We broke Warioware

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uh this game was in uh old wario where if i remember correctly you just uh it's just hot potato really where's wario where where's the fourth player it's just us three so we just get the balloon and whoever's you stay on here as long as you lose and whoever the balloon blows up on uh loses oh wait i'm red okay gotcha sweet oh this is not a game favorable for me oh yeah i remember this game it takes a while if to be fair oh you can double up here okay crew member swap wait that didn't empty i hit it come on man oh look at the whole hamster okay up next player one i did it i won i'm great can't lose [Music] dude no way come on let's go nine bowl yeah how are you supposed to do that one with him what the world's possible it's possible no it's not actually i think they just made a bad game i got this easy easy game yeah dash i think i think dash loses here i think we got this oh watch me [ __ ] [Music] yo dear oh my god oh this is brutal pump zone perfect perfect [Music] seven seven's a bigger number i know that [Music] oh [Music] i won the other game i can't believe it blew up on that because dash and i were spraying the same thing the wrong way so a good play could play honestly play out played and i think that's all the the three player games wait daily grind that's a mini about me wait having fun okay oh sounds like a perfect game this is a game for me day one this is me on my nine to five we're going cory we're going forward nope nope hurry up hurry up hurry up i i'm a different guy now i'm i'm coming guys i'm coming no i'll be there out here halloween nerds wait i've got a problem jimmy no mine [ __ ] you yo orbulan is that the hot [ __ ] i just got rid of that mom that's mona yeah she's like hot mom just not a mom all right how was that how was the daily grind grind it hard what yeah is this a co-op game are we working together i i don't know but i don't think we've ever played a co-op game as if it was a co-op game oh i'm dead oh it's a hard game yeah all you joe yeah look at the boomerang why is the corporation coming no i don't want that guy he's lame i don't want that guy he's lame what crickets no ironically cricket noises when i see him crooked yo yo big man [Music] i can hit that you're gonna lick the business man you can challenge them to a fight no i don't want that i would no oh no i thought i could kill him from over there careful careful i don't don't worry i i've never been more careful my life no wait why do they connect it what oh that jacob you have to understand i would never no i i get it man don't worry you can hold a you know wait what oh what okay you do not want him he can't walk okay so fun game uh all right this is perfect keep going oh you're at the end you're at the end yeah yeah all right thank god it went in there for me joe carried as always or one i don't know which all right give me literally anyone else please all right i say we snipe all of them yeah i wish i could just grab joe's yo good snipe oh he literally camped out for that one i was hoping somebody would turn their brain off and uh hit me you really think i would turn my brain off while playing i know it was a pretty big gamble from me penny sounds good for this actually i can't break into there i can't even break into there oh i want the letter mine mine i'll i'll take nine full cuz now i'm gonna go really fast [ __ ] what do i do here i can't i can't i can't do anything actually what what i like jimmy headbutted the guy and i died for it yeah i wasn't expecting that the signature jimmy headbutt yeah or not not jimmy i i don't remember who i was or was i jimmy no i went to jimmy right okay whoever the swimmy dude is saigor yeah cry gore trigor all right back to the daily grind off we go boys when does this game end i think this is like endless i literally can't go backwards to get these i am stuck as nineveh this is not a good idea give me a qriket give me a qriket please okay sorry i wanted to play qriket more nope moving on oh my god can someone hit one of those for me okay oh nice good good big dash i i don't want that guy actually guys i like if you guys don't move i just bounce off the screen and i don't get to move forward okay yo mom guys i can't i have to bounce off the screen if you guys guys please i can't okay that's something yo awesome game [Music] dude honestly she's kind of insane in this mode bifold yeah hot mom yeah so i don't think she's hot she hates gaming someone posted uh super hot honestly someone posted a tier list of characters and i was like how is five volt so low and then say dude she's so hot and i would just say true and the discussion was over i don't think this ends until we like just all die guys guys i'm guys guys actually guys guys i guys i'm stuck wait okay does the screen not continue because i feel yeah yeah just oh sick i was gonna say joe you could just die and just leave him abandoned if it doesn't go backwards jimmy i don't know i don't jimmy i'm hot as [ __ ] right now dude now these are just obstacles for me to not hit yeah i'm in the same boat actually i'm i'm trying to hurry up so that way i get away you got all the scripts or whatever oh my god like martial mom okay oh my god you got the [ __ ] deals in business dude wait can i not hit that flying star i guess you lost all your stuff wait what why because you hit the star i guess that's what it's supposed to do what yeah earned all your paper all your contracts when does this end i i don't think it ever can what happens if we all die is that how it ends maybe you know i