We found the most chaotic CPU ever

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hey guys so everyone's out today and it's just me they all left and i was all alone so i decided i would just play a mario party game by myself and also joe and jake over here yeah just kidding you fell for it idiots absolute fools absolutely you got tricked so we've seen you guys in the comments ten episodes later and you're upset that dash cannot get a win in mario party and you know we understand so we made a couple of adjustments mm-hmm uh we are playing a different game than normal well i think i think this game you can say that we're not playing a game at all yeah yeah that's how it feels yeah you know it's it's about the mindset change that we've had would you say that this game is dash favored more so than normal yeah i would give it oh my god oh no it's up to you it's your game you know i'm not gonna lie to him pausing i still i i still got a little bit of anxiety my stomach cramped up for a second this is an odyssey right here oh my gosh but dash if it looks like you're going to lose i think you should add turns uh that's the classic oh you got the entire stick i got the entire board but that means i don't have these on macro yeah which sucks yeah so i actually hate that well so not only that this might be the first no sticker game on the channel or ever yeah that'd be a mystery yeah that's a mess joe well all right well it's daisy's turn i really hope daisy steals all your coins this turn no lucky space okay so just saying if in a situation a computer gets three skeleton keys yeah do they win i know there's no skeleton keys on this i'm gonna say if the three word blocks gets three skeleton keys on the map that has no skeleton keys i will give them yeah yeah or we could just like three of the same item i feel like i feel like from the computers like they they need to have a comeback mechanic i think they're just be i i do think there's just a chance dash loses i'll be honest i would even go so far to say possible i would likely dash is another room i would say it's 40 60. all right which one are your favorite in favor of the cpus um so you're the underdog is what you're saying yeah do you have who do you who are you scared of the most are you scared of i'm really scared of wario yeah you have a legacy with donkey kong so i feel like you kind of haven't solved yeah i be i beat him in a duel like not many not many people can say that they beat him in a duel and i'm already in the lead it's great funny watching this because i thought this might be one of those ideas that's funny in concept and then we see it and it sucks and it's boring but i'm invested in this yeah because i'm like i want to see how far luigi can go yeah who you got in this one i want to see luigi win you want to see the louisiana all right luigi dub in episode 11 of superstars all right as i said should we turn on computer battles so where we can watch computers yeah okay this is okay so 4500 from daisy yeah yeah her hair looks you can crank that i feel like i can break it with hammers oh i feel i'm steady that's steady though yeah that's great but steady okay i might be able to nice dash you could dash you can absolutely beat the 4 500. oh dk so i'm not beating that oh you can beat that there's only one more one more rotation okay i'm gonna see this is the pace this is the pace no see this is the pace [Laughter] see easy child's game awesome and that's the exact premonition you need i think that was the highest score actually you're gonna go far yeah there's no need to add turns yet this is the happiest we're gonna see luigi for the rest of this game this is a pretty volatile board based just on how it goes but you have so much money in early games where you can put 20 coins in wamp i can't yeah i can gatekeep people you can gatekeep people which is awesome which is my favorite feature in all video games ever it's a whole reason to get into the hobby really yeah i i do agree there's something sinister about wario this dude is plotting i so dash i was thinking about it to you i think you only add five turns at a time because then you only had turns once once oh wait really yeah i didn't know that i was gonna say because then you get like four last five tournament items so like things are going south so all of them did not go towards the star well they think you're going to land on it happening they're all investing i are you going to gamble i put like 10 yeah yeah i'm gatekeeping i got safe gatekeeping's hype because now if any of them cross i like the red yoshi in the back he's a good guy that's what i've been saying i think what's crazy to me is that smash bros has made me forget that i like yoshi yeah like i when i was a kid i had a little yoshi plush and i carried him around everywhere like you know he's worn and tattered oh yeah i just loved him so much yeah he had a big man friend yeah if you squeeze his belly like you know the yoshi sound yeah man the yoshi sound yeah that's i think you mean pop i ow well that's what he says now like that's what i'm saying smash bros has changed ever since the sjw's got yoshi pop-tart all right they don't want to say anymore that's what i'm saying oh i got last this is you know daisy schmoved it's all right she did she move on him she does look plastic as [ __ ] though she looks so i feel like if i pushed her over her hair would break yeah her face would shatter wow i i scream i love luigi's neutral face in mario party his sad face is pretty good dude his sad face is better than like a blacked out twitter profile picture honestly imagine a sad luigi profile i want somebody to get really sad instead of blacking out their twitter account they just post a frowning photo of themselves i i see my profile picture based on the tone of my most recent tweet like i just like if someone's like i'm just like so depressed it's just them crying is their profile picture i think that'd be so funny i've seen that on facebook like somebody's like very clearly gotten dumped like that day and just like it's a photo of him crying just being like theresa please take me back i swear i could be better if you change your profile picture day of it's it's that's something that's a days it's just like i think it would make me want to get back together with a person personally i just think nice dk just that's the second one if you're going through a breakup and your first thought is god i have to update my facebook profile picture not even if it's a picture of you and them you know it's just oh my god and you're getting a happening swap yeah and you're giving everyone else a chance to get the star so that's so nice of you i i'm just trying to be a helpful player i think dk's the only one who can get in he's still pretty far away daisy's right there sure daisy does not win the next mini game yeah true i'm gonna make sure look at that koopa jumping on the melon turn daisy it's a 1v3 so it's just up to everyone else yeah turn her into a statistic dash oh yeah it doesn't even matter i'm lucky man actually just getting 10 coins and you win yeah and i've already failed hmm don't worry it's that's just pre mini game you have to worry about [ __ ] okay daisy has one coin not that bad yo wario shout out just don't let it go in her bag face and you got this oh nice nope donkey kong hype easy donkey [ __ ] coming back i got it okay 23. okay