HOW did our 40k Reaver Titan get a GIANT HOLE in it?!

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in this video we are going to sculpt this Titan like it has exploded this video is sponsored by World of Tanks it's tabletop time I'm Dave and I'm Mark and if you've been following our Titanic Journey it is time for the chord River Titan to be completed and that part of the board to be finished off as well and this is all thanks to House of War and the tournament Arc 40K this whole project is building the top table to be showcased at that event yes the idea behind this Titan is that it has been detonated destroyed in Mortal Kombat a thousand years ago I'm going to lead you through my plan on how to create this little diorama we're going to blow the back out of this guy he's just gonna go like a burst lemon because that's how lemons burst we want this to basically peel back and rupture however this is the piece for their little friends I want to see if I can sort of save him for a rainy day I'm just gonna cut him off luckily we know how to use this never let it be said that we fully destroyed a bunch of Titans uh we're saving the best bits [Applause] all right what's going on all right we're gonna do something just a little bit crazy gonna burn our way through carapace off our Titan now this is extremely dangerous do not do this at home resin fumes equals very bad we're taking all the precautions we've got all the safety gear here we're taking no chances watch us do something wild and you relax at home we're going to start with this uh now try squishing it see how pliable it is uh-huh what do you think Mario I'm going to say that's a no no fire is not the answer damn fire is usually the answer but it was kind of cool hey Mario those are really cool tanks you've got there yeah as you know we really like robots here at the studio but also tanks and if you would like a little tank experience for yourself at home you can play World of Tanks as this video is sponsored by World of Tanks you can join this MMO experience with over 100 million players in over 600 Vehicles including light heavy medium tanks as well as destroyers and artillery just by playing the game you earn experience which will allow you to unlock better and bigger tanks as you progress through the game's Tech trees once you've unlocked your favorite tanks you can take them out into the battlefield climbing huge steep hills for the better Vantage Point creep into position that camouflaged in dense forests or just Sprint around at high speeds in your light vehicles through Urban Terrain while gaming has even just teased on their official website's upcoming plans to introduce exciting experiences and dynamic destruction into their Maps giving even more reason to try out the game now I believe you play World of Tanks during Murray I do my favorite tanks include the ELC this and the sbic so what do we need to do if we want to get started all you need to do to get in on the fun is click the link down in the description to download the game then during registration use the code tankmania to get 7 Days Premium Time 250 000 credits and three free rental tanks for 10 battles each these include the tiger 131 The Cromwell B and the t-3485m all found at tier six wow that sounds like a lot of amazing stuff I can't wait to get started yeah it's a good deal you even get the Excelsior tanker tier 5 for free forever well what are we waiting for let's go play some oil tanks so fire wasn't going to work and I had the days to pass this legs to work on with Jen so Murray I'm going to be working out how to destroy this thing so use all the spinny bits that's a good trick and I'm just going to have at it and try to make as many interesting Parts as possible and also just tack at it just a little bit I want it to look specifically destroyed in a way I think for the remaining Titans we should definitely get the Dremel out and just damage up a bunch of them because the darestem pastors seems to be pretty intact from the legs down the armor panels yeah we'll call this one a little bit of a dabble since things are sort of happening simultaneously what I'm trying to do here is balloon out the back I want to bend it up like it's sort of especially torn and twisted and I'm just seeing how I can go about doing that in one of my tests I decided to see how much I could cut away using this large Dremel piece and I also discovered that this just makes magical battle damage just to scuff up the perfect lines of all the armor so I'm just going to go absolutely ham with this and distract so much of this lovely armor piece I will say this is probably one of the most anxiety-inducing things I've seen in the studio because you've effectively got a rotary Dremel tool that is shooting up so much particulate fibrous resin into the air that's a real breathing Hazard yep I have basically secluded myself in this part of the building I've got fans sitting next to me to clean myself later I've got all the respiratory correct things on and just a little bit of a movie Magic I'm only doing some of these cuts for the camera the rest I'm actually doing inside a bit so uh there's little behind the scenes there I did think that was especially worth mentioning though to the viewers at home if you do plan on doing the same sort of thing to any resin model you really need to be careful because you don't want to breathe this stuff in here we have my lovely battle damaged piece and now it's time to see if I can bend it off to the hot water all right so one very readily available way of bending resin and basically to get it to fit usually with these kits is to dash it in hot water and let it soak for a while and so that's what I'm gonna try here and it kind of worked until it didn't it just sort of snapped clean across the top uh and at this point I have to make a decision do I use this or do I try and fix it and I decided that now I'm gonna use it I'm going to keep the split across here and then I'm actually going to further break the small pieces towards the end angle them up so the large carp is here is cracked and then all the smaller pieces towards the AFT of the mech have just blown up now when things like this happen I always try to make the most of it I could have just gone and fixed it but I want to make this part The Narrative that it broke this way and and we're