We have won so many PRIZES!

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hey guys it's been a while since we showed our prize room so today we're gonna be showing you all the prizes that we have currently crystal was actually hidden among the prizes right now I'm actually in the prize room right now crystal is hidden among the prizes because the last time we did this we actually like a hide-and-go-seek among the prizes and you guys said it was way too easy so today we're gonna make it a lot harder crystal is actually hitting really really well so what you guys ready to see the prizes here we go BAM here are the prizes guys this is our prize room it's actually a new prize room since the last one because we actually moved since the last prize room tour so here are the prizes so somewhere in the video right now like somewhere on screen crystal is hidden can you find her you might want to pause it sometime and look for her she's actually hitting so this area over here but anyway why are you trying to find crystal look at the prizes as well so I remember the last video we did we said that unicorn right there was like the biggest prize no it's not the largest prize anymore look at that pool behind it okay back to finding crystal all right crystal you gonna jump out when I count the 1 all right 3 2 don't jump out so crystal was laying down right there you probably saw her face I made sure it was extra hard because last time people are like that was too easy to find y'all I mean last time I thought it was hard but apparently no one else did but yeah so all these big prizes guys were just from this year like the large prizes from the carnival games yeah we we never won prizes this size until this year Pony My Little Pony it's actually not a pony it's a unicorn angel that's what everybody was saying to me everyone individuals like it's not a pony it's a unicorn yeah it is a unicorn I understand it's unicorn but anyway so that's crystals favorite I think my favorite of the large prizes oh here's that um musky husky we named it the musky husky because it stinks cuz it was outside at the carnivals it actually really does stink I think my favorite of the large prizes is are you ready the well oh you know I thought it was aware when I want it and I still think it's a whale that's not a whale that's a Wobbuffet I actually have no idea I actually do not know it's a whale or not maybe it is I think the largest prize we have is probably this one right here the dragon yeah do you know we won this dragon from the Strawberry Festival last year and we thought that was the largest prize ever that was actually the largest prize we won from a carnival until this year she's stuck so some of the prizes that you guys see right now are actually spoilers because they haven't showed up in other videos yet like they should hope krystal won that ball right there from the what was it the carnival game we share to fill it oh yeah we have a giant spongebob as well mustache so it's really hard to like find prizes that we like want to pull out because like they're everywhere so all the most recent stuff is on top and you might notice that our prize room is smaller than before that's because that year we actually donated a majority of the stuff that we have like we only kept like really things that we thought were very important to us so we're actually trying to rebuild the collection so we are actually going to donate all these big ones to a local church which I am so glad because we're gonna have way too many of those so we're probably take like 10 different trips to donate all those Christmas what are you looking for you're just down there eating donuts looking around yeah that one we actually kept from like years because it's Lord of the Rings actually that one's The Hobbit that one's actually The Hobbit so we actually have like stuff organized kind of that corner way back there underneath all the big stuff is all the prizes we want from Japan some over here back over there I know the glitter lamps are back there somewhere over here in this box are just like prizes that we've won from arcades themselves like with tickets except for that D s right there crystal actually worn that from a machine if you haven't seen that video you have to go watch it because I Sonic and a plankton oh right there look at that Cobra yeah that Cobra actually hasn't showed up in a video but it will soon it must ask you a question yeah that was from pani park was he actually got that I think last not last year but the year before that when we did that video it was we showed the coke from that you remember you tried sippin out of the coke yeah and that's the present from that trip no II didn't know we got that from Dallas from the ice cream claw machine which wasn't an ice cream claw machine do us that dark outside feels dark outside I've been much more scary but it actually wasn't that scary oh we got that in London but then the Namco arcade pick a good hiding spot at least I think it was and I want to give you guys a clue this is not angel that scary little face so I'm gonna count down in joy and you're gonna pop out wherever you are all right oh and guys he's somewhere in this frame that's a little clue so pop out in three two one Oh is he by a spongebob no you by the dolphin he's by the dolphin that little chickens moving no maybe the plush are haunted in three two it's hard to get out of there isn't isn't it I bet it is could you breathe you're my boo squirtle oh I always get them mixed up always good to mix up family can you find any more in there there was a Rudolf or something spongebob yeah like a rudolph one and then there was a buck wait where's angel where is angel I'm the plus I get closer to me oh my gosh where is he going his grand halsy needle oh my god where's this groundhog going now think is coming somewhere over here where