need to make some money in town so what we're gonna do it's sunday usually i just fast forward to monday i gotta go to the maid cafe make a few bucks buy a few items and then we just gotta place it inside of her bag and that's how we expel her all right let's check out the convenience store let's get cigarettes what i'm gonna have to see some id for that one wait how do i get a fake id one more thing that i gotta check out because we gotta get her expelled from school i gotta see the criteria of how to get people expelled can i help you report alcohol report condoms report cigarettes report death report cheating report narcotics okay wait a minute i remember where the alcohol is it's right here but this guy this freaking [ __ ] um i gotta fast forward time and wait for him to leave the office wait he doesn't say anything about her right oh hello there young lady oh nice what's up my guy my my you're quite comfortable here care to introduce yourself yes i would like to take that please most students don't really do this sort of thing i need that i need that how do i get that [ __ ] this man don't freaking leave it's already class time and this man don't want to leave all right nobody's here during lunch time nobody's in here trying to spy on me or take pictures of me so we stole the bottle of sake and i believe her bag is not here what the heck table for homina so it's on the second floor okay her bag is right there in the corner so what we're gonna do contraband put the alcohol into the bag right is that what we did okay we put the alcohol into the bag and it's time to snitch time to report some alcohol it's a very serious accusation i hope you're not lying to me hopefully it's just a misunderstanding i'll investigate the matter why she looks so mad though like who ruined her day who broke her heart okay uh that's it i'm sorry i've got my hands full for the rest of today no i won't be available until tomorrow okay i'm not listening to you during class the guidance counselor enters the classroom and says that she needs to speak with your rival may i see your bag for a moment what is this would you care to explain why you brought something like this to school what i don't drink how did something like this get in my bag oh really no way no freaking way oh my god the game froze on me oh please don't tell me i got to restart everything again please do not tell me i got to restart all that again all right let's try this again let's report her for the alcohol and if this freezes one more time i'm killing her i don't care please be just a one-time thing please be just a one-time thing please be just a one-time thing please please please please please please please please please why the [ __ ] all right so this is how i'm gonna get her i know that she walks in the second floor hallway towards the library so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna stop her right in the student council area because nobody comes in here nobody actually comes in here well at least people come in there but they don't come in there quick i don't even know if that makes any sense so i have time to make something happen so i put the garbage bags in there then i'm gonna get a baseball bat because i want as minimal blood as possible then i'm gonna try to get rid of the body during cleaning time hopefully this all works all right she's coming up everybody we got this so what we're gonna do we're gonna laugh and then we're just gonna do a ring around the rosie hopefully we got this the camera person's right there though i don't know what they're gonna do like i don't know their intentions so this is gonna suck hold on maybe we can do this maybe we can do this maybe we can do this [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god what the heck they're hella following her around yeah there's no way there's no way dude okay taiko heard a giggle this mother sucker won't leave so freaking annoyed come on bro now the photographer guy is coming what a freaking coinky thing dog what a mother freaking cowinky thing dog hold on hold on hold on hold on why is that guy not leaving why the hell is that guy not leaving bro what the f oh my god that guy glitched through the door to not leave that is so stupid bro this is so annoying but she's gonna return the baseball bat so what i should do is i should actually follow her with the garbage bags and then get her when we're inside the little gymnasium thing i gotta make it before these photography people get there come on come on come on come on come on okay close this close this close this come on come on dumbbell dumbbell smack it gutter i can't believe it god damn it we're gonna die we're gonna die we're gonna die we're gonna die we gotta go we gotta go hurry up come on drop it garbage bag garbage bag place it on her um conceal there you go and get the fook out of here get the poop out of there oh my god what in the world they better not see her oh my god i can't believe we got away with that i wonder if anybody notices that this is a body i don't think so huh so the garbage bag is like a op cheat code nobody really notices this [ __ ] oh my god okay hold on let's get away let's get away yeah buddy okay you already know what we do you know the vibes okay activate that and let's get the fook out of here it's a phrase that refers to the traditional japanese concept of the ideal woman a woman who is pure and feminine gentle graceful humble patient faithful meek quiet timid keep the house clean bear lots of children respect your husband no matter what know your place yamato it's often said