sort of gonna do the same thing with the wall or do you watch The Sword in half and just bits fell off it everywhere as we did so and we're just going to use that as part of the narrative on how the entire thing has basically Fallen apart in the previous videos we talked about this chord Titan and we really wanted to make it look like it had been blown up by one of the High Caliber weapons Titans will maybe a volcano Cannon shot straight to the core yeah so we want to make this huge tunnel basically excavated via large Ordnance through the center of this entire type so that's going to mean cutting through a few large bulkheads of resin so I'm going to drill a whole lot of pilot holes and then switch to bigger drill bits and I think that's going to be the best way we can get through this bro this is what you usually do with wood when you're going to drill enough holes that you can get a jigsaw bit into it basically I'm going to follow the outline that I've drawn on with a sharpie where I want the hole and then basically fill in as many of the leftover gaps as possible with drill until it's small enough that I can cut through it and take this mangled piece of the center out oh the heavy Hardware is coming out Murray yes I now have to match the hole in the actual head which attaches onto the neck to make the hole line up so I'm just going to hack apart a big V shape from ahead using the reciprocating saw it's a little bit difficult to hold here but I'm just going to take it slow the idea here is that I want the blast to have gone straight through the heads and the body but with the chin I'm going to try and later peel this down a bit by heating it so it's sort of superheated and just slowed down a little bit as the entire vehicle has died there's going to be three crew in here usually but two of them have just been absolutely annihilated the last one was instantly killed but was just far enough from the blast that he has miraculously been preserved [Music] okay yeah we did the thing we shorted the power this is hard and when things are hard I give up it's time again yeah nice yes yes oh oh hello what hidden warpage did I unlock look at that wow yeah that's kind of the vibe beat bent yeah so we need to do that for that side too and it will yep now after all this work it's just like what for Jordan is like when you receive it from the manufacturer so for those who don't know Titans of this class have a crew of three plus a mechanicus tech Adept which we're not really going to go into but in the cockpit there is a princess and two moderati now in this particular cockpit the princess and moderati were vaporized all save one who seems to have been shielded in the corner we thought it would be amazing to turn this into a sort of a revered corpse a mummified body that has been turned into a small Shrine by the tech adepts that can manage to reach up into this Titan 10 000 years later sort of the last physical embodiment of one of the crew members who stayed loyal into the very end yes this one corpse has basically become the entire embodiment of all the heroes who fought in this battle now I did want this to work and I was very glad I discovered that bodies don't decompose on Mars they actually just dry out in mummify because there's no bacteria there and you're wild to think of that that would just sit there forever yeah no oxygen no bacteria so yeah there's no decomposition it's all just drying the corpse is Cannon it's fine right so I've knocked a hole through the neck and the head of this thing now it's time to put it all together we peeled apart the back where all the explosion has just gutted the rest of him as I said with the neck hole I wanted to make it look like the superheated metal has been knocked out and then Fallen back down and oozed back into place before cooling leaving these big snail Trail drips of molten metal I'm going to use milliput to try and recreate this and just make this cave-like hole this sort of nice circular effect as everything is pulled into the corners of this now destroyed vehicle you'll see in the Deus Tempest is built I actually use UV resin for my solution to the melted metal problem basically a whole lot of innovation and trailing different things at once which uh is kind of cool it's nice to sort of turn around to see what other Solutions people have come up with this is now the finished Hull all that's left is all the detailing and I'm going to start with the head now it's time to make our little moderati and it wouldn't do to just glue in the one who is alive and piloting the thing you know I'm gonna cut him apart it's basically just going to use his top half cut off his head so I have this nice Gorge piece and I'm going to Mill apart the rest of him as he just needs to look a bit deflated because there is a unfortunately not much of him left it's all just skin wrapped bone so I'm gonna see about sculpting that in and now with that done it's time to work on the shrine that's been laid around him it's a whole lot of Purity seals scriptures and also a little Imperial Eagle just hung above him to commemorate the incident and the amazing worth of the Imperium Murray it's your turn to build a six-barreled Titan weapon it sure is um I think that most of these are more or less straight I gave them a little roll like he would like uh rolling out some Play-Doh sausage but uh they all seem to be pretty straight so I'm just going to carefully hold them together and I'm actually dry fitting the bottoms and gluing the tops so I can be super certain they're good well I've been since informed that the Gatling Blaster is in fact a laser weapon and I feel lied to because my whole life I just thought that was the gun from dawn of War winter assault there was a big laser gun no you just said it you were informed it was a laser gun what isn't 150 millimeter bombardment cannon oh is it how do they keep that much ammo in the gun wouldn't it run out of ammo in like eight seconds the same way they get those shells into the Lehman Ross cannon inside that turret what are you doing knocking foreign I'm just taking the grime I'm basically going to copy everything Dave's done so I have a good guide to go off I'm going to do spots of this dark one and then we're going to move to The Brighter one and then we can continue on from there it's Grime time so you've seen these steps