she's okay she needs four she's getting oh a couple more she lost to luigi uh oh dwight this is oh that's that's just that's a star right there ladies and gentlemen oh my god fight she could roll one he's just saying she does have a custom dice and a wart bar she could warp you in front of the star actually that'd be hype actually who knows prefer that anything could happen oh so everyone has a height right now especially donkey kong look at your koopa in the top left look at him he's my favorite roll of one all of them are my favorite item block roll of one the wart block would have been an insane move though i would have popped off there's no shot you do two and not one over i love how these ais work i would not even dare think about going over one look i need to guarantee this too and i will not be greedy yeah you're just wasting everyone else's point yeah at that point if the good lord has given me this dice block i will not i will stay humble i will not let it go to my head like dude maguario what if he rolls a 10. that'd be awesome what was the point where is he going [Laughter] you know everyone knows that wario hates money he's got big plans just wait just you wait oh that makes up for two ones ah that big man is popping off yeah what's he gonna get the money got custom died christmas is pretty cheap in this game is it new to this game it's not right kind of i mean the custom die was in super but it's also pretty reminiscent of like the sloshroom you know the sloshroom yeah it just pretty much the dice block would go one two oh yeah that one i i forgot that just wasn't straight uh custom it essentially was yeah so this item has always been present because i want to say the sloshroom was probably like god i can't 15 to 30 coins so it wasn't cheap you know it was 30 right i could have dirt yeah 30 is a lot that's a triple shroom oh i wish i rolled an eight hmm if you had a custom dice yeah you're looking you're looking pretty good in this game dash and you're teaming with the duo's dungeon duos or speed hockey we haven't seen this one before dude i love speed hockey this game is so good it's hype it's perfect like this is up there in my like all-time favorite mario party games also can we just talk about how good it visually looks yeah it looks clean like i don't know also just red versus blue color scheme just looks good you got this yo yo i heard that iron that i started yo the reverse 3-0 sweep no one goes 2-0 up against luigi yeah i never go up two two points to zero not air hockey two points to one's fine though that's perfectly valid i think it's crazy because i feel like most of the wins are the teammates bumping off each other yeah you and daisy honestly is impressive how you guys escorted the koopa shell into your own goal you both would have perfect i could i could hit the koopa shell on the front half and it would just bounce into my goal it just goes through my paddle i i think that's where you blame your goalie so true yeah if i was daisy i oh my god optimal play is getting right from that start and then uh custom dice get the star and lane on the happening anyone behind you get [ __ ] yeah that's the optimal play right there oh not one over that's optimal as well would not dare to just a casual six all my friends are happy dash is the money guy right now though because dk's about to buy a star if he lands on oh well he's gonna roll not one over yeah no he's gonna roll a perfect number a perfect whatever he needs a perfect he could get the happening i i could see dk going for that oh he's going for it oh insane play this guy's actually master dk might be in his element today yeah that if you see that type of play anywhere human or not you're just kind of [ __ ] that was an unforeseen confidence factor and now he just still has the custom dice yeah oh i wish he could have rolled it a little bit ten coins next turn you know what you're not that far either you can just i'm gonna little joint over there stay on this okay you can get a little lucky i like it okay okay what we call gamble inside dude you see that blue yoshi that blue yas let me see him he he's where wario sings oh my god he's like lounges kicking it whoa coins mini games no i can't honestly yoshi's are kind of sad i i i'm thinking about it more [ __ ] smash bros for making me ate the character that's how i feel i love yoshi and i love yoshi as a guy but then smash bros happen and made me be like [ __ ] his snare [ __ ] his double jump armor [ __ ] his noise [ __ ] is perry [ __ ] his egg [ __ ] players yeah okay i mean i called them like i see them what can i say i i now we get to watch the computers do it right this game also hype as [ __ ] dk passes daisy passes wario's out uh purple's bad right now i'm absolutely positive purple's bad oh [ __ ] yeah you read the code wrong that was the problem he saw wario get safe on green last time and say i guess that's good and daisy is also like oh there's no way it's that three because that's my color that's an anomaly that's how i play the game based on whole character that's how i play when somebody else took that's what you get dude i played off a feel i i i i could just sniff it out what's funny is i actually just mash a i just pick whatever the earliest available that's awesome i pick what color i am and if i don't have it then i'm a shay mario rising every even game we never have even games like this yeah yeah one it was crazy yeah crazy how that works out what is that jesus you know they're silly little guys yo todd yo i love this guy another not one over is what's gonna happen here yeah daisy might go back for seconds yeah really at this point i i i don't know why they just don't get like big like mushrooms you know or like the double dice yeah well now i guess you don't want to go too far in yeah they don't want to go too far no [ __ ] way [Laughter] i wish there were more stars i was so scared there's a lot of hidden blocks not very that's not what i so you rolled wrong dk all right i forgot you went the wrong way but it's the gamble go up go up yeah yes huge play-doh i knew it was gonna happen and then i'm gonna get a star and i also i'm on an island where i can steal stars okay but you can only do one or the other or you're gonna say no i mean he has a while before he gets there oh chance time that's actually based i don't see this going well i see this close your eyes yeah there's an imbalance in the world wait okay will you do me will you go left right middle for me i'm gonna hold on that's my are your eyes closed no not yet i'm gonna get me okay i'm gonna close my eyes okay are you still getting you yeah my eyes are closed i don't know okay okay that's you oh you gave up all your stars i still don't know what's happening oh yeah this was irrelevant wario's the money guy oh my god he is so rich but that makes sense yeah it's wario honestly that's good for you you just made the number one enemy a little bit more poor yeah i think like the scary part of that was giving anyone a star because then that puts them at like such a oh my god we're going to watch this forever aren't we dk just die immediately because joe you remember yeah we had a gentleman we gentlemen did 69. yeah i'm pretty sure it wasn't donkey kong still alive at that point yeah he kept jumping like we we gentlemen because we was going to go forever dash i do not see you winning this mini game honestly