BULLETPROOF GLASS vs World's Strongest Man!

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we built 100 layers of the world's strongest glass including bulletproof glass and that's why you brought in one of the world's strongest men robert will you do me the honors let's do it this is sugar glass by the way right down the center of the lane how does it taste it's delicious oh honestly yeah just go we haven't smashed the whole thing i love these videos this is so awesome now we have 100 layers of silly glass this is what they use in the movies when they want to pull off some dangerous stunts oh my wolverine spikes they're rare catch what signs were you yep let's see oh boy there's no way it's bending i've got new respect for the guys in the movies that get thrown through this switch times again with this help we love you please like the video in case we die this is like the bear bush that is the bear push all right mr bear will you clap for me my hands are sore give me a big clap one big clap now we've got 100 layers of acrylic glass stephen do i put this on that's for robert what this one doesn't even deserve a clap it deserves a snap much better safety first no accidents no accidents i'll stick that in my database give us like a half seas i told you to swing gently i did swing gently there is just three more layers left before we get to the bulletproof glass or don't go anywhere this is what you came for ladies and gentlemen you got to get one too yeah it's harder than it looks is it yes yes all right to the next one now we're getting to the hard stuff this is annealed glass which is typically twice as strong as your regular window used on sliding glass doors but before we smash this if you can beat me in an arm wrestling competition i have to break this dude you know how much more powerful i am in this suit yeah but i get to use two hands three two one no bro this is so all right well first of all we should probably get rid of this table huh our table is broken that was supposed to be stronger than that we lied to you this is the hard stuff tempered glass and this is what they used in squid games when the players would jump on the glass that would actually keep them from falling down but i do have a challenge for you okay if you can beat myself and my brother in tug of war i will upgrade your mallet to this hammer i think that's that that's good three two one go scott's cheating with that leg i don't have to put my foot through the wall oh that was terrifying my kind sir oh thank you thank you i remember i said gentle just a gentle gentle oh i was gentle wait what that was on you bro why was that my fault there's more wait let me see i just wanna see if you can mallet it that is hard whack ah see i'm not that weak this is crazy all right i want to see some power right now we want some big power baby what the the difference between this being metal and this being rubber means we could spin one top with this it'll go down is it are you serious yeah sorry let me go is that first form it's red baby second form maybe this one's stronger you try it you think okay i hate this video and i hate everything about it i love these videos this is safety glass which is a hundred times stronger than the previous glass we just broke they use this in banks and other types of anti-theft back there i see money with all that money inside of it that's the bulletproof glass oh a hundred times stronger by the way that's not no okay we get it we get it okay this is just like a little bit devastating we didn't even think he could get through it with the pitchfork so we had all these other weapons ready for him and then he forked our expectations oh my crunch what the heck is that oh if there was a teller back there she'd be crapping her pants right here peel the layers back for shrek well our drywall's broken dang this is so str like look at this can mere mortals do this let's see if a mere mortal can fork this glass have you ever broken a windshield in a past life this is exactly what it is i've broken windshields for you check those videos out you have what can you do with little red oh it looks like our miner is breaking through he's over 18. wait are you i was born over 18. why you could be my dad i probably am why don't you conquer this glass dad just so you guys know the glass in this video cost almost ten thousand dollars for us to build having a good time he's having a great time come on geez that is so cool oh but now it's time for the final layer bulletproof the moment you've all been waiting for 100 layers of bulletproof glass [Music] youtube won't let us have a real gun so we used a paintball gun let's hammer this thing oh god oh whoa the house shook way more than this i really think that this is in order those look like bullet holes literal wolf can you get a zom on that bro yeah all right what if that made it easier for you we're live right now at the bulletproof glass in the fire warehouse the wall is crumbling the bullproof glass shows no sign of weakness i'm out of here bro oh robert stole 20. i took a class once you're not supposed to give the world's strongest man fire all right that's a that's a big one oh whoa oh my gosh this the drywall around the bulletproof glass is crumbling is in shambles i've never seen something like this oh why i'm good i'm good will the wall come down first or will the glass break i think the wall is definitely coming down yup it's it's attacking robert dude i i don't know what to say you come over here because i want a meat shield for some reason i feel overweight you know what i think you're right i think it's time you know i just enjoyed when i did the snap more boom that's right fresh to death look at that check out the link below obviously you won't look as good as i do in it but you could try yeah you can try i let him muscle me around don't don't breathe this is between the two of us and all 40 billion of you guys don't tell nobody else 40 billion heck yeah let's see you bring down the house i'm going back to meat shield where does he go with that oh my god that is what robert was able to do this is ridiculous
Channel: Preston
Views: 7,810,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: XyHj1Yd-kQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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