We played ALL the games at the ARCADE!

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hey guys recently passed 1 million subscribers that is very very exciting I'm really excited for excited so what we did when we passed happened lien since forever is we went to an arcade when we played almost every game in the arcade yeah we skip the racing game but welcome to that today we're in a bigger arcade and we're gonna play every game here all the shooting games all the racing games so yeah we're gonna get in there and play every single game that they have here a long time oh my gosh why did you for you to bring it to my mind to the end we'll make sure you guys know how much you contemplate every single game oh yeah hope you guys are doing it so we're gonna start at the entrance and as you can see there are actually two UFO catchers so what we've decided is if there are duplicates of a game we're only gonna play once so we're gonna go play one of these we're not gonna play both sides because there are a lot of duplicates at the arcade actually like for big bass we load there's like six of them that we get super expensive so fast she's going for Garfield oh maybe by his head by his head oh man okay that's a loss what's next okay so now we have the mega crane so there are three of them here which one you're playing sports does it go far enough over if it this one will be here on the right it's a football so we should put our guesses interest of how long we think this videos gonna be nope that's a loss what's next what is this it's a make-a-wish Gallagher / miss pac-man Oh does it oh we don't have a dollar bill up next game over here there are two blinking do you want to check the other one so here's the first playing King this one looks oh maybe that box thing right there how's the side look how she'll play this side all right so what are you going for oh it was a necklace but these they drift over to the left remember yeah both these blinking skier Dave I just like like no chain or a bracelet like a bracelet so yeah like I was saying we should make a guess of how much we think that's gonna cost because we're not gonna know what to or not cost how much it's gonna last how long the video rash cuz they people will know right now because when I'm watching this I'm thinking two hours at least [Music] next up this is for that door let me get in the side of her yeah that's a little troll that's a bit wrong there's a skipping skipping yeah don't push the button just let it I'll refresh it so I went to the car to get some change so crystal go play this game I don't even know what level you're on it looks pretty weird on camera but it doesn't look like that in real person real person fake person maybe this is like the best you've ever done you're not gonna make it to that high score though that high score is almost 700,000 I've never seen a pair actually oh you might miss this level yeah that's move it down here you guys got a pear and apple a pretzel this is your last life Oh No yes cool so that was easy my credits come on Chris I know you can do this alright come on come on don't don't die that is definitely a high score for you Chris twenty thousand and twenty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now it's just normal monster drop a small one is really good at this one drop for schools to the most value possible actually what is it going for another two can you make it three twos in a row dude literally got two two two how in the world did you do that goods next up is monopoly alright so we've never really played Monopoly because we never win we always do so terrible I understand oh look red cup challenges are working so we can't play that next oh man you want the boots yeah the boots all is my favorite it's always been my favorite I got this side of you all right so you get four spins right four rolls what I call it get the best of all that's not the best role that's not the best role and it's close but not quite the best you got 200 bucks I think is like two tickets okay get the best roll you got it so what do you get 900 bucks I like 900 bucks third roll so you want to get that six you have to get that six oh man if you were to get that six that's how you get like the UM the real jackpot you have to land on Park Street parking yeah okay let's get you get five rolls I believe yeah we might need to play this one off and you're pretty good at it host only got 260 that time lame new hotel though hope I can play it again so it doesn't matter alright get the 11 get the 11 oh you went way too hard let's see what's that gonna be be more than 200 bucks that's nice how many tickets did you end up with so you ended up with 48 tickets Tower of Power crystal has been known to get the jackpot not this time crystal has been known to get a jackpot on that game Wheel of Fortune all right so this is like cyclone we ever played cyclone yet but it's over there mind over here to Chris so I'm gonna try to record and play at the same time so I'm about to tell you which one I want you to go for okay so I'm gonna be booed so press press start to go it goes so who's gonna go first it's gonna be red all right so first one gets to go first she's actually playing for both of us okay so make mine drop to the ride of yours by one that day yep that's good let's see where she's gonna go okay make mine jump on the other side of yours