Grenades Knives and mystery suitcase found magnet fishing #14

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roll here at les stuff for the me a few people here already it's John dan dance throat magnet help first row pull himself up a safe nothing in it but good start he sees people already starting to roid so I have a petition saying today goes nice little spike and a pizza and four plugs you save that for later no good when you a drink hey you might know nice and Vaseline you can put that on so little treat to Dan got in the pot Vaseline and a spoon not closing on my LC stylus yeah another slide rather all car radio Taiwan no it's not the elusive brilliant why would you run over da Li casbah fraud in damages exceed well that was hard to move now came eight feet on a run ago so we've got blazing back this down here coming down see getting quite busy now well there we go so looks like quite a few people here now just have a walk up there fair enough Henry you're drinking the water again just a bit yeah Oh no yeah no about you yeah well you already in for hey for you all waiting for to reduce the camera you copied my idea I know it's good you start my title ready I stopped right babe oh man hey don't go bad [Music] in a temple different I looks like a lorry hub and it does it I was just saying sometimes they use him upside down yeah cuz I weigh and I spun my posture it's fill there we go look it's got its cameraman with him today Andy not bad you trace up there yeah well don't have a wander there's the practical joke of the day hello got bike sale spare parts box rally so it's a good one that's it right so there's pricey still struggling with a Rambler like that UK like and subscribe that's it get a bit of free advertising and there's someone else you're recognized and his new green top greenish you know might know fishes unless um okay that's I know I've not been it's got the town anyway stole my toil oh good nice to see ya doing a bit of walking yeah but that you've got good time as well yeah I did all right - don't thank you might as well just hard work was in there so yeah pulled this out I've got a big side and decided to run up top of it where's someone else um Turin and told me that it was a way someone told me it was a military knife but I don't know if that's true or not but I was saying down to Sparky sorry no idea what it is I don't know if anyone in the comments knows this is it has a spike at the side and it's basically looks like a Swiss Army knife all right never seen one of them but yeah good find and I've returned at the best point of time when Isaac wings out and if they will your goodwill will yes I feel like saying something really good for ya but my vote oh sorry right I could have been quite embarrassing that oh my god it is embarrassing yeah we want to get the warden against George no God will do it this way now [Music] I'll do your back in 104 you're just gonna stick it to there [Music] so you have a bit of a tangle going on now Oh buck up I've got to be stuck together no fun the audio is brilliant we go from one disaster to don't get funny stairs well [Music] we are I never keep saying you're professional there we go all right there we go you got it disaster sorted okay another bike lock we receive fine loads of it John's pulled himself up a set of mini scales obviously there's a lot of chefs around it there we go so the naughties as they call it into the road song Oh cram wheel it's a really old hook bloody wellies Oh suitcase I have what a way to get it as well come on Andale I can't say the bloody thing it's suitcase that's gonna rip me should be an and or someone anchor and don't go it oh oh no stop stop he makes cameras facing so lit Jones don't cut it but now you doing with a knife is all drain them on your back John it's copy and handle sons do we need cameras under the whole comment or Flickr suitcase [Music] [Music] and no job he'll get off we killed that one up trolley goes I'm going good hey do you any helpers quickly that's all gotta know just punch with me the bomb where's the knife no just put your it just punch with what does it look like it's full off I don't know what it [Music] this goes I don't fancy that prong in my bowls make good viewing it would no not the beauty part of that rope you stand back up you fought back up a little bit down from getting foot through it that's it look like it looks like a suitcase rusty whatever know there is definitely stuff in there so go that way come on it oh there's a bomb oh well Cubs form in the bag hold on no it's kind of an antique start real run she drill drill drill the health spa it's the torso what to inject some good liquor / huh Clark now stolen it's a bird boy these are anymore nice truck for the suit guys teeth I simply a pistol we've actually had to exact model before and was last second ohm that's a Julie yeah so that was my seven-year-old pulled that out didn't better than you I know bro wait John just bought himself a purse a couple of lipsticks at keys you thought for the evening John no I'm sorry whoever says come find me probably sonic religious don't actually know what it is maybe you've got some ideas yourself set of scales second one from the same place like songs being a bit in or around here yeah you guys another interest pod well look down here click apparently John's pulled out a bomb so just going down to have a look wasn't me this time you can see the pineapple in the pineapple one watch I said is it again well done John not gonna spoil a typical we takin out first all right guys throw out the grass up here there we go there's another things just come up but Josh's family knuckleduster target right fine just ones a bit once just slightly bit bigger so walk down there yeah there close the footpath up again because the police are on the way because somebody's found a grenade [Music] they met [Music] or a mate no worries well sure we will be in a minute when they move us on pink Shadbolt croppers Oh oh no it's another rubbish bin not another one and there we go again another wish bid and the other one we had just down there past operation another heavy fine yeah and the holy looks like so much cool the army man down I'll cook you a ring first yeah okay no worries yeah can I say it's been a very good meet grenade number two just come out so we've moved down again suppose months before theatric bridge behind me rose a little bit and explosive noise after we got safely away from them now pulled out another grenade she's first I thought I was going to be nice and invite my best friend out and what's he going to makes you look like an idiot makes me giddy yeah didn't I much did it there we go all cleared up all the mesh packs away so I just went down all the way down there is everybody there after exciting day in the bomb squad there's a troublemaker so yeah or tardy already found some good lads to row clothes just three bridges she's different well thanks for watching so anyway we're on the way home we're on the airport we've just had a call for ciliary still there and apparently the third grenades just been pulled out so looks like the police will be going back and all I could say is I'm glad I'm not there thanks for watching Auggie's subscribe and get ready for the next adventure [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Northants magnet fishing
Views: 146,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, treasure hunting, magnet fishing uk, uk magnet fishing, magnet fishing uk rivers, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing uk 2019, neodymium magnet, magnet fishing finds uk, magnet fishing uk gun, magnet fishing uk police called, magnet fishing uk grenade, river magnet fishing uk
Id: tQncsC-A6Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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