VISA DENIED... Now What?

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[Music] foreign [Music] you make it look so easy it's embarrassing [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] so one of these days I'm gonna have to come clean on the amount of time that goes on behind the scenes in order to build a house in Italy Italy is not a place where you can just go to work and start building there are a massive amount of meetings and paperwork and laws to read and it has been another week where more time has been spent in meetings and making drawings and reading the law and reviewing things and changing plans then actual work has gotten done and it's getting a bit exhausting to be honest I I had a day where I had maybe 12 hours of meetings and one went all the way until midnight of course to be honest all of these meetings take an extra long amount of time because I don't speak Italian I'm trying I'm doing my best I am I am learning so for that reason things are navigating this entire process is difficult but I'm looking for ways to I guess multitask and learn while I'm building so I recently signed up for a language learning app called Babel who is the sponsor of today's Babble is a language learning app developed by a team of expert language teachers designed for all levels of language Learners so even if you haven't even begun learning a language this app is designed to quickly catch you up to speed and get you speaking as fast as possible Babel has been proven to help you start speaking a new language in as little as three weeks but it's more than just a language learning app as Babel offers live classes original podcasts games and more I know that so many of you who are watching are very passionate about traveling internationally and let me tell you from experience that learning just the basics of a new language for wherever you're traveling to will go so far in helping you fully enjoy that travel experience and Babel's bite size lessons will help give you the confidence to speak a new language wherever you go so if you're interested in learning a new language then check out the link in the description to get 60 off a subscription to Babel and thank you again Babel for sponsoring today's video [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] so tomorrow is a very big day for us it's a day that we've been literally waiting for and preparing eight months before I brought these papers over just to show you this is a four to five hundred pages of information that we've been spending the last months assembling in order to get our visa to live in Italy this is why we have not been able to well we literally have not been allowed to leave Italy for the last eight or is it nine months I think it's been eight months eight eight months now we haven't been allowed to leave Italy and we've spent that time working on the house yes but also preparing our case we're confident this is like it's a slam dunk case we have uh really the best team that you can possibly get in this area someone who has the most experience and he keeps telling me like don't worry don't worry it's fine like this is a slam dunk case and I'm like but I want I want more proof I want to be more prepared even more prepared so we've gone to some pretty extreme links to collect all of this paperwork they even wanted us to translate our bank statements which I thought was crazy because I mean numbers in Italian are the same as in English but not just translated but they had to be translated and then sworn and certified in court in front of a judge like it's it's been a process I I can't even begin to explain probably a hundred hours of work at least has gone into this tomorrow's a big day [Music] it wouldn't be a typical day without some problems I went to go pick up some supplies about an hour before our needing to leave for our Visa appointment and the car won't start so I've got it all opened up trying to figure out what's going on I think the starter is dead the battery's fine but the starter won't work we've called a mechanic we're trying to find another car to get us to the Visa appointment on time not a good day for this all right let's see what we got going on here thank you yeah I think that's the starter battery's fine it clicks really funny shoot so amazingly a mechanic is on his way with just 20 minutes notice I don't think we're gonna get this fixed we're trying to find another car to make sure we make this appointment on time we have waited six months probably more at this point I can't remember uh and if we missed the appointment they will simply reschedule it for another six months in advance all right so the mechanic actually doesn't know if it's the battery or if it's the starter or something else so while it's running I'm going to drive it to the shop gonna follow him here we have like five minutes so we're not gonna trust the car when it's this important to drive us all the way to town we are going to take this car to the mechanic shop and then our friend is coming to pick us up um from the mechanic shop and then we will take her car to the Equestria which is the immigration office ciao bonjourner I'm very good oh yes we're good [Music] so I'm like running through my mind okay I have the passports I have papers I've got I've got everything now you have us I've got the family I've got Ori but man we've been waiting so long for this nothing like I'm just glad that Ori has a car that we can use thank you so much come here I kind of expected to be stressed for today but like we've spent weeks honestly like a solid month I feel like planning and I've got 400 pages of paperwork my backpack an extra 200 in case they wanted all of this work has gone in and I think I think I feel good like we're very well prepared I'm actually feeling a bit nervous um the worst thing that is gonna happen today is that they'll say we need more paperwork I think that's the worst but I am nervous it's been a long time coming we've been ready for this meeting for a long time I'm feeling like the worst thing like it happens once we made it into the building we sat down and waited and waited and waited finally it was our turn and we started submitting our information this has not been an easy process and honestly it was not the most pleasant experience after we submitted our fingerprints we ran into some issues and had to wait some more we did our best to maintain a positive attitude while working through a giant mess even though we were assured over and over that there would be no issues all of our hard work and preparation proved irrelevant they uh denied our Visa which is just like I think we're still in shock we're in total shock like as we said we were so prepared and they denied us we didn't do anything wrong that's what's so frustrating we were so prepared we were over prepared we had the perfect slam dunk case and we walk up to the window and immediately I knew we had a problem because the guy who took our case just had an attitude he uh had just gotten back from vacation