thank you okay make mine drop on top of that when you just drop thank you all right make my drop on the left of live got my last one yeah yep I'll just maybe I'll just tell you how many times go left okay make munch up - up yours is that it I think that's it okay you didn't make my oxygen left over there to left but you left to left I got really happy too that the I won but that's time I won alright so I actually get a um a bonus like stop it so I want you to stop it for me Chris try to stop in the 500 oh man actually gave it a truck now we're both gonna play pac-man battle royale that's not for me thank you so we have these little joysticks you don't recycle pac-man so they me versus you crystal we don't want people in here just meet you alright so if you eat those big ones you turn really big and you can eat little people so I can eat personal we skip this alright so I am red crystal is pac-man I'm like a mad pac-man yeah you are the original original loser [Music] it's really hard because like the toy steps at an angle so I think we get three rounds right yeah so I won the first round let's see if I could win a second order no I just outmaneuvered you all right second round fight I just say fight like it's Mortal Kombat or something that just seems weird oh you got it I guess you have a new to me you did win so fast there alright so it should be one more round this is the like the final round it says the final round [Music] just get all those little things down there I've gotta say with you saw like that that carrot drop of Madagascar [Music] so I watch twice I'm going to be the winner right yes I'm the winner angry birds are the cage come on Bishop get all the CTE get the TMT to pull them all up somehow how can you do it so I think anything gay like shoot the stuff below it helps them Falls and blows up those up those rocks to the left on the right I think that's pretty good please get it please get the jackpot it'd be so awesome yes yes I think you needed to blow up the of the actual piece of ice glass the glass with their ice that was underneath the mob - yeah I think if you hit those that might shoot them off then left in the right the other blocks yeah hit below the rocks xD act that yourself some the rock stars yeah so maybe we don't even need the TMT whatever your last bird like 20 tickets MC we have 30 actually Chris's favorite is next go fishing go fishing and you get her jackpot Josh needs is Tim Tim and she has 100 so far she's got that pink get another pink get another peep or rice white would be nice terrible person no you're doing ok you're doing fine that's okay you're concentrating that white right you got another think you got another thing like 700 a wing you'll have three balls this is not good you're right this is terrible you have one last ball even if you get too wide you're still not gonna win yeah so she if it was I think 450 that's only 30 tickets [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] moving on over we have dream graders we've never actually played this game it's like a shooting game and it's like a roller coaster all in one eye just tilting her back and forth and everything shoot him shoot him I don't know how she's trying to get to some Gabby or something so hopefully she can make it to Yeti it says left go left right go right oh that's simple enough okay sorry I'll pay for two players whoever you are playful so I decided over here has a very short there but I work someone's playing you I could actually play with if I wanted great how would you shoot him he went into an icicle nose Dave [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah so the whole time she was racing she was like last place I right right start recording she she was baby peach [Music] [Music] [Music] whenever you do that it makes the red and the yellow terrible [Music] [Applause] [Music] Shuggie awesome it never happens needs a Big Daddy charters or the Big Mama showing over the data at home [Music] Oh [Applause] oh there it is just changing the scenery darn it I thought it was coming out every time it does that like yes the jellyfish is coming in and every lost [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Harrow [Music] come on baby tickets it's only 26,000 to get the jackpot first I'm pretty sure she can get it here as long as she doesn't freak out eight thousand already you're doing very good don't get that block don't get it that's the crazy one then we'll blow up everything just calm down you got it [Music] here bomb he's a bomb if you need to all right 17:18 you want to use the palm a little sooner you would have got the jackpot yeah just one 1,500 there that was close [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you only get one ball so make it count what's the 500 at the bottom come on Neptune that's great that's a loss next up is a black out you have to cover the Sun Chris it's really hard though oh man the screen isn't working oh there it goes I guess you're right sometimes it doesn't work all right let's see oh that looks pretty good ups buddy okay that's not the worst it's not the once you got 26% of it so if you did that five times that would be 125 percent 127 percent and I gotta get a hundred percent that's good too that's good now you just need to get my fat section and those two up there yeah I don't know maybe I don't know even give that did you get five