A Lake Superior Agate Hunt Near the Blind Sucker River

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hey there uh sam and i are heading up to the up for a few days of rock hunting uh i asked sam to be here at six o'clock and he showed up about 5 30 so who's excited i'm excited so uh here we go it's been a beautiful drive uh but now we're in the up and uh it's been been like this so hopefully it clears up it's pretty foggy all right we're at our first stop uh we're never been here before this is a little dirt road that's not marked it's near muscalung state park so heading to the beach i hope uh we'll see in a minute we're not really sure oh here's the beach pretty foggy yet it's sunny right where i'm standing so this is good how's the water sam oh yeah i'll wake you up it's about 70 degrees today water's calm rocks are plentiful everything is good legs are numb it's got a very metallic glint in the middle of it i think it's a piece of mica right here kind of sydney maybe or just quartz i don't know it's pretty cool though i'd throw that in the tumbler this piece of magnetite down here i'll slice these up before they tumble so-so in the tumbler not bad not great [Applause] what'd you find some sort of assault with pockets of courts yeah yeah that's weird how they're square that's kind of neat it's another one you picked up it's a magnetite i think yeah the red isn't quite the same as one i just picked up but it might be i don't have a magnet with me [Applause] so never know what that stuff is tumbled it before sometimes it tumbles okay sometimes not okay [Applause] [Applause] all right i got a little unikite lesson for you this is unikite which is a type of granite and the green stuff's epidote but when you get green a unikite that looks like granite when it's speckly like that uh that black stuff will not tumble well so this is one i'd leave behind here's another piece see what this one looks like that one's better but it still has these little speckled areas in here and this isn't going to tumble that well so i try to find it where it's not speckly like that see here's another piece and that one doesn't look great either because the color of this isn't real good in my opinion try to find a good piece later show you what the type that i bring home looks like [Applause] all right so there's a piece of unicoit i'm taking home just because it's really unique not very green like it usually is pretty sure that's unit kite but i just love that pattern on there that's pretty cool [Applause] there's a white one here caught my eye too [Applause] oops reach down and grab it easier trying to decide if this will look good cut up really sure got some holes right there yeah maybe i'll try it in a saw that's a pretty decent piece of unikite see it's got more of the streaky stuff and not so much speckly stuff i just noticed a green one right here or epidote in it i like that side if i bring one home to cut i'll bring a little bit bigger one that goes in the saw a little bit easier there's lots of it along here so i don't have to pick up the first piece i see saw something down here that caught my eye it's got red and white and thought it might be an egg it but i'm thinking that nope oh well got me excited for a second if you see red and white that's uh sometimes an egg [Applause] i have no idea what that is it is interesting i don't think my camera is going to pick up the details but i don't know what that is either some bright colors on that one i wish the whole rock was that color kind of a bright pink red some epidote down here has really caught my eye really bright i guess i'd be unakite since it's got the red on it there's some lg on it i love that color this end doesn't look very good though like to find one like that so a big one like that to put this saw so these are quartz that's another piece of unikite and i picked that up just because the way it worn kind of neat all right so everybody always criticizes me for leaving things behind here's why i'm leaving this one behind it's really cool looking but there's a big crack here that you can see goes all the way around so it probably goes right through there there's another big crack here it's another big crack here so if i put that in the saw it's just going to be full of cracks i won't be able to do anything with it so it stays behind what you got sam now i find this stuff all the time i've picked one up already today i've seen a couple i don't know what that stuff is they usually have a bad ring around them like that that part right there it's got the holes that'll go all the way through the whole rock it's a cool rock we could cut it along there if you want to bring it home and cuddle on there and then tumble or polish the rest of it that could be in los angeles i'm not sure i'm gonna say no but but i've been wrong before maybe we'll see all right here's my first maggot maybe an egg it but i don't know got some interesting lines along there but i don't think it is one what do you have my maggot oh the one you found you say i showed this to sam and he said he had one very similar and i i agree they're they're like little twins we'll say of course it looks like no vans for sure yeah probably not an egg it still fun to find fog's rolling in again it's clearing up and now it's not so clear temperatures dropped about 10 degrees when the fog came in [Applause] flies are starting to get bad and uh i don't know if it's because i'm in