Wildfrost: An Increasingly Insane Roguelike Card Game

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that's Diary of each run you must choose the leader each leader belongs to a tribe which determines your start and deck and the cards you'll come across during the Run Keep Your Leader alive if they die it's game over so it's very important this person lives so we're gonna go with flesh here during each battle drag you leader from your hand onto the battlefield foxy is one of your companion cards get him on the battlefields too he's just Scrappy swords to take out that pen goon oh Scrappy sword you can Target it tired counters reduced by one each turn when they reach zero the card will attack frieza's counter and reactions counts down every turn so if I freeze that that freezes this guy for an additional turn and I gotta deplete as hell to zero on the battlefield to kill you can use a redraw Bell any time to discard your hand and draw six new cards in the redraw Bell and your turn unless the Bell is charged it will come charged when its counter reaches zero so you can get the redraw for free if you hold on long enough uh they are both gonna hit when hit gain that so we're gonna freeze you and that countdown until the snow is cleared so we have two more turns to kill this one and Foxy's about to attack so if I do that oh foxy though that's oh wait no this is all right we we just straight up win here there we go snow night and now we can just freeze him forever so that he never gets a turn and kill him there we go that's the game the game credits roll that's it that's all we get to play Frozen Travelers break the ice choose a new companion you can right click any character to inspect it I mean wallop Wallop seems pretty good but I think it's gonna have to be big berry snow cake apply 12 snow and consume so if you do that in a single Target it's never going to happen the return 12 Frost is insane you you instantly just win if you're against the boss big berry in front of your leader to protect them from the attack oh cause they're about to act and I don't think this one this one won't hear anything now because there's nothing there okay so they they attack in the diagonals there's nothing there so they will make their way forward big berry we're gonna send you over here that's a two against a three so I can get that in time so if I hit that with a sword I think very takes it down you can recall your companions to heal them drag big berry to your discard pocket calling cards is also a free action also you can keep him alive that's fantastic penguin he's gonna gear up for a hit so you take him out and then you just apply a snow stick here and you get it with the brush big Peng I mean this will make it so this guy doesn't get an action for a while now he's just frozen forever so he's not a problem he was big very uh we can just get big buried to tank this I think he's just gonna absorb them all and he'll gain attack when an ally is killed I mean at this point I don't think it matters we've I we've already won he he can't do anything take him down there we go Uh Wood head is a clunker card Clunkers are items that you can place in battles to Aid your companions it does nothing but will take a hit for you oh okay you know what we'll try we'll try take a Woodhead which path we want to go we have to pick here Frozen Travelers yeah let's let's get some more friends here we unlocked there's fire fist when hell lost gain equals spice and but rarely increases attack clears after triggering okay so if she takes a heavy blow she'll deal a heavy blow when destroyed add a frenzy to a random Ally okay and then Colonel when hit apply Tree Shields to Ally behind it seems really good if you just swap your turn order a lot go with colonel it's a bamboozle hits all enemies okay we're gonna let's get let's get Colonel down snowbows aimless hits a random Target in the row when hit reduces Attack by One oh my God that is eight attack okay so we we have to slow this guy down [Music] here we go Shield acquired oh Jesus they're applying more okay what if I pop wood head here and Woodhead gets hit by the wild snuff there we go okay big berry might be able to kill something in a moment okay so we're gonna position big berry up here no because big Barry's gonna hit the boss no big Barry's not gonna do it yet there's just so many ads just pepperonus and we just get foxy down oh colonel oh Jesus Foxy's hurt as well if I just kill the boss do I win uh that's let's find out oh God damn it oh that's even worse it's all Targets in the road that will deal three to everything I can take out this row and then I think we just heal big berry so he he's alive a little longer [Music] we have a maximum of one snow let's get our one snow there we go okay and now we can just uh we can just stun this one uh big berries about to die unfortunately oh it only has one HP sorry I thought it had more I'm like massively overthinking this choose a reward uh Sunbelt of hands card drop plus one sunbell of friendship companion limit plus one Sun Belt of the Bell redraw Bell counter minus one I I kind of want to get more of the companions they're so cool some of your companions were injured in battle they survived the next battle they will recover oh okay so if they die twice in a row that's it The Woolly snail enter shot Brown cards with crowns uh always played at the start of battle it's the Berry Blade restore held to front Ally equal to damage dealt I mean we