total get hi hi hi that was new whoa so she can get the jackpot but you can still get 95% that's good that's good that's a good one all right how much should I that's a 75 you're at 84% now so do you want the top for you at the bottom oh you like it exactly to get the first one all right so she ended at 84% but you have a chance to get 20 extra tickets if she can stop it on the one that's the blue one so she just stopped the light on the blue one back there it has like a sequence that it goes in so he was right after purple let's see she'll get it Oh was close [Music] you got the bonus awesome playing the walking dead [Music] Oh [Music] crossbones headshot back to that [Music] don't you bad actually [Music] [Music] so the you have to get to the village section show up he likes you shoot beside with you obviously don't contain for them just I forgot what they're trying to do with the battery yet instead of last night plays this [Music] Oh [Music] close [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] I was following that so fast before the patient even telework [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so I thought it was pretzel thank you so that can't be in [Music] [Applause] okay you think I'll end this I'm Chris [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Mikey's a french fry [Music] hi right there's nothing you French all right I have four seconds three letters if it's a French word [Music] see I hope we can actually say Yahtzee because you get gots so the gig outs you have to get all the same number who two sixes two fours and a three she's holding two fours two two sixes all right she's hoping for a four or six I believe boy yes right chippy good that's just gonna move over to Jack's high it's a coin pusher so how many does it give you do you know oh that sounds really nice down there actually is a be like gin cool hopefully she can make it to this spins all right here it does like a little spin I don't you give out some of the coins over that's like a bonus [Music] that's a little bit of Miss that's a little bit of a miss yeah you need to get into that spin slide so the middle one is the one that shoots it down to go through the spin thing there is what is it what is it it was five parts I'm not sure how you play this game now you got a eight of books six of clubs or ten o'clock oh yeah Jim got some tickets oh maybe you're not a me over I think you got all your tickets from going through oh yeah another Jim you think I push anything over those [Music] [Music] [Music] to get into that black hole jackpot can she do it that's way too hard no she can't you made it to try again but we're not trying again so next is gonna play Full Tilt she's only gonna have one ball here - but it's at 450 - it's okay here goes one ball and she do it it's probably faster oh no you only got the tin all right so next up punk ooo panda just moving along aren't we all right so he's ready to pay out I don't know she's going with the arena so this one's pretty easy - first two levels everyone knows that by now I think can you make it past the first level juice I guess we'll find out it's always the bottom right one every time you start oh man that was not working really hard oh man some of them aren't working she said the difficulties before working I don't know I'm just trying to find the reason why it's not working all right 25 and 15 seconds get off Britain right now Oh oh yeah you got this one yeah I think they're all working use up the hitter like just right yeah right in the middle she's got bits of Bernie here 33 and 20 seconds good luck and don't hit the like the spiky balls there we go Oh so she only got 28 at 33 I bet that's gonna be like 50 tickets she has wrist of hurt [Music] [Music] [Music] it's candy crushing time brush the candy at the bottom no yes yeah that didn't work who's that what's the notebook hold on at the bottom yeah all right so working you need to get the jellies they're only at the bottom yeah oh no get this book it's two of them by each other yeah let's see what that does it does look a big where I think oh wait nevermind okay okay so if you do this you smell like those but yeah try cuz it's a good double all right so you have four moves to get rid of four jellies if you think so go ahead I mean I don't know what else better okay you only got get rid of one three moves how can you get that yeah do it I don't know what just do something I don't know man you need a blue come on you have two moves how can we do this I don't think so yeah maybe do that yes what that'll do how did it freeze I think the game froze because then those are gonna wait all right so once you pop this one these are gonna come out if you get a blue there you can win it doesn't that well there's only one blue so you got 43 and then you get a bonus spin yeah if you get a blue there you're gonna win awesome all right spin that wheel all right it's gonna spin this up here sometimes it's broken it doesn't stop what's the highest on there 500 oh come on 500 Oh bonus 25 hey sir that 68 tickets though so next up she's gonna play subway surfers so this game is really hard for Crystal everytime she plays it she like messes up so what you have to do is just run away from the site security guard is that game over yet okay cool if you get the letters you get the bonus [Music] yeah so she also can do is jump up