Did I Find A Stolen Collection?

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what's it look like it looks like a jump ring to me but it's a ring because I'm on a ring roll there's an old but not too old button keep going all right I got a round disc I don't know what it is what is that don't tell me it's a washer it's gonna be a washer isn't it oh he suck square holes washers man it sounded good too oh well I'll keep going there's some goodies in this yard tell ya I like round objects even if it's a one-play bunny it's the old-school ten Center that's cool I will take it where's that five cent that's five cent yeah it's a nickel ring it's a high tone still working this backyard it's pretty big then pick it up a lot of copper fittings and whatnot and I am the sheriff again for the day Junior sure that's cool she wasn't so broken up I'll take it so working this little I guess this is a run off shelf or whatever you call it get the screamer of a signal I had to chase it a little bit making a mess but check this out what is it what is it or thrown woom woom tag that sucks and it sucks bad get it out it's burnt learning excuse it bad out here it's another one loom tag of course it's got to be related with the mill right here some cotton male Soria dill in early late 1800 early nineteen hundred's and they had cotton looms so I'm guessing this is a cotton loom tag that is cool man that right there made my day well I got something I have no clue that's how I came all the ground let's see what it is is big it's huge are you kidding me I think I know what this is you get some water on it alright I know what it is now it's a UK penny Great Britain penny I think it says it's 1921 yep 1921 that's a first that's cool all right so I'm working a it's a public lot it used to be a swimming pool and they filled it in and turn it into a parking lot and I cut silver number 50 for the year oh that is cool man and it is going to be a rosy heck yeah silver 50 I was gonna shoot for a hundred years here but there are hard to come by lately especially when the ground as dry as it is but silver 50 awesome and I got this deep quarter signal and I got a sharpshooter metal that is awesome heck yeah and it says sterling on it so it's it's an old one might be from war to there that is awesome hi spike in my iron signal all the way up to 99 I just wanted to see what it was it looks like I got an old-school 80s wristwatch calculator I hadn't seen one of these in decades Wow what in the world dad I just fine right next that watch I get this crazy high pitch creamer I was like what kind of trash is then I just stuck my Spade down there look at that huh what in the world there's two giant belt buckles yeah Georgia Bulldog belt buckle what's this one police Pig what this is American police big hauling order oh my goodness let's see if there's more in here what is going on what is this the mixtape I I think I found some buried kids 1990s or 80s nostalgic very sight with that Casio wristwatch there's two belt buckles a cassette tape that I can't make out on what is that what else is in here what oh my goodness this is crazy guys is this no Isabel buckle Wow the things monsters I hit it with my space I got this nasty signal what else is in here some glass oh this is crazy I'll get back to you I'm gonna dig around here for a minute unbelievable right next to it the CSA belt buckle I scored that's funny this is nuts what else is in here so I'm getting more signals all around it right here I don't want to hit any more buckles ground is loose but there's signals all in here it's just one giant screamer why in the world somebody buried all these belt buckles this is nuts look there's another one wow it's a Cobra look at that that's crazy it's got to be more in here oh look there's one right there fire department what in the world is going on here this is nuts guys look another one oh well I don't know it's a soldier something on there I don't know I'll clean these up later this is it a giant now I feel another one yeah right there another one you something are some of these are pretty old and some are new why in the world would somebody bury a belt buckle collection I'm gonna keep going crazy look why just dug out of the ground and it's got weight oh my goodness sneaking up in the shade oh my goodness please let there be something good in here oh it's gonna be a clock oh wow yeah full of water that's why it's so heavy that still cold oh wow and some kid buried a whole bunch in this a bunch of keepsakes of memories sakes I'm still working this spot it's a four foot by four foot area another belt buckle Georgia Bulldogs wow this is nice hey keep saying that it is it's crazy man it's crazy what in the world my camera's overheating and poor sweat no we're heating this place is loaded with signals what yeah that was buried with all this stuff too I'm back in the truck I was overheating my phone was overheating wouldn't wanna film one one focus this is just a giant big nasty signal I walked over in the past except I caught one of these belt buckles off the side and it was a single signal side nugget and two popped out and I'm like okay so what