Converting 40k Steel Legion to crush Dave's Traitor Guard!

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and we have been loving the new Canadian models so we both got the Cadia stands box and today we're going to customize some awesome field guns because neither of us collect katio so we want to do some conversions and create our own existing armies sort of tie into those so I'm going to be launching into making more Trader guard and I'm going to be adding to my steel Legion from Armageddon Army let's do it yes bam so it was time to dive into our boxes and start building some artillery now Murray you had originally got this box for a different project right yes I had Grand plans or have grand plans to actually use all the Infantry for uh 30k I was gonna make some solo auxiliary infantry and see where that leads me but I'm not going to use artillery so this is actually perfect so this was one of my first experiences with a super new Games Workshop kit same really and these sprues are just more and more packed every single time it's nice to see that at least some passing understanding of engineering seems to have gone into this artillery whether or not it fits any real world analogues doesn't matter it looks like it would work which is almost a first for Games Workshop but overall I did find it went together pretty well with the exception of the Gun Barrel so with the base of the guns assembled this is about as far as we can go before our Journeys diverge Murray yeah yeah I'm more or less going to keep following the instructions and then there'll be some additions later but you're going to hard cut about here yes it's time for me to tell you a little bit more about the traitor guard so one of the things I adore about Imperial Guard armies and Trader guard armies is artillery which is why the field guns in particular drew me in I'd previously built a bunch of artillery from my Trader guard and I was really excited to get to make this one something that I want to do a little bit different about my Trader guard is I'm trying to make them feel like a militia or a planetary Defense Force that has actually fully turned away from the Imperium these aren't ragtag cultists that you'd find in the chaos Space Marines list these are actually fully trained and equipped militaries from entire sectors that have fallen to chaos perhaps in the Imperium nihilus however because of their slightly degenerating leadership structure and their need to you can script every last person I do like to make sure there's a little bit more of a Rough and Ready appearance to my Traders some of them are in the PDF uniform some of them are in high-tech guard regimen uniforms but others of them are using more scrapped together armor from perhaps personal militias police forces or whatever and I guess one similarity between mung and Murray's forces is the gas masks almost all of my Traders have gas masks or cloths over their face because I like to imagine this world is a horrible Ash waste that they're fighting over unfortunately a lot of my old models are no longer usable even in the guard Kodak with heavy mortars and earthshaker batteries being Forge Road compendium units that haven't gotten pretty much any love in literally years I'm looking forward to making some field guns to satisfy my craving for heavy artillery alright so I'm working on my Renegade guns and I have a secret weapon an ancient Relic in fact and something that I miss from the bygone days of Forge World that's right I have the last pieces of my Renegades and hair ticks etched brass and this is uh Mark 2007 so I guess that makes it 16 years old although that's terrifying to say they don't make this stuff anymore they certainly don't do edged brass but it has a really special place in the worlds of conversions I'm gonna use some of that on my gun all right so when looking to make my traitor guns the first thing I had to look at was my collection of bits now for my previous guard on the channel I had predominantly swapped the plastic bits from the blooded kill Team box with the new Canadian kit however there's a lot of different elements here that make me not want to lean in that direction and first and foremost is all of the blooded torsos have a little bit of a jacket that goes down below the waist and for this sitting model I think that's going to be a bit of a pain to try and just kit bash together so my choice here was to use some of the classic Forge World Renegades and Heretics torsos now for this Gunner it was really important to me that I keep the legs and I also keep the arms because they're designed to attach on these little wheels that raise the elevator with gun so really for this guy it was just a torso and head swap which is one convenient piece but I also wanted to hide one of the larger seams on the shoulder so I used this uh cool Trader shoulder pad as well on the minis [Music] [Music] alright so the front of my gun is going to be more or less pristine exactly as out of the box however you're going to do a bit of chaos of firing yeah I need some sacrilege here uh first of all I want to make the sort of silhouette of the gun just looks slightly different I don't want to take it too far these aren't chaos Space Marines and in fact in my lore they don't even really know what chaos is beyond the most basic concept so all