i have no idea when this mini game is going to end i i'm going to find out donkey kong hasn't been playing too hot today i'll be honest i i think losing 20 or 30 coins might be in his head a little bit yeah from chance time yeah that's a tilter as a competitor it's rough to lose in chance time and go immediately into a jump rope minigame where if you lose you catch on fire yeah that's just another 10 coins you're losing out on that should be free i think losing a chance time that you had nothing to do with too yeah it's the shittiest feeling you just wake up catching strays from [ __ ] big man 23. it's just you and him you and the big lad we know that he we know he makes it to 70 dash oh my god he he was ready he's been charging the jungle i need the coins for the minigame star i love donkey kong i am such a big donkey kong fan i'm also a fan of this koopa troopa in the top left i just really like him i like him too he's just having way too much fun look at him he's on top of a giant watermelon he's about to watch daisy eat [ __ ] the balloon and the hammock's sick don't okay that's fine ooh i really wish the ai was better with board play just like not i stroll higher you know yeah exactly like they should just only get tens like they should not need to get custom dice blocks because they should be able to just choose what they want like nintendo's not tricking anyone all right i know they're computer so they can cheat so i think they should be allowed to i think i should cheat more it'd be fun honestly i wish there was a step up above master difficulty where it's just genuinely unfair yeah like but you just it's just called unfair i i wanted to be raw i want to fight a raid boss in mario party that'd be sick every block they land on is a hidden block yeah like i want to see them slow like use the custom die to land on hidden blocks yeah or like it actually knows oh hey if i get this happening spot it'll screw over all these people i'll customize for that yeah i want to i want to watch a cpu that's just task level and mini games you know like i i want it to be a thing where we legitimately have to come together to beat them that would be very sick actually i'll show you that i just thought dk is oh absolutely trolling this mini game is impossible which one was this in was this six okay yeah this is in civ five yeah acid five is pretty good i really like civ likes personally oh that balls is going around the outside oh daisy doing some spins oh oh oh oh dash right into the balls daisy won in the cooler fashion yeah that's true i won no wario lost 10 coins there were no winners in that game just losers sadly daisy won daisy did win that was sick i keep like seeing him like turn his head and i'm like he's going to get a custom dice again or he's going to get in block yeah i mean you could still land on a happening spot i'd be watching oh oh wait oh any words it's still a hit that's still oh that's a lot oh my god this this game was looking pretty good for you dash i i might i could win you could win i could win it's still 40 60. you'll look away two no way dk sees you on this shot dk got me no shot no shot nice try buddy dk ever been the one how did he do it how did you figure it out every time this is so unfair oh my god ankle's broken dude holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] he scared them into that too insane gameplay from donkey kong oh my god that is the best play i've ever seen this donkey kong beauty i i told you i think he's on something today he's a mini game master as it stands okay this is violent can we change their difficulty to what i say last five turns no you can't no you can't oh damn i'm gonna say we just crank we we just turn on the heat last five turns i'm surprised that like daisy didn't like slow roll don't roll with three yeah or use her wart block even so that way somebody else is in the path of do you know dicks wow they really like this side of the island yeah i mean mario had the money oh oh oh my god big play oh dude wario is rich yeah he's rich i just 20 points he's stealing from you dash yeah no that's what's happening huh oh what that's irrelevant no that because now it's five i mean it's just kicking the balls for dash really i think that's the moral damage don't you want to buy a pipe they're all they all just want to get on this side now oh okay at least donkey kong is kind of poor as long as donkey kong says pour 17 coins right here that's insane oh double dice he's the item guy he got a wart block he's got double dice he's got a custom but he's not using them no he's not and that's the thing that's just frustrating i wish the ai would just even if they use them in bad spots i wish they would just spam items just to steal a star though which is good yeah dash are you gonna steal a star when you get there uh yes i'm going to stay from donkey kong or wario i'm going to steal from wario he's like random that's right that's true random doesn't matter why are you practicing because i pray you know when you impress are you sweating a children's party game i could not imagine sweating in mario kart dude i would never sweat like not even like in general yeah sprint for life i like how much or how frequently the comments point out how often i gaslight in mario party it's a lot but it's like that's your play style yeah i think it's funny yeah like where are you smart to be ghastly as you always remind me to tell you yeah like every day i wake up first thing jacob says to me is joe you're too smart for me to gaslight you and i say thank you so you know i've never ghastly yeah he's i might never fall for it that's for sure yeah that's yeah that's my favorite part is like you just remind me that it's never worked you told me about the times you've tried and i've just been able to avoid it you're way too smart yeah thanks man but what were we talking about how smart you are oh yeah i got a 20 on my act so you know pretty smart uh there's nothing to get into community college and call it a day i'm proud of you yeah i uh on god i only wanted to get in college so i get i could get out of school because if you went to community college you got out of uh morning classes i was like okay i'll do a harder class two days a week to not go to like gym i just realized joe's gotta not joe dash has got to make sure that none of the boys land on a happening spot now either i mean he pops a pipe here but then he can't steal a star no he can't steal star just fortunate for you he gets like very phallic when he hops in the pipe yeah oh you can roll a two here a bit extra don't you think it's not just he rolled the perfect number i i don't know what image you have a warrior in your head but this is a very generous creature he's not yeah humble he does not want to waste anything tasteful yeah that's wario all right dk dk pipe pop the pipe oh um does dk just troll no troll neutral control no troll swiper neutral oh no he's trolling uh he's trolling this is the second one just saying he's he knows what he's doing there is a lot of these dk's going to the star next turn and then i saw myself here we go don't worry okay that's i thought that was gonna be a three i'll be honest that things are looking good dash yay still got 60 coins that's awesome what i'm saying is it's blue i don't know luigi has lips oh oh this is fine she's awesome the worst thing that can happen is you lose a