dump down and they go left or right [Music] you are the words that this game it gives you a time limit that looks like I always forget out of all my I mean so frustrated watching bootleggers yes oh she has 40 seconds to be playing yeah you want to get that touch up over it helps you collect the coins up there you've right there on your heels nice dive how you did that roll that was awesome [Music] yes sir so no you have to be on top of that train stop Jim seconds ago go thank you for 124 tickets so far oh my gosh he's running in to everything 30 seconds she wasn't like five more things yeah sometimes I think she's like 31 tickets I think that's what that says over there she's already moving over to Galaga sold so let's see if she can make it to the mothership I just want to see if you'll make it to the mothership you should be able to though you shouldn't die here as long as they don't run into you'll be fine where's the bomb the bomb should be coming soon that's the externship yes and when the bomb is gonna come where's the bomb first of all first of all there's a bump gonna bump alright you got it cool so here about to the mothership man she's beating it like crazy since you already have 54 or 68 actually Aaron has 60 I'll be you don't have to keep shooting it first okay you gotta get the bonus ship what's up for those she's doing very well surprisingly she's doing way better and I would oh man game over she got 74 tickets [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well she do have tipping blocks ready has the first block goes on there perfect posture perfect was still good so she has two tickets so far [Music] [Music] that's okay that's probably not funny I think that stuff is the Haunted Manor so with this one she has suppressed to start by the nest bins she - no stop it bored fast stopped it she wants it to stop I like where these zones like you ready push right yeah so it's goes really slowly stops so you weren't on one of these zones or the super Winnie raizy curves it's pretty much just like spinning window just that has like a figure eight instead I think she's going for this bonus out here she only got 10 tickets on that oh she's moving over that dizzy chicken she's really good at this let's see the three lights right over there oh it's too hard just said you're good he got tickets [Music] [Applause] [Music] another ticket stop Crystal's playing a NASCAR showdown okay you're behind one lap two labs actually yellows in the lead he says on the screen above who's winning you're a second place though oh man how was it yellow and two wraps ahead of you [Music] the yellow ones on lap 11 and you're on lap 7 just keeps getting in your way how much I have dang you there 11 laps to go so you have a total of 20 laps you have to do oh yeah that's just the time you have the beat right there I just notice to get on 70 seconds and the record is 115 seconds I don't know something's wrong with the blue ones doesn't know what to do no one's even playing for the blue but it's like going crazy yeah so the yellow one is on lap 19 already [Music] I don't yeah I don't know what's up with the other one but it's got like a boost in their house like nitrous oxide something 2317 game over is it game over no score so you got 117 and I wonder whether there's no way that one finished before you [Music] Krista's gotta play Dance Dance Revolution hey I think that any sense her ace or something along those lines alright girls let's see what you got Oh perfect oh good so we never ever play this game we're just not really good at it I think you hold it when it's like that I don't think it's what's to step on I don't know though maybe I know she's doing her might apparently I figure someone who never plays he's doing okay okay she gave up on the game and now she just something dances to the music get it crystal get it no there she goes no now we're playing Infinity Blade FX Chris was doing pretty good she made it to the third round already the first two rounds pretty much like practice so this one is actually for real so you want to kill him as best you can attack your attacker check how she's like screwed like a cat or something I don't know what she's doing so this was actually like not supposed to be that easy I mean it's not like SuperDuper hard but he's already dead you don't got a scratch anymore now is just like the scratching his back or something let's see if she can make round four look as easy as round three was here he goes don't let him hit you with that crooked little sword I know he hit you know he's hitting you he's blocked your stuff he scratched you okay you got him you got him okay wait bucket bucket okay take him Kristin was so good at this game whenever I played this a long time ago I was terrible alright you ready a super attack when charged tap to stun your enemy okay are you ready it's that one on the left on that top button up there whenever there you go you didn't attack him attack him [Music] right oh I thought he was dead one more hit now you beat him see I knew he was almost dead okay he's dead Chris you don't gotta keep your narrow thinking she's like okay I was gonna keep swiping and swiping his my friend I don't think I ever got past that one yeah so you're doing way better and I did yeah so you can upgrade your weapon as often as you can cuz you get money for each level round five oh wait no I