think that's the game over there i don't think that's you know i want to call it an end i can't even compete with joe for all of these oh no that's fine if i had to be anyone or beyond's not bad oh i just died i was better uh all right dash i wanna i'm gonna let you go forward actually no no no no dude that's okay so that is what happened what happened to dash i i guess i grabbed a ring that teleported me onto him so i just died instantly because i can't [ __ ] run through the star you've been mom for a very long time yeah i don't plan on changing uh yes way to go mom so what can we just die now yeah i think we're starting to re do the same levels now let's just die [Music] all right i want to die i'm gonna die the hot mom says w true how does mom die i i don't know i'm waiting for something to kill me i can kind of just hold four through all these levels wait just like i think laying on one of those guys oh there's a hole i think you would have died there organically yeah i know that that death was impossible for me to okay it's just an endless runner wow okay endless content that was the daily grind let's bounce boys caught a bounce and it's put my [ __ ] dog dying in the background all right how long can you keep this ball up wait i have an idea it didn't work on top of it wait that's a high score though yeah yeah you're right here we i'm gonna hold it let me hold it real quick i just want to see okay can you just keep hitting it kind of like wait you should probably do it up from up wait wait okay stand still staying perfectly still actually oh that didn't work oh i think we have to oh i think one of you guys can like jump into it no no no it's my turn now now you have to hit it okay the ball is like it's blue for you oh okay green for dash i see so if you can grab it whenever it's not yours yeah that's like the most helpful i think i just drop it on you stand still yeah oh that perfect perfect there you go dude mom's actually broken in this i get to be in two spots at once oh no you mom don't worry it's just gonna follow me organically and maybe you know what he could help you out here [Music] oh my god this works all right here you go mom i i think there's something we we might have a little bit of an obstacle in our way i think there's a little bit of trolling going on oh i gotta electric i told you to stop now you can drop it you just drop it yeah this is fine all right just me stop smelling perfect yeah you're losing it for us whatever so i i think we figured it out though an unbeatable strategy wait mike keeps just wait everyone go mike activated mike yeah he just shoots up he shoots you don't even move i mean it's gonna do the the breakout thing though where it just starts going at a sharp angle i think we can spread out right i mean yeah i don't know are we still like go to i think yeah we just take turns wait oh my god just the projectiles count so we just have to uh [Music] we can just travel in a pack just travel together and match i guess yeah it's like it's not the most efficient in terms of speed but goddammit do we get results it's about consistency for the high score not about the speed yeah it's not like we're speed running i'm always be running bro anyways 22 speed ran that l okay that was a very fast 22 though i'm glad that our 0.5 high score is still up there third place baby um dude these are like the hard mode characters dribble and spits yeah those are so bad for this all right yeah true time play time's over it's going to get to me soon nice all you dash yo third place i love their emotions that's like an emo right there definitely absolutely [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] we win wait no i thought why am i wario why didn't he put me back on pyro i'm pissed [Music] all right is this don't worry guys you've learned from him i know exactly what to do in this spot it's helpful i promise where did you figure this crap from i've been studying uh the top players in warrior all right dash call you i score i score thanks to wario yo really the score was a lot higher than just that so you kept me on wario that time can we all try penny real quick i'll try yeah you press a immediately and then just lock your position bazinga press ajo and then you just stay in place i am holding a then i'm gonna move over here oh i see yeah guys come on you need to cross streams closer to joe needs to hit it yeah there we go yeah i hit it all instantly come on green okay yeah wait dash can you move a little closer this i think this is like the guaranteed way to get like a super high score yeah but like this will take like hours upon hours dash i think you're missing it just a little bit just a couple pebbles [Music] all right there we go this gets results oh adapt adapt all right i have fully adapted nope no more i don't want to adapt now we almost got a new high score wow isn't this an awesome way to play the video game i'm so glad that wario wherever awards could play it's it's a strategy based game the uh the strategy is now what we need a fourth player that would go to the top of the map and spray down that's true it's locked in oh [ __ ] [Music] you aren't the fourth player i thought i could be him well you aren't you wanted to be the guy i wanted to be the guy what was your favorite you want to do friendless battle no i have friends damn yeah sure it's only one player [Music] okay sit back and watch all right who doesn't have friends i have a friend who's my friend yo grounded me up yeah the guy with two joy-cons is lonely can't even afford a second controller actually i have a second controller it's