Preparing for Something Terrifying... Building Our Stone House in the Mountains.

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when we first stepped foot on our historic property in the foothills of the Italian Alps we had a beautiful vision of what life could be like here in Italy we've had so many ups and downs so far on this journey but we haven't given up on the dream that took root in our hearts when we set out on this adventure over the last few months we have made so much progress tearing down an unusable sister in order to make room for a beautiful new addition that was carefully built up with hand chiseled Stones which were uncovered from the Mountain decorated with hand hun beams out of chestnut trees foraged from the forest above our house we have created a floating staircase leading up to the new Terrace outside of our bedroom making it exactly what we had dreamed of working rain or shine we have fought against our water intrusion problems finishing the foundational flooring downstairs building up and rendering new walls up against the mountain we have torn down walls creating a beautiful Archway in the kitchen and I've opened up and built out new doorways making this Old Barn start to feel more like a functional home finally we have started closing in the bathroom upstairs which is what leads us to today the new bathroom wall is completely framed out and we are ready for drywall hi hey it's hard to see you come on so I can see you oh my goodness hey this is crazy I don't know where to go yeah it's a little chaotic so turn around and look at the door this is the door oh wow that beautiful oh it's gorgeous I hate how dark it is on camera right now because I mean obviously these walls are not going to be they'll be white they'll be white later on and have light in here yeah right now we have just this massive blasting light that's kind of blinding us but oh oh my goodness it's beautiful wow I love it that's kind of a big door so it looks bigger than it's going to be um in reality because this floor has to rise up by 15 cm it's going to be normal size the same as all of the other I cannot believe that we are on to drywall oh I realized this is the wrong screw gun but I don't have another one drywall happens to be the one thing that I have the most experience with I did a lot of dry in college but no I don't have the right tools here in Italy I need to go shopping and get some proper tools and then we will smash out this drywall it is crazy how quickly this is starting to take shape and look like a real house the bathroom is now framed in we're putting up drywall this is just it's crazy it's so exciting there's had plenty of Faith through this process that closing in this room was okay I I've been quite hesitant of how it's going to make the space feel small I know on camera it looks that way because it's dark and we're using these bright lights but I now feel very good still a large hallway I got to watch your back here scoot backwards it's still a large hallway and the bathroom still has plenty of space so I'm definitely feeling a lot better about it [Music] on [Music] it's funny to see the cultural differences and construction techniques um because the way I've been trained not exactly the right way to do this but it's just culturally different still gets the job done learning new ways to do [Music] things that happens a lot we'll have frequent disagreements with the proper way of doing things because you do things one way in America you do one way in Italy and um often times the truth of what's best is kind of halfway in between so it's a or you're both wrong or you both wrong that's true so as the drywall is going up it's actually making the space feel a lot bigger to me which is really odd because you think we're closing in this part of the upstairs it's going to feel so much smaller but to see the white go all the way up to the roof I don't know it really feels feels so much bigger and brighter in here and I'm I'm really really excited to see this whole thing come together that's 100% true and I don't understand it because we are closing in the space yet it's what did you say we're using the space better yeah I think that's using more intentional and I think what happens is this wall draws your eye to the uh the slope of the roof and it does it does make the space feel bigger so one of my favorite elements that we are putting in the upstairs are these windows it's going to be really cool because it kind of has to jump out excuse me has to jump out of it because of the insulation and what's going to end up happening is we'll have drywall out here and then this bench here or this what is it called a window sill window sill yeah it's a window couch a window couch oh my goodness I need more coffee you're fine so this will this jumps out out a bit because of the insulation that we need to put in the wall and here this is the part that I'm the most excited about I'm sorry they're really loud back there but um this kind of window sill the stone at the bottom we're going to end up chiseling this out placing one large Stone there that will end up being like a twot seat basically like a couch in the window and then we're going to render this all it's going to be so beautiful but what I'm what I'm excited for is a couple of briish pillows here it is a window couch it is a window couch a great place to sit and read that's going to be perfect I going to have like bookshelves on you know around so that the girls can just grab their books and sit in the window and read oh my goodness it's going to be gorgeous real quick I wanted to tell you guys about a product that I have fallen in love with about 7 months ago I first tried beam's dream powder and it has quickly become one of my favorite nightly routines to wind down at the end of each day this is beam's hot chocolate mix that helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer longer it is packed full of all natural ingredients that Aid in your sleep quality including melatonin magnesium Rishi and it comes in a cvd version or a non CBD version there is no added sugar and it's only 15 calories and it tastes so good I actually love having mine with warm milk but you can also just add it to hot water this is the cinnamon cocoa flavor but they have so many different flavors that you can try I think my favorite is actually the chocolate peanut butter but this one is great too I have noticed such a huge change in My Sleep Quality since using dreams hot chocolate mix and if you also struggle with sleep I highly recommend giving this a try if you are ready to try out beam's dream powder for yourself please check the link in our description below or scan this QR code now it will take you to the website and an automatic discount will be applied thank you so much to beam for sponsoring today's video so things have been a little bit crazy around here lately so I haven't had much time to think about our garden and things have gotten crazy out of control the weeds are actually like all the way up here like taller than clo Andy like weed whacked