Criminal dumping ground and Somebody Takes a Dip Magnet Fishing #68

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I think magnet fishing is weirder than a guy taking a lil dip to cool down

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/green_Kawasaki 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

The video recorder did that classic nervous phone menu tip-tap.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/randdude220 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so [Music] right out today uh as you say lovely weather raining we got a message from one of our subs who wanted hand with a few things and you know us boys we like a challenge so we've had to walk along the water and the amount of stuff in it is unbelievable so it's going to be a good day get your fishing rod in mate there's shirley he's doing another bit of fishing got himself fishing rod so first pull got the remains of an old burner phone big proper snapped up that one has shirley's on the blades and he's on the knife again kitchen knife though butter knife there we go all proud second knife of the day or one and a half what is it mate it's kind of time [Laughter] you and emma's yeah so we've got a clamp and i think anyone that's been fishing would recognize what that's off with the chain wheel clamp padlock oh no what is it with me and these things i don't know so hopefully last one of the day please it's probably the biggest padlock i've ever found and apparently it's got a built-in alarm as well oxford boss alarm dislock it's a good old chunky thing that is now we've got the front off the pay phone box so we're probably going to find the back in there as well is that black so i'm just pulled up it's a bit airy that is not quite sure what it is i don't know it looks like a sock mate for an horse [Laughter] so yeah that's different came up with a bit of chain so i've got no padlock from a wheel clamp second one now [Laughter] i've just pulled up that as you can see that's part of an old till and you've got food and bar so i'd say that's some pub and somebody decided to rob the till and here it is but that's the keypad for it shirley's got his top another knife number three for you today he's also found this which is a really old drill there you go it's a chunky old thing that isn't it it's got a wide brush on the end of it big industrial wood but yeah that's an interesting find so i've just pulled myself up a rusty corkscrew and then shirley comes along and he pulls up a clean one so that's another corkscrew we've got some coat hangers an old cast iron fireplace uh cover where all the ash would have gone at the bottom that would be the cover for it so probably find the rest of it in there as well myself a padlock with a key right i've been joined by james now that's who was i said was um found some things and needed handout with them so he's popped along he's going to show us where he is and we're going to give him a hand getting some heavy objects out shirley got himself a nice little bite you ain't going to be riding that one i'm mate first rod got himself a watch so first throw at the second bridge i got myself a watch and as you can see got myself another rolex second one now it says water resistant maybe not but yes we've got got myself my second rolex oh no another parking meter oh my god it's a lot better than what i've got no i think i'll have to do the jiggle then won't i so it started again got myself another parking meter there we go so yeah we had eight last time we were there i've already got some at home but yeah that one's coming back as well so i've got myself another one nice fine oh god's sake so next pull another parking meter getting crazy this is now so shirley's starting early as you can see he's got himself part of a revolver see where the barrel would have gone and you know when you press the trigger what not you got one shouldn't play with guns they're dangerous that could have killed someone yeah you're right oh what a surprise [Music] there we go just got number three that's the third one in the same small area steady on go really wipe me out oh dude there we go that'll be number four for the day they're coming out well today [Music] oh nice i'll wait till i go boy [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah bad boy all right just pulled myself up there really nice as you see combat tactical it says on there but that's probably one of the best knifes i've had in a long time what was it now get busy with the fizzy soda stream so there we go shelly's found it and look at that for a chav canister you want to turn around a bit like you see it says on there soda stream serious chaff canister that mate what a day love it here okay so i've got myself a chef knife let's be right i want to do a bit of [Music] cooking there we go myself say first one of the day well it's got myself a bike saddle got a fork got a spade half cash box bike lock hard drive and a digital camera which i'll take back and hopefully still got the sd card because we might be able to find the owner of it brett you was holding in my camera welcome mate oh i just got myself another knife for the day hey oh dear i just want to head over to the lights two one shooter two days ago hey right so fishing away and i've just pulled up that nice sawn off shotgun so i won't spend too much time holding up but oh yeah 2-1 to me shirley all right there we go then i didn't really want to hold it up too much because he's quite busy around