I've done here is I'm shaving off the Aquila and then I'm going to use the mythical etched brass of a bygone era I'm definitely sad to be using it as it disappears but it's good to put it to good use and to finish off the gun with the edge brass I came in with a generic chaos sigil with a nice bit of what looks like etched graffiti on the bottom of it as well as two numbers just to denote the gun's designation in the Army okay as I move on to the traitor crew I wanted to do something that we call hurry up and waiting with my poses I I think that in war so often all of our pieces of equipment are posed in the midst of fighting but I thought with an artillery crew it would be cool to have the loader not actually actively loading the shell they're just sort of standing there ready waiting to be called upon to load a shell so for this model I did actually use the blooded kill Team box to grab the Torso but then I used some of the arms from the Acadian boxes to find what I needed for the head I grabbed one of the Cadian heads that I liked with the inbuilt earmuffs that made a lot of sense but I made sure to carve away that pesky Aquila foreign model of the crew I had this awesome Vox Caster operator I believe from the trader command sprue but he was never going to get used as that and I thought he made a really cool Logistics Commander for a Trader artillery battery and to carry The Narrative of the loader that's at rest this Commander is actually going to be walking up to the front of the trench it's almost as if they're checking their fire making sure their targets are destroyed I don't imagine this crew was being close into the action this is definitely a well behind the battle line artillery in placement so to build up this trench I know a lot of trenches often get a lot of mud down in them and they'll place wooden boards to ensure that they you know can have somewhat dry feet or stable surfaces so I use popsicle sticks and carved into them with a knife to give that effect then I built up the front of the board with some cork board and then covered it all in a healthy supply of just a mud texture of nice yeah I love just even if it's unintentional the sort of ram trucker where you throw all these popsicle sticks together sort of gives the intention of how quickly is just thrown together to create this emplacement I love it so you're finishing up here and you're just finding the best way to place all your little infantrymen or your crew this is fantastic this is like exactly what you want to see from this it's basically a diorama that we've made despite being a completely usable game piece you're just telling a little narrative within this space and I think that's the best part of this project but I think we've seen enough of these Traders for now Murray why don't you tell us all about your steel Legion very well steel Legion has always held a special place in my heart ever since I saw their artwork in I think the second or third edition codex of Imperial Guard back when it was mandatory to take transports for every single unit even the heavy weapons teams so I have quite a lot of apcs and chimeras which I am actually really quite proud of even though it has not let me win many tournaments two points uh my opponents were all very grateful though however I love the aesthetic just all the tight-knit Infantry fighting in the wastes the deserts inside the factories and just supported by by endless amounts of apcs and heavy tanks that are just being produced even as they fight I have collected these for I don't want to think about how long but I really enjoy the aesthetic I've tried to match the color scheme as close to the artwork as close as possible and this has been a really good passion for me over all these years I keep collecting tanks and I even have another Bane blade to build and convert into a storm blade was my plan you may have seen it pop up in my stomper video but now I get to add a bit more infantry to it made out of plastic as opposed to the old pewter which is quite heavy and very expensive here to hold up so time to see if I can recreate some of these in plastic now for today's part of the project he had all these extra bits that he could just swap out I don't really have that I actually have a couple of spare steel Legion models that aren't built or painted and I have cut off like heads and things in the past but it is a right pain to do that to some a few diminishes so I'm going to try and use as much of the Canadian Parts as possible I also have access to one of the Creed kill teams but I'm going to use the novelty of the Canadians as well and just try and use as much of these as possible now there's still going to be a little bit of green stuff going on namely The Masks but I think that's going to be fairly easy as the guest masks are sort of just a lump so that's not going to be too bad the actual cable to the gas mask to the rebreather located on the chest might be a bit more difficult but all across that bridge when we get to it the next biggest difference is of course that the steel agent aren't actually equipped in carapace armor so I'm going to have to cut off all this lovely armor and just make a nice boggy mess that I can sort of touch up a bit with green stuff and turn into those nice uniforms [Music] now decided to build the loader and the commander