We Found Rifles and Dangerous Lemons Magnet Fishing #62

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[Music] right out today new location quite a lot of history around this error we've never done it before out with Shirley so we'll give this place a try and hopefully we'll get some nice things for a change oh it's just found a jewelry box so this place why I'm a bit potential I'll do company pub that you hang her out Shirley got himself a sign hanger it easier it's an old one so yeah he's got yourself a hanger that's it so just found that not quite sure what it is got stone in the bottom it's really heavy so I'm gonna put it down over here Shirley just found himself a whole school electrical well in that one's yeah blue ones I think yeah oh so there we go got himself a fire extinguisher oh sure he just pulled up the bag looks like it's got some exam bagging it mate there we go he's got Passport it's a nice sparkly bag in it you're off down that will and he's got a bit of bling and that's the poor so once again Shirley's on the bank cards and a driver license local so obviously somebody's stolen come back and then throw it into the canal first interesting fond of the day mate you might have it people sandbags [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] great what'd I get Annapurna and a burner I got myself a burner phone and a bottle got trapped on a bath with this and it's a bottle full of urine no ice Shirley's on the stoppers now we have a comrade for an engine piston goes on top there goes around the crank strange things falling them in the canal Hey okay first knife of the day [Music] anybody but yourself DVD player got myself an old chisel so wall 1-bath the wooden handle it's quite a long with that did I okay got myself scooter and she's a rider a little flattery hits a flipping display would that's Nakia which when they've shot these Flay ones couple weeks on so got yourself a dummy five an Aki award strange because when it came up I saw the screen of all it's on but now it's just one of the dummy ones from the shops so got our bike lock my second knife of the day so I surely found his key to the sea have that one wow she got he's also pulled up this box he's got yourself a little subwoofer for a computer to in one night so themselves Skyfall clamp and set of micro scales for the micro chefs just pulled our bracelet T's magnetic but first bit of jewelry for the day I know pop from Shirley's but she found so here comes Shirley dragging something along way key comes out in the light and you can see he's found himself a safe now is that question is there anything in it it's a lot of mud get around it nothing you got a bit of slots in there mate zoom in a bit comes up one bit of bling that's things back and we'll wash the path down when we're finished there we go so he is surely with his safe but safe to say he's found one nope as you see that is a very big bolt and these well quite a few of them not quite sure what they are but they're just like round weights there's no markings on them anything but found a few of them just pulled up that I'm gonna clue what it is but it's old vests and rusty it's scrap so just pulled up that maybe someone tied a rope on it and use it for magnet fishing but yep we've got an old subwoofer there yeah with a penny on the back but not the strongest magnet nice all right we've got a bit of a mix on this one we've got a file a little treats down getting some our eyebrow curlers go down I'll bring them back for you mate don't worry and hey shotgun shell so quite a mix on that one it's no wonder so I got myself an old pedal the padlock never had an orange one before so I found a couple of nice today oh sure he's found the knife sharpener okay fair enough couldn't imagine going out and tackle somebody with a knife sharpener mate yeah found one of them before no no oak sorry different I've got myself a fuel filter he's got the drain bit on the bottom where you drain the water out but yeah that's fuel filler got myself a Gucci watch it's been in there a while but you see I know whether you can see that there's Beauty on it that's different [Applause] okay I can't really see a lot but that it's an instrument cluster out of the car I'm quite sure what the labels are off it but there there we go that's the instrument cluster from a car so Shirley just pulled up that but you can't see let me try a bit okay it's a ABS pump offer BMW what an old book says solids it's probably 30 annoying only 36 but there we go looks like we've got a few car parts here there yeah bit copper in that mytab alley yeah that's a mini I sell BMW Mini yet now you see a rev counter yeah that's the rev counter / mini front of us so ref count yeah speedos in the middle surely also pulled up that and I don't know exactly what that is that's out of a BMW Mini that seems from close to the seats right from the steering wheel usually the red camera so what a power party especially BMW ones Oh so there we have second scooter of the day that should