We Have to Leave.

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new around here my name is Heather this is my husband Brady and together with our two beautiful girls Alexa and Chloe we are currently renovating this 200 year old Stone House in the foothills of the Italian Alps a couple years ago we sold everything we had in the U.S and set out on an adventure around the world that Adventure has led us here but today we have to leave so I'm definitely bummed about leaving especially this time of year all of the colors of the leaves have just popped over the last week every tree is turning from Orange to red and just looking across the valley and seeing all of these fall colors it's definitely a bad time to be leaving so before we leave I wanted to be able to keep an eye out on the property so I found these really cool cameras on Amazon they're completely solar powered and they work off of cellular signal so since we have no power here we're working completely off grid and it's because we obviously have no Wi-fi these should work perfectly for us so we have been having a somewhat largest mammal roaming around the property at night based on the droppings I'm finding and I think what I'm looking forward to most about this guy is uh being able to capture at night and seeing what in the world is roaming around that is cool so I'm controlling it and viewing it from my phone that is so cool well now the only thing left is to say goodbye [Music] [Music] we'll miss you Stella bye bye foreign feeling a little rusty this morning it's been a while since we've done this we did not save enough time for the long drive to get to the airport so we do not have enough time to check in so you would expect us to be a little bit better at this we did this for a year and a half full time it's funny how a little bit of time off makes you forget how to do things sometimes when you're traveling with kids it makes it a little more challenging and sometimes it makes it easier they just waved us through a really fast line because the girls are with us yes so so we wouldn't have probably made our flight otherwise but now I think we're gonna make it are you ready dear oh we must be sure [Music] leave your message here on the telephone cause we've no idea when we're coming home [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yes it fits oh that does not fit yes yes that is not good no it's fine roundabouts are so confusing on the wrong side of the road I don't like it it always takes me it always takes me a couple minutes a couple of days to get used to it so we are going to be staying in the Scottish borders area and driving out here I'm so excited it looks absolutely beautiful we found the cutest little Stone Cottage that we're going to be staying in here and I am so excited oh this is fine maybe this is ours wow this is so cute oh they're sheep oh my goodness there's sheep like right outside our door this is so sweet I love it [Music] look at them they're so cute go slowly bye hi little buddy I like that white one right there they're cute aren't they one yeah do you want to go look at the house you pick some apples later okay so this week we are staying at this amazing little Stone Cottage here at Dodd Mill and we are staying in the Scottish borders area I am so excited to see how they have renovated this beautiful Cottage and there are sheep here so I am so excited tomorrow to go and see the Sheep [Music] thank you [Music] so I think there are a few things in life more calming than the sound of running water we actually used to have a waterfall on our property in Italy I don't think I've shown it yet but the river has long dried up I think the municipality shifted the the water flow to another River so unfortunately we no longer have that so I think the UK kind of constantly gets a bad rap for its weather constantly being overcast and all of the uh the haze and the fog but I'm actually loving it this morning like walking around is just a little bit cold beautiful light and man not a bad place to live [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] they're just excited I don't want them following me now look look look guys I've got it okay it's okay [Music] so here at our Airbnb we actually can interact with the Sheep so our amazing hosts have said that we can come feed the sheep so they taught us how and now we get to do it ourselves and this is pretty incredible I really want sheep now hey Chloe should we get some sheep yeah [Music] yeah I don't think they want to be petted never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be crawling through a sheep enclosure to figure out how they built it so that someday I might build one myself sheep seem to be a very simple livestock to take care of they seem to be so so easy and they don't make as big of a mess as Stella makes so we have just purchased land in Scotland which means that according to Scottish Customs we can now officially refer to ourselves as Lord and Ladies and the sponsor of today's video has a super fun and easy way for you to do the same so established titles offers title packs as a novelty gift which offers you one square foot of dedicated land with a unique plot number on a private estate in edelston Scotland along with this official certificate so aside from the ability to refer to yourself as a lord or Lady this is a super fun and novel way to help preserve the natural Woodlands of Scotland as well as Global reforestation efforts established titles plants one tree for every purchase through their Partnerships with one tree planted and trees for the future so with this title pack you can actually include the title Lord or lady on your next airplane ticket which you know I'm absolutely going to do I'm also going to cross my fingers for that free upgrade so this makes for a great last minute gift and established titles is running a massive Black Friday a discount currently but you can get an additional 10 off by using our coupon code raising voyagers plus the first 200 people who purchase a title pack will have their plot of land next to ours so go to established titles.com raisingvoyagers to get your gift now and to help support the natural Woodlands of Scotland so I guess we need to explain why we had to leave Italy uh it's because we don't actually have a visa to live in Italy which may sound crazy but yes we did buy a house on a tourist visa yes that is allowed it's super easy to buy a house it's much harder to get in and be allowed to legally stay in Italy yeah and it's quite complicated actually so when you're there on a tourist visa you have 90 out of every 180 days that you can be in the country and actually in all of the shenanigan region so it's not just Italy it's Germany Switzerland a bunch of other places too and that makes it very complicated so we did a trip a while ago so some of our old dates conflict with our time right now so for us to leave for a week it actually gives us a longer stay in Italy before we need to leave it's very complicated it's very confusing so much so that a lot of people get