Finally... A Rhino Conversion- Warhammer 40K Conversion/Kitbash

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if you've ever finished painting a model and you spent a minimum of at least 2 hours staring at it go ahead and hit that like button gentlemen welcome to conversion beam today I wanted to try something that I've rarely seen done before and that would be a rhino conversion but then I got thinking and I thought I don't want to do something that's really been done I want to do something that's never been done now I have seen a few rhinos painted in the scheme but I've never seen a conversion of an apothecari and Rhino and that's what we'll be tackling today now there's a fair few Rhino kits to choose from I was tossing up between a rhino primaris and a damos rhino but I ultimately ended up going with this old stalker I had lying around I purchased it secondhand a while ago from Iron hands Army and it came pre-assembled and I'm so glad that whoever built it used super glue because my first step is to remove the imperialis on the front because uh I'm kidding I'm kidding it's it's a funny joke very funny you you really don't need to tell the Inquisition about this anyways once I've got that off I use a dull knife to scrape away the super glue that was underneath and I repeat the process for the second Eagle my next step is to remove all the Clutter from the top I do love extra detail but this just looks a bit too overcrowded to me if you ever find yourself doing something like this I'd recommend sassing all the way through with nerve cuz if you pull at it the superg glue might tear a chunk of plastic out of the model like it did for me I could already tell that when I had to clean the surface those rectangles are going to get in the way not wanting to deal with that I cut them away using a sharp knife and then I grab a dll blade and I use this to scrape away at the surface until I'm confident it'll appear flat once Prime is applied reasonably satisfied of that I move on to the general cleaning of the model in this step any overapplied superg glue any mold lines any sprew tabs are all removed from the model now the next step is very important if you skip it you'll receive no forehead kisses for the rest of your life this is something I've done for you every single night right after you fall asleep do you really want to lose that and that's drilling down the exhaust Stacks I honestly think think leaving those flat is a bigger crime than not drilling your barrels anyways I start clearing away the old bases for the broken antennas making some room to add new ones later on now the final bit of body work I wanted to do before adding new stuff on was to fill in those holes in the front probably should have done a bit of research before using this AK interactive modeling potty cuz this straight up ruined my day I tried to apply it using my finger and I made the biggest mess possible all my Clumsy attempts to make it neat just made it significantly worse so I figured my best option here was to clean it once it's DED so the next day I started scraping away and I started thinking to myself there's no way I'm getting this out of all the crevices and I've lost too much detail I've ruined the model but with sheer willpower and hours of work I managed to recover all of the detail that was lost I was pretty bummed out that I had to go through all that but what's worse is that I didn't even fill in the holes I'm not saying it's a bad product I'm just saying I probably didn't use it correctly so I break out the Old Faithful Milli putt trying again to f in those slots and it looked good at the time but once I got paint on the model I realized it didn't work as well as I'd hoped and that certainly reflected on the final product but I don't think it ended up being too noticeable at this point I was considering cutting off the stability pegs at the bottom but I ultimately decided against it since I'm adding a heavy Sero W later on and I figured if dhino ever needs to move something heavier than itself having those extra anchor points could prove very beneficial for it so with all a bodyw work done I can finally start making additions to this tank the first thing I'm going to add is a hunter killer missile from the Horus heresy vehicle upgrade sprew once that is cut out cleaned and assembled I just glue it straight down next to the stormbolter the next thing I wanted to add was a big search light to one of the weapon hard points but the best thing I could find was a scanner array from the impulser kit it's not exactly what I was looking for but honestly it's a really good fit once I glued it down I was really happy with how it looked the next bit is also from the impulser kit it's just a spare antenna that I never ended up using and this slots right in place at the area we cleared up earlier where the old antenna used to be with that glued down we can move on to the next part and here I'm going to be using a smoke launcher from the horos heresy upgrade kit again it's just so much better looking than the old retro smoke launchers the place I want to glue this down has a bit of detail in the way so I'm going to need to cut it down with a sharp knife and scrape it flat with a dull one I did get a little bit worried for a second that that radar dish would block it from firing but it does clear it satisfied of that I Can Begin work on the Rhino's custom gravity on assisted heavy Servo arm for the Bas plate we're going to be combining this utility hard point from the impulser which we already know is a good fit and need more barrels from the astr militarum field ordinance kit to ensure a flat surface on the impulsive bit I cut away that protruding circular piece on top and of course scrape it flat with a Dull Knife I repeat this process on the bottom of the astrom militarum bit removing that rectangular nub with that complete I glue those two pieces together and I set them aside for later again from that same astrom militarum kid I grabbed this last Cannon this will make up the bulk of the Sero arm but I'm going to need to do a bit of modification to make it work I start by cutting away those Nubs on top and I clean the surface next I clip away the Cog wheel trying my best not to damage it because I actually want to use that later once that is cleaned I grabbed the librarian dreadn arm from the blood Angel's furiosa dreadn kit I intend to make this the head of the server arm assembly so I lined them up to get a better perspective on where I want to cut to remove the dreadn shoulder piece when I put down a bit of pressure to cut away those wires I nearly snapped the piece in half while I was able to bend it back in place that joint is permanently weakened making me very hesitant to use it but I didn't see this conversion working out without using it so I forged on placing my cuts as carefully as I could with that done I grabbed one of the landmines from the infiltrator and en cursor kit I felt like this piece would be a good stand in for a graviton generator and that divot in