gotta get the Berry Blade yeah I mean that that just seems like a good investment you can use charms to upgrade your cards do this charm got a battle charm oh okay so here's your charm pop it on the Berry Blade and that now recovers five oh I love how they do upgrades that's so cute okay is there any card I always want to be played at the start of battle then I put that on one of my heroes behold big berry I see now we always start with big berry so we just get the flame for free at the start I believe that's pretty good like so we always just have him this guy's going to attack but he'll only do one when hit apply two pepper spice two allies in the row uh I mean this is a good time to just get Colonel down that Colonel's Health oh God because he's injured right oh thanks for putting that out [Music] it's no targets for the pepper oh Jesus Christ is a lot I can I can just add more berry juice play it real safe [Music] oh of course the Grumps is blocking it King Moko when hit apply tree chili to everyone in the battle 80 HP oh my God okay Colonel's about to take a lot of blows I think Colonel's just dead Colonel's dead unless we save him like right now I gotta smell that right now add that Shield oh no attack is minus five oh no oh no foxy what are you doing here yeah foxy just go back in the deck go back in the deck oh no and this guy's about okay wait this guy's about to swing right but what I can do pop kernel down here and I put the wood head here and the wood hedge takes the float oh Colonel's dead no I got that wrong oh it is not going well this is this is just going to murder something you have to do something very quick I I have to sacrifice foxy I'm sorry foxy no it transfers it transfers we're just dead no okay we didn't know oh my God it uses up all the attack yeah five attacks if five attacks is 36 damage how much was that what's that wait no that was 100 damage oh there's no way we were living okay welcome to snow dwell you can construct new buildings in the town by completing challenges like back here after each run to see what you've unlocked okay oh this is if like this is like a pre-built deck and this is like your starting one this is the daily challenge oh and here's like a bunch of challenges yeah so I have an attack from King Wilco and win the battle I think that was the king who was hitting me okay uh should we try the daily challenge yeah let's give it a go so the bells are just active I think so when hit apply to spice I don't really mind if I'm hitting here to all allies so his next attack is now plus two more it's only one damage like it can't be that bad I know it's Famous Last Words put a Woodhead in the wings oh never mind they'll be hit multiple times here so this is gonna be a lost voice yeah that's almost dead now that's amazing so I can just roll for a sword [Music] they run away as well if you just beat the boss it's really good to know fly to shroom increase by one win hit oh we gotta we gotta try the fun gun while active all allies retain spice oh that's amazing for us so that basically means the more we get hit I I yeah that that's too good for our hero like the Synergy with that is insane apply two shrooms and he's aimless he's just gonna randomly attack people but it'll do it twice and apply snow equal the damage doubt yeah okay let's take a wash so basically like this is just the game plan here putting the flag so I gotta watch where the flag is while it's active so now these guys are gonna permanently keep spice so we have to we have to protect the flag uh we got we gotta get the berries I think we're just gonna do it launch a swing [Music] I'll do it so I'm gonna basically make it so that these guys are hit with everything so all of their stats just increase here and I'm gonna up this guy's attack even further he runs away but like look at like the stats just increasing on everything Queen the library deal damage additional additional damage equal to HP twice okay increase him even more because one one point of damage on him is actually two he might just kill this outright he's so strong so good he just keeps the spice forever he attacks like very often the charms are really powerful rage charm getting greed deal one additional damage for each 50 cold you have save it for now it's a bit YouTube honestly because we have no money I was hoping for something better you'll eat additional damage to snow targets apply one snow to all enemies that could just be good to slow everything down yes know what everything constantly sounds good let's get a snuffle companion limit hit you can reserve companions in your deck pack at any time oh there is a limit okay yeah let's just put them in reserve for now put them in reserve okay when hit apply to oh that hits all enemies if I play the flag that's gonna break it so I have to be careful here so I can pop that in a little Jazzy [Music] never mind that was a mistake oh no I don't want War I I need War to stay alive thank you yep that'll do it War just wins the game [Music] he's so strong yeah I think I used that foreign Buffs them as well of course because if they'd want to my character uh what if I just instantly use war and he just kills everything God of War there we go perfect I should do that oh you have YouTube okay I can snow stick that so it doesn't get a turn if that one's gonna die will he he'll get a turn first won't he so I just killed the sword there we go system perfect Harry blade a bunker trigger against anything that