made it to him before it I made it to this guy before yeah he's where I didn't get by yeah he's the one that killed me oh just like that one hand you're dead okay toss time come on Chris that's that's shoot [Music] that's what - that one's - we're going there we learn to read oh you should just but that will go in there darn you're doing very well though right okay you got the right this was a lot of beanbags she's like going nonstop of the bags Oh 6750 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] especially with only one fall [Music] [Music] [Music] Crystal's playing a mock storm so she's actually the pilot of a fighter jets it really needs are you winning I don't know I like these uh these dolphin kind of game it's all around who's allergic turn their head to see everything loud in there so once you get inside you can learn anything outside but it is really fun she has missiles and she has like a machine gun don't shoot the buildings so water locks on the vessels in some missiles you kinda get not see anything go yeah you feel dizzy they can get really nauseating in every kind of sight I don't know it like boobs everywhere get motion sick very easy I was trying to get motion sick on the speaker body the starboard five six combo she's no way better than I did so I think the problem that she tells you how much army brat she has six missiles and four army learning warning mission alert [Music] okay got 30 seconds to take them all out or I take that one out every time you gotta shoot this thing in 20 seconds alright okay just more the runs more than one 17 seconds I'll try to rush you here you shoot it okay let me say dump Jarrett I saved up the tape back once I give a lot of unicorns in here like it's all your the points pretty much it is a pleasure you win the hole [Music] [Music] there goes six waffles go down [Music] [Music] [Music] to zero so let's see if we think you did get so she got the unicorn is that's probably the best one and then she got the mommy oh it does look like a mommy and then this one's just like normal she done right maybe she's like a normal duck because it looks like a real duck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I wasn't that close actually laying master it's awesome how did you do that here on the golden pin stage get another strike Wow look how many pins there are why are there so many like what do they mean like why did it make you go to a golden I don't know frame - maybe she can't another strike it wasn't golden pins that was like a basketball okay make it get all of them Chris I'm gonna what happens if you get a strike on this one [Music] that looks good help screams your market market Amol cried all of him but it was a lot of them so the seven you got hit nine call yeah more last time get another strike here Chris you're on your third frame the turkey yeah that's really is that a turkey is that a turkey [Music] and look actually show the turkey go to bed stage that looks really good take it off say let's make it what yes yeah that's good that's good 96 that's your best year all right so now you can go again what is supported here for stripes at the turkey plus 1/2 turkey in the baby oh no I went off to the side and you're still almost got it alright so you get one more if you get it wrong one more ball and hope that you can make this pick up the spare here I think there are two pins left right down the mill you get it looks pretty good yes man you did so well that has like a high score look your total is 361 you did better than a perfect game that is awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] if you go for the ring of Fire's and change [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] running their bragging rights [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Christmas playing a Batman / shooting vegan sure what this game is about driving back like a mixture of like a racing take out the core of the bad guys I don't think you want to shoot the cops so now you go to the second mission so that was Michigan recharge the objectives over there somewhere jump how about what you did when you're doing it right so you're just shooting batteries or [Music] recharge I'd have one more for you charged anemic utak yeah more better right that's good they follow you they dive right into the same building it's like what are you doing not pay attention corner we have been be sure I give you a rating of about three out of five okay now this I'm gonna fly to some Chili's immediately [Applause] there it is she has 12 tokens to try to knock over that line can you not get over this she gets 12 tokens first white it's right on the edge but I don't know [Music] we'll find out you're gonna get a bonus but actually a bonus token you need their da I'd be awesome oh wait let's go awesome I've got that points gonna fall over though you know we have this part already but it's gonna be nice to have another one here's your last one maybe nope nothing's not falling [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's 70 tickets [Music] icebreaker [Music] no not quite stickers I'm gonna put one more here get to yeah so she has to get right here in that little slot get the jackpot that's the last one and it's for tickets good all the way up so it has different levels just one two three four novels so she can fill up that first one she'll get 40 tickets