them down so that that it's much easier for us to manage so today Chloe and I are going to be pulling all of these weeds out and clearing out the space because while I'm not going to do a big Garden this year because we just have so much going on one thing that we loved last year was strawberries so I'm just going to plant a bunch of strawberries in this bed up here and then the kids Brady and I can come and just snack on these as we're working as we're hanging out on the property and uh yeah we're going to have fun today this one's a really hard one wait s that's why good job that's great oh there's a snail snails don't throw it I just s them on a ride oh I found a little little tiny worm worms are good tiny hello little worm I'm going to just cover you back up cuz that Bo took some of your Dirt away Chloe do you remember building this garden with me yeah this was like the first and second day that we ever here yep yep I love that one of my favorite videos that we have of us on the property is the day that Chloe and Brady were here building this and it was raining and Chloe's like playing in the rain like the rain won't scare me the rain won't scare me it's one of my favorites the rain won't stop me way stop me the way stop me got something what' you get whoa see it that was crazy oh was a big one what about this one t nice I can feel for strawberries so I know if there's any strawberries yeah oh that was the strawberry section over there that was yeah all the strawberries were on that side can we save the ones with flowers on them no everything in this bed needs to come out if they're like up on the Rocks they can stay I found a good one we I got the nest one I didn't like that was hanging between the stones oh yeah look at my area it's looking good oh mommy do you think you can use the thing to get these because to me they look kind of spiky so the weather has been pretty crazy lately it's been pretty cold and rainy I don't remember last year it being this cold and rainy this late into the spring um and we've noticed that none of our neighbors have actually started planting really anything so I don't even feel bad that just now getting to this and who knows it all might just end up dying because of the weather been too much rain nothing but there's been so much rain but you know I just wanted to get out and get my hands dirty and get this done we'll see how it turns out I'm still learning all this gardening stuff so and you like it don't you buddy Chloe loves finding out the snails the worms have you named them yet well I did have a wormy I don't know if mommy killed him because was pickaxing in in his area I didn't kill him he's fine he got real deep in there but what happens when you cut a worm in half the two parts are like they can't connect back together but that just makes two worms both of the sides will eventually grow another side two for the price of one there you go mommy can I do mine like can I play here where I already started digging there we go that's a nice there you go good job buddy that good that's very good now bring some more dirt from the surrounding area around it to kind of help tuck him in for bed okay so you want to go there okay there here o boots that's bad well good that I found it but bad got itot now dig in the hole oh I'm digging the hole oh I'm diing the hole dig the hole you do can I use the shovel yeah you can use the shovel since that one's there let's see Not So Close maybe like right here won't be long I'm there before the Setting Sun for you to fall into my arms a place I call my home I was looking to belong when I already found my home [Music] [Music] I was looking to the and I'd already know that you will be there when the rains are gone like a light in the night you will always be [Music] [Music] will the rain ever start will will the rain ever stop will the rain ever stop reminding me of [Music] you orang [Music] [Music] speee misse [Music] what if we trip what if we fall what if we make a mess of it all what if we throw wining R why if we lose the lead we had gain what if we trip what if we fall what if we don't it was the chance we took with which we flirted and the rush it gave and made it worth it it is the human in us that makes it perfect every time was a long slow March out of Eden we didn't know just what we were leaving but our cious hearts had us believe in we'd be [Music] okay what if we trip if what if we FL we what if we makeing mess of it all what if we throw winning R what if we lose the lead we had gained what if we trip what if we what if we [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] hi hi hi wow look at it yeah good decision I wonder who decided to do that it looks good yeah I was a little skeptical of um covering up the yeah it's gorgeous oh my goodness it's like a house not quite yeah we're getting there though getting close I love it oh it looks so pretty it looks so pretty can you tell that this one is slightly lower no okay good cuz it is we're not moving it no I can't tell um you can if you stand here um you're never going to be looking at like window is lower well there you go it's lower laser levels back in the day no it's totally fine that doesn't bother me at all it's beautiful you got to check out your bathroom hold on did you put a tub in there yet no through the beautiful new door I love it beautiful I love it so much it's big it's so big uh we'll use up this face fast but I'm just I can picture myself in my bathtub that's my dream right here and I I centered this door on that door which you can't see the view let's see if I can yeah it's hard to show The View on the camera you can see it you can see it I love that well that that is a lot of progress for one week it's a lot thanks for hanging out with us and oh I should give a spoiler for next week because it's going to be sketchy oh no I'll show you so this little project has been stressing me out since day one and that's on Monday we open up this door yay I'm just excited cuz I I don't have to do any of the scary work I just get to say good job up there and why why okay I'm 51 let's just it goes higher Step Up High okay oh oh oh ow yep I'm 51 and I can kind of stand up in the door oh I can't go backwards though yeah so but that that's a 2 m span of dry stack stones that will all come crumbling down which the peak of the house is rusting on and there's probably a 50% chance that one of us dies no don't you dare say that don't you dare say that everything's going to be fine it's going to be four or five of us working on it so the odds of me dying will be stop it no less than 50% no one's going to die it's going to be a fine process and it's going to be beautiful and everything's going to be okay see you next week I do not like this a beautiful house
Channel: Raising Voyagers
Views: 217,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stone House, Renovation, Barn conversion, stone barn, stone cabin, mountains, italy, raising voyagers
Id: gHtfGTQcIV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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