is hit with snow oh so he'll just punch it right oh if he can live with the old man that's actually amazing because then he'll just hit everything instantly I I gotta I gotta try kabankum I gotta try kabankum well looks like we're hopefully just gonna win here okay so he's gonna apply that to all enemies and the problem is here right I've just realized that if he punches everything here that's actually gonna have a lot of horrible consequences I kind of want him to just punch everything though it does it will hit him for four I'll just do it [Music] foreign oh my God I can make him even more powerful if I put him in the front a moment right and I apply that oh no that hits him with the spice oh I misunderstood that but it's okay because I can have him punch everything immediately with the sunrod and just kill his board watch this get him okay so King Moko he has 10 attack and he hits six times so if this guy gets a turn we're dead that applies it to everyone in the battle including us and we keep all the spice oh okay so that's what we do we freeze him okay we can do it now oh yeah no I can just play a Woodhead even him oh my God he's amazing this is the strongest card in the game suddenly when destroy deal 8 damage to enemies in the row on Woodhead that's probably pretty good because that means he can hurt a lot of stuff yeah yeah so it's only usable on cars that you can play so we kind of want Woodhead to die anyway that's really good just one additional damage for each 50 you have and this is actually applicable give that to war because he's already like times to attack oh that's so good well we've already caught the combo yields damage to attackers oh okay you're too that's good that's giving everyone teeth can't prioritize because of aimless no you're right pop dance novel oh that's that's perfect oh my God the stars have aligned yeah I was just gonna murder them hop down Bonker that that's gonna buff everything okay so he's now gonna deal 11 next turn into everything trigger when hit that's that's unfortunate he attacks twice for five as well we just Sunrise novel here we go no damn it [Music] such a mistake okay trigger when hit I mean we're just gonna start attacking things I think here I I think we have enough though as long as warp goes first yeah there we go oh yeah it was fine because he would just kill it first year I wasn't gonna live walking Tire instances of damage or while active adds plus three to allies in the row I think it's probably that can work twice yeah I think that one made the most sense there double the target splice oh it's just just buy it um we should get a crown pop who who do we always want in a start at it's probably worse he's so good split when 10 HP is lost breaking the two cards with half hell and status effects whether anything takes damage from Poison gain one attack oh no okay there goes our strategy I think what I actually do I think I use this on myself crazy because that'll buff everything I'll do it no I got the math wrong that's all right I won dice to a random Ally a random Ally or enemy oh no I read this wrong that does it twice oh no that could help him that oh that's a horrible card okay take that out it says aimless but it means like tactical strike really snuffle is actually great because that all frees everything down I think I want to start counting down smackle [Music] okay these are getting bad but if we keep splitting them [Music] okay oh no I actually that's that's a bit lower than I thought it was oh this is bad this is actually very bad I don't know how to get out of this it feels so stupid here we go okay [Music] there's some heavy casualties no that was not the correct play I could freeze you them arguably what's significantly worse oh my God there's too many of them this is looking real bad okay got a fun gun [Music] there's so many attacks that was such a hard boss how much stuff we need to actually like think about what we're doing wait I'm rank three globally that's because no one has access to the game yet where do I check the rankings yeah there's because there's like no one has access to it will is literally the guy who made it what happened to Andre's run where he got minus 88 points like something had to go like actively wrong to get a negative score apply two spice to a random Ally and he attacks twice we just go and like full in on the splice gang yeah that that does just sound the most exciting with the current setup snoof will now kill him which means I can freeze this grouchy and now Tom is gonna go before The Grouchy might as well Chuck on the flame water oh look at all that spice snoof can kill that Snoop can kill this in one go that's actually amazing I think I just do that no we didn't will is here is it one game will Dev is in chat will how's it going long time no see thanks so much for letting me stream this I'm dumb top three Global I'm like I'm like just behind will I mean I think I can just kill everything pretty easily soon get the snow though I can just freeze him like indefinitely like he's not even gonna get a turn now [Music] he's dead while active at three plus to allies in the row that's actually pretty good with our hero considering he already attacks twice that's basically six extra damage for not a lot of work yeah I think I just take that like that's actually insane just with our hero Ira applies six spice to Allied yes yes not even a contest well active ad plus three to all hours in a row oh no wait if I have that