star or communism and honestly what do either of those things happen [Laughter] there's always an extern dash [Music] [Laughter] i was like careful we got content to make oh river raiders is rough uh oh no but i'm the boat okay just don't let wario get coins i'm the boat i'm gonna try to boat but don't let any of them get coins yeah you really don't want any of them to get coins who hit the log oh that was close dude this game is so [ __ ] i feel like dash is always the one in the boat in this game oh my god oh gosh you're throwing you cannot let them oh oh no dude why can't you do this whenever we're playing what the [ __ ] yeah that'd be great okay you just can't let them get i think uh 17 coins oh my god oh they have 17 coins they have 22 coins actually why are you stealing the star oh my god that was just horrible spotting and i'm a bad driver dash you're usually a really good driver i've never seen the bag spawn behind every log i love this luigi you know i was gonna say um at least you're not in first but you're in second and so is wario's at first so um that could have been a war block that would have moved wario potentially that would have been huge for you what is daisy doing and then daisy would have stole a star um no because they had to pay five coins you know oh yeah that's uh daisy wants to econ damage dude look at that yoshi i didn't realize i was universal econ you know like i didn't realize landing on that habit for everyone that's insane oh they're the yeah oh yeah that's crazy oh jc the workblock is probably the worst thing on there she needs seven coins she needs seven coins and then she steals a star but i think this is mining right like they're probably gonna steal from each other yeah actually whoa [Laughter] genius actually um he didn't want to he didn't want to kick you while you're down i i don't think you can steal wario star now man i i if you do that that's not very wholesome of you i don't know why i huh oh we missed the mini game interesting so again yeah this weekend where we're talking about the board play in this game kind of wish they were better at it dk should say no here and steal a star i know he he's not but that's the play yeah it'd be a crazy play oh he does he you should lose the star like bdk okay hear me out here's the genius play you don't steal a star you just steal coins and you make the total leave insanely high [Laughter] then they're all stuck here and they won't be able to get out [Laughter] you're going to get there eventually buddy so there's always next turn it's going to be a coin game a dk is going to get 100. oh my god okay he can only get you can throw you can throw no i wanna oh wait no no he'll only get 20 coins from this no he's gonna steal from wario yeah you're right yeah yeah yeah yeah the the ai will be rational she's the person that is uh winning do you remember do you see wario he's just [ __ ] up that one goomba but he's [ __ ] him up right hey i just felt bad for the little dude like i i it was like wario didn't realize he was supposed to paint other ones he just wanted to make that one suffer like right there he's loading on him oh okay five seconds remaining oh this is such a hard game to tell who's winning because it changes yeah it comes down to a lot last couple seconds always i wish there was more goombas in that game yeah 11 such a small number i love these things for mario 48. yeah it's awesome i'm glad they included them in this game because they didn't have to yeah except if they very easily could have skipped them except if i was them i wouldn't miss you yes you missed no if you didn't miss you would have won no he's right no i would hit them i can't believe luigi's in fourth ah don't worry there's only five turns left if you scroll over that red thing is we're we're five turns left yeah we're probably at the two-third mark of the video if i had i guess definitely definitely two-thirds mark cheap cheap who are you rooting for oh luigi what does luigi get hi guys yo golden pie that's huge that's sick actually that's honestly fair they took a star from you so he yeah toad gave you his pipe and now you're back i like bowser in the background pissed off what the [ __ ] is this little [ __ ] doing what spells his deal with mario party like is he a part of the game or is he like i thought she was warped dude if she does a four [Laughter] oh my god no you don't get it yet you don't get it i don't get it i don't i i you don't get it there's a skill issue in my brain right now no this is great this is honestly good daisy eats [ __ ] no she has two warp blocks no she could use them she could you could use them she absolutely could oh double no shot oh dk can't steal anything oh god do i steal no i i i i steal and then i golden pipe next turn that's what's going on i i i hope you're he steals from you oh nope wario is one that's spawned on wario man what he's doing man yeah i still i steal a star and then i golden pipe next turn i wish that boo was playing all your money dk you are such a coward well this total is half so wait did that double the toll then for i think it was only for to have for that one turn it just halves the i think it just happens yeah yeah well your next one is yeah you could use the item you know yeah i think the stretch to steel here and then gold yeah well you went from fourth to first in a real quick motion um if i steal from wario which i will do all right that's the winning play but you there's a rivalry with dk true i mean ally he's an ally huh i i think no matter what dash i don't think you're in the worst spot but you have to do a little bit of clawing ah daisy's so smart daisy's so smart i sh she you just trust the process i i should have trusted it trust the process man and now she gets to do a 2v2 with wario okay yeah she wasn't scared puddle paddle she's insane okay duos okay it's you and dk he's your ally dash probably everything we've done in mario park so far has come up to this moment oh my god dash did the wrong button no i believe in you there's okay i match faster it's fine you are matching way faster oh my god not great mashers okay dk is doing his best though so don't say anything mean to him i don't know he could do a lot better honestly i i would match faster oh my god dash is vibrating dude oh you got this oh that's like a whole like two seconds ooh all right what time does eight i really wonder how how this next part is gonna go exactly two seconds behind oh oh i wonder if the ai also like does a double spin you know on the next one why okay you know oh so nothing crazy right now yeah daisy had it that is that's that's a real real ouch yeah lack of two kind of double spin that is insane yeah i can't believe they actually do that that's kind of cool because it's all orgy from up here you got this you got this honestly that's kind of sick that they do that because that makes the toy you can't get screwed over for just having an ai on your team yeah um it's a middle left i think oh damn top middle oh no you got it you guys might be able to win this still i i don't know how half fast they oh no oh that is quite the pumping being done by wario i really threw that i got the world record too you you just fell once and that uh that just ruined the whole thing i mean given that you fell once that was still shockingly close that's true but then they also fall no no i thought they did no no it