that this type of woman is going extinct that it's rare to find a woman who embodies those traits in this day and age but there's one girl at academy who fits that description perfectly oh yeah who's that most popular girl in school every boy wants her every girl wants to be her and she just happens to once empire even my senpai has fallen under her spell okay well it's time to break the spell that the switch has cast over the school like senpai could like her but does she even like him sustain her perfect reputation and turn her adoring fans into her enemies okay so i think i need to join the newspaper club spread some gossip just talk that [ __ ] and basically just tell everybody at the school that she sucks ass every single day until friday okay so she's in this class so let's see the books and read the diary you look through your rival's diary she likes cooking music martial arts cats and money she dislikes drama violence reading school and family you learn some embarrassing secrets that will help you spread gossip about her and perhaps you should befriend her and put a no interlocker oh wait that's the same thing for every single person okay so let's go back and let's join the newspaper club oh i can see a sparkle in your eye let me guess you want to join our club right if you join the newspaper club you'll be able to write articles that will influence students at school in various ways that's fantastic welcome aboard i look forward to seeing what kind of articles you'll write so improve reputation damage your rival's reputation improve school atmosphere so let's damage our rival's reputation and did that work is everybody just automatically hating her guts now i hope so so let's just start gossiping everybody let's gossip about you know who kamako funakoshi hey ikuyu yayatabashi did you know that kamako funaikoshi really loves violence ugh i can't get along with people like that so her rep is now 21 hold on hold on hold on i got a gossip i got to tell you the chase me let's uh do that said negative one zero five no get out of my face okay can i write any more articles nope i can't i just need to keep gossiping a little bit longer but i've already talked to a lot of people i don't know anybody that's going to play this game that's going to say that that was their favorite type of elimination if that's your favorite type of elimination you probably like watching paint dry too komako was absolutely devastated by the unbearable bullying and harassment that she is being subjected to she silently returns to her home planning something drastic oh my god dinner's ready oh sana dinner's ready damn mom calling her by the wrong name too yeah i'm not going to show you all what happened and it wasn't even the correct model either it was osana for your mama so um yeah we eliminated that rival so let's move on to the next one sometimes when i'm following my senpai home from school i notice that he likes to buy certain magazines from convenience stores you magazines featuring graveyard idols attractive young women who strike provocative poses in revealing outfits senpai is a little nasty isn't he he's a big fan of one girl in particular since her debut he's bought every magazine with even a single photo of her and she just transferred into academy oh what a coincidence of the school's male population are already completely infatuated with her they follow her around school like a pack of pathetic lovesick puppy dogs and my senpai is among them as much as i'd love to carve a hole in her heart it might be difficult with so many witnesses surrounding her at all times perhaps the best way to deal with her is to set her up with another boy okay so matchmaking elimination it's going to be difficult to find a volunteer this is going to be easy to eliminate her all we got to do is look in her diary see what kind of guy she likes and then turn one of the guys into her potential suitor or whatever wait she doesn't talk to senpai she's just a normal girl okay i guess she's too cool to talk to senpai so there's no more of that mumbo jumbo so this is her this is her she walks like a diva too so we just gotta fast forward and then we gotta see what her diary says okay so she likes boys who have ponytails she likes boys who have piercings she likes boys who wear shades she likes boys who tan their skin and she doesn't like dark hair she also likes boys who wear a lot of jewelry and she admires a man who has a lot of courage okay so the question is which of these guys is gonna be set up with her because all these dudes are thirsty all these dudes got secondhand horny look how many thirsty ass dudes are on her right now one two three four five six seven eight nine what ten are you the tenth guy turn the corner and tell me you're the tenth guy you're the tenth guy you're that horny there's like a conga line of dudes what do you want me to do look are they gonna go inside here too no they're just waiting freaking hornies bro okay um socialize what do you want me to do you're all horny [ __ ] weird i'm having i hate if you're willing to weird my boys i mean i could kill her in here right now i honestly could if i really wanted to i could but i want to find out which boy we can turn into her lover so let me figure it out but yeah i could definitely get her inside the locker room real quick especially that moment in time just now where she was by herself could have just set everything up in the locker and just be done with it but one of these guys one of these horn balls who is it though it says that none of these dudes have a crush on