with pyro though that actually might not be that good it might not be that good as well I'm thinking I can just buff attack my row is getting clogged already add that snoof takes that out Tom is just ready for like Massacre two things uh so what I can do is I can just forever buff Tom Jesus the ringer when hit apply to frost to a random enemy which is gonna slow down the board like Snoop is just destroying him sunrod Snoop to win instant oh yeah that just wins foreign charm why one shroom sure probably makes the most sense to put it on Tom just because he attacks twice I feel like Tom is very stacked in terms of abilities but it's pretty good because that would now apply two shrooms on the enemy oh wart was so good before like he's just powerful but we do actually have the doggo that's inflict and freeze that's a lot of additional damage if we can get it I'm like Wallop actually has a good like reserve of HP I kind of like the idea of just a big a big Ally don't buy that that one sucks they already hate that character I'm very sorry will because I I know you're watching at the moment it must be a weird feel when someone's playing the game it's like this this one's terrible a week till the game comes out will you could still take this one out store two HP on kill actually putting it just on Wallop might not be a bad idea Wallop actually has like a lot of HP snoof is great but we don't want to invest too much in Snoop the Snoop is very frail compared to some of the other characters the infernoco when an ally is killed gain their attack oh that is kind of scary all right at what I'm thinking I can do is I'm gonna attack twice and if I sunrod now I can take out this guy and just deal some damage oh and wait no he's gonna attack that's that's a terrible play oh God it's barrage that's right YouTube apply to spice to a random Ally it could be a good idea just to get wallet down uh it's we're gonna just go crazy here all right let's just get out beat us beat our way on through if I pop Tom up here does he just strike The Inferno he does yeah he's just dead perfect oh you're kidding me no no how was I supposed to know oh damn it we're in a spot of botter because this guy is actually just cutting through us very soon I think actually no this guy is just really annoying isn't he thank you there he goes oh we're just barely alive uh but it's okay because we have enough we're good oh big berries back on kill restore 2 Hp to self and allies in the row yeah I think we gotta go with big berry oh this does mean we need to swap someone though because we have we of course we didn't we didn't get the limit you know what snoof is already injured so let's just keep snoof alive a lot longer trigger when spice reaches 10. wait that goes off five times oh my God it's a bomb because that would do minimum 50 damage oh we have to try that deal additional damage equal to Shield that's that's 12 at the moment the main one we need to take out is this guy I get like a frost here oh Frost I really want to prep the totem [Music] okay BOGO is here but the totem is almost good to go all right wait we have to line this up this is gonna be amazing hold the pepper wait with the pepper how much is that gonna foreign [Music] okay wait now this this might be too much utility on the board though oh but the spice must float okay you do a random Ally absorbing their damage hell and effects oh good lord that's scary bomb is needed we need it now this is so bad okay well put the empire oh my Big Bear you're gonna have to just tank it we're just dead we're just [Music] Jesus Christ that's basically the same as restoring HP and it actually acts faster you just have a little less start and help oh yeah it's all coming together okay it's Cronk it's big peng and plus one when an ally is killed okay uh he's gonna get quite a bit of attack here that's all right yeah he's pretty good because like he just gets more and more powerful like look at his health there considering that's like the guy if he dies we fail completely that's a very valuable one to have it seems camberage and reduced damage by two barrage hits all Targets in the row oh that might be good on snoof because snoof isn't doing a lot of damage anyway he's a better one Snoop could have just saved it too maybe we should have saved it guys there's a traveler right here I probably shouldn't have done that uh Yuki with snoof seems potentially good the problem is it's a 1-1 okay I mean Yuki is the combo potential glass Cannon unlocked veiled lady so Yuki now has four attacks oh my God okay Yuki is actually unbelievably powerful Jesus because that's just keeping the flat attack that's not going anywhere too I I think I just win yeah there we go that was pretty straightforward I think we just overthought that quite a bit jelly means you get the shield on Yuki when an enemy is killed apply three to the attacker yeah that that actually probably is just very good that will start passively buffing us a lot won't it because our guys are very weak we need to get a more tanky person with the next one though eight damage but the target must be frozen that's pretty that's pretty potent didn't even debate it can get the blaze t as well okay I think we're gonna try it experiment oh no it's this guy again he's actually quite scary foreign good Blaze to you guys it's not a bad little play I think for the damage potential yeah I think that's pretty good it will take a little bit longer but still it's still powerful