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foreign wow there's snow yay we are back after just a short Visa Run last week and we have snow on the top of our Mountain I'm so excited yay we're home hi Stella hi Stella hi baby girl so our neighbor Silvio took great care of Stella while we were gone so thank you Sylvia we appreciate it so much so it was in good hands Claire are you happy to see Stella again Della's sticking her tongue at us foreign so the very first time I saw this property obviously before we had purchased it as you walk up and you see the Stone House you see the mountain behind it and I just knew that once the snow comes and you have that snow-capped mountain that this this property would just look like a postcard and man being here after returning from road trip and kind of soaking it in is fantastic oh my goodness it is so good to be home I think what I miss the most when we were traveling full-time is that feeling you get when you come back in your home and today we are getting to experience that and oh I just couldn't be happier man I cannot get over that that view like there's no way that we're gonna be able to capture that properly but it just looks like an absolute postcard with via the snow-cap mountains behind us I know it's so beautiful so we have some really exciting news this is what feels like years in the making we've talked about doing this for so long and now it is finally here it's finally live but first let me tell you a quick story about seven or eight years ago we were on the beach on vacation and I ran into this guy who was from Israel I believe and he was telling me how he was traveling the world for about nine months for a total cost of I want to say it was ten to twelve thousand dollars and that blew my mind because what we were spending for that one week on vacation he could literally travel for two months or more and that just blew my mind so I I took that conversation and a few things that he taught me and I started diving deep into the world of travel hacking so then we started traveling more and more and our friends were looking at us like how how in the world are you affording to do this and that would usually turn into multi-hour conversations kind of trying to send them down the road of travel hacking and explain it it's not an easy thing to explain it takes a several hours to explain how to do this affordably but that's what we're announcing today I've spent the last several months putting together a course and it just went live and we are super excited to share with you guys so I know I've talked about this before and a lot of you have already signed up to be notified and I'm so sorry it's taken me months longer than I thought it would it's just there was so much information to cram into this we ended up having 40 chapters of information on how to travel affordably so we've been making YouTube videos for over three years now and this is actually the first product that we've ever released for sale and I wanted that first product to be something of such tremendous value for you guys that it would pay for itself many times over the very first time you book your trip so the last few years we've been able to book multiple international flights for less than ten dollars in fact the last time we flew from the U USA to Italy we spent 22.40 for the entire family that's five dollars and sixty cents per person we've also been able to do things like Charter a private boat all day island hopping including a private Chef for thirty dollars that was just crazy to me like that was an incredible experience too yes it was that's one of my favorite Memories We also got to stay in a castle for less than the cost of a motel 6. there are so many tricks that we've learned such as taking advantage of Geo Arbitrage or my favorite which is reverse engineering your flight path which is how we were able to book flights from Ohio to Australia to meet up with our friends for 350 dollars when those same exact flights were selling for Seventeen hundred dollars so specifically on that trip we were both looking so last minute that the prices of the tickets were outrageous so we used this specific travel hack to be able to get there really affordably and on that trip to make that hack work we actually got to spend a couple of nights in Hawaii completely for free using a different travel hack but we also talk about all of the mistakes we made early on in traveling and I think the biggest one was me believing at first that this wasn't even possible so I had heard about travel hacking for years and it just all seemed too good to be true like stories of broke Backpackers jet setting around the world on business class flights paying Pennies on the dollar and I just didn't believe it was true until we started really diving deep into it and this has been the only way we've been able to afford the kind of experiences that you guys have seen on our Channel over the last couple of years so the course is now live and in the spirit of Black Friday it's going to be 50 off this weekend the world of travel hacking is so bizarre most of the stories are completely unbelievable especially the one where you can literally book a first class Suite on an airplane and you can book that for literally ninety five dollars which blows my mind and I take you through this step-by-step process for how you can book that for yourself so if that sounds like something that you'd be interested in there is a link in the description below and you can even sign up to receive a preview of the course so you can scroll through watch some videos and see what the course has to offer so one problem we have to solve is the amount of water that comes in this room so is all of this like darkness and the stone and the bottom is that moisture coming in yeah from oh my gosh that's wet yeah it's super wet I fully knew about this before we bought the house it's not something that we have just discovered but we're starting to kind of make a plan to how to fix it so you can tell that up here it's like perfectly bone dry but then down here it's quite wet pretty much always so this entire wall is about maybe three meters below ground even up here where it's dry but it's only down here at the deepest level that it actually gets wet and thankfully in the entire house this is really the only spot that gets wet this is what's going to be our office area So the plan is is that we're going to build a wall here but we're going to give it a lot more of an air gap that we are required to have and use a special kind of insulation that can get wet and not be a problem and then there's going to this is going to be hard to explain but there's going to be an air gap all the way down to the floor that runs underneath of the floor and then we're going to have fans that are moving the plan at least is to have fans moving through kind of pulling the air over top of this wall drying out the wall and eliminating the moisture that's the best idea I have so far um if anyone else has an idea let me know one thing we're working on this week is finalizing the floor plans of the inside of the house with the geometra and today we're going to kind of walk through the house and get a good sense of where we want everything to go so that we can send those plans back in and get them finalized obviously the door is going to be on this side I kind of want it to be all the way over here and then you have the door but what we have to decide is do we then want to make some kind of built-in closet here I don't know if we did I would want it to be as small as possible for all but the only problem is is this is the only wall we're allowed to have exposed in this room with stone yeah so if we put the closet here then it covers up also that we can have exposed oh this is really the most fun part about renovating a house like this it's basically a blank canvas and we get to just decide what we put in each room and how we're going to design the house so we've always wanted to build a house from scratch but I think this is even better because we have the stone the historic element to it that's just so beautiful and now we get to put our own design on it and I am just I can't wait to see how it all turns out and this is really getting me excited I think we're gonna build a wall pretty much on this line here how are we gonna do that by building a wall the walls are easy to build that's those of our worries two things were to decide one we have to put a walk here all the way up yes why I think I want that wall to be on this side um so that this ledge is exposed over here and then who knows I mean you can put things on it so the plants there yeah the depth of the toilet room as we'll call it will be approximately 150 centimeters let's actually tape that out what are you doing okay so that's the shower yep the other door ends up going here I thought you were gonna put it over here but no over there I would put it here because we can expose that wall oh yes bathtub over here for sure up against that wall yeah one of our problems is we have to figure out where we want to put a washer and dryer I am not Italian enough to not have a dryer I just I just can't do it right here it's no no I don't know how people do it in the winter I just don't understand it I haven't figured it out yet we have a washing machine right now we don't have a dryer tell me about the design of your room what kind of elements you want to add to your room um I was thinking a bathtub yeah that'd be cool um I was thinking that we could have like from our beds we can have like our names written on above our beds oh that would be sweet and I would really like under the stairs um to be honest it kind of looks like Harry Potter's bedroom but I was thinking I could we could turn it into a reading Nook so one thing that we forgot to mention about the course is that if you do sign up over the next few days not only do you get 50 off but Brady is also going to offer some one-on-one personalized training for Point space travel hacking so if that sounds interesting to you go check it out and we'll see you guys next week thank you
Channel: Raising Voyagers
Views: 170,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raising Voyagers, Building our home, Dream Home, DIY Renovation, DIY, Building our Dream Home, Building in the alps, Mountains
Id: hZGyZr-IPs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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