is he I bet not you're in your knees I think we need to do now they take all these big prizes out of here so you get you see like how many prizes we have on you can't me see you there yeah we have a lot of small ones so we have all the big prizes taken out and looks like a lot less prizes in here for a shirt I mean there's like a lot of them like just spread out but it's a lot less it's actually manageable now we didn't take the big pac-man out or the Pikachu in the unicorn because we never like we need to take what's up we got our sign on though what is that oh so waffle cone ice cream cupcake are you sure it's not just ice cream maybe it's that cotton candy I just came in a waffle cone yeah we want that one in Pigeon Forge I remember oh you have all the other ones in here too somewhere no they're hidden there somewhere it's like a scavenger hunt trying to find things you know we should do that's not funny crazy that is not funny we should do like a video one day where would you like a scavenger hunt in here I can write down a list of prizes that we have to find like maybe find the plush with red hair or something like that that would be really fun we should we should just like that I think that'd be fun I think it'd be fun just to do like just right now like this oh this isn't technically red hair but oh it doesn't right here on the side but there's like orange red right I think that's kind of cool so we got that from Dallas got that from my tit downland washi there's my that's how you pronounce it I don't speak French sorry yeah when that crystals like in the Japan corner yeah that's not Japanese what yes some of those prizes we actually haven't shown on camera yeah I don't know which ones but I know some of them we have it I don't think a rootbeer let me get closer so this Pokemon looks like it looks root beer to me like root beer float and crystal things yeah the log and that's a koala I remember you won that in Japan you want it like one try and I was like yeah that's like a digimon or something I thought it was a Pokemon but it's actually not so I'm not even gonna say yeah I thought it was that but I did I honestly did there goes your favorite over there it's just I see his leg sticking up there's his legs she's like two of those well I thought it was a favorite but she just do it anyway so it's not her favorite really yeah so like man this is been a while since we've seen it empty like this without all the prizes everywhere like it's been a while for sure yep didn't you say there was another one or something popcorn do you want to hide again you don't try hiding again I think yeah so now you guys can see how open it is so it should be easier to find her but I'm gonna make sure that she's really hard to find I'll make sure all you see is like one eyeball that's all you're gonna see if crystal he is hidden and she has hidden well I'm actually not gonna move the camera because I don't even need to move the camera because she is somewhere in this frame this squirtle over here is not her so that's not her you cannot rule that out but she could be anywhere else in the frame so crystals gonna have five seconds to lay there in the heat and suffer because I had to suffocate in the heat for the one go and it wasn't very fun she like made me stay in there so here she goes she's actually moving her eyebrows right now that's like a little clue oh man it's too easy now since I just said that I can spot her instantly I know what you once I saw you do that I was like oh man everyone's gonna see that that was way too is you get to do another one now we're gonna test just how good those lookers of yours are if you keep playing Krystal with your lookers aka your eyeballs right now you were really awesome because she has hidden so well that I don't think you'll find her like there's no way you're gonna find her for sure unless she starts moving her eyebrows again which I hope she doesn't stop moving your eyebrows over there Chris alright here we go three two one where are you at she's upside down so the over you drop the light of it so the only thing you can see was her like lips upside down I tried to tell you off with the whole eyebrow thing but hopefully you guys found her angels hiding again and this is a hard where is angel oh wow cuz he like doesn't grill marks right there guys this is a stink eye I can see how you think it's a waffle because of the butter so many people thought this is a waffle [Music] yeah black pepper on their waffles not hmm yeah look for a big one over there oh good one until he do not care about it this is one of the first prize that we wanna wear in Japan oh yeah little shoeless that was super fun look thank you oh really spoilers never looks weird and like a mutant really oh I did not know that yeah this is I got a hamster rodent [Laughter] beside when you're beside so squishy I'm so sorry yes I love that me soul monsoon yeah oh that one is let me let me feel that one I don't remember this one I don't remember what we got this one is really squishy [Laughter] we're gonna wrap it up guys we have all the big prizes back in the room so expect to be in school yeah how do by myself because she didn't wanna help me but I got them all thank you she winking are you a geek I knew you were probably looking around there oh yeah that's we're gonna wrap it up hopefully you guys enjoyed the prize room enjoy all the big prizes like this big unicorn butt right here and the small prizes like a zoo small unicorn but I saw one earlier hope you guys enjoyed the president thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 1,757,589
Rating: 4.8364444 out of 5
Keywords: arcade prizes, arcade wins, plush time wins, arcade, prize room, prizes, plush time wins prize room
Id: E536gIoXzWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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