anybody i'm going through the whole list and nobody has a crush my memory is fading but i remember when we match make the guy last time with kokona we actually had certain things that we had to buy i believe so let me see video camera and tripod remote controlled radio remote control toy car tape player with headphones directional mic i guess that and tape player with headphones [ __ ] i have no clue and then what about here not nothing here hold on um i gotta go to the hair dye store right where's that at the salon what what is this what was that what the hell was that what what was what the [ __ ] did i just see all right everybody i'm gonna keep it a buck with you i've been recording for five and a half hours and i just want to see who the last rival is i'm gonna do another yandere simulator episode as soon as i can but i just want to see who the last person is so we are going to do the op garbage bag elimination and we are going to get her right here because this is one of the only times where the guys can't see her because you know how everybody's so thirsty in this game i gotta make sure that we do the dumbbell slash garbage bag combo that's the op combo okay this is actually my time to strike this is it this is it this is it okay [Music] god damn please please please please please please please hurry the [ __ ] up okay do that conceal conceal thank you pick up the body hurry the [ __ ] up and let's put it over here so we can see the last rival thank you i've been trying to avoid acknowledging him but at this point in time that's just not possible anymore good the man in the trench coat oh that guy the investigative journalist he finally made his move for months now he's been obsessed with investigating akademi but the headmaster has always refused him entry into the school up until now that was enough to stop him but recently he found a loophole so i guess he's gonna be stalking uh rio apparently he's had an apprentice for a while now she's a junior detective and a former student of akademi back when she was attending school here she did something extraordinary she solved a high-profile murder mystery that the police were struggling with that accomplishment turned her into a national celebrity almost overnight okay i can already tell this one's nothing more for her to gain from remaining enrolled in academy so she left without graduating and quit and now one year later she's back she claims that she's here to finish her degree but i can tell that there's more to the story than that her mentor that journalist is firmly determined to investigate akademi clearly he must have asked his apprentice to return here to be his eyes and ears the two of them have been interviewing students and they've learned something things tend to happen to girls who have a crush on a certain boy at school my senpai he's become a person of interest to them and now that junior detective girl is investigating him following him everywhere talking to him all the time and lately she's been getting a bit too friendly with him it's enough to make my blood boil but as much as i would love to sink a knife into her heart a violent approach might be a bad decision this time around she's convinced a bunch of students to patrol the hallways with cameras right now the slightest mistake could cost me everything this girl she's probably the most dangerous enemy i've faced so far but if i could somehow manage to befriend her and put her in debt to me she could be a powerful ally okay befriend so it's kind of like one of the first asana eliminations where we have to meet her on the rooftop and talk to her right senpai i need to speak with you let me see what she looks like oh what can i do for you take this meal put it on your desk she's not very nice is she at lunch time eat it uh sure but why i'm testing a theory uh okay i'll do it i guess meet me here at 5 15 p.m and tell me how the bento tasted that is so freaking random uh sure okay so i need to befriend her i want to speak to you about the evil photographer please meet me on the school rooftop at 7 30 boom oh daddy your diary fell out of your book bag i picked it up to put it back and i accidentally saw what was written on one of the pages that phase dude something about an evil photographer it made me worry are you in danger do you need help please tell me what's going on you don't need to make up an excuse just admit that you were stooping around in my bag but yes i'm dealing with a problem that i can't handle on my own there's an abandoned insane asylum just outside of town i heard a rumor that a man is luring girls inside threatening them at knifepoint and forcing them to strip for him what the actual folk i decided to purchase some pepper spray for my own protection and investigate the rumor myself i arrived at the asylum and began exploring just a few minutes into my investigation he appeared i took out the pepper spray but he knocked it out of my hands before i could use it he trapped me inside a room with him and exactly as he had done with all of his other victims he demanded that i strip for him holy [ __ ] this guy dark i was terrified i didn't want to die so i just did what he told me to do he didn't touch me but he did take some compromising pictures of me he had a big duffel bag with him at one point i saw what was inside a bunch of camera equipment along with dozens of photographs of other girls evidently the man started a rumor about an asylum being haunted to trick teenage girls into thinking it was a good spot for a test of courage he must be camping out in that asylum every