was just you mean you're but like you know that's in a good way you fell off the like and the way the like eminem fell off because you're able to come back with the coffee pot why why why [Laughter] there is collusion going on dude okay actually daisy cpu daisy is the highest player on this show she is chaotic evil dude oh my [ __ ] god dude i've never seen that play in my life i'm totally stealing that yo oh my god yo that could have been you oh my god she swaps it does she did she roll does she have one left press the processor process dude you have to trust the process you just you just have to she's playing an entirely different video game oh my god we're playing [ __ ] checkers compared to her yeah she's playing shoot some ladders trust the process tk loses here he rolls up he really likes the number six what does he get with six all right the bells are two honestly i wish you if you got the bowser tube your character model just has it for the rest of the game that'd be fun that'd be so fun or just the rest of the turn at least yeah i just want you to just run around with a little tube i mean i'm i this is very boomer i grew up with mario party yeah good i want to i i want cowboy mario but i like the costumes i think it would be mario not even like per stage just give me like eight costumes per character and let me rotate yeah as i wish dude i would rock witch peach on a daily like honestly costumes would be such a sick like unlockable oh yeah because like i mean they store all the money you have but i i don't know i i remember mario party one you got through all the coins really quickly mm-hmm so i feel like it's just you know unlockable costumes daisy's insane bro i can i want to i want to do a game of us three and i don't have a guest on the channel of master daisy master days she's kind of insane oh my god dash you do not win this game i do not win this but i'm going to give it my best shot for a second i'm shooting for a second that's what i'd want from you i'd want you to give it your best shot there's nothing wrong with a silver medal i'm just happy to see you try oh oh oh yeah you're playing out of your mind oh that was hard if i had my d-pad life would be so much easier yeah this game would be so much easier if you could use eleanor as opposed to just the joystick yeah that'd be huge it's so it's so hard to reset the stick to neutral like quickly i just i just it's so hard it's so hard to move two units because it's like double flicking yeah you have to let it go to neutral for a second yeah i can't just double tap it's so it's so frustrating i wonder if you can do oh [ __ ] wait what you might be able to like sti you know like whenever you see if you oh bottom left notch to the bottom the top right top left that probably works that might work yeah oh my god wait we're back to dk i have no clue what's going on i don't okay oh my god she gets the star no she just wore it back to bowser she has a thing for bowser dude this confirms it she's seen this man like three times in a row she's gonna steal a star right is she yeah is she even gonna talk to boo i don't you have to i i don't underst she could jump in the lake dude she could steal a star daisy is sideing there's just a lot a lot going in here this is the most insane ai i've ever seen do you remember i remember izzy from total drama island yeah that's kind of the vibes i'm getting from daisy wait i never would i didn't like izzy but like she was chaotic which one is is he like the wild girl with the right orange hair oh wait does it sky what dash is it the one that looks like sky from valerian is he total drama yeah it's orange with the green like the green fish she looks okay oh i see what you're saying sky valorant [Music] i see it i don't remember because they're like the same type of character where it's australian nature girl and screaming yeah yeah daisy sure does that god whenever i see skye throw anything on my screen i just like you you don't see anything actually i just have no clue what's going on whenever she does anything this guy was a start of the fall about actually no just go left see if you can get a star next turn and then use your pipe um on the last turn um that's the thing is the last turn the last turn i know he has two more turns after this no what i'm saying is oh yeah you still have your ultimate trump card you can always cheat yeah dash the game is not over until you say it is that whenever earlier whenever we said we're two-thirds of the way in the video it could be longer give me 12. that's we we could be wrong yeah and always we could pad this video out i mean let's see anything could happen is it is it december yet yeah it's probably december yeah you know anything's possible in december it's it's it's insane how just there's always the christmas magic it's a christmas miracle man they uploaded two hour long videos in one day thanks santa that's crazy it's because we really love god and what the [ __ ] what they all came out too early watch it's okay there's really no way for you to lose this it's just yo huge huge nice clean it up clean it up you know pop song dude yeah i think just play it safe you got 30 seconds to walk backwards five feet no i'd greed here but i have a full-blown icarus complex yeah i died there but you died so close to the sun so hype hey that's why people watch me because it would have been so hyped and people are willing to risk that sorry i'm not three years old i don't lose to red light green light you imagine losing red light green light you know i watched mr b's squid game they played red light green they did play red light green light and people lost also okay they were pretty mean in that they were like red light green light red light red light oh that would have [ __ ] me up i would have lost there too bro yeah yeah yeah it's just like it's like simon says type [ __ ] where like someone says put your right arm up and they throw up their left arm and so like you're already just like trying to process one thing um who's she stealing from donkeys wrong makes sense puts bro daisy's plan how did she have so much money to afford going to bowser three times i don't know i really don't know where she's gotten this money from it's kind of sketchy daisy might win no yeah there's a chance she if she rolls fat next turn she gets a she gets a star um no she's she's just not gonna roll fast oh oh oh oh there they go all in oh we're not going to get to watch the game are we oh dash pause it real quick can you no i don't think you i just don't oh yeah you can read faster let's read faster and add turns and maybe it may be wait what happens here okay does it stop it if you add turns right now who wins four coins all right buddies that's four coins five turns if you think about it yeah oh you know what's scary now there's a someone else might get a gold pipe oh you see who's in fourth place right now i i have no idea who's gonna win definitely not in third at least what the [ __ ] happened there daisy beat master dk i guess i that is technically what happened daisy has gotten so [ __ ] lucky this game yeah um the thing is she just has more time to get lucky yeah she is i'm still holding up for dk though man oh that's happening right there that's a that's a switch oh does she get to see her boyfriend she sure does yo huge for daisy i mean that's huge for dash he just yoinks out of there yeah i