How Do We Afford to Travel? More Kids?? (Answering your Questions)

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all right so this morning we are trying something completely new we have just about an hour to disembark from this ship and we thought we would do a q a video so we're actually getting off of the disney wish right now but we sent out a little message to instagram to see if anybody has any questions for us and she still has no voice so i might be doing the answering for a lot of the questions like ariel you've lost your voice it's definitely a very hectic day today getting off the ship getting back on the bus getting back to the city but we're going to try to answer as many questions as possible all good ones can we crash your party good morning the first question i'm going to answer is what's the scariest thing we've ever what's the scariest thing you've ever done it was selling the house selling the house that's pretty scary i would actually say the scariest thing i've ever done is what we're about to do right now which is attempting to buy that house in italy if you don't know what i'm talking about we made a video recently about it but for me that's probably the scariest thing i would say the wise we did hunter what about you what's the scariest thing you've ever done you know what what's the best thing we ever did what's the best thing we ever did buy the house but we haven't actually buy it oh you want to buy the house you really want to question number two how do you handle the stress of traveling with children sometimes not well not well especially moments like this no i think my goal is to try and stay calm as much as possible we all have to try to have patience with each other and we all make mistakes so we apologize a lot and you know just try to do better the next time all right you guys ready to go so next question what do the kids do for school as we are traveling we do hold on you want to answer yeah okay okay what's your answer we do home scores and do you like it yeah yeah oh yeah thanks so much so brady lost my key card that's how you get on and off the ship so i think it's in his bathing suit let's see can you find it can you help find it thank you hunter for helping will you ever stop traveling no never ever you heard it from her that's it why because i love it you guys ever stop traveling all right time to get off the ship it wasn't thank you so much all right so we actually have to go through customs to get off and then i need to grab my drone they compensated it on the way in [Music] so i find this interesting just like an airplane any of the bags that are too large you can have carried out for you so last night our room host grabbed our luggage and then they put it through baggage claim just like getting off of an airplane so we actually just got some brand new bags so we have for the longest time prided ourselves on carrying as little luggage as possible but with the kids getting bigger and traveling full-time we've upgraded our luggage pretty dramatically we now travel with three of these level eight bags but i really like this new one it's got a handle on the front so then as you're loading into the car and off of conveyor belts it's a lot easier to load we also needed to upgrade because of this disney cruise half of one of the suitcases had to be filled with princess attire so we have been traveling with level 8 luggage for a very long time now about two and a half three years we do fully recommend them i'm going to leave a link in the description below if you guys want to check out their brand new line oh you want to put pepper up here okay let's go it's gonna have a ride all right so now we just have to catch a bus back to orlando all right so next question how did we meet we met in college that's the that's a very very short version yeah he was in love with me for about a year we were friends and i had a bit of a stalker situation going on a bit you finally wore me down and we started dating six months later we were married you make it sound so quick but i guess it was that way yeah it was pretty quick hey what about you guys how'd you guys meet hi high school hi i started dating in high school since what oh yeah 14 15 years we've been together so my favorite question especially coming off of a cruise ship how do you get alone time in such tight quarters i would say we try to book two bedroom places as much as possible as often as possible yes so the question was what is the most kid-friendly country but i'm just going to turn that to alexa and ask her what her favorite country is my favorite country is finland that's a good one finland was definitely very family friendly where we went um i would say most of europe anywhere in europe is incredibly kid-friendly typically they'll have playgrounds within minutes of each other walking around and they'll always have high chairs and things for your kids if you're if you have really little ones europe anywhere in europe i would say is very kid-friendly what's your favorite country turkey why because they make hot food hot air balloons yeah did you do that did rapunzel fall off and pluto saved her thank you so much you're welcome so i accidentally took a banana off the ship i was in my bag and i forgot to remove it but now hunter gets to enjoy why is that a problem you're not supposed to bring fruits and vegetables into the country she's gonna go give this stuff to a hug instead yeah we're trying to sneak through our goodbyes a little bit because hector will get really upset time to head to our hotel for the next few days are you crying my eyes are wandering i'm so sad so we have one last bus to catch to get to our hotel but the next question is how do you find time for yourself alone time when we're always traveling as a family i would say that's a really good question because that's probably one of the hardest things about traveling together brady is better at it than i am he will go take walks and things like that the girls tend to try to find a little corner in the house i haven't quite figured it out for myself to be honest i try to say have brady take the girls out for an hour or so sometimes yeah that's pretty cool [Music] wow [Music] okay you pick it up [Music] all right so this is home for the next couple of nights we basically just need to place two park up so that we can get some work done which kind of leads me into our next question got strawberries and grapes for lunch we've been eating too much bad food on the cruise so sorry one last bite one question we keep getting asked over and over again is what do we do for work sorry you're so shaming so i'll answer yeah cause i don't know um i mean i work really hard i just don't get paid for it the truth is we're trying to figure that out um so for the last uh shoot 12 years i've been doing video production for different companies but i've kind of obviously we don't do