what's the bottom current wizard or suddenly to a nap lizard yet now you're gonna press it there it goes so I don't know the technique can win the jackpot on this game we never win I think we get past like the second level oh you make the first one [Music] then she's all like leaving it to her and everything you almost have 250 you're almost there a little bit more Blizzard lizard suppose our fight imagine 50 yeah you almost have a 60 yeah just leave it there I think that might be our man maybe it's not to take heat yes is she only made into the 50 ticket level [Music] [Applause] pick this micro [Music] [Music] [Music] so right now she's on the London level she's actually in love you like a truck at a party so that way seven place [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] okay their food place now what's up with the big red buses double deckers I don't know how much further you have but you're in fifth place we strive a boost I believe you're cute [Music] awesome [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and of course that guy tell me coins crystal can get the fall over and his Star Trek for sure if you get one to stuff like right on that red light we got like some kind of bonus yeah give this bonus Tyler makes other Volvo up here so look at this and then stop work you want to get that 50 at the top or your 20 that's not the lowest I suppose [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] your car [Applause] [Music] [Music] tickets up this game their clusters what other arcade you do get tickets born what's the bonus stay pump come on no that's easy the first one's easy the second looks pretty easy as well [Music] all right so this is the normal cross the road they actually have Disney crossroad right over here all right not Disney crossroad I took that back it's pirates cross you home Disney crossroad is actually really cool it's how far can they go I'm not sure how far she'll make you I thought you already died I thought you jumped into water I was really close so she had 126 then she'll get the jackpot over 250 tickets [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] almost halfway yeah no this one's gonna die [Music] okay you're at 70 [Music] let's care for you oh man please don't come train please don't come train oh the train barely missed you you might actually get the know she only got 94 she's like I'm ready to play the Pirates of the Caribbean one okay that's just move on over here maybe you can do better this one didn't get a hundred and sixty two that's not good which one did you know it which character oh I think that's a Elizabeth Turner her name this will actually give you more points I think like three jumps is too that's about normal actually converted everyone was like 2004 you're gonna jump in the water you don't like this game oh I can tell you got me tickets don't swap into those pipes Chris just at 92 get Twitter [Music] [Music] you're doing so well how much did you get fifty six salvation time Terminator Salvation time oh you're gonna get punched in the face Chris it lets you ready to face well you said you wanted to play this one don't let him punch you in the face it's so funny like you're literally punching you at home and it's will be the hard part what you hope for the bombs when you go for them okay wow maybe I should have played this one you're actually not doing that bad I don't think you saw it half your life all you get the big gun now they don't stand a chance don't waste your bullets don't waste your boy okay oh oh man I should have distracted you that's my phone get back into the shotgun whose crystals be right here [Laughter] no no shoot them not me [Music] should the miss with a missile oh my gosh so goodnight you have grenades get that get that machine gun the dream thing your dream thing okay you guys don't we show us no is your bullets whistles the missing yeah take the missiles our priorities okay shooter grenade I can him secret reneedar him yeah if any that this will be have to shoot the missiles oh I think I'm distracting her I need to shut up [Music] well you died so fast just playing spin out so she needs to get the red one to stop no their mind the blue one to stop on the hundred oh man that's the twenty it could be 20 times 10 sorry 20 times 2 that's only 40 tickets the strike you're rich come on Chris that's Tim we're not quite rich it but we're getting closer 16 [Music] sixteen we're not gonna give their shoppers to get rich that's for sure but maybe we can get rich off a space boss so what are you aiming for you gonna eat for the bonus balls oh she's going for the bonus balls all right so that's it only gets one ball up there if you make it oh he said you got to admit it's okay cuz you still got it - oh never mind it's actually going all the way up to 500 I don't know why it said to cook on that screen but yeah you did you got the 500 [Music] [Music] [Music] Benja long time get your jump on come on fish ever get miss Jack home that's going nice and slow still pretty slow it's not gonna be faster [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so wants to do the bonus level because she just goes crazy yep the she's the coconuts peashooter coconuts you only have eight of our nine oh I wouldn't got any of them so she got eleven for twenty-seven she has one play to win something from the giant ball I don't know she's