at more or less the same time so we're going to bounce between them a bit mainly because it was easy to do that as the Gunner himself was you know glued to the gun now for the loader I wanted someone in action hefting at the piece basically using one of the existing poses I really liked it they're wearing big heavy gloves which is another thing that the steel agent have just these really oversized gloves just more a nature of their old models but I really like okay so I'm going to try and keep it a bit [Music] this is from the death corpse Craig kit I'm going to use one of their heads because I think that their helmet will be perfect for the commander and with just a few additions and removals it's going to fit in perfectly [Music] all right Murray this is something I had avoided green stuff take it from here the biggest Parts I'm going to be doing with green stuff are the gas masks tightening up the areas around the chest just to make it look a bit nicer and of course the bottoms of the trench coats around their legs now the commander has a longer trench coat almost down to his ankles so I'm actually going to buff out his leg area in between his legs so I have something to push against a little bit so the green stuff I put on doesn't just sort of get pushed in between his legs I wanted to sort of flow out a little bit Now Dave it's something that I've always loved about the law of Steel Legion is that the Orcs break into their huge high of cities and they're basically fighting inside the compounds and the factories the factories that are famous for just producing hundreds and millions of chimera tanks and so they're fighting around all these production assembly lines while they're still operating so they're literally fighting around the factories where these tanks are still being built so I wanted to replicate this foreign quickly interrupt this video to say that these videos are all brought to you thanks to the support of our amazing patrons and every month we do a really cool Mini review where we go through and check out the minis of our patrons I've got a video on our patreon as well as regular updates behind the scenes bloopers all that kind of nonsense so if you'd love to support the channel consider signing up to our patreon links are in the description thanks everyone come hang out I thought you're gonna take my shirt off then I got momentarily very confused now Mario you brought in a beautiful paint guide that you'd kept for years with all your instructions on it right I sure did it was hastily scribbled and is very many years old now ah yes see I never do anything that organized and I vaguely tried to recall how I painted these models so in hindsight looking back at this I actually used the wrong gray for my pants I used my old gray rather new ones so um yeah I should have painted these a shade lighter but whatever still looks cool and uh there's no consistency in a Trader's military uniform yeah I think you get away with it they found vaguely gray coveralls and that's that was their uniform now something I find with Warhammer models is there's a tendency to paint all the details all the little gubbins the cogs the gears everything in a different way and I have done this historically especially with Carol Space Marines but I decided with my Trader guard I wanted them to feel a little bit more grounded and you can see that in my paint Scheme it's a little bit more realistic and muted but I'm also doing that with the gun most military equipment is is just painted a single color especially military equipment from World War II which these designs are aping off so for the gun I went with a gray just all over it I went with the same gray the darker gray of my armor for the whole gun which I can then embellish with some Rust and also the etched brass areas there weren't too many parts on these models which were unique from other Traders in my Force if you'd like to check out a more detailed description of how I paint these Traders uh go check out my kill team video up there in the cards however the base was a new element there is a really nice large area with these new field guns yeah they're a lot larger than usual usually the model sort of spills over the base I'm thinking of the old Chrysler suits in particular everything just sort of overhead struggled to find in boot on the base but these are just made for dioramas yeah it really feels like I moved towards telling a story on the model and I actually really love it for these artillery now for the color schemes one of the tertiary colors for my guard is a dark brown so I went for a lighter brown for the Timber and then one interesting thing I did is when I got to the wash stage I actually used some coalia green shade washers in patches before going over most of it in agra's Earth shade this gives some natural areas where the wood looks to be rotting or a little bit discolored yeah yeah just giving a bit of natural variation I like it now the traitor world that my Homebrew force is inspired by lives on a fairly Barren Hive world that is there are hives but outside the hives we have lots of this gray Ash wastes sort of terrain with a smattering of brown soil mixed in between another fun little area of pop my newer Trader guard have is a more obvious bit of connection to the alpha Legion who've inspired their Revolution