be a three wheeler but we've got one missing but yeah that's our second spirit of the day definitely not a rider this one so I've just pulled up this this jar and as you can see it's a full of some liquid and cotton believe it's a piece of paper in there with a prayer on it so rather than be disrespectful I will return that back into the war but but there we go yes we have a jar and with seeds and all sorts in it yes but wait to a finish from we'll put that back again so we've just pulled up mr. bump why there we go Allah mr. bump just pulled him up ah just few hot a ballroom dress yeah brought down don't say I'll never get you anything nice well you can't fit him it's about the size than that yeah there we go just found this this sparkly dress for you damn look at that you'll be the belle of the ball it's all the back look as well we got a lot work on next night who's applying fishing yeah dick she did you to wash there's food right there Mike Robert bring you lemons so well Shirley just found this which looks like a lemon we nails through it now it probably may suit somebody but I'm not sure who but yeah maybe this other juice around there also if Shirley got himself a spanner Hey secure attack from shop and a boat seat which looks really like an old nice troika or grifter it's definitely an old one but yes we don't start to make but now it's fines so surly she's pulled up a bit of wood and now he's pulled up something else so he's got himself an air rifle that's a bit of an old word not pay enough know what let's do that will make different triggers there yeah so that's what the wood was from okay so probably the first interesting to ponder the day yeah take a bit of work mate yeah it's an old heal welcome I'm at a horseshoe on them well that's what he looks like not Eddie's in a horseshoe I know that yeah so finally after a lot of perseverance Shirley's found his laptop what is it I was just Sam some clean on the color myself but there we go well done mate took a while doing it and I've just found a load of one cent pieces now go and under all that crud and forestation just here have a brake pad we're sorry brake shoe I should say yep I've got a brake shoe I've got Sonny County I'm not quite sure what that is he has to brake shoe off a car or van hey I've got batteries in it Bret might be in that no got meself a deckchair surely she's pulled up that Caravan we'll hopefully we won't go on the rest of it in there [Applause] all right so just pulled up that as you can see I've got a few bangles they're a bit of a weird hanging blink that's different just pulled up third scooter of the day so yeah scooter number three tomorrow your honor oh yeah it's definitely a Reuter USB extension late so just got meself at wrecking bar Shirley had one of them early he's was in a lot better condition than my night II sonic familiar search pulled up that empty mailbox locket draw out something and of course she's not definitely on safe but did have a plastic gold bracelet in their plastic link similar to the other stuff found earlier but there we go fine fine surely found yourself an old-school roller skate so glass bridge of the day on the way home hey Charlie I got a rifle as well yeah yeah it's gone old air rifle what the remains of one anyway I just pulled up that remains of old air rifle it's in pretty bad condition but don't know what it is but there we go old air rifle says man hold off him Allah found half as surely found the other half there's the other half of the manhole they surely found okay cut off spike big more in spite that yeah and got a trolley well fortunately we didn't fall on the rest of it oh it's been a good day today not the best of fines but it's not always about the Fonz is it rather laughing we surely few nights coupler air rifles and some really random things want lemons no they were random anyway it's new area we've tried it now we did about six or seven bridges so I don't think we'll be heading back here in a hurry but anyway if you liked the video give us a thumbs up if you haven't already subscribe get subscribing because when we hit 20,000 that's going pink so we're gonna be doing plenty of giveaways and we'll probably have a bit of the collab so everyone's welcome to join us but anyway thanks for joining us catch you next week [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Northants magnet fishing
Views: 50,598
Rating: 4.927978 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, uk canal, uk river, best magnet for magnet fishing uk, guns found magnet fishing uk, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing finds gun, magnet fishing finds phone, magnet fishing finds safe, magnet fishing finds uk, magnet fishing finds videos, magnet fishing finds youtube, magnet fishing gun, magnet fishing gun find uk, magnet fishing uk 2020, magnet fishing uk canal, magnet fishing uk gun, magnet fishing uk youtube
Id: 6IZqoWKNhB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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