are the rest of them and they just kept on coming unbelievable I'm gonna cool off go back out there I'm sure there's more I had to cool off and I'm back at it that's part of the cache or what but that's cool guys hey guys I did it I got my hat beginning a year I said my goal was a half and I got it unreal I cannot believe what I'm pulling out of this ground over here she is ugly he is ugly but it looks like somebody was going to make a ring out of it yep 1960 Franklin half oh that's awesome yeah buddy all right guys welcome to wrap-up table I needed up filming at three different locations the first location was the 1899 mill home and see I found this loom tag which is really neat it's off of one of the original wounds they had and while I was in the backyard I have no clue and how I got there but I know the mill manager will definitely want to know the loom number on it and he said documented other finds we found so I'll end up giving him that information and also found this Great Britain pennies 1921 that's the first never found one like this I got one in my collection believe it or not it's kind of funny but definitely not with the green patina on it the second location was it used to be a public pool on now think somebody unfortunately drowned 20 or 30 years ago there and they just filled it in and turned in a public parking lot and I got silver number 50 it's just a Roosevelt dime but it represents 54 this year silver coin 50 that's cool and got this sharpshooter metal silver it's 10 grams of silver and it should have a bar that goes underneath and it says rifle and I double check and actually went back and looked in the hole and around it and I couldn't find it so it is what it is it's still real neat and it'll go good with my captain's pin button I've found the third location was an empty lot and I've talked to the neighbors and they say it's been an old home there and an eyesore for a long time and unbelievable I cannot believe that big trashy signal turned out to be Hollies belt buckles like I said previously he just never know what you're gonna find and that's the truth about metal detecting is so fun let's see got this CSA replica belt buckle and I said in the video this was a Cobra but it's actually a Diamondback snake and that's really neat I don't know why anybody would wear one of these things are huge all these are stamped and made in 77 78 and 79 so I give you a date and how old these are except for this one this one is you think of the name Knights of Pythias I think that's what you call them it's a organ it's a group that's been around from the 1860s and this is an older belt buckle there's no markings or anything on it but I looked it up and seen these on the internet and that's what it is and novelty there's a volunteer firefighter just in Georgia Bulldog button belt buckles biggest mystery when I was out there digging if you notice in the video the ground is loose and it was full of gravel and I could not figure out why these buckles are out there I was thinking a kid buried them for memory sakes or whatnot and typically if that was the case it wouldn't been spread out in a 4-foot area and they would have been in a box and maybe the bull they when they bulldoze that place they pushed them over I don't know I really have no answer until I got home and did research and I pulled up all Google Maps and Street View and exactly where I found all these belt buckles was a tool shed there was a tool shed right there so I was thinking well with a kid still these and bury them up underneath the tool should be still a lot of unanswered questions this buckle right here actually has a name on it and I did the tax record research and found out the man's name used to live on that property so maybe I'm going to do a little bit more research I got a number for the man's name of course it's a dead end landline number so if I could get a contact to them and find out anything about this why they were out there that maybe I could do a part to this video I don't know but the highlight of it all I got my silver half that was my goal for the year and this one has got some character because somebody was trying to make it into a ring and I guess they dropped it in the process that is awesome and this was not with all all the stuff that found me it was four feet away four or five feet away from all the belt buckles so it was dropped separately and it would explain why they were they had a tool shed there because I found that anchor the axe head and I found a lot of odds and ends tinker toys and whatnot so I imagine when they tore down that tool shed maybe all that stuff got mixed in the ground I don't know have no clue but thanks for looking good luck happy hunting and remember you gotta get out there dig in the ground cuz you never know what you're gonna find for example a belt buckle collection
Channel: Roller Jones
Views: 1,799,455
Rating: 4.5525727 out of 5
Keywords: Metal detecting, silver, gold, coins, belt buckle, collection, half dollar, dude perfect, Georgia, treasure hunting
Id: utRi0Qsdu1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2016
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