here but as you can see yeah we have a double barrel sawn off but yeah another one to the collection well not to the collection another one for the fines but yep there we go we have another sawn off there's shirley just found a cover off the lamppost and then shirley's on the road lamp so he's got a pair of them just there oh yeah okay okay i said it was an old one but yeah still gotta get you guys to come and collect it is this something you go along the canal doing yeah that's cool we had um two out from the other side of that tunnel a couple of weeks ago ah okay that old chance but yeah they said that you called in and said the same thing i was like that's a bit uh is it a cali road disposal man i did i did that a long time ago and i'm repenting things are coming back um to be quite honest i'm just gonna leave it there i'm not even gonna bother tonight um our guy is a soccer guy that come down i hope it's not the same one he said to us no more please whichever is going to be able to get it open to check it through honest but yeah it's about the fifth one of them now do you mind doing that just give it a quick statement no no yeah whatever i've done actually but they said it's something they do but yeah it's not a problem it's just the continuing investigations they what it saves them trying to chase you down yeah again don't know where you could be miles and months well we're from northampton so yeah yeah yeah so um might only be a five-minute thing yeah we could put in there that you found the one a couple of weeks ago as well don't get a bad name for yourself you've already got one don't worry i'll put that apparently down here we've got a bad name for ourselves i think it's a good thing to be fair i think it's great what you do we've got twenty thousand subscribers so yet again with um causing trouble but two very nice police officers there we go look happy and smiling they've been nice to us still wanting to rush early though so there we go got a rather large chaff canister uh yep it works hey there's stuff in it no there is stuff in it we'll slide that off afterwards mate all right so we just pulled this up didn't realize my camera weren't running you see we've got the dockbuster on it worked really well on it um there's quite a bit of junk in there and we've got a lot of cards and things just here i want to show you those rewards card some jewellery boxes that's our graph milk but yeah so nice big steak safe number two so what was the passport last year so there's a passport front iraq republic of iraq there we go so another nice find today do well gents [Music] the other one fitting through there and i could prise it off this doesn't [Music] yep so there we go got myself a shopping trolley i was winning there well so there we go i've got myself a wheel clamp [Music] how many fluid boats is having happening boy sainsbury's once there we go remains of another shopping trolley don't know barbell weight before he's done so moving along here and now shirley's back on the knives i think you've just landed on me what that's a good magnet i very much doubt it just takes that yeah see the tried to get the front off [Music] nothing about [Applause] i think they did spend some there we go it's time third safe of the day now we've got to get this magnet off again and um there's his trolley his got a couple saves there we go another one now [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] [Music] not oh not again that was not pleasant not this i'll go get this off again [Music] tommy little amma [Music] a little tapping ammo i'm not playing it with an ammo [Music] there we go shirley's all happy he's got himself good luck [Music] it was a good quality one [Music] oh [Music] now a bit of fun [Music] um [Music] just do the tug of war [Music] [Music] that's the top oh my god i'm gonna get out of it so we've just pulled up that i haven't got a clue what it is but it is really heavy it's all four magnets in the end including the docker stuff and on the back you can see i've got a heatsink got loads of interconnection cables some sort of amplifier but this is a pretty big one so yeah not sure what it is but another big heavy following oh my god hang on a minute [Music] stop messing around [Music] [Music] great there we go so we just pulled up that see some a fridge compressor that was pretty heavy as well but it's weird stuff that's coming out of here but there's the other thing we found and now we've got a fridge compressor pretty heavy one as well okay should we make him famous ah it's like curry last night oh uh go away there's pikes in there as well all right what's that all about this pike's in there you know what are you running for that ground trying to finish this drink and well it's been a good day just want to thank james for giving me back ache and uh inviting us to find all this heavy stuff which you've seen on the video but um you know i had a little visit earlier so we're living up to the tradition like we normally do a few good finds shirley with his ass i've got my knife and everything but it's been a brilliant day thanks james nice to meet you thank you and uh we'll catch up with you again soon we'll see you soon [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Northants magnet fishing
Views: 186,412
Rating: 4.8774652 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, uk canal, uk river
Id: mVuf0b0H9fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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