going to be able to what do you go for it let's see there's three alligators but alligators the one in the back so you up for this one now alright just looking for this one right here no cuz that's what I think all I see the people back there she was scared she's gonna stab yes I'm here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] noodle noodle dance actually alright so she's going for the thousand but she has to make it up there first so it seems easy but it's not searching hard and harder as the higher she gets up the more points you get stone the more TV show oh my gosh she's gonna lose at the very beginning so she's getting up there she's getting up there you're gonna Porter of the way there left over years like so feds are power-ups like rocketship what's out for that monster sure hit on top of his head there's a bouncy Springs on this girl make jump high [Applause] oh man now it's starting to get really hard yeah of course okay [Music] let's go take you all the dead top so get ready she got sucked into the black ball Christmas by a trance you saved over so she's actually been playing it for a little ride looks like she's already has Starscream the boss oh you got it dude his face and the face oh no did he hit you or you know somebody missing I never realize like I said she's hurting they're playing it for a little while that is close to the tanker she retained her oh it hit you oh you saved it you saved it it's okay you saved it not halfway nevermind I'll get him halfway help oh boy now it's halfway what's getting away I don't know they said something away oh he's like I'm out of here I shoot you from the sky [Music] [Laughter] [Music] now we're playing dark xscape for you this has to be the scariest cabinet game like what is that right there we played this like once before yeah it shakes the cabinet doesn't go window you yeah this is like a horror game like I think it keeps track of your heartbeat up there looks like [Music] [Music] killing you is kind of scary I'm not gonna lie they're shooting at you something oh yeah you can get out of here finally that's not a zombie what it was it's air hockey time crystal versus me first one to make one in wins I have the camera so keep that in mind go easy on me come challenge is working now I can say the same to fix it which is awesome I think one of your lights is already out so it's gonna count that one has already been full no cuz it just said to over now you start to get that one in the back left got three of the tin it's not about speed it's more about like a combination of speed and how many balls you use the MOR ball champ left over the high-risk world you only have four to go at the backboard there you go three to go 80 balls okay oh it doesn't count that one regardless oh man so if you do get the other two blue ones it's not gonna say you got it all [Music] maybe not I don't know again maybe hope for the other one you keep going for that one is not going in to ten games just never end there are three more over here there's this one alien company then there's just one over here like some kind of clown and then there's a Rambo one over there she chose the hardest level for some reason I don't know why she chose the hardest level you didn't mean to she's like halfway help already she's like I didn't mean to choose this one [Music] so on this level I believed you get to fight the big boss but that's not the big boss I'm talking about the big boss is like this big flying like alien super alien Beast what are those missiles the missiles are always so hard to hit and no matter what game it is all the shooting games the missiles are like impossible they're so small oh wow he just got ran over by a truck come on cuz you have to make it to the to the boss she's like okay I don't think that's gonna happen though because I'm flying aliens got some crawling aliens got some Rhino aliens yeah that one that got hit by the truck it kind of like a rhino she has about 25% health but where's the big one the big one was just on screen before I ever just are recording the one the big alien was on screen as I go oh you got the sniper sniper sniper sniper 300 get close enough attack you I like this one though because you don't have to reload off-screen oh well I got you one more hate you're dead I think one more hit yep one more hit you did so we've actually never played this one the frightfur land so let me just kill scary stuff right clouds that seems fun right I want to kill some bounds oh man those bounds that bombs oh oh shoot that person that's the innocent yep that bear right it'll take something from like five nights at Freddy's this is terrifying for people who don't like clowns like for real so honey she's a talented innocent people or not oz his pounds oh shoot those extra weapon down the mo yeah I give you extra ammo this girl's going through a cutscene give it a second maybe shoot down the bottom one now all fall oh I guess not maybe shoot the top one shoot the top or maybe they all fall in another person mr. topstone yeah like that I'll get man look at the demo what's it good time to cutscene get their phone don't shoot that person but the nobbies closet this time and after her how scary would that be the seat clowns climbing up a ladder trying to get you you should get the 100 didn't save her time fail maybe we finally made it to the last shooting game