night waiting for girls to show up so that he can corner them and take pictures of them what a vile man eventually i saw an opportunity to escape so i grabbed my clothes and ran away i got away safely but i haven't quite recovered from the experience why don't you call the police what never i have a reputation to maintain i'm supposed to be a fearless tough-as-nails hard-boiled detective i can't let anyone know that some pervert with a camera got the better of me i just want to go back to that asylum and burn all of that man's photographs to ashes but there are factors that are complicating the matter a bunch of homeless people and drug addicts have begun occupying the asylum i couldn't even defend myself if i wanted it to the insane asylum and burn the photographer's pictures for you what do you even realize what you're saying you'd be putting your life in danger don't worry i'm tougher than i look i actually like this one because we actually do something different you if you actually succeed in burning those photos well i can't possibly overstate how much that would mean to me my career is writing on this after all trust me i'll be fine give me your phone number so i can call you when the problem is resolved i fine but just be careful why would you randomly trust this girl with this [ __ ] eating grin i'm actually really excited about this part because now it says we can go to an insane asylum that is freaking crazy so in the regular game we can go to somebody's house and take care of the other guy but now we go inside of an insane asylum and we have 10 bags to burn and apparently there's like drug addicts and homeless people here so this is kind of like the house but different same but different everybody this is actually dope what the [ __ ] oh my god who the hell is that oh who the [ __ ] is that hey relax relax what the heck oh my god random ass dude uh oh can you hear my footsteps itchy itchy what's itchy oh tasty taste oh boy oh my god what the hell oh who are you are you a demon you won't kill me demon okay my bad my bad my bad okay where am i going where am i going where am i going i have no idea i don't even know where the bags are hold on i don't even know what bags i need to burn give me a second actually i see it there's a bag right there baby so burn that [ __ ] got nine bags okay there is another one okay this is actually cool when i was thinking about the update i was thinking about [ __ ] like this this is the kind of stuff that actually lights my fire you know what i mean okay so let's do a little sneaky sneaky and get freaky there's a guy right there in the corner what the hell hopefully we don't have to do this all in one go i mean even if we do it'll be all right some other suckers in the corner hold on just wait for him to go away just be patient be patient be patient be patient oh [ __ ] dude say he's itchy for no reason the hell are you talking about my guy talking about come on leave [ __ ] okay okay okay just third-person camera this [ __ ] close again we got this i wish there was like secret walls we can go through damage like little holes in walls instead of doing this [ __ ] let's go come on come on come on come on come on come on yep got em boy okay another bag right here what else we got oh my god this freaking guy oh [ __ ] oh my god he almost got me son of a [ __ ] okay going here another bag okay we got four more i don't know why he's just leaving random bags in the insane asylum that thing's crazy okay good got it yep all right so we got three more bags to go come on jay we got this you know we do you know the vibes you know the vibes my guy all right one two three go go go go go go go go go okay so um i'm assuming that there's a couple more bags in here there's got to be right nope that's already a bag what about here that's already a bag and let's go around this way come on stop playing with me stop playing with me where is it okay two more two more oh [ __ ] who the hell's in that there's somebody in there [ __ ] balls okay let's go there's somebody in here who the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] okay go burn that [ __ ] i can't believe that that dude's a dumbass he's a freaking [ __ ] what do you say he's so easy huh oh [ __ ] what the hell how did this happen uh-oh something like this doesn't just happen on its own what what tell me somebody did this while i wasn't looking no you think come on bro he's still around here somewhere oh [ __ ] oh we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go demons is he gonna chase us no he's not he's a [ __ ] he's not about that life just stay calm jay one more bag to go too bad i don't have yandere vision to see what else i need to do okay he's there go down and we just need to find one more bag one more bag my boy is it over here nope okay come on come on come on come on oh [ __ ] go this way freaking statue with big ass butt cheeks where do i go hold on it's got to be around here it's got to be on the left side just please go got him baby got him baby turn me up that's the last bag give me some come on yes exit the building from the window you came in from i thought that that guy once you burn that other bag inside of his office i thought that he was gonna patrol hard but never mind he's not really about that life i told you i got this everybody before ryoba burned the picture she grabbed one photograph to keep with her as proof that she was in the asylum ryobo returns home calls her rival and informs her that the pictures have been destroyed she also invites the girl over to her house to see the