the middle would be essentially perfect to house the area of the dreadon arm that I just cut which I achieved by Drowning it in glue now you'll see is's a pretty outstanding hole here and I decided to cover that up using a server score from I think the old Cadian Shock Trooper kit this is done by cutting away the pipes at the bottom and then trimming the back of the skull so it's flat making the process of gluing it on very simple now to act as the grabby thing for the Sero arm I used this very old Claw from I believe the venerable dreadnut kit this seriously fits inside the en curs of mine like a glove no modification needed with the base and the head of the Sero arm complete all that's left to do is the body for that I ended up dipping back into the astr militar field ordinance kit since they were originally used to Pivot the L Cannon I'm using it wouldn't really make sense to use anything else after clipping away those bars I slide them into the LZ Cannon and test fit them against the base I was happy with the fit but before I glued it on I decided I want the LZ Cannon to sit upside down to separate it from well that distinctive LZ Cannon look a little bit more once that is glued on and dry I clip away the extra pivot Points and the muzzle for the last Cannon after scraping that end cap flat in preparation to attach the head assembly I realized both of these pieces have similar diameter holes that are supposed to line up with each other I found a tube from the Retro smoke launcher slots in perfectly so I used that as the connector piece so once that's shaved down to size these bits fit together like two lesbians and a cucumber once that's complete I attach a targeting system on the side of the body I'm not sure if this came from the repulse executioner or the Gladiator kit but I'm liking its Vibe I felt like some sort of cowling need to be added to really this as a tool used by Space Marines so I use this bit of armor plating from I believe the stormtalon gunship it's got the right size I'm looking for and it's almost got the right shape but it's going to need a little bit of modification first a car we a detail on the side and then using a pair of Clippers I cut out the rough shape that I'm looking for with that done on both sides I get a knife out and scrape down to refine the edges a bit more and also ensure that both the cuts match each other a bit more precisely after test fitting I can immediately see that those two pieces in the middle need to be trimmed down so I get that done and I glue it down so now it's time to reattach that Cog wheel it takes quite a few cuts to get it down to the size I want but once it's on I'm not stoked with how it looks but I revisit it a bit later in the video the last add-on for the Servo arm is this piece I have no clue what it is I don't know where I got it from but I have like 20 of them so after clipping off the hinge on the back of that cowling I glue it down I was originally going to just glue down down the serw and have this astr militarum cable run through the back of it but I decided against it cuz I want to eventually magnetize it down the track but I don't have any magnets powerful enough yet so what you see later in the video is just blue teack with that executive decision made we can move on to the final part of this conversion and that would be an exterior medicate station I got this idea from purging Heretics on dark tide or maybe more so getting purged by Heretics on dark tide and having to use a medicate station anyways the base for this is going to be the cockpit interior from the stormtalon gunship if you hold it at this angle I think it makes for a pretty convincing terminal but as you may see it's going to take a fair bit of cutting to make it fit so I start by removing big chunks with the Clippers and then making more precise Cuts with the knife test fitting as I go this takes a good amount of trial and error but once I find the angle I'm looking for I run it across some sandpaper to get it flat removing those pesky hinges before I glue it in place now you'll be able to see the SP my efforts there's still a slight Gap there but don't worry I address that a bit later to really sell this as a Medicare station I wanted to add vital fluids to each side of it to achieve that I decided to use an astrom militarium flamer backpack so I proceeded to cut it in half and remove the attach pieces to achieve the effect I'm going for I'm going to have to cut away the skull once that is complete I can glue them both to the Medicare station now if we're counting blunders made during this conversion I believe this would be number three here I have the inter interior panel for a storm Raven gunship and after going through all this effort cutting and sanding I realize I'm not really happy with how it looks so I return that to the bids box and pull out another panel from the same kit and after cutting it down the size I realized this one doesn't look half bad so after I glue that down I used this old Dreadnaught face plate to cover up a hole that's very visible from the top and then I finally decide to do something about the Gap I mentioned earlier first I come up with this really interesting idea using a chains sword but like a microsc in the test fitting I realized it looks so stupid so I whip out the milliot and using my extremely limited sculpting skills I just shove it in that hole and scrape away until it's flat I repeat this process on the other side and I think it looks a little bit better than the first attempt now I didn't film this part but I figured while I have the Milt out I might as well fill in this gap on a Servo arm that's bothering me so much listen I know they're not perfect and I know they're very little sculps or if you can even call them sculps but I'm very satisfied of how these turned out all right so now we're really on the final stretch for this conversion the second last piece we're going to be adding is a little Servo arm from the catron Destroyer kit this slots in place very nicely behind the panel and I used that top cover bit to give it another connection point for more stability and now for the very last piece of this conversion I'm going to be cheating a little bit I've had this 3D printed Apothecary drill in my bits box for many years and this is just a perfect chance to use it I do hope you can forgive me for being an absolute heretic and that completes the conversion I am mostly happy with how this turned out I kind of wish I put a servator in a Medicare Station instead of that panel and I also wish I committed to filling in those holes a bit more it would have given me a bit more space for the freehand Apothecary symbol which was also my first attempt at freehand so go easy on me now if you enjoyed the video don't forget to like And subscribe cuz it'll make me really happy happy to see you in the next one [Music] [Music] thanks [Music] [Music]
Channel: Conversion Beam
Views: 40,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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