in my right hand [Laughter] the aim of things always so are you just killing everyone yeah and i have a health bar oh wow you you really are friendless i think i picked i'm sweating oh health bar oh god i'm getting counter-picked i can't hit it yeah this is kind of [ __ ] up wait whoa i don't like that warrior hold your hand sit in his hands he just wants to hold you dude rest easy in the lord's hands what happens if you sit on his hands he maybe just wants to hold me don't let him do it i think it's just a platform really yeah he does he just wants to hold you he just wants to be there to support you man he cares about you honestly friendless battle kind of hype you would say that yeah i have two joy cons what do you want one for me one for your girl i never started like i never thought about those for like [ __ ] boys until you started like getting a character for romeo yeah and so you and anthony just kept making that noise all day oh you can't kill that bite your lip a little bit dude he's not even like okay they're right that's the shot he went for that was a sick bank shot that was awesome jesus christ dude you have so much health at this point you judge every boss fight yeah it does oh yeah dude how do you lose the smell then i'd pick a worst character probably one of these guys because these they do have like a fair amount of health i feel like their health is only going to get larger you feel and you get yeah there's going to be like a third one that's going to show up yeah [Music] it is funny though because they're this clearly isn't like the preferred method of playing right yeah they you know like wario or jimmy and like he counter picked you he just did a [ __ ] ton of damage oh my god oh now the sky is new world see this is the type of mode where like i want to see somebody sweat this mode to like a level of thousand oh or just like sit back and watch baby yo goku yo you can make goku cricket that's hype listen jacob has no friends he has time he's not he's not invited yeah all i do is look up warioware fun facts i can't wait thinking of did you know the audio okay okay hi keith did you know gaming i will do your warioware episode please they got your very own the only fact that for five minutes i will pay you to let me do the warioware episode it amazed me that did you know gaming's like still an active channel i i've what if we already knew everything there's still so much more to know about gaming i remember when that channel like first came out i was like holy [ __ ] like it was pretty cool because like i actually didn't know most of this [ __ ] yeah it's so weird like so many of those facts are just so widespread on the internet i don't know if it's because one of the internet cultures is bigger or because we all know we all watched did you know yeah we we now know yeah which was the point of the channel it worked i now know we ran out of facts now we make [ __ ] up [Laughter] did you know she grew miyamoto's favorite menu on the mcdonald's menu is the six piece well how do we know that's not true you wouldn't like no one can prove it wrong it's a thing like fact check did you know gaming i mean like i feel like people put did you know gaming and matpat in the same like type of like mental like baskets were infallible and always correct so like is link actually done a majora's mask yes yeah so that that's the answer i agree yeah because that's right and mario is communist that is true actually it also would die to the to the current pandemic because his mustache is too big fun fact is that an actual is that yeah yeah he made he made an episode on what nintendo characters would survive the coronavirus interesting yeah i can't talk about like that one wasn't on my bingo sheet did he talk about any of them being like auntie masters because i feel like waluigi warrior i feel like they're ancient i can see it yeah yo penny god calm down yo i'm a 230 because i got no friends because they just bully me whenever i recite warioware fun facts i have no friends because i left all of them i left all of them behind for katana oh my god hold it i wish i knew more about them yeah well did you know have you heard have you heard oh my god when designing the characters for wario they had to come up with names that's insane i never knew that actually wow so much we don't know about the video game industry yeah a long time ago it was actually january 2020 uh when we were at magfest like me joe jules and jack came up with like an idea for like a parody channel and like most ideas you come up with your friend friends uh you don't actually act on them yeah and uh we came up with an idea called have you heard gaming that's just like did you know gaming but we just make [ __ ] up which i think we have another channel that i made up that i still need to work on have you heard have you heard see i forget that like i i've been quoting have you heard since that happened and i've just forgotten like it was like an idea at one point yeah it was an idea like most things we got in a discord call at the very least like that's pretty far we wrote up some some ideas rat made the uh mario image mario oh my god he's going crazy on the sticks oh now you're in the fire world dash what was your channel idea my channel idea it's still there i still want to make it it's called that's a reference oh that's a reference is awesome yeah that's just a channel where it's just talking about references and the end goal was to make it start off with like really dumb stupid like basic references and then at the end just 21 references oh okay so i'm talking about how