NEVER BEFORE SEEN AMISH AUCTION In Holmes County Ohio With Amish People / Amish Paradise OR Mafia?

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[Music] there are a few things that actually bring us down here this is a business most Amish businesses run out of their home their farm the whole deal well the business is actually liquidating some things and we want some of those things for our business so let's go check it out and let's see can we make some money [Music] and this is why people like me love the country wide-open spaces places the realm the peaceful quiet life [Music] we are officially here and so are a few others were half hour early here we go find out where to park do you think we should park right there this is the beauty of Amish farming life no electric so they do run off of a generator which is what you hear in the background and there will be Amish absolutely everywhere here at this auction we live next to the largest Amish population in the world these horses are what would be called road ready or Road worthy horses and so they're trained to not get distracted these are the blinders here and they pull the buggies and so everywhere you go on one of these farms there's a place to tie up for the Amish so you got horses absolutely beautiful you can see this one sweating he's got flies all over him you all right yeah look at this this reminds me you look like one I used to have yeah beautiful creatures that got created absolutely gorgeous you can't beat this this is some of the stuff I'm actually interested in these carts for the warehouse there's some other things too we'll go take a look and that would be great if we could win this pallet jack how much do you think it'll actually go for leave a guess in the Commons pallet jack how much we'll go for at auction today here's just some of the items for auction you're gonna hear generators everywhere we go because they don't run with actual power so that cart would actually help us out quite a bit too just hauling stuff in and out of the warehouse cool stuff the shed here is actually being auctioned off as is and somebody will pull it it could be with a team of horses or a truck and when you see a big hole right like that that's where a groundhog has been stained biggest fan is some monster industrial fan most of this stuff is going to be propane which you're used to gas or electric if you listen behind me I actually speak Dutch German Tsar Dutch German subscribers I bet you could translate for me are they saying I look fat or are they saying what the Hales these would be the box lamps canning jars crock we're find anything good me yeah I just got here me too all this cool stuff that's sewing mission is a white family rotary I guess you could say sewing was part of the business oh look there's a there's a console commercial just like the one that we got in the unit although ours is a little bit more heavy-duty some serious stuff going around here all of this stuff will be up for sale brand new cinco nailers there's a lot of stuff yeah all of these sewing machines the supplies all the tools they'll probably be three four hundred if not five hundred Amish and they'll be me and one under there English man here this has got to be one of the items they were building yeah probably selling to the tourists down in Berlin which is a good 20 25 minutes from here so all kinds of cool stuff brand-new Dewalt hand sander or palm sander with all kinds of other tools they're everywhere very interesting this is gas lighting everything has to get done today before the lights come home this one of the things they were building must be huh so he made it oh wow that's awesome that's fun huh yeah I love all the birdhouses primitive stuff here all of this will go up for auction as well beautiful detailed work solid oak garbage bin or potato bin we've got walnut dark walnut here just gorgeous there's a high chair hasn't been stained or sealed yet so we got a big tent it's time to eat it's a big meal it's an extravaganza and this is where a lot of the stuff is going to happen these guys over this evening as we planned is starting with these small items over here we've got crabs to my left over here we've got tools and households over here tools back here those just kind of be mixing things on in that throughout the as we go why we could stop step on the outside for about 15-20 minutes and some of the outside items in case we need to be terrain or something like that should something come up but our schedule is if it stays fair why we want to sell everything in here step outside here there's a couple of to those everything's out there I think they've got marked at that point one does so that one is in south working condition the next one selves with with a hole that sells axes then we'll wind everything up on the outside and then the diesel the compressor and the hydraulic tank and so on demo so that's that those items and once we're down the other side we're going to step in in the basement and the shop border over there and South the lumber basically lumber first down there and them finishing with the main shop tools in the basement down below so that's kind of the schedule that we'll be working with here this evening unless you know whether terms turn turns out or something like that another widest way that's kind of the schedule for for this evening thanks again to the hearth verdict we're having this out there that sale here this afternoon evening we really appreciate the opportunity to be here working with me is Joe Lord he's back here and you'll see either or both of us who work in here this evening so I guess basically with that said everything sells just the way it is and I think when we got to work through then what's going on pick clean this up and hold things up I think I'm pretty much ready to go unless there's anything else I need to say all right whatever you guys haven't got a wake I'll start you right here that's just absolutely right everybody needs everybody needs one of those yeah you know [Music] I probably take honors scientifically know if it ain't one of our own a busy morning I said ain't nobody none I so the number $12 ba got the own bridge right here he 91-85 were terrifying [Music] [Music] bring forth 3.4 66 breed honors outside on 66 there's a marble roller that's so kind of like jelly and I don't lose the marbles you know just spin it around you're ready to go again I need a $50 fine hanging out with 7-eleven team he obtained I'm gonna go down say anything about a madman think that'll be the need a pig home that'll be do 10 bucks over here don't bow dude they can't see my bidders hiya ten twelve on the bamboo time team better dude I'm going on a baby ain't gonna me pal silver $10 for Randy's ready wait for me breathe breathe I could take that money and breathe baby be no victory Solar to doctors for your 63c dr. john 16:3 I go to to hide the big man take your nothing to give in to the hot plate right here in the signal phrase pretty common Pony my diary if I don't open up and get 5 here 5 nobody can find open attitude of evidently the ETD TT 250 TT TT now right over here don't bring here to 3 means using number name Barry never gonna get a beating down every bit of a decrease older and 16 breezy bucks on 16 brain it's beautiful scenery out here it's windy though now a lot of people when they see Amish farms or Amish homesteads or whatever you want to call it they see multiple houses and they get a little bit confused well there is a name for each one of the houses if you want to figure that out you can google it because I don't want to be a bore and tell you everything but once once family member marries off they get a portion of the land and they get a home on the land as well and then it keeps growing and growing and growing it is a simpler way of life out here which I miss I used to live out here for eight years 175 acres full functioning ranch these are Jersey's the most beautiful cow you'll ever see because if their eyelashes are so long absolutely gorgeous you just hanging out it's the windmill doing this thing this is country living all right guys okay what do you notice about the shed right here notice anything up top it would be solar power so their lives are all about boundaries just like yours and so the boundary is power can't be inside the house but a lot of them will actually build a solar power shed outside of the house where they actually get power from and that's theirs right there that's where they get their juice that's a homemade ice-cream machine making homemade ice cream even making burgers - burgers homemade ice cream anything you're not making my goodness spoiling us you're doing homemade pies - who made them she make them neighbors did all the neighbors did that's great guys that's a lot of pie ladies who made all this pie all the neighbors for the auction you guys don't mess around when it comes to pie do you Wow now you ladies prepared all this food for donations only what did the donations go towards in the church that's incredible I appreciate everything you guys are doing and my goodness so much food look at that food and food and more food nobody goes hungry do that this and nobody nobody at all there's not a hungry person here look at this look at this dishing out homemade Amish ice cream at the auction it doesn't get any better they're making it out front hauling it to the back and then it goes on your plate you ladies are too much yes that's homemade apple pie with homemade get any better than this and employment at its finest 10:51 Amanda think never do you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] and I'm here to learn here to learn a little bit about life we're down lamp in 1305 here not sorry mr. 13 on a right there put her on number 63 by number 63 [Music] you
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Views: 553,310
Rating: 4.7411633 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, amish country, amish auction, amish
Id: MisfNDQ8dLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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