Stolen War Medals and Jewellery found Magnet Fishing #46

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[Music] [Music] today in London simply place to where damage Shirley was last week got spit arrested for it so this year we go up today first throw in the other place have found this and a second one came out so you like him yeah mate I can't seem to stop it's the same day as well 1970 I get a little bit go so got myself the remains of a passport whatever that is stuck to it that's all rusty to it but yeah there we go he started the scatter pumps clunk on them good one don't know all the way fret but found you in tight along today [Music] oops all the remains Ricardo Boris Boris no what's a night a will throw everything but looks good know what you can say that tight on it non c'est night saying let's go toufool something not saying for aim No got another medal that one's sort of dated 1914 told ABC modes of weight down box one thing that looks really clean and everything then we have somebody's in there let's go go let you see work so I'm all tied together someone's out that cut off yes an unusual find oh yeah - or Jenna ya think I'm a coin I put the hair in that for your swag back cover like so there we go surely with these of pillowcase okay makes your head lock look a bit boring now wait did it okay work together [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there we have leaves no violet you got all when you Bucky down is Daniel dear Daniel because I spin food and put the four out and out Willa people thought ups really helped advice see that and we're not sure but some sort markets around the top there don't think he said equals that but it looks similar but you can see from it he's very old lights or rusty in that book yeah it's interesting find I just found myself a horn don't don't dan you've got the horn funny funny yeah and he has a new nickname as well oh hey look a G B D B yeleen and I think about I blame Hanna [Music] so surely just found yourself a nice and tender boat yeah go for it right so you go alright don't you get already probable that one is it oh there you guys first today Hey look there you know proud supposed to be down there look that's a bad idea you're tired today me I've been working three weeks in the straight no you're full stop [Music] [Music] not anymore he doesn't travel it's a truck bomb yeah it strapped up with SP on it yeah I speaks a vampire yes as I say SP nice yes what's for that weird [Music] karaoke that could be the new music brag thing you take it with you clean it up paint it like a mock phone put it on the table in front here no seriously I enjoy kin clean it all up Sammy right down do the top half seal with the other half black you got yourself a solid microphone try not to miss no one else he's got what I'd like yeah black and silver might only have stolen your might hello yeah lot moonlight I'm just gonna go and blend up some leek on my plate but not in say was it a moonlit relax food mix-up yeah yeah yeah I don't know what the mixin Gore what every little bit right help spear kick that butt down which messes around Savage he says River joint-heir for that reason I said why no that's your second and a half look whose magnets on it as well see the type II D full of white foot heavy big old chunk oh yeah it's ceramic as well well yeah it's not gonna be plastic it mount probably all going to be the same type see I've got ABC you can start singing it in it so there's another one em just come out Jordan effort this time worry dad yeah but yeah that's the third one now sorry different just talk this up button you can see that actually says the gold-plated yeah interesting fine hold on guys there it will be don't know I got chunk 76 there's another one of them a core collection now just got that up make sure leads out to downs that one herons no railway hook different old I see and then we have another one another really good sign what does everybody reckon stands always to clean as you say I'm not gonna play with the based see our grubby we can get [Music] dance just pulled up some ink he likes these last time we tried to it er it's a traffic spicy nobody they start now now you can tell it's got the lead yeah actually that led belt going us back he's not gonna reach it this car no okay explosive in London he's a collection of railway stuff he's super got the four Isolators well fish plate down here we've got some railway spikes trap bolt there and then things lots of course well what the court those here but let us know in the comments oh yeah and an explosive down there but there we go some more interesting where our way for install from the 9th or earlier or earlier anti yeah but yeah what we're taking them with us shelli's the winner how am I meant to no response at all right Samson 100 Hey surely with a bike look posing what about the bike jiggle it needs wheels to jiggle yeah push bike if your order yeah you're doing the boy jiggle why else would you found the cow away hammer lumpy I'll think heavy I think Shirley found another one I've read half a sledgehammer paulibus he's falling down there he changed up - just found the crossbar myself the battery right it can't do more than free time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] damn Samba fight alternate that's important in a good phone in it line sorry about the wind noise but it's really windy under this bridge I'm aside she's going with it you guys to me dance just ourselves and I'll be insecure full of mud but they apologize about the winter campers really really bad my cell phone it's horny little probe on Tommy Yannick myself a Mario egg to see on the bar it says the Super Mario week dad don't you a the dance just found yourself a watch he's well impressed cook it's actually working it's not ticking you can see see it Larson's and Jennings CLE I'll just found myself gotta wash standing around with you means turn around here now John explain what getting a captain's are air pistol facially corker surely found in one of our videos imagine yeah corrupting when you drop bolts on that yellow cloth Shirley's on the weapons again drop yourself and also a knuckle duster Charlotte and here we have a Sadie Scottie go got a little framelit or heavy for yourselves down the canal feed himself everyone's getting new fired but yeah I didn't think you'd be that's how it though I thought you'd buy one yeah a new fight that's a little bit closer similar France Samsung Galaxy edge don't know if either galaxy all right well I should dump all this bagged up knowledge the spoon is it suppose it be since somebody chap canister in a balloon it's different and surely hold up that and in there was very unusual this we've got toothpaste more toothpaste got a cigarette lawyer and another cigarette lawyer and some tweezers unusual no I'm there's more first three pairs of tweezers but there we go silly different surely got yourself a necklace go let me see yeah a lot of glue bolts there we go and blue washers so I'm Schumann's from when they built the bridge and the person that built the bridge kept dropping him in there and he comes down or something Davin's got himself a nice dog collar don't wear it there surely action sound after and he held it back was he wearing it I don't want to know the doctor that loads London well surely done what she found daddy what you found North Carolina liquors big heavy ones probably don't once and then just pulled up a box each of us mixes of damn check he's ugly how well got the box there's no cases in it no peace oh oh well it's really found that huh bird some magnetics is not special but it's different I know I don't up back of it stop it gonna do it Samson Sadhna over to the left you know it haha that's the worse thing uncle on the videos to set the angle we're not gonna comment something me oh it's been a good day in London we've had some interesting points a bit of cold and windy day to be honest with it but a rain but how would you go on down yeah I do yeah back on the train cars yeah yeah I mean I told you this place is good I didn't expect many of them many their other stuff okay yeah surely he's had some before as well yes as you've seen from the pictures they sent me that they're all cleaned up nicely about the gun they annoy so overalls been a good day I'm a gelatin your Gallatin fine no don't they found the batter I don't see that the album what would you like a metaphor yeah we could do that that's anyway so village good day thanks or watching the publication's next adventure [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Northants magnet fishing
Views: 36,928
Rating: 4.9080458 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, canal magnet fishing uk, magnet fishing best finds uk, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing finds gold, magnet fishing finds phone, magnet fishing finds safe, magnet fishing finds uk, magnet fishing finds videos, magnet fishing finds youtube, magnet fishing gun, magnet fishing uk, magnet fishing uk canal, magnet fishing ww2, river magnet fishing uk, uk magnet fishing
Id: tSvcsWXWij8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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