okay you Yuki is almost primed and ready now it's pretty good [Music] I think I still get the second swing yes I do pretty good uh if I just roll for my freeze damage card there it is play that uh and now we just win we did it weren't enemy attacks apply one to them doubles the damage taken that's interesting yeah it's probably the most practical of the three characters here we don't really need gold I'm gonna have to go with the dice again oh no I mean not nothing else fits ah here we go all right um am I over um I think I'm overthinking this all right just hit that sure I'll take a little bit of damage right but it's I think that's all right we're gonna just Break On Through It Maybe everything is frozen Yuki's now on eight I have to pop the T down [Music] if that's pretty good [Music] oh Shelly no I got the head I thought that had less attack vulgo oh it's getting really bad here I'm gonna need Yuki to just kill this boss very quickly so I'm just gonna sunrod reduce that I think I'll just do that I don't think it matters too much [Music] okay I know Yuki can just go on it hey please tell me you're dead thank you Charlie got very badly hurt this is insane with Yuki oh my God that's just 12 attack that's easy pick when destroyed add one frenzy to a random Ally oh I mean okay yeah pootie's pretty good but pootie's not the tank we want it booty is amazing though because yeah you just buff something like booty just gets sent out to die now Acorn charm gained eight that uh that's that's pretty good in general I can probably on Yuki yeah because now now Yuki has nine Health don't need to worry about Yuki so much that's pretty valuable if I put this on snoof does it replace it that's what I don't know I'm kind of scared to do oh thank God it doesn't okay you're the only one with the game we have no answers for you that's true yeah no there's there's no one else like at the moment there's just ask like it's just me have you guys checked could you guys check the wiki real quick for me I got booty I really want to die oh it's got aimless sorry yeah no that's that's potentially quite bad I could kill Snoop yep I think I just freeze it then oh wait no hang on wait oh we got it we gotta do this I got like this is gonna be insane if this works I was hoping it will land on on Yuki I was really hoping it would land he's only gonna attack once here uh but yeah we absolutely just popped down the snoke oh wait no wait with the snow cake he's just dead isn't he [Music] let's go let's go to clear up the row [Music] oh that's pretty good look at Yuki snowball it's just gotten bigger because of the attack buff I didn't even notice that before I can just sunrod uh Yuki down so that Yuki just kills them oh my God that's it's just clear up real quick pretty good just annihilate it no that's it that's it it didn't have a phase two we had a crown and a charm I think that's a good call let's get the charm first then balance charms set all its stats to three that's not bad for Yuki actually that's just a strict buff and a turn it'll attack faster yeah so just extra attack faster a little more HP pretty good Yuki is just unbelievably powerful at this point I could even get another charm if I wanted to oh Jesus gain two spice when hit that's okay uh I feel like that would be one just for a crunk I'll make it so he kills more stuff yes that's a crooker that's a that's a crunk card if I ever saw one oh speaking of here's the crunker it's all Targets in the outlined areas oh okay so be careful putting stuff there oh we could just put push in the line of fire I I don't think that's actually a good player right now I think we just snow stick first foreign [Music] minus three to All Enemies Jesus can I recall both of them I can recall both of them that's actually probably not a bad play because they're going to die you need to kill the ice Forge ASAP yes I really do I'm not really worried about krunker taking a turn here I can just uh do this [Music] there's an ice freeze reaction cards ah we can find out [Music] is either that or we just die okay ice does freeze reaction time thank God okay we know that now okay uh probably not a bad turn to pop Shelly down there we go you know we're just gonna freeze them we're just not gonna worry about it oh YouTube never mind crunk pulled the wrong lever but look at this though the shade monsters is unlocked skilled Warriors Unleash the Power of darkness by summoning Spirits known as Shades Adam in battle okay he's gonna absorb enemy attacks to be powered up to Great devastating opponents strategically sacrifice the game various Boons we just try a new faction yeah so here we go so John turn store three HP eyes Ah that's that's kind of lame though Thanos seems pretty strong but we take Johnson then we get we get new cards don't we okay we'll try Jonathan I'm gonna assume that restoring HP to allies is a valuable asset to have so we're gonna take bushu powerblade deal additional damage equal to Tower blades in hand I'm guessing that was four and that will deal three it's summon John [Music] aimless summon okay okay oh you just want to hit him a little bit Yeah so it does too so the carrot itself counts oh okay and you get the character you're just gonna keep summoning more dungeons that's that's interesting just add more of them there we go kill an ally applies three frosted enemies in the road Jesus when allies hit restore the HP by one yeah that's not that good okay let's get the yeti score we're gonna play