We Give Barbie A New Boyfriend

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(rooster crows) (lion roars) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. It's "The Bachelorette" for Barbie time. Yeah, we're gonna find her a suitable Ken replacement. - But first, we're gonna play Daddy Like, Daddy Don't Like. So one person is gonna be Daddy Like and one person is gonna be Daddy Don't Like. - All right. - And you gotta go until you can't think about it anymore. - All right. - What are you gonna be? - Daddy Don't Like, go ahead. - Daddy like biscuits. - Daddy don't like bad weather. - Daddy like good weather. - Daddy don't like stink. - Daddy like a nice pair of socks. - Daddy don't like the unknown. - Daddy like steak. - Don't don't like men grown hairs. (Rhett exclaims) I said men grown hairs. - You said, (groans). - Men grown hairs. All right, whatever. Daddy don't like men grown hairs. - You see, one guy's gotta like things, one guy's gotta not like things until he can't think of it. - You watch "The Bachelorette", so you're really gonna have help through this process. - And "The Bachelor", but yeah. - To make sure that we do this properly. So we've got a nice eligible- - Well, Chris Harrison is not here which is really what makes it all proper. - "Bachelorette". According to Insider.com, Barbie and Ken have had an on again, off again relationship since 1961 with their last breakup happening in 2004. As of now, they're back together, but it's not gonna last forever, because it never does. So the door is open. I have some information on each of these bachelors. - Okay, well, I mean, this is gonna be "The Bachelor" or "The Bachelorette" sort of like condensed into a very short period of time, because I mean, listen, what happens is on the first show, she's standing out there, in the courtyard, and last season, this most recent season, they had to do it at Palm Springs at the La Quinta because of COVID. - La Quinta? - The Lo Quinta. - Yeah. - La Quinta. And so everything was just at this resort in Palm Springs. They get out of a limo and they walk up and they do something. Every season it gets a little stupider. But they're like, I gotta do something to make myself stand out, but these guys, as you can see, they've got a lot to help them stand out. - Hello. This is Emily Fleming's actual action figure that her mom mailed to us to use in this. - Of course Emily had one of these as a kid. - That's how much Emily wanted Beast to be the bachelor, so he's going first. A little bit of information about the Beast for you, Barbie. Although Wolverine is an X-Men heartthrob, to be sure, Beast AKA Hank McCoy is a gentle academic furry beef cake who doesn't get in bar fights or have a terrible temper. Beast has also been played in real life by hunk, Kelsey Grammar, Frasier himself. - I'm a big fan of "Frasier". - And might I point out, Barbie, take a good look at those calves, because they each look like bulbous butt cheeks. - Wow, man, he's really got that whole split muscle thing happening back there. Maybe he's a double muscle man. All right, now can we do something about Barbie's dress, because this is- - I know, I know. - Listen, here's the deal, I know that there are dresses that part right above the booty and it's a thing, but I don't think one that parts right at the butt- - Can I help you with that? - Nuh uh, hey. - He's asking permission. (Rhett and crew laughing) - I think you would say, do you need any help with that? - Hello. - Do I need to call a seamstress? - Do I need to call a seamstress or just use my large hands to pucker your dress in your booty region? Don't be looking at me like that. I'm just playing. - I don't know, I feel like the Beast might be a little too much man for her. - Let's just line them up. - [Stevie] Did you ever play specifically with Barbies? I know you had action figures, but were you ever in a Barbie playing situation? - I had friends who were girls who had Barbies. - [Stevie] Yeah, that's what I mean. - Anybody can play with Barbies, but I was very happy to play with the Barbies, very happy. - [Stevie] Like you would be Barbie? - I would play with all of them, yeah. Very happily. - [Stevie] No but like, when you play with action figures and Barbies, you have to embody the character. That's why I was always Ken. But you were also Barbie? - I didn't play like that. I did not embody the characters. - You just kind of set them up and was like, that's a cool scene. - Yeah, I was more about like setting up the scene. Like, I had a bunch of GI Joes. - Look at that, there's another cool scene, I wonder what could be happening. - It was more about the posing, but there wasn't a direct identification. - Now this feels like this could work. - The expected choice after Ken, GI Joe was created in 1963 only four years after Barbie came on the scene. He's a military man, so he might be a little too serious for the light and fun Barbie. - Now at first blush you might say the height difference is gonna be a problem, but when you look at the back of Barbie's dress. (crew laughs) You realize the height difference may be perfect. - Just keep in mind, this is being watched in a Barbie Dream House by those little girls. (crew laughs) - So anyway, I think he's in the lead right now. - Until now. Hello, Barbie. - Oh my goodness. - Lando Calrissian. - Yeah, uh huh. - We went with a mature version of Lando played by the iconic Billy Dee Williams. - Smooth, he's smooth. - Lando was a gambler and smuggler, but he eventually became a baron administrator of Cloud City. I could see Barbie just bopping around Cloud City. Also a general in the Rebel Alliance. Barbie would never be bored with this guy. - And she's also a fan of Colt 45. - Is she? - And Billy Dee Williams was the spokesman for Colt 45 for many years. That's why it was the first alcoholic beverage we ever had. On my 21st birthday. Besides the wine we made for ourselves when we were teenagers. - That's right, I remember. - We got Colt 45 because of Billy Dee Williams. - I don't recall if it was great or not. - I recall it being great. - Okay, now we're getting more into a similar stature here. Woody from "Toy Story", voiced by America's sweetheart, Tom Hanks. Woody is a loyal friend and a natural leader. He comes to accept changes and challenges as they come. He's also way hotter than Buzz. (Rhett laughs) - Okay, that's a very strong and odd opinion. So now, I'm just doing this for illustration purposes. So I think that Woody... And