it wrong and end up accidentally oversaying their visa so we're just using an online calculator to make sure that we're not doing that but um all we have to leave for is seven eight eight days and then it allows us to be in Italy for a much longer period of time which is very confusing but that's just the reality of how it goes but of course we are actively working on getting our Visa that will allow us to stay in Italy permanently that just takes a very long time is a tremendous amount of paperwork and does take a while to hear back it is so exciting to be a tourist again this is so fun we were really worried about how cold it was going to be and a bunch of other things and the weather has just been Perfection it is the fall so all of the leaves are just so beautiful in those autumn colors and we are really excited to get into the city today and do a little bit of exploring good morning we're here foreign [Music] yeah I love it though I'm so excited to be here we are in Edinburgh today we're gonna just walk around the city and see what we can find it's been a long time since we've done this and we don't have much of a plan today but I'm really excited to just see this city you like stairs so of course right where we parked is probably the most touristy thing to do in Edinburgh the Edinburgh Castle but 18 pounds per person I'm too cheap for that nonsense [Music] I mean we are in the UK yeah what do you want for your birthday a pet owl [Music] and I can fill me a pocket money [Music] [Music] and then you can stroke him just down the way [Music] requests that you got taken away straight away as a reader knew that he was going to be in danger if he left him with the mother at least possible if not possible we will just stay at our Center so he's one that would just stay at the same time [Music] so as we're shopping the girls are a bit confused by the pricing here as everything is in pounds and all of it is just ways more than Chloe we say it's not true can I have the haddock and chips uh veggie haggis and then just another plate of chips [Music] uh yes please thank you so we are in Scotland so of course we have to try the Haggis it's the most famous dish here in Scotland hey I don't really like meat very much so they did have a veggie option so that's what me and Alex are going to try the veggie option Chloe's eating chips over there and Brady has [Laughter] and Brady has the actual real oh you got fish and chips okay he got fish and chips so no real haggis here but fish and chips um real haggis a few days ago when we first got here are you sure you're sure it's veggie Brady ordered for me so I'm a little nervous but this is actually veggies no I I was with it okay okay yep it's ready [Music] yum that's delicious the sauce is apparently traditional I'm not a huge fan of the sauce but just plain wow this is so good don't listen to her what are you doing what are you doing buddy are you stuffing your pockets full of french fries yeah another pocket over here [Music] so he eats a bit slow so she has to take it with her to go let's go remember when we went to The Lion King and she said I run a Lion King and I brought lettuce it's just like that except funnier it somehow looks familiar to me so JK Rowling wrote all of the Harry Potter books here in Edinburgh he's the author of the Harry Potter books oh but I don't read them but you know how you want to be an author and write books so someone wrote the Harry Potter stories and she wrote them here in this city pretty cool huh so this is Victoria Street and this is where Diagon Alley is based off of from Harry Potter that's cool Isn't that cool pretty cool what what is this place it's a Harry Potter story let's go in here so welcome to a very cold and rainy Scotland this morning but that's okay we're basically working all week Heather is right now working with the kids on school and editing our next video and I've been working on our travel hacking course all week which if you're new to our Channel you might not realize that we spent the last couple of years traveling full-time as a family and I think it surprises people to learn that we were able to do this travel all over the world and have all these experiences for less than the cost that we used to spend living in Ohio so I've been working for months now going through all of my notes packaging up all of this information into a simple to digest course for you guys including how we're able to book airplane tickets for as low as nine dollars or literally how you can book a first-class Suite on an airplane around the world which should cost eight to ten thousand but you could get it for as low as ninety five dollars which still blows my mind that that's possible but I think my favorite story is the example of how we are able to book a private boat for just our family hopping around multiple Islands including a private chef and the total cost was thirty dollars so I know this sounds a little crazy but this this has been our life for years now and I want to package this up and share it with you guys it's almost finished it's taken me so much longer than expected I know that a lot of you have signed up for Early Access months ago and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to finally finish this but I think we're days away to having this finished so if you want to jump onto that early access email list there is a link in the description where you can do so so I realize this is going to make me sound like the complete nerd that I am but I'm fascinated by the Scottish design for how they build their stone walls it of course is a very similar process and technique as the Italian walls are built but in just a very unique way for one the stones are more tumbled and then I love the angled effect on both sides of the walls and then they take the very irregular shaped larger stones and they use that as the Capstone and the weight that holds the whole wall together but one thing the Scottish design does better than the Italian design is that they stack it so neatly and perfectly together there are almost no gaps between these stones and of course no mortar used but just like on our Terraces they also build in the stone steps that protrude out of the wall giving you that stepping stone to climb up over top of the wall foreign thank you so much for watching next week we will be back in Italy on our property resuming our normal videos and if you want to know more about that travel hacking course please use the link in the description below leave us your email so you can be notified when that becomes available and we'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Raising Voyagers
Views: 524,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Buying Land, DIY renovation, Building our dream home, buying land in Scotland, raising voyagers, building our home, diy construction, homesteading, living off grid, developing land, Scotland, Scottish Borders, Travel Scotland
Id: NXMWB2G4p_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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