this is this background is like a reference to firing that fates yeah something like that this otherwise like no one can tell you no [Laughter] you can't prove it wrong mario galaxy is actually a reference to the milky way galaxy the declaration of independence was actually a reference to josh do you think the founding fathers knew that josh was going to come out someday yeah and just like just absolutely adore them yo this guy's spitting come year 2000 this kid's gonna be spittin dude the minecraft youtubers are gonna love us we just gotta wait like 300 years [Laughter] don't forget about all the shitty things we did all right yo [ __ ] up mom they'll forget except josh josh will remember joshua will remember and be fascinated this game's sick because i'm playing the easiest character is he i don't know he's not he's not i heard there'd possibly be a better character in this the hardest thing off yaro is pronouncing his name true like yo bro all right since the laser beam kills them you have just a giant hitbox you can fly wherever yeah it's like playing smash with a sword this guy is hard though because he's just me but better except he doesn't hold the button so that's why he loses yeah and here's the ray of god that has just appeared yeah this is actually a reference to persona 2's final boss men who don't know that because people don't play that game yeah because they only play the good game series persona 2 is my favorite game of the series and i'll have you know i've never played it yeah no no one would say that after you fight jesus christ in persona 2 you then have to fight wario don't [ __ ] with us persona 1 and 2 fans we don't exist we are very loud online but differently from the persona 5 fans whom we hate see i've been thinking about trying out honestly one of the smt games just because i feel like i'll hate it and i want to feel valid in hating it yeah no like i feel like it'd be a fun game where i just suffered because i i hate rpgs i've been having a good life for the past few months i need to change that up yeah i need to i thought i was going to ruin my life by running 120 star but i think i'm just gonna play the game with dante in it like my friend was showing me speed running clips of it this morning cause i just off-painted mentioned it to him at like one this one am and he's like oh check out these clips of people dying and like after not being able to save because they just got jumped in one shot i'm like that sounds [ __ ] terrible dude it's like yeah the game's rule i'm like cool yeah smt is a hard a hard version of a jrpg yeah which just sounds not it just sounds like a normal jrpg but not see okay the thing that fascinates me the most about the smt games though is that there's no social links i don't have to talk to a goddamn person and that's awesome that is i do not care about any of that persona i i thought it was neat but looking back i'm like yeah i don't want to do it again it could be worse honestly it could be i think for someone who does it really well at least they're characters yeah and every other game i've tried that tried to emulate it that starts with d and ends with angenropa [Laughter] like a life-saving event for me was when i learned you could just go to bed instead of talking to these characters and it just skips the day i was like holy [ __ ] yeah yeah at the very least the power ups you get from it is kind of nice but you have to talk to them so [ __ ] much in tanarampa yeah the danganronpa oh my god the power-ups are like like only two are good and it's always like the first level of it yeah v3 you absolutely need some of them because like the final the final screens like are just completely no [ __ ] that v3 there's one character that makes it so one of the mini games just doesn't work it just breaks it well that's the only one you need wait the uh the mass panic discussion where it's all like four characters talking at once oh yeah with that yeah somebody has a song somebody has an ability that just deletes that it just it just makes it so that they all talk one by one and it just ruins the mini game and that's the only one you need in v3 because it's like i don't even want to deal with this mini game [ __ ] this what's happened to base chrome right where it's like today's scrum's so easy though it's just press the buttons in order i like the bass gram a lot though just because it has high music the music's hype but like it i don't feel hyped while playing god yeah press the you just wait till they say the word dick and then you press the dick button baby it's like this then you actually hit the balls button whenever they say balls the only good gimmick and donghan ropa ever has just been the closing argument let's dad say it all the other ones have been just bad guys i think this is where it ends no you're fine you're not gonna lose to mid to [ __ ] me nine volt or eight volt where the [ __ ] his name is now whenever you have god watching you you can't lose with god on your side you almost did just get [ __ ] sniped by him though it's a comeback oh there's a couple more and then you're fat sick health regen health regen oh this is where it ends i'm glad pyora was there when i fell he was going to watch it he was there to escort you to the uh the next life yeah that's that's how it should be wait what no not that this oh my god yo who's that uh i think that's the mom did you know
Channel: Alpharad Gold
Views: 325,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ggskMx4B6lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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