proof ryobo's rival arrives at ryoba's home when she sees the photograph she knows that rioba is telling the truth ryoba lets the girl burn the photos so that she can put this dark chapter of her life behind her then ryoba offers her rival some tea oh so we're going to serve normalty because we don't want to drug the girl so we're just going to serve normal tea after the massive favor that ryoba did for sonoko she can no longer consider ryoba to be a murder suspect over a cup of tea ryoba describes the deep feeling she has for her senpai and explains how heartbroken she would feel if anyone took the boy away from her she asked sunoko to stay away from her senpai sunoko states that she must continue to investigate senpai as a potential murder suspect but will not attempt to date him sunoco is no longer a threat and the two girls are now the best of friends wow like a true after-school special they're the best of friends the past 11 weeks have challenged me in every way possible but despite everything i've still managed to defeat every one of my adversaries yes we have these experiences have made me stronger braver i think i finally found the courage to talk to him to tell him how i feel when i confess my feelings to him it has to be special it has to be perfect i don't believe in the myth about the cherry tree behind the school but i can't think of any place more appropriate for my confession today i'm going to tell him today senpai please accept my feelings oh my god i can't believe we did it it took me six hours everybody to defeat all 10 rivals that's a shitload of content most of it was because a lot of it was slow paced and i needed to wait for certain things to happen but it still took me a long time to beat the whole thing so please leave a like on this video because i did this all for you it's happening it's really happening today is the day the day i finally tell him how i feel it's taken so long but now i'm ready i'm ready to stop right there ryoba i see oh [ __ ] it's you wow suspicion of the murder of sumirai saitozaki 11 weeks ago and your connection to at least one other person's death wait please there must be some mistake i had nothing to do with oh no you're not going that's crazy your innocent schoolgirl act won't save you this time what evidence do you even have i've been questioning your classmates over the past couple of months they've noticed a pattern in your behavior that boy over there the one under the tree you've shown a keen interest in any girl who developed feelings for him some of those girls are dead now and the others they're conveniently out of the picture what's happening here is obvious you're eliminating any girl who tries to take that boy away from you and sumire was your first victim no i would never hurt anyone i swear i'm innocent you have to believe me save it for the judge cover boys he did it he said the line he said save it for the judge cover boys freaking typical 1989 detective god damn this is crazy wow this is actually very interesting i like it on april 1st ryoba aishi put a note into the locker of sumiray saitozaki after reading this note sumire went to the east 3rd floor girls restroom that was the last time anyone ever saw sumiray after she was reported missing police investigated akademi for clues in the east third floor girl's restroom they found some of sumirey's blood shortly before sumire went missing ryoba aishi was spotted carrying a knife and walking in the direction of the east third floor girls restroom who was the witness who saw that later she was seen carrying a large garbage bag towards the school incinerator all this information came from oui tunisia a student at akademi who the [ __ ] is that it was interviewed by the police the day after sumiray's disappearance it's obvious what happened to sumiray ryoba aishi killed her in the bathroom with a knife stuffed her in a garbage bag and carried her to the incinerator where she burned all of the evidence do you deny any of this we oba aishi did not i did not kill sumirei saitozaki and she says it with a smile on her face it's true that i put a note in her locker and spoke with her in the bathroom but i simply wanted to discuss a personal matter with her nothing more what about the knife i noticed that one of the knives in the home economics room was missing it turned out that someone had brought the knife to the cooking club by mistake so i simply took it from the cooking club and put it back in its rightful place and the garbage bag how do you explain that i love my school i can't stand to see trash and garbage piling up everywhere oh my god i do my part to keep the school clean just like everyone else does not even a jury of five-year-olds would believe that you always have a convenient explanation for everything don't you do you really think anyone in this courtroom is going to believe your obvious lies mr journalist there are a number of problems with your theory first of all you're accusing me of murder but you don't actually have any proof that sumire is dead she is still considered missing after all i think she simply ran away because of the stress of studying at an elite school i pray that she is alive and well and will return to us one day you think i killed sumere because of three facts i spoke to her i held a knife and i burned some trash however none of these things are grounds for suspicion every day at school dozens of students talk to each other touch objects that could be used as weapons and carry garbage bags to the incinerator there was nothing unusual or suspicious about my