much of that anymore while we're traveling i still do a handful of jobs while we're traveling which usually involves leaving them in whatever country we're currently in and me flying to wherever the job is or us flying back and spending some time with family or things like that yeah but the reality is that um the way we support ourselves primarily comes from the fact that we sold our house and our possessions and all of that which we've talked about plenty before the real answer is we just try to spend as little money as possible and then sometimes splurge on things like disney yeah which is funny coming off of that it's like that's way more than we normally spend i think that the key for us is i gotta put these grapes away these are good so the key for us has been trying to control our spending as much as possible to make everything last as long as possible which has been very challenging considering the current environment that the entire world is in so people are always asking us how are you flying that cheap how are you traveling that cheap because we like we literally have booked flights for as low as nine dollars or we'll stay in accommodation starting at like thirty five dollars even less than that how affordable travel can be they watch our activities i think it must be very extravagant it can be extremely affordable yeah so we i've been working for a long time and packaging up all of that information i just have not been able to finish it i'm hoping maybe in a couple of weeks it'll be done but that might be a lofty goal because it's a very long it's turning into like a three-hour course on how to travel affordably the way we do uh but if you're interested in that i'll try to leave a link in the description for signups if anybody is interested in signing up but obviously we are trying to make this be our living it just will take a long time to get there so we're we are hoping that we have a long enough runway to get there yeah all right so i really like this question from instagram is this lifestyle easier or harder than a traditional nine to five ooh i would say depending on what your job is obviously harder to travel but more rewarding correct this by far this these last few years has been the hardest out of anything we've done in our lifetime i would say um but also the most rewarding because i'm very distracted by the chewing in the background brady has that weird um thing where if you hear chewing you're like it drives me crazy like there's like a word for it misophonia is the word you're looking for which is a commonly recognized condition whereby the patient suffering from set condition is incapable of tolerating certain sounds made by other humans in particular the sound of chewing and the smacking of lips with over 200 000 patients diagnosed each year this condition not only deserves respect and support from the community but we all should be more cognizant and work towards a world devoid of these deplorable and intolerable sounds i have issues because i'm like i can't eat next to you you'll like walk out of the room it's not that bad it's an issue it is an issue so the next question was how do the kids handle living full-time on the road which i'm going to expand to all of us because chloe is obviously fine she's making faces like i said before it's it's very challenging living full-time on the road it's definitely not for everyone i'd never want to give that impression the question was directed towards the kids but the reason i explained it to the family is that i think they do better with it than we do yeah we're always having those conversations are we pushing too hard are we moving too fast but i think they're more flexible than we are they're way more so when we're when we're changing things i feel like that doesn't affect them as much as us this is the funniest question i think does brady ever change his clothes yes he does he just wears the same thing so literally brady has a huge bag of just black t-shirts that's it i like black t-shirts i think it's weird when we first when we first got married i tried to get him to wear like other things and i like he did for a little while and then it's just black t-shirts i've always been that way i i heard a quote from somebody i don't remember who that they they say they only have so many decisions that they can possibly make in a day and they don't want to waste one of those on choosing what to wear that day so i just always wear a black t-shirt and i only have a couple of pairs of shorts that i cycle through and especially with traveling and they get the rest of the suitcase space another question was tips on traveling with kids what age did you start with them as early as early as possible flight is free then yeah if they're six months old a year under two years the flight's freezing i would say anytime you can travel with your kids is the right time i would never wait different ages present different challenges we started traveling with them when they were very little i think both of their first passports they're like three months old on the hardest time is like when they're just starting to walk and they want to run around and that's probably the hardest time but my tip for that is just when you're on a plane when the fast and seat belt sign is off get up and let them run the aisles yeah i go crazy also my biggest tip for people is to not be worried about what the other people on the plane will think yeah because your kids have just as much right to be on the plane as anybody else chloe is behind the camera if it's a little shaky and then another thing oftentimes i think the adults on the planet are more obnoxious for sure less is more you think you want to bring a bunch of stuff to entertain your kids like if they're old enough to use a device use the device let them have your phone let them have whatever and don't limit that bring lollipops bring whatever anything that you typically are really strict on i think i would say let go for a little while i think as parents we put so much pressure on ourselves of like all our children can't have devices the whole time on the plane no i'm going to sit there and watch 10 movies back to back like so why can't my kids do that so are we having any more children are we having any more kids no we need to have man on man defense two is perfect for us yes and look at the ones we well thank you so much for watching this video if you happen to like it you know what to do and we will be sorry i don't know what we're doing next so you'll just have to wait and find out all right thanks so much for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Raising Voyagers
Views: 59,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel, Raising Voyagers, questions, family travel, travel vlog, flying the nest
Id: wa8tcBwdCeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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