for sure pipe wait which side are you on dk dk everyone's on this side daisy wait what he went nowhere joe where now where'd daisy go oblivion oh that's fair [Laughter] he wants revenge from last time get over it man all right oh anything could happen [ __ ] no why always this game why is it always this game dk doesn't lose these oh he missed a pad he missed a pack it's this one in the maze game always okay i would love to have a [ __ ] d-pad right now uh okay so dk missed the first pad you guys are even right well no no yeah those pads definitely keep helping you um dk even after your max speed he's so good at not getting hit yeah you know that that's his philosophy i just avoid all electricity sorry dash but aren't you happy it's not the last turn now yeah it's not that's fair honestly i wish you i wish you added turns out yeah it just sucks because i couldn't add it after the i wanted to play the last mini game but then i wouldn't be able to and he's lucky uh yeah that's fine i just want to say donkey kong just took all your coins got 15 coins in his fourth place going into the last five turns jesus [ __ ] christ he's and i have a [ __ ] i i just say let it rock you could land on a happening [ __ ] am i honestly uplift yeah just oh my god i'd say the three is huge if you get it the yeah the three is definitely the best play maybe if you can get one a three oh my god why yeah i say three because you land right in front of the half but then it gives dk a star no because he's probably gonna be worked out alternatively oh i forgot you you just don't even have the money for it alternatively i don't even know what six is so oh that's huge that's actually huge i didn't look alternatively i have nothing to lose i forgot you didn't have coins well there's three coins [ __ ] i have nothing to lose and everything to gain it's going to be like seven okay [Music] fools it's time to play goomba spotting you lose [ __ ] which one's this oh this is the one i'm the [ __ ] worst at well luckily you know i'm the only one that can that has to stay quiet no daisy fell once dk fell once it's you and wario neck and neck you're a little ahead of wario just oh you're behind donkey kong now yeah wario takes the stage uh miss input from wario do three in a row is a lot in a row yeah it is i i really think after three in a row i start gambling that it's gonna be four you know yeah that it won't be four so my strategy for playing this game it was a golden leaf what the [ __ ] that just says where the record is oh um my strategy for this game is i always i i press a on rotation unlike on a rhythm yeah and i keep pressing a um just because it always keeps me moving and then i i only input a direction when i'm sure so if i if i don't have time to process it and i jump up i might land on it if not i don't fall oh that's fair that makes sense so that's my strategy for that game that's a pretty safe strategy yeah no it's honestly yeah that's pretty solid all right that makes a lot of sense actually yo dinger derby love this game [ __ ] terrible at it dude baseball sucks i think baseball is awesome as like a theatrical event i don't think there's many differences between baseball and musical theater yeah it's exactly like theater except the intermission is longer than the show the fire mission is longer and also there's more sponsored products you okay i guess the the same thing about going to a baseball game is different i'm talking about like just watching baseball like espn or something should wash it out of your home but like joe we went to yeah yeah we caught the game-winning ball i got drunk in the stadium it was a good time it was like you should 110 degrees outside let's go to a baseball game again that was fun because all you do is go with friends get tanked and uh get free [ __ ] yeah that was a nice part we got free tacos i think yeah yeah yeah it was i i've just never seen like if we throw a sponsored segment in a video everyone like i i think the culture is different there's no uproar but everyone just accepts it no one's happy yeah they're like i guess i'm happy that you are or you guys are happy for us but you're not happy for yourself see sponsored content but in baseball [ __ ] pop off for it dude they want to be a part of the sponsors like yeah they want to go out there and throw on a giant hot dog suit and raise some guy that's in a giant corndog suit maybe maybe youtubers should start asking random fans to do their ad read for them actually that's height that's right you remember how scott like tweeted out like oh you want to be part of my scottish 100 episode reply with you god just do that with fans just hey you want to read an ad yeah just go off and just give me your own like personal rage shadow legends ad anything you can splice them all together yeah i think you're genius for that one yeah it'd be like a vine comp but for an ad so wario's got a gold pipe and then you don't pay them because they don't deserve it yeah well you gave them exposure exactly but they cannot chill because it's ruins the sponsors yeah and yeah well like the sponsors don't want them to show you know of course of course you know it was just that that wasn't part of the [Music] what do you get team item not not much big this song plays in mine and also you want credit drums there's just default music yo huge either big item or big money or if the mom's told which is a big discount that's pretty huge nice i just want to play the lego incredibles man i would like to remind everyone that the star economy is pretty low right now so bonus stars are going to be playing a massive role yeah in the end game ah yeah i love this mini game also dk goes log every single time yeah i have an unbeatable strat don't worry about it is it rock that's awesome well where'd i go you'll never know i would have guessed rock i always say by the way bush yeah oh my god dk's taking his sweet what would i say what i say dk always goes log i feel like i rarely see them all three split up too i go bush here every single time i go bush i feel like consistency is probably pretty good for this minigame because if everyone's consistent it's just free for the three essentially yeah see that's why you don't go bush well i mean yeah if if you guys split right here it's guaranteed that you win this is when you say you're going out loud but you can't do that for you so yeah dash where'd you go i listen i'm a simple man with a great plan that denies him a question rock okay wario stayed in house the whole time and you want you know what respect it got the dub i play this game like i play my rock paper scissors you only do rock that's what's the point of any other tool i it does everything you need to kill a guy rock you need a hammer a nail rock yo last five turns what if you need to cut a nail again mario is so much money and it makes sense cheap cheap who do you think's gonna win lay it on me donkey kong what does he get if he if he's not going to be going on fire you're in trouble you have your only goal is the only one who doesn't have one and she's in first also i want to say where the gold or where the star is right now yes dk has the money and he also mario has the money oh my god wario's rich one roll away the roller one do it again [Laughter] my brain hurts after i'm so sorry but i'm rooting for daisy so hard right now i've got the download on daisy don't worry i got