so a lot of my tertiary command colors my little spot details are done in the same Alpha Legion teals as I use for my heresy force it also makes just a lovely accent across all the Browns and Grays and also while I've leaned away from doing this on the actual inventory armor of my models on larger equipment such as field guns I've added a few little patches of rust in I think these oranges and Browns help to just blend this in with the rest of the army and it's a real nice little pop of and the last touch all my forces get once again to bring that earthy tone through the whole model is burnt umber weathering pigment especially focused towards the lower parts of the model yeah I do love that despite the fact that you painted this entire model gray you've managed to find so many ways to introduce color I think you've come a long way as a painter oh thank you and uh this is what I would call a this is this is probably my only Army that I genuinely call a tabletop standard without feeling like I'm lying I I think this is a pretty efficient paint Scheme and I'm really happy with it oh yeah all right so we're painting my steel Legend the first thing I want to do is get a nice base coat down for the fatigues I'm going to use Evelyn Sunset my recipe that I've used for years and I'm just going to build that up thin coats people now one thing I like doing is adding a bit of color and flavor and texture into all my pieces since it's going to be a lot of metal so I'm actually going to start with a brown then I'm going to basically over brush metal over this and then follow up with null oil which is going to add all my depth flavor and texture and it's going to look very nice very quickly this is a nice example on how I paint all the helmets and carapace armor on my entry it's actually basically the same step as the metal per round slapped everywhere sort of bit dirty and gritty and then instead of going for metal I'm going to go in with a nice dark green heavily dry brush this over and just get a really nicely gritty get lots of lines and it looks good and then again numb oil over the top it's almost like this is going to be a lot of numb oil and I'm just going to stipple in the sort of pattern that I like that steel agent uses for most of their tanks in the official art it's just lines of Sandy yellow and it's just going to go darkling across nice and messy and there is the famous null Royal yep foreign a nice bit of hearty punch I'm going to shade them using Fugue and orange I'm going to put it on fairly lightly since it's a pretty strong wash so that's everything broadly done now now it's time to Lavish all the details now what I'm actually using here is the Armageddon Dunes technical paint that Games Workshop makes and I'm just going to absolutely slam this down and just then spread it around foreign in fact I can't wait to see the reveals but even just watching you place the models and find the places in this to create your scene is really cool what I think is really cool is this does feel like the perfect juxtaposition of the loyal crew loading their weapon and also my dirty trench-filled chaos crew yeah I'm so happy we've got to do this they're going to look fantastic next to each other foreign and as always we'd love to give a big thank you to our patrons your support allows us to make two videos a week and continually try and do more and interesting things in the worlds of Warhammer and if you sign up to our patreon at any level we get a shout out in one of our videos when you sign up as well as joining the Eternal Scroll of Patron Champions over our reveals mine just looks like uh looks like a gray blob on the camera like an actual field in placement I might just telegraphs where I am really I'm bright orange I'm here looks great well we're done that was super super fun I hope you enjoyed the journey and a dive into some conversions some cool little designs yeah and what's capable with just a single box set of what is sort of just the original sort of Mainstay of the kill guard but let's spice it up the vanilla boys so if you like this video and want to see more let us know if you want Murray's steel Legion shout in the comments if you want more of my Trader guard Journey well you're getting at least one more video I'm already working one but but beyond that uh yeah let us know let us know what you want to see because we love making cool Hammer 40k stuff thanks for watching thanks to our patrons hope you enjoyed it maybe tickle the like button I don't know particular like button see you next time caress that subscribe [Music]
Channel: Tabletop Time
Views: 127,137
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Keywords: RPG, DnD, roleplay, role play, role, play, pathfinder, stream, live, livestream, dice, dragons, dungeons, LARP, tabletop, table, game, gaming, roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons, Roll Play, D&D, Dungeons, Dragons, Pen and Paper, roleplayoing, itmeJP, campaign, story, storytelling, matt mercer, Criticall Role, Critical Roll, D20, D6, cogent, cogent roleplay, warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, miniature, mini painting, kitbash, customize, custom chapter, greenstuff, sculpt, games workshop
Id: 04OfA9oqNGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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