that's Rambo hey Chris was going Rambo on it the actress who loves the movie Rambo like all the movies she likes any movie by Sylvester Stallone I'm a fan I don't know why I'm a hater yeah apparently I'm a hater so this must be pretty easy why why is it down there is it flashing oh maybe that Mayo is his health for I didn't realize crystal died now we're gonna play Rock'em Sock'em so it's me versus crystal are you ready I'm ready I'm gonna have one hand here so it's kind of hard to go fight I can only use the right hand I can only push with my right hand it's not fun that's not fair stop pushing okay I got my hand in there got my hand in there get in there get in there chopping it I'm trapping it stop cheating she's over there cheating no punches in I have 21 punches hold on hey I won that one I get it not that it's my god knock out of there red rocker wins that's me that's me to everyone else okay crown - chomp - 5 4 3 2 are you ready to lose again Chris she's ready to lose I feel like my body's about to fall apart come on give it oh man she's backing up nope nope not today oh man it's not like they're broken already no we're stuck look I'm morning at 21 punches 22 23 I give up the way you look at Kristen I'm still gonna win come on Tony's 31 yeah I wanna get in I got 31 pushes in that time I don't know what's happening here but I wanted around to is you don't round through your not because I want to donors around three all right five four three two one not grow come on Oh No almost completely forgot about this giant claw machine you have downstairs the extreme so this will cost by dollars foreplay oh my gosh it is it's got a really big glare - so she's going for this luigi right here you have one blade Chris make it count and you only have ten seconds left my kobe hammers less glare yeah I got is way less glare over here yeah so she's going for this one right here it's right up there the screen in the back is like showing what where to drop it camera to see it goes the glare I hope you get this Chris well there Lee Robert grippers at the ends did you notice oh maybe I'll hold on to it better hold on hold on No [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so nerve-wracking [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] stuff is photo-finish racing Krista was number three and instead her name is crackerjack come on you crackerjack Oh Manish Mayta yellow so has yellow blue and red you want to make them in the red oh we didn't count it though yeah cuz it will flash that color it's not counting it don't look you're not even moving like okay see it counted the blue one it counted everyone I know I think you have to get one of the back red ones cuz you got that front front red one is that counting that 100 Cracker Jacks in the lead yeah like O's I count any of the Reds you better get the blues you have to get the blues wait here's that here's the finish oh my gosh yeah I guess this was called photo finish because that literally was a photo finish you barely won that Chris back by an inch Cracker Jack is the winner water blasts so we both actually have to play this one so it's two players and we have to play against each other so I'm over here on the right chris is on the left I don't even have to cheat look at that I am winning I have to focus on both of these I have to focus on the camera and the water [Music] I'm not looking up there I'm only looking at the water spout down to our last two games super shot and then down the clown come on Chris get at least 30 so you get Bonus Time okay first one that's a good sign oh that's the only one she's made so you can do it Chris I operate there it is just keep doing that you'll get it you're doing better than I do on the basketball game I played that big one and I did terrible at it she's at six so no it's not gonna get a Thursday yes there's ten I don't know if you'll make it the bonus time though she's that 12 oh man only twelve oh no you're not 14 that's not too bad [Music] [Music] mmm I don't know I think [Music] I barely got that though so the fun has to come to an end sometime take a long time I know this video is very long so hope because if you want to play every game one time like so we had to play some like 2 players because they took their games I don't play every game one time 911 credit by twit that's alright that comes out to be like 100 to like 140 dollars I think Japan how you fighting credit so it's kind of expensive but it could be worth it because we were in there for a very long time oh yeah the shooting games and the racing games yeah it was really fun I know I'm not gonna play that crown I don't know yeah we hope you guys enjoy this video thank you guys so much helping us get you a million subscribers it has been an amazing journey we cannot wait to see where it goes thanks for watching everyone [Music]
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 4,547,390
Rating: 4.5830698 out of 5
Keywords: we played all, arcade, arcade games, arcade game, arcade video, arcade videos, all arcade, played all the games, plush time wins, plush time, ptw, push time wins, arcade fun, 1 million special, 1 million subscribers, 1 million celebration, games, game
Id: F2H0DydmRr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 35sec (7055 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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