this [ __ ] figured out i i think she could win in bonus stars she's farming red spaces for the red star what if she knows the red star is cap oh my god what if there's no way you're going to feel mighty stupid oh the fact that you didn't get a hacking spot kind of huge yeah if you got that happening that would have been a bad start placement yeah see also like well no if he got to happening that would mean that dk couldn't come over here to steal a star to you yeah that's what i'm saying it would have been here yeah for a while but okay it's not like he's going to use it this turn see what it he he just wants to he's supposed to roll the dice oh my god oh my god he's getting it without the gold pipe holy [ __ ] that is he got coins he got enough coins to pay for the toll uh oh and he's gonna steal a star yeah and then you know what and then he's a goal pipe he might that's the biggest gamble i've ever seen happen at mario party oh my god and he didn't need to do the gamble either that was insane that was insane amazing i don't have a counter play don't worry he lost three coins just enough coins so what do i even do um i don't i can't stop them from stealing stars no you can't you can get 10 coins from koopa this turn and then i don't think you should have extended the game i really don't think i should have either yeah i definitely egged it on too i thought it was it would have been funny i think it's already i was like i was like i don't want to but there is extra ad revenue yo i'll be honest i i put your feelings aside and just thought about the ad review i'll be honest i was at that turn and i was looking at him like i don't really want to do this but there is extra rad ad revenue it's december man you know we gotta hibernate yeah we take what we can do i even cross i guess i do for coins because i can steal coins yeah i mean you can always you can always just yeah now yeah is this is possible you just have to get i just okay if you get taboo every minute yeah cash report would be huge for you that's free 20 coins oh burn style that's also a pretty good game you win this one a lot we're against donkey kong even if you don't win this game it's fun you beat it and so that's awesome though do you always do that he sure does i feel like i always team with math yeah you sure do okay oh you're off cycle you're oh you're back on it oh you look off you look off oh you're dead you're so dead did late a press or early a press if you if you if somebody jumps on your head and then you jump it insta kills the person who jumped on your head yeah wait what yeah if if somebody jumps on your head while you're jumping i guess you just clip out of bounds that just insta kills you gotcha as a solution that's sick i did that to somebody and i was losing my mind [Laughter] daisy is so based holy [ __ ] i love to say hi this is sick this ai is self-aware they understand they are an ai and who the one human is they're like we can make this person feel pain you're right yeah daisy is terrifying do they just steal each other's stars no he just wants coins oh he's gonna snipe from dk no win this to steal a star or but it's dk so jk's a closer bro the dk's a clutch god i don't think daisy's gonna be any help you think he's a closer or a choker he's a closer dude he's a closer oh it's what goes up to you um this is rough yeah wario looked mighty flexible oh i'm i'm watching the cpu dash did he not care oh yeah see i'm watching yeah that's an l they're neck and neck no one's [ __ ] up but dk definitely in the lead with some schmoove schmutz wario pretty from achievement yeah that's before his first mistake uh daisy versus dk right now substance d is taking some yeah dude he's a closer he's a closer oh my god he got that little jump out like a couple frames [Laughter] [Music] well that's fine too that's actually great because i don't have to you know i win yeah you do win but dk what's he gonna do he can't he can't steal a star oh you know what actually yeah you're very wrong there dash uh actually crazy actually crazy play dude if you hit the two you're kind of [ __ ] okay okay that's good honestly honestly that was a really good play because if he rolled low say no to the star yeah you know yeah phenomenal option coverage from dk i i think he's going to close this one out yeah that was a good play that was a really good play from donkey kong at least for mario right yeah you're safe i i there was a moment thank you there's a quick pause he stole only eight coins when juarez has a hundred and he's a matcher yeah okay that's what i was thinking yeah this is fine because i can just gold pipe to it yeah but now you don't get to steal a star which would have been huge no okay i can custom dice block steal a star how far away am i at you're like ten i i think you just get a ten you'll be fine i gotta count [Music] 14. you guys should just go there this you see you'll have two turns yeah you can make that work okay i think yeah i have to customize block this time yeah because daisy is a little troll i'm just gonna sorry this is the most i've ever used a map ever in my life it's kind of cringe but it's all right i just want to know how 10 away so turn away for happening that's not bad okay so dash quick question how much money do you lose to bowser 14 coins 13k that's fine honestly how many do you need to steal a star 10 okay 40. i when when dash was plotting this whole thing uh how the room is we have three chairs one is in front and uh joe and i are sitting next to each other he just looks over at me and does the like hand in front of the neck shake thing and i i was gonna let this play out i mean dash could win this mini game and then he's he can get the star see oh yeah every coin you get oh it's with daisy too okay cool daisy could jump up and get no questions she's a little rough we have no clue what she's what her plan is i thought she was supposed to i thought she was going straight up she just put she kind of she kind of did [Music] oh you got a pretty nice daisy [Laughter] it's hard man skydiving is scary all right no i did better than them though so i like the daisy cpu she is an agent of chaos yeah she does not give a [ __ ] about what's going on i think it's the random warp blocks that got me did the devil because like randy she just keeps putting herself in an awful situation and says i don't care about winning [ __ ] this just warp someone else in it that's like some harley quinn [ __ ] yeah true that daisy is like harley quinn you're correct the one would have killed your plan no the one would have been fine because i'm past it yeah oh true and i'm gonna golden pipe to it but he takes 19 coins from daisy but 12 from you it's cruel man she's gonna put that on me again i think that's why she keeps going if i win the next mini game i might win this game yeah also daisy is forming the item star 2 and the red space star that's that's oh huge oh wait 51 52 coins go crazy 52 go fifteen [ __ ] out there oh my god who's the money guy now who's the money guy uh this is either really good or really bad for you yo danny's at 69 coins i hope mario loses i feel like dk pull through oh no mario with the optimal 69 coins uh the money guy so this is bad no this is fine for me no no dash is gonna have because i'm past that so it's not even yeah i was gonna get he's gonna steal a star yeah and then if he wins a mini game he's gold