behavior you know i think i finally figured out what's going on here mr journalist your apprentice sunoko sakanoi became a celebrity after she stopped a killer you're desperate to pin a crime on me because you want to be a celebrity too get him girl reason that any of us are in this courtroom today is because you're deeply insecure that your apprentice has accomplished more than you oh now they're talking that'll get them talking order order in the court nah you gotta be like it's true that there is no smoking gun evidence linking you directly to a murder however with that said over the past 11 weeks you have demonstrated behavior that is suspicious if not outright incriminating your classmates have testified that you've been stalking a certain boy at school following him when he goes shopping following him when he walks home following him when he goes shopping by all accounts you're absolutely obsessed with this boy furthermore every time a girl begins to show signs of interest in him something always happens that removes the girl from his life you can't possibly expect anyone to believe that these facts are mere coincidence clearly you are sabotaging the boy's love life in order to keep him single and who else had a crush on that boy that's right sumiray saitozaki you've been eliminating every girl who comes between you and that boy and sumi ray was your first victim everybody calm down calm down he has a way with words that doesn't mean it's true order i said order no bro you gotta be like order i said order enough conjecture let's go over the facts kaguya wakazumi drowned to death the police know that she was murdered but don't know who killed her moyko was killed with a weapon the police know that she was murdered but don't know who killed her hanami horoshima was pushed off the top of the school rooftop the police do not suspect her death was a murder sumiko chachabana was poisoned to death her death is considered to be an accident ritsuko was killed with a weapon the police know that she was murdered but don't know who killed her daya roshi was electrocuted to death her death is considered to be an accident tycho was killed with a weapon as far as anyone knows she just mysteriously vanished one day kamako killed herself the police suspect that she may have been murdered chigusa was killed with a weapon the police know that she was murdered but don't know who killed her sunoko son whatever made friends with ryoba she testified in court that ryoba is a good person and would never commit murder after samire's disappearance the police were called to academia total of six times the police discovered a total of four corpses at academy ryoba made four friends at academia rioba's reputation at school is -54 ryoba's classmates witnessed her doing something suspicious 18 times ryoba's classmates witnessed her carrying a dangerous weapon around school zero times riova's classmates witnessed her walking around in bloodstained clothing 12 times one student testified that she witnessed rioba commit murder but had no evidence and i actually really like that consideration it is clear beyond any shadow of a doubt i actually like that scale that ryoba aishi is responsible for at least one death over the past 11 weeks oh [ __ ] me all that time and i'm guilty jesus i got an f you successfully eliminated your rivals but aroused so much suspicion that you were eventually judged to be guilty of murder we got an f you know what f that it took me six hours to beat this whole thing i'm proud of myself that's an a on my part a for effort all right everybody that's gonna do it for yandere simulator 1980s mode i gotta give that a round of applause well done well done yandere dev i didn't know what to expect because i was like 1980s mode i just want like the current rivals in the game but that was actually really cool obviously you know we played the game for a long time so we're gonna see a lot of the things that have been implemented into the game from a long time ago but imagine somebody who's never seen this game before and there's just like an overwhelming amount of content for them to play and they're just like holy crap like i don't even know what to do because there's so much [ __ ] to do i obviously knew a lot of things going on in the game so it was pretty easy for me i guess but there was still a lot of content in the game and the fact that i recorded for this long and it took me that long to eliminate all 10 rivals hey that says something about the content in this game there's a lot of it so yeah i'm gonna say i was actually pleasantly surprised with 1980s mode we still have a few things that we gotta check out but i'm gonna save that for another video if you guys wanna see that in the next episode of yandere simulator make sure you guys give this video one big fat like i tell a friend today that jay from the cubs scouts is dead
Channel: Kubz Scouts
Views: 9,643,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kubz, scouts, kubz scouts, yandere simulator, yandere, simulator, yandere simulator game ending, yandere simulator 10 rivals, yandere simulator kubz scouts, yandere simulator ending kubz scouts, yan sim, yandere sim, yandere simulator 2021, yandere simulator 1980s mode kubz scouts, eliminating all 10 rivals, journalist, mr journalist, yandere simulator 1980s mode all weeks, yandere dev, sandbox, funny moments, funny commentary
Id: j-bsgrQN6yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 48sec (4488 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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