We stumbled across a criminal Dumping Ground Magnet Fishing #60

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[Music] what well today in Luton surely got himself a knife good start mate my firstborn of the day a badge so you found that one and somewhere he's got another one so both from the same area he's on the burner phones I've got meself a pop lock and nearly thrown in the water boy surely and a little prayer book just pull that up I don't mean see it a little tally counter I'll mary poppins over there look there's a blue car they would in one book got metal pins in the wheels bit mummy and obviously we found earlier so found a lawyer I'll metal steering wheel and a motherboard out computer with the call of fat surely got yourself Hello Kitty scooter - about wheels go I'm on that I'll be first for one dog lead just to cut the collar on it as well quite worrying that really awful is gonna sink on the end of me late then I've got electric hammer some of these grappling hook probably so I've just pulled up that a hammer and on the hammer he's a wire on the water he's a club so I think I found me first electric hammer it's different nice little bunch of Bob wah [Applause] [Music] that's a bloody big safe door daddy I'm amazed you pulled that up that one got the door missing so guy just pulled up that rather like the safe door there you get an idea the size of it I have your thing that [Music] all the treats ago I was shouting it [Applause] got nearly off it [Applause] so we pulled up that it's surely a bit of a rummy fruit now see what's in there now we did find a key tag thing in there as you see says it's al please return to Star News shots limited Queen Street Wolverhampton oh just put out some sort of religious thing yep that was um not magnetic but I managed to drag it in with the magnet Shirley just pulled up the bag that's got bricks or something in it so Shirley just pulled up this bag just gonna have right now what's inside there is something in there I'm not sure what so what's it weighing down that's a strap for a shoulder throw you didn't felon we got some cards in there that's a nice bank card yeah [ __ ] so yeah it looks like it's a romanian person back oh there we go no it's all right that [Music] what happened last time [Laughter] as you can see surely is now in the war platform didn't work very well yeah got myself a forest I'm sure I suppose I'm stretchy key tag on it throws out key fob stretchy key rings Mars electronics International yeah yep there we go over cashbox now Sunny's got Mars International on it so another part of something called other and he's got himself a shotgun shell for ya know he drops it Hey go self an Oscar shotgun shell Neely grant through sure let's just pulled up a back see what's nice about that one go another mystery bag with moose hey roll plugs in door handle its brand new door and that's the plastic packaging for dinner l random and on the back I found another pack I didn't get it tiny [Music] [Music] jewelry stop to what it down [Music] well started nothing is real confrontation there we go we'll get some pictures probably sure explain it a bit interesting I might yeah yeah they're in button okay that's good four Pistons so safety pins there we go another mystery bag okay follow after every now there we go so she found that wrapped up 5p little bottle perfume she'll keep that for damn he lost bit of perfume so yeah so yeah but just found that yeah we finally move so there we go we've got a sample parking mayor okay camera results you can see it right so we go got a cellphone a parking meter no change given Hammersmith and we're looking fuller a lot H a net [Music] so Zone J unbelievable so we was just talking about these and this one is complete with the coin tray the pocket mate without court Brahmas have been in there with the chisel don't look like they've opened it hey yeah [Music] so there I am standing on my platform in the middle of the water we just pulled out a parking meter seems like habit these there we go probably head back bounds way let mother play with it see if he of Westminster City of Westminster it's got money in than that he'll know in a minute look I broke the seal I believe never the old drill hmm come put over that horse could you I got shinies blood Sherry's Hey [Music] shine it's not turning out to be a bad day mate yeah we just pulled up the safe you see but we have got okay it's caught a lot of stuff selamat see there's quite a lot of jewelry in there don't know what it's like but we'll take that back we'll give it a clean up so here's the jewelry cleaned up a little bit this is or what was in the safe in the box you see there's quite a collection of it nothing of any real value we've got a bit of silver in there but it's mainly costume jewelry as usual the thieves take all the gold out and just throw the rest but it wasn't in that and obviously it was some of these possessions once but a fortune that's what happens but there we go that's it cleaned up a bit but it's still a nice find back to the video Shirley said myself a man tonight that's wrong about back on the noise the box and also he's got something else down here get yourself not spawn for night have lost fun fun I got a usual looking thing a shape that we've seen a few time for but it's not it's a transformer Brett this is what you're gonna look like in about 20 years when your hair goes gray look all right great cheer yourself Oh Shirley's on the bags again another one see what he's got this one back he's got another handbag probably pricks again mate wanna pass in the middle so today we've got a little hammer it won't break it but what pave in this fight carry on you got to do a driveway so I will assume that this is the same person Ireland to hand back to both lay down with Riggs there we go all compliment cards I will assume it's the same person's been doing this never even catch the right know I spank them brother yeah cut card dr. see you've got a and I just caught up in the editor yeah and naturally Shawn so this is bridge person so date you go 18 okay there's some people carry them around but sorry you car tonight yeah when you got bored yeah [Music] Hey any gas in you back sir oh there we go another handbag wall block paving it see what else move on the mains adapter hey we've got load of cables mains adapter computer cables another back safe okay I've got it Oh there we go just pull it out another site all right so you can see our little stash from here we got two parking meters then we've got three safe so yeah it's been a good area they were heavy we now got move them on the top it's gonna be fun getting an out but as you see it's a very good finds just it that's what fun I didn't even leave me magnet for that she cleaned it there's a briefcase in there so he have just lean in and pick that up huh parking section yeah so we have a briefcase [Music] this about is two third or fourth one today he's got a magnet back here so yeah speaking magnetic and a backup motor why would he put a magnet in the back not know all right so got some new clothes for Dan sure we can do something with him and got another north it's that third of the day something like my first well joint effort really ah and got a clue I'll give it to down Ethan clean up hey well the same thing are you changing unbelievable [ __ ] your vehicles that leave your things of you didn't work on the makeup I did it this is low-key vehicle don't leave the things visible to pound 20 per hour there we go that's our third of parking meet with the day see you another one to plan 20 per hour but that's number three so it's just found a CCTV box tape was nasty cut on the back seat once more he's still in the water there we go where is bigger than breath that's true yeah there we go hammer their late arrival but there we go as usual making Brett look small sandwiches just to take the draw up in the hotel we go he's next fired is a cat for Easter it's caught an old one that might but there we go so till what I was changing the camera battery a final part the logo frames I've been an interesting day on surveillance surely it's a few different locations the last one was definitely the best a lot of big phones that you saw but yep poor old Dan still suck Oh gotta wait now until they relax they lock down a bit more fur he'll be out soon anyway thanks for joining don't forget you haven't subscribed already subscribe hit the bell and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Northants magnet fishing
Views: 128,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, uk canal, uk river, best magnet fishing finds, best magnet for magnet fishing uk, canal magnet fishing uk, magnet fishing best finds, magnet fishing canal uk, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing finds safe, magnet fishing finds uk, magnet fishing finds videos, magnet fishing finds youtube, magnet fishing uk, magnet fishing uk 2020, magnet fishing uk money
Id: av_MT4bzvD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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