before we've seen them all before yep it's the same as we did for the other Titan it's basically two coats of streaking grain but here is a problem and to solve this problem we're gonna have to talk to the person who uh cleaned this up so it came time for me to pull back some of this streaking Grime and I got told this got left overnight not overnight it was over the weekend oh great even more time for it to dry on so it was really hard to try and pull this back but with a little bit of effort I did try my best and some of it did come off you can see here that it is much more strongly adhered to than it was on the Deus tempestus and a good I guess lesson if you're after this extremely weather beaten and rusted look you can keep your Grime on for a longer period of time but if you want to pull most of it off take that off a lot quicker all right it's time for you to learn the ways of chipping media yep I'm gonna put it all over this nice big piece as I think that basically all the nice molded Parts would be painted over so they're going to get a nice chipping and then in with the Imperial blue with the airbrush and highlighting that up as well yeah I'm going over very closely and roughly moving the brush around so I get a very irregular pattern all the paint would have come off at various degrees and over time different rates you might say yes that's the word I'm struggling for all right so I'm going to use masking tape to get some nice clean lines and some interesting focal points on the different armor panels and here is a nice peely oh yeah I like that your solution to the armor panels was to actually just spray really carefully in between them rather than to worry about masking off the trim yes I have finally finished spraying and priming all of the colors on my Reverb now I can actually do all the freehand in details and even the cockpit diorama so uh I think it's time to get into that it's time for the really nice juicy part of these Titans which is doing all the nice little freehand across the armor panels I'm gonna have some nice little focal points and then I'm going to move into just some regular scribble that you might see on your Purity seals really the emperor decrees death he sure does he does a lot of that so I kind of finished everything but I stopped one thing up if you notice the lovely freehand I did on the left knee pad some of the more astute might notice that I put it upside down yes the text is now upside down and I don't want it to look horrible on the Titan so I'm actually going to have this as some Rubble that's on the ground the Reaver still looks cool without the knee pad actually it kind of looks like it's a bit more worn down like it's got a knee joint showing uh that's what I'm going with that's a little bit of a mistake um it looked great it looked right up that way oops but uh these things happen uh and I'm just gonna I'm gonna roll with it okay now it's time for the little diorama that I've spent so much time working over and I'm going to paint him in this sort of a faded tattered blue overalls I'm gonna go in leaving some of the street and grime showing in the recesses painting my fairly cleanly and then I'm going to weather him down here as he has sort of charred along the rest of the insides of the river I love that he's there I don't know how he somehow survived a shot hot enough to melt through a Titan yeah it's pretty miraculous that he has five that much considering all the metal around him is also melted but uh it makes a nice dramatic scene maybe the other moderati was just like looming over him having a chat and he just got vaporized and like took the blast of heat it's the same logic as all the Space Marine helmets being like blown off to reveal the face underneath which would have been instantly polarized beforehand hey it looks cool and that's what matters yeah look at that little guy I wanted some text to go here but honestly I couldn't think of anything suitably dramatic in the moment so I just went for some half words you can see strength Mankind and Valor here we are finishing up dramatic parts foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and a massive thank you to World of Tanks for sponsoring this video thank you so much to our patrons for coming along on this ride you truly do make the magic happen if you'd be interested in signing up to our patreon links are in the description and uh you can follow the Titan build as it goes on right now yeah it's been really fun to just sort of share little sneak peeks and tidbits with the community and it's great to see what everyone else in the hobby Community is up to so once again thank you all and have a beautiful day specifically the patrons I did it you did it I did it I blew a hole through a giant resin model somehow I can't believe how big it is I'd forgotten like it's Standing Tall on its legs yeah it's massive yeah it's shockingly close to how big the warlord is somehow and my brain can't really comprehend that how that works but it's done however you might have noticed that it isn't actually on the board yet we are actually going to keep it off the board until we finish this uh Rocky terrain here that's Jen's next project so stay tuned for her and I hope you will join for that maybe subscribe if you want to keep up with everything going on here yeah how could you not with this Titan board it's getting crazy goodbye I want to see him where he's going to live I want to see him in his home there oh this board's gonna be so cool you can see through his head hi Murray hi Dave in this video we're gonna bro the we're gonna bro we're gonna rope
Channel: Tabletop Time
Views: 63,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RPG, DnD, roleplay, role play, role, play, pathfinder, stream, live, livestream, dice, dragons, dungeons, LARP, tabletop, table, game, gaming, roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons, Roll Play, D&D, Dungeons, Dragons, Pen and Paper, roleplayoing, itmeJP, campaign, story, storytelling, matt mercer, Criticall Role, Critical Roll, D20, D6, cogent, cogent roleplay, warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, miniature, mini painting, kitbash, customize, custom chapter, greenstuff, sculpt, games workshop
Id: puMV3cEGXCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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