it much more aggressive 100 damage with another Soul bound carrot is destroyed okay if if your random Ally is your leader you just die I think but you do get to pick the enemy Soul bound Yeti combo oh Jesus you're right all right we're gonna try it while active add three T to all allies that might not be bad okay here's Queen globbery right so now if I land the skulls on the dungeon I can just kill it yeah I'm gonna try it no no guys it's terrible it's terrible I just die now I just died oh God damn it guys this is what this is what I was afraid of okay everything is so bad now hey get him judge judge you're gonna see if this works okay [Music] no no it does not okay I think we try this what doubles damage taken yeah that's interesting so he'll now take double damage from the next swing oh that means if I just play this he dies oh that's very good uh I can just kill him oh I could have just won as well couldn't I that's all right gotta get used to the double damage yeah no I'm I'm just not getting it again it's not happening the Allies in the row absorb and they're attacking HP that seems really difficult to use I can see the potential for this but also I can see that going very wrong consume the janja okay we're gonna try it we're gonna try him right I have to be careful not to put them in the same row as like our leader because we will just lose fight box with insta kill the berry the problem is oh no I've already done it wrong okay whatever using it again I I thought I was worried he was gonna eat the bite box you have four additional damage to damage targets deal four additional damage and damage targets yeah we're gonna go with Veda trigger when an ally is sacrificed oh okay if you sacrifice something he activates and he does five attack and hits twice oh God we don't have any sacrifice cards is the problem okay we're good do we want to go all in on graph gonna go all in so we need we need sacrifice carrots now crackers plus the leader that's not bad actually yeah because it that'll just hurt everything okay we can try slap cracker sure let's toss that in is Mantra sacrifice eat allies oh no it is okay we got it we gotta try my okay I please just don't let me YouTube this up well let's uh let's cure up graph pop them down uh we got the slap crackers going too watch out for lunch I'm aware that Manchester's there right I think we'll be okay I can I can try just get some money off of this guy okay now let's get out of the way a munch oh cause he goes first I got that wrong it's all right the ringer it matches Frozen it's probably it's probably for the best uh I can just kill him Munch must kitsu we're trying to stop him so I'm gonna copy of an ally consume that's an interesting card you get double Notch guys wow on a copy of an enemy on your side with one Health okay that's actually more interesting just kill an ally I like the idea of this I think I'm gonna pick that up flank mask oh we could afford a no you don't want the dice can I use that on my hero [Music] yes I can that's very strong because that's the copy version now yep and the effect is still the same okay here's what I could do though right hang on so I'm gonna copy of an enemy on your side with one HP if I play Munch this turn and then we copy uh Boozle I copied the worm the worm is actually very strong oh good God okay all right Munch it's your time to shine [Music] and then graph activates he just killed everything Focus he attacks four times because he triggered twice as much killed the row okay these guys are scary it's okay because we have Munch big very much I'm sorry Mr Berry uh someone a copy of an ally oh that that seems very good with this uh here you go big berry okay well he's a 12-7 now so he's ungodly powerful oh YouTube I forgot about that oh it's screwed okay so I'm gonna copy of an enemy on your side with one HP um I feel like this is probably the best one to grab [Music] not accomplished what I wanted at all they make the strategy worst play I possibly can I consult uh why did it summon it there I'm just making this worse for myself what am I doing I I think I'm just dead I don't I don't think there's a world I live this is there I can take that out like it's just getting more and more powerful okay the bow go here at least oh he gets the armor wait that's amazing [Music] wait what killed him it's okay though because we have a blizzard bottle foreign [Music] a copy of an ally I think I just get that it's not what I wanted we have to get marched down because we already have graph I think the problem is that no we we can kill this guy in time yeah yeah we can Jesus just just see what happens [Music] we did it there's too many decisions [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 432,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtgame, rt, game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, rtgamecrowd, rt gaming, funny, video games, games, gameplay, rt game, stream highlights, wildfrost, wildfrost gameplay, wildfrost review, wildfrost release, wildfrost early access, wildfrost game, roguelike games, wild frost, wildfrost card game, wildfrost music, wildfrost let's play, wildfrost deck, wildfrost cards, wildfrost boss, wildfrost pc, wildfrost steam, wildfrost gameplay pc, roguelike, roguelike deck builder, deck builder
Id: e4CtdaIEW0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 11sec (2531 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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