and he was just mad at the world didn't want to be there and immediately was just like what are you guys doing here and just was mad and he wouldn't even he wouldn't even look at our papers he he would refuse to take our paperwork we were like shoving the paperwork under the window and he's pushing it back we finally said you're obliged to take this and he took it for a couple of minutes and then he stamped deny and set us on our way happy birthday it is my birthday today I'm sorry so the question I guess now is what what's next what what are our steps forward in this process yeah we're we don't we don't back down easy um of course not we're fighting it of course you put us into a corner and we will fight yeah um so there's an appeal process that we're going through and we have the best guys on our side helping us through this process so we immediately called the guy who's helping us he was shocked he's going to work he's presenting a case he's assembling case studies he's presenting court cases that are similar um he's assembling like like text of the law and because he has one chance to appeal this one chance and the problem is that because this guy had a bad day and want to take it out in somebody we've already been denied so now now there's Prejudice associated with this denial so now we have an uphill battle to fight so best case scenario we win the appeal we get our visa and everything and everything's fine everything goes according to plan worst case scenario is that eventually we will have to leave the country for three months yeah she will come back we are not letting go I love this project clear they they can slow us down they can't stop us okay yeah so like sorry a little frustrated but like we're we have we have level heads here like we know we know we're in the right yeah yeah and all they can do is slow us down a little bit um now so what does that look like we I said there's a 10-day appeal process once we appeal that and um then it's ambiguous as to how long they have to give us an answer we don't know it could be within a week it could be it could be two three months we don't know so in the meantime we're going to work like we have crew showing up we're renovating in this house we're moving forward um worst case scenario is we have to leave again for an ambiguous amount of time because as tourists once our tourist visa renews which is after three months of leaving the country then they can't stop us from coming back but there is a path that we're already pursuing to leave the country much more briefly and be able to come back immediately we've got plan A B C D like we're moving forward yeah like it's it's a road it's a bump in the road it's a bump in the room and it is exhausting like it's exhausting we've been fighting it well it feels like everything lately um but we are very confident that no matter what comes our way this is our home so just like a million other things that have come up in this process so far we know that this is the hard way of doing things like we know that we could have chosen a million different paths in our lives that would have been significantly easier than this but that's not the point the point is this is the dream it's worth it it really is what Heather always keeps reminding me is like we didn't do this because it was easy no okay like we could have chosen a much easier way to do this we know that we know that this like we knew this process would not be easy it's worth it yeah like it's going to be worth it and and we've we've we've tried to like right now it's not a very peaceful time okay like it's an off week come back next week we'll maybe it'll be better we'll see we'll see but like hopefully in our videos we've we've captured just a glimpse of like how special this life will be for us here how how special it is even in the midst of the process even even if we're going through the insanity of by hand breaking through Stone digging down two feet so that we can build up a new floor like it's insane but it's worth it it's worth it but all it is is just another bump in the road and like we're fine yeah and the kids are good like we talked about it immediately afterwards and we laid out plan ABCD for them and they're like sounds like an adventure yeah yeah and and that's how we feel too no matter what comes our way that's how we try to view life is it's not about problems and oh things everything is going wrong right now let's just be honest everything is pretty much going wrong right now but it's all part of the adventure of life and each challenge brings up new possibilities and new ideas and new ways of doing things and that's the whole point of life also ups and downs right I want to say quickly because there's gonna be people who say oh we're just mad at Italy and um or Americans who are going to say well you should have stated okay let's be honest and like if we were foreigners trying to get into America it'd be a much more difficult much worse situation the reality is trying to immigrate to a new country is ridiculously hard regardless regardless of the country so let's just all have compassion toward anyone trying to do this because it is not a fun process it is not an easy process but in the end it will be worth it at the at the end of the day we're moving forward we're going to build this house and it's going to start building faster and faster and faster and we're not going to let this slow us down and right now there's nothing for us to do but trust the process wait and get back to work like we have a house to build being challenged in life is inevitable but being defeated is a choice you cannot control the pain that comes with adversity but you can control your response nothing about this process is going to be easy we know that few things in life that are easy are worth doing but there is beauty that comes from doing things the hard way we don't develop Courage by avoiding challenges we develop it by surviving adversity there's always an easier way a simpler path to choose but Effectiveness in life requires hardship diamonds don't form without pressure this ax was formed through fire and now this theme is slowly being hewn from it hard work with positive attitudes is what shapes us gives us character and allows us to leave this world a better place the one thing I want my girls to know is that you are meant to do hard things pursue discomfort be kind and be grateful for adversity and its ability to shape you into the person that you are meant to be thank you so much for your love and support on this journey we will see you next week as we Against All Odds continue to build our home thank you [Music]
Channel: Raising Voyagers
Views: 440,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raising Voyagers, mountain house, renovation, rennovation, family renovation, stone house, stone cabin, stone barn, barn renovation, Italian cabin, Italian home renovation, immigration
Id: 51hxjLkAiB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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