pipes and gets another yeah so he's gonna have four stars i assume you're stealing from dk yeah because he's got the highest yeah it's all up to what mini game i don't know why you would do this i'll i guess hey i go to the star makes sense i feel like daisy is the one i'm most scared of if i'm being honest i am the most terrible i i cheer for yes something out of the hat expectations are low from daisy though i would say i'm a pretty professional perfect for what i need i think i think that's just who i am and daisy's gameplay blows my mind i have never seen anything like it she's you know like every time there's sports and there's like an up-and-comer who just like plays the game different and changes the meta forever yeah that's daisy right now i've never seen such shocking play like this would make veteran like grand masters of mario party like think that this is a disgrace to the sport you know yeah we're there for stewie2k yeah i was gonna say she's just stewie in this game i was like no one will get it but i forgot dash oh that wart block 12 coins would have just made the plan work yeah you're gonna win a mini game it all depends i wish it was a 1v3 it ups my odds parallel plummet massive google spotting hype i can yo what number are you picking yeah you got to guess i'm guessing okay joe yes uh 17. oh i'm going 26. going high i have no clue what the range is in this game oh it's definitely i'm not looking i'm on my phone i don't care [Music] yeah okay where's the [ __ ] my phone actually i oh my god there's a lot of gooms so many gooms i got one buzzy beetles too how many did you get dash i don't know i think i'm one over oh whoa what price of right rules you win yeah donkey kong is 36. now i was talking to jacob yeah not you dash keeps your own please yeah oh he's so smart how does he do it and the monkey can count dude so much better than the three [ __ ] i knew i accidentally pressed a earlier but i was i was so unconfident in that it sounds like you miscounted bro yeah oh i still have another turn i just need to get yeah seven coins you can do that you're going to use it on me no he's not oh sure ce's well you're in first now so she thinks it's boring [Laughter] she nev she is not once ever targeted first that's i mean that's too boring too oh and happening dude she's got happening star she has red star she has uh item star ah she has a lot she has a lot she does not mini game though that's for sure and does not have yeah what's the other ones i guess um there's sightseer whoever walked the most there's slow poke and i feel like everyone's kind of moved an average amount so i don't really know anything yeah that's fair oh there's bowser star oh cust [Music] that if dk gets a three it's kind of hype that is not high away oh lucky why is just closer to the start oh yeah true i i personally would love to see donkey kong get a star on the last turn um if i'm you i uh i think i warp block yeah it doesn't hurt i think warp blocked because i might as well i think if you were blocking lane with dk that's the only sucky part yeah i wear the odds of that like one in a million probably i mean you just denied wario of getting a star uh hey now you're guaranteed a star next turn so baby you can get the coins for it i actually think that ruin your plan you need parasol plummet to win yo coney shout out to coney [Laughter] that was unfortunate that was a a little bit of an oversight this game makes me sad [Laughter] no don't worry there's there could be a versus minigame there could be a duel yeah you you do go last so you never really know what yeah you're not out of adjust yet oh my god wario has so [ __ ] much where did you get those last couple scoops if only you could have added more turns if only i didn't add turds let's see you're fine this is the final turn for sure this time you're first this time during going into the final turn too so uh don't go if she goes up donkey kong get the star okay okay yeah she wants to lose coins she could have [ __ ] like just kicked me while it was down and went up i don't understand i do not understand her i feel like up would be so much more chaotic that would be insanely chaotic i would love to see wario okay we're not getting a happening spot no matter what it's going to be like a 1. why do we know the ai so well in this game he's playing safe yo good good roll donkey kong is that bowser yeah that is in fact a bausman and not one over he just wants to see his good friend i like that bowser tells donkey kong that he's practically robbing him instead actually because that is a deal that's kind of all right well that's good rationale honestly really uneventful turn 20 for all parties that could have been insane though if daisy went up yeah you know yeah okay get the one item use out nothing wrong with that does it still crossfade it does good it'd be so funny if you just stood there it just didn't move what if she feels bad and gives it i wish wait four is fine i think do not lose another star and everything's great it's not you're not gonna lose the start all right odds of that are pretty low uh you know i wasn't going to use them anyways we got the 30. you see dash you're still in this if you because you have daisy on your side whoops it can't add more teams turns rocky road banger game this kind of sucks in this one sadly i think you win though because i think the ai is like very bad at this yeah they're very slow yeah oh my god oh [ __ ] what that head we're ahead that was like olympic life that was the fastest i've ever seen something broken yeah they they were perfectly synchronized in that double jump kick oh you guys are great though i mean you're definitely going to win this mini game yeah i'm a little shocked at their coordination oh oh my god dash is beating up daisy how are they like not hitting each other it's impressive oh there it goes there you go that's exactly what you're asking for okay just two more rocks i think all right it's just the big man after this so that should be a pretty easy pretty easy yeah okay looks like warrior dog younger already like kind of [ __ ] around to you nice dash good job you secured the final minigame i secured the final yeah i hit the diagonal rope uh what it's like a dog in ropa mini game toad toadette and luigi's wave were in sync okay so it all comes down to the if i get one star i win mini game bonus all right if one goes to donkey kong then you need one they really drove that one out all right who's unlucky are you around lucky you laying on that red space at the end submitters she sabotaged you detach it forward [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] look at donkey kong girl [Laughter] wow it was last place okay so she took the red spot from donkey kong is that [Laughter] can you go back to the the final result screen i just want to if you didn't stop with wario and just took the school did she just grab the star you wanted it's morning party baby [Laughter] i'm so sorry for your loss man can we play tuxedo there's always next time man we can play ducks and fanny dash anything you want i love talking fanny
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 317,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _P5Q-xigTl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 12sec (4452 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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