I don't know what this says about Barbie's proportions, but Woody is the first person to match her in proportions. - Yeah, bring her on over. - What does that say about what they're doing over there at Mattel? I thought they had made some- - The way that you're holding her. - I thought that they had made some corrections to Barbie I thought that they made her more realistic. - That has not happened. - [Woody] Hello, Woody, pleasure to meet you. - Oh, he speaks, she's gotta listen. - [Woody] How long have you been out on your own? - Well, since '59. - [Woody] We just have to find them and I know the perfect toy to help us. - Well, okay now he's trying to get her to help him do things that he should be doing on his own. - I really like toys, there's a website. - [Woody] You got a date with justice, One-eyed Bart. - If you're gonna ask her out on a date, don't call her One-eyed Bart. - [Woody] Yee-haw! - You'll use that for role play later. - [Woody] Would you look at me it's like I'm fresh out of the box. - Okay, so he talks, he's a conversationalist. - At this point it's between Billy Dee and Woody. - It doesn't stop. Oh gosh, my cards. - You know, while Link's gathering himself I just wanna remind you that this mug it's heat activated. You see that? When hot liquid is inside of it, it changes color and creates a scene of the cockatrice spurting out Good Mythical Morning everywhere, good cheer, in the sky, in the night sky, and when it's got cold liquid, or not hot liquid, or nothing in it, it's just a black mug. Get it at Mythical.com. - Mythical.com. Of course, we got Batman. He's rich, he's always in a dangerous situation. A relationship with Batman almost certainly results in death, but on the bright side, Barbie wouldn't have to deal with any pesky in laws. - Oh, that's true. - 'Cause you remember, they were murdered in front of the child. - It's kind of what turned him into... You know, I was kind of hoping that's what's gonna happen with Chelsea. With everything that she saw today. - Where is Chelsea? - I'm thinking that she's gonna be some incredible superhero. - Right, she's resilient, that child. So Bruce Wayne is one of the last people that I would want anyone I love to have a relationship with. - [Stevie] Chelsea's still outside. (Rhett laughs) - We left her out there. - Chelsea's just sitting outside in the parking lot. - Oh, next up Barbie... Hi guys, I'm the Amphibian Man from "The Shape of Water". - Oh, he's pretty romantic. - Yeah, he made everyone confused about their sexuality in 2017 after watching "The Shape of Water". He loves hard boiled eggs. - Yeah. - Which he can come back after leaving things in. - I think he's simple. I think he's simple and I think he just needs to stay wet and everything will be okay. - I think he's complicated. I think he can't stand on his own. - He's been in a relationship with a human woman though. - Yeah, he has. He knows what the ladies want. - He's taller than everybody except Woody and Beast. - The only way to make him stand up is by doing that. - That's good, it looks like he's sneaking up on her. - Wow, that hand just really... - It looks like it was made to put on top of Barbie's head. Why is she sitting? - So that she can get a better view of these guys. That's Amphibian Man. Moving right along. Let's see, we got... These cards are really getting to me. - It's like, wow, you seemed overwhelmed. - Shaggy. Move on over here. - I'll just him on Batman's head. - Yeah, put him on Batman's head, you take that. Shagster here. He's got a dog, which is a plus. Barbie will never have to worry about a lack of snacks around Shaggy. But something does say stinky about him. - He's too little. - Maybe you can suggest that we wash his socks occasionally. - He's got such a sort stature compared to her, but he has sort of similar proportions, but he's just so little. He could be like a little brother kind of character. - But in real life, he's taller than Barbie. I could see them hooking up. - Yeah, yeah, definitely in real life. - Yeah, haven't you seen the real life movie? Turns out, they existed. - I think their kids would be too skinny. I think they'd be very injury prone. - Okay, you think about the children now, that's something. - Speaking of what the children are gonna look like. - And then finally, we have... Oh, make her stand up again. We have Professor Snape. - Oh, here we go. - He's a wizard, he's a professor. He does it all with a deep sexy voice. Oh, yeah. - This is pretty good. - Look at what's happening here. - He's a little pale. - They're just asking for it. - I mean, I hate to go too predictable. - Is this predictable? I mean, talks about sparks. Magic is happening. He's been hung up on another woman his entire life, but hey, maybe Barbie can shake him free. - She looks happy. She looks happy with him, you know what I'm saying? - I think this is it. Let's let them look at each other here. - Now make them kiss. - You're her and I'm him. - Okay. Sorry. - Kissiosa. - I can't bend my knees. Oh, would you like to kiss me? - Put the arms out. - Would you like to kiss me? Have you seen my dress? Have you seen the back? (crew laughs) Can you use your magic wand to solve my seam problem? (Rhett laughs) I didn't mean to use it like a needle. I mean, can you cast a spell and cover it. - Let's just make them... - Oh, you're so cold. You're colder than I thought you'd be but I kind of like it. (Stevie laughs) Oh, I'm trying to... Oh. You don't seem to be too into it. (Link smooching) Okay, there we go. Okay. Now you wanna lay down. - No, no, no. I don't think this is working though. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Ladies and gentlemen. - We'll turn the cameras off and make it happen. (crew laughs) - There we have it. I think it's a match made in... Well, it's not heaven 'cause he's a wizard, and they don't believe in that. - Chelsea, she saw the whole thing, they brought her back So she's happy. - Yay, she's so happy. If that's not a family, I don't know what is. Where's the dog? The dog that she adopted? Dang it, y'all, we left the dog out there. - Well, he could be the pet. - Yeah, there's the pet. Add some scientific magic to your Mythical mug collection with the GMM heat activated mug available now at Mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 201,401
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: Iu5vJUGv8z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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