the water or the change in temperature but i don't they're not bothering me anymore they're stable flies on the beaches when the weather's hot humid and they're just awful they're like little house flies that land on your legs and bite immediately and they bite hard it's picked up a piece of uh granite i guess but it's a nice yellow color i really just picked it up so my wife doesn't nag me about never showing granite kind of neat [Applause] i just picked up something similar to that looks like a pudding stone almost doesn't it looks like that one you have in the tumbler right now kinda [Applause] sam has found an egg see what you got oh yeah yeah that's got some bands extremely happy with that first of the day hey you win what'd we say we were betting two cents i don't think we said that's a cool one well done [Applause] now i gotta look harder keep up with you just found the agate and now a really nice little banded shirt you're in a roll here's a keeper unikite [Applause] that one's really good not really sure what that is but boy is it bright sort of a granity i guess but that really stuck out underwater [Applause] oh yeah so that's an egg and that's happening okay let's look at that one some more some quartz there that little yellow stripe's weird [Music] yeah nice this one just got me a little excited i saw that red and white down there and it's not an egg oh well it's just quartz i guess so i think that's jasper that's when if it was bigger i'd take it home and put on the saw that's epidote oh that's bright that's just quartz but really pretty color throw that in the bucket even though it's tiny little speckly guy just picked up [Applause] another piece of magnetite [Applause] [Music] pistols yeah it's cool looking sam just found an egg nice white quartz that'll tumble well [Applause] so [Applause] so [Applause] that's me pink and [Music] that green gonna go home with me some more bands right there there's a colorful one [Applause] yeah nice so so [Applause] [Applause] it's kind of cool color pink that's pretty cool i like that one chewed it a while ago the other end chewed yep that's neat you got omar with a hole in a hole that's cool i don't know if i've ever seen one like that nice that's neat yeah cool anything on the other side let me get it [Applause] that's a cool looking rock kind of looks like you see maggots or not mostly quartz and no definite bands that's a nice one though [Applause] that's the uh omar of the day huh yeah i like that one i think this is maggot what's in there i think there's some bands on that oh i see what i mean and then there not a very great one but it's okay yeah here's a cool rock it's not an egg it but it's kind of neat in the bucket she goes [Applause] [Applause] oh is that an egg it doesn't know if that's an egg it or shirt or what it made me go ooh look at that one think it's probably chert but i'm pretty sure his chart it's cool what you got it's like this piece of shirt for a second it looks like an angle with the red and white but yeah it's not material it's cool looking rock i just picked this one up this neat little stripe on it so it's a pretty rock i don't know what it is but i like it you find something oh nice quartz i'm looking for one of those these are neat all right cool just found an oreo made a loud sploosh here's a piece of jacob's phil sandstone [Music] there's a funky looking one [Applause] so i guess you're just on an egg if you guess rob you'd be right look at that one nice little guy fans all over the place and sam yelled down the beach and he found one so he's getting it wet oh yeah nice got a little hot spot here that's a really nice one all right let's find more we're looking in this dry stuff right now right along the top of this little ridge and uh sam found several little ones yeah the flies are eating us up and we'll let you know if you find more i think that's all tie right in there it's pretty cool what you got a little rock a bunch of crystals yeah that looks cool okay these are stable flies not that many right now compared to what it can be but they land and they bite [Applause] ah okay that's enough of that sam's on a roll found another little guy that's interesting that black in there yeah kind of like magnetite it's not super transmission but got bands yeah neat here's our little home for the night sam's over sorting his rocks looks like we got jasper omars white quartz and a bunch of ones or unsorted things here we are sitting in the rain waiting for the potatoes to cook and now it's hailing rather big hail and my jeep's taking a beating well i already did a closing to this video and then uh things happened uh big storm weatherman said sunny uh the fire went out our potatoes were on the fire um they were cold and uh we got the fire started again i think the jeep escaped damage from the hail that came down our brook trout still sitting on the picnic table hasn't gone in yet there's a brook trout that sam brought we didn't catch this on this trip but i think we're going to survive inside of the tents dry so see you next time
Channel: Michigan Rocks
Views: 119,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michigan Rocks, Lake Superior, Lake Superior Rocks, Lake Superior agate, agates, agate, Rockhounding, rock hunting, Grand Marais, Michigan, Michigan beach, upper peninsula, U.P.
Id: QhundXFrgYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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