SIEGE! Chaos Boarding Ogryns for 40k!

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and today I'm going to be making some big chungus Lads oh it's a big boys that's right I'm going to be making Trader algarins and I'm going to be making these specifically for boarding actions we're talking Big Slab Shields to smash down walls and uh I've got a little idea to Homage Rainbow Six Siege oh well that but let's do it let's get those Lads going those big chungus boys let's do it so it's time to actually start and I'm pretty excited ever since the new agrins and pilgrims came out I wanted to do something with these giant slab Shields and making some awesome boarding action Arguments for my trainer guard seems like the perfect thing to do I've been eyeing off this ball grin kit for a long time and I don't even collect astromelotarm well until Trader guard recently and I already knew the equipment I had to pick for boarding actions definitely those massive slab shields for advancing up corridors and those brutal bullgrun malls for you know cracking skulls once you get there the Assembly of the bullgrun models was pretty simple and easy broadly but I did have a major conversion to do which is one of the poses I'm going to be emulating the cover of Rainbow Six Siege which means I'm gonna need one of these Burgers to be running so I pretty violently hacked up the forward leg of one of these balloons just so you could be leaning into a run a little bit more heavily this required some careful positioning of the shield and chopping of the arm as well to make sure he was holding it Forward at an aggressive Angle now if you've never built the auger and ballgrin kit I will say one thing I really like about it is the way that the bulgren armor closes around the Torso of the Agron so you have these nice singlets for the ogreens and then this armor that goes on top which means there's detail preserved underneath and all together I just think it's a really cool way of building these kits but speaking of that armor it was time for me to clean up some of the filthier elements of it are you removing this sequilla from this chest plate by now Jen you should know that is standard fare for my Trader gun no pesky aquilas here hey I did this too recently so I can't talk I was actually really impressed with how cleanly they all came up once the equivalents were removed and hey if you made any mistakes it would just be battle damage at the end of the day the next major change was one I honestly didn't expect I brought a box of bits from chaos Warriors for age of Sigma and within it I actually found these old heads from Dragon ogres it's one of those funny situations where conversion leads to conversion leads to conversion a long time ago I had made some slaneshi Dragon ogres I'd actually swapped all of their heads with bits from the chaos spawn kit which left me with dragon ogre heads now I planned on putting gas masks on my ogrens and green stuffing them on so the big underbite and sharp teeth wasn't going to be a problem I'm going to be covering that all up now I was remarkably surprised to see the dragon ogre and ogren heads were literally the same size and there's something really cool about these angular medieval looking aggressive helmets that suits a traitor guard aesthetic for augrans now of course these heads did Mount differently on the next but all that required was some careful clipping and carving until I could find a nice little fit but due to the perfect scale match the dragon ogre heads fit on like a dream I actually really like his underbite it kind of gives him some more character [Music] now a theme for all but the poorest of conscripts in my Trader God Army is gas masks the world I imagine they come from is sort of an ash waste so there's heaps of Need for Respiratory protection and while ogarens are incredibly stupid their commanding officers do see them as a useful resource worthy of protection and inboarding actions oxygen can be very important so these ogreens have big tanks on their back which I made from the flamethrower tanks from an old Imperial Guard kids are they actually called Origins is that correct yeah agrons well it's derived from ogurin because so is it ogreens or ogarens I think it's ogren but the thing is 40k is basically derived from fantasy back in the day so I think this was their nod to ogres when they were originally uh a bad guy a bad guy with fuel tank in place I used my trusty Japanese cable that I got from the Gundam store in Akihabara and I squished the end of it and that part will be shoved and glued into his mouth and then the rest of the cable can flexibly join up to the flame tank I kind of love how it looks like he's drinking from like a bicycle Satchel of water like he's a marathon runner but uh that'll get covered up later with some green stuff to hide the Aquila tattoo and to add some extra chaos the armor I used part of an old Rhino hatch from a chaos vehicle sprue chopped it up a bunch until it looked like battered armor and slapped that on our charging Champion's shoulder an ogren bone Ed is the leader of the squad and this bonehead is just smart enough to know he doesn't want to be the first one through the door in a breaching action so he sent his chump ahead and he's standing behind ready to go in second he needed his own customizations and one of those was to make sure I picked the dragon ogre head that had the nice bit of little trim decal that I could do gold to Mark him out as the leader of the squad another Perfect Fit from the dragon ogre kit was this gnarly looking massive spiked mole that they have which I decided to replace the bullgrun mall to give him another point of difference a little bit of that chaos viciousness and it wouldn't be chaos without spiky bits and trophy racks and I thought the circular vehicle trophy rack frame fit perfectly as a little Halo on this bone ad this trophy rack certainly makes it obvious who the biggest and baddest ogre is on the battlefield as for the shield I decided that while the Aquila is a sacred symbol of the Empire The Winged skull is less so so I actually just glued on a chained and skull onto the front of the Aquila and I was pretty happy with that the third ogren in the squad got some special attention in the form of a chaos knight's shield being glued over the front of their slab shoulder which I've got to say I actually think looks really brutal and really cool and he also got a Searchlight from the new Sentinel kit usually I wouldn't add something like this on some ogrens but as these are themed around the idea of a boarding action I thought a big stab light on the shoulder was super appropriate for these guys and with the three models glued together it was time for green stuff just slapped out some strips and made some really bad low quality looking gas masks onto their face World War one style that would hide those ogary teeth and also nicely connect to the wire coming out of their mouth with some final strips and straps to connect the gas masks around the necks where those areas were conspicuously visible I was done with my chaos ogre conversions it was at this stage that I knew if I was going to be able to wrap locate the Rainbow Six Siege cover I was gonna need some poor victims so I used the two remaining voidsmen we had left from the Rogue Trader box Cut and repost them to be slammed out of the way of this ogren as it charges through a wall [Music] foreign [Music] you can't stop me you can't stop me I'm making my traitor gun I've got my arguments and my little dying voidsman uh and one of the awkwards I just finished green stuffing on so they need a few hours for that to dry oh my God but two of the odd runs I can start painting so I'm gonna go out and Prime these black now there's construction outside so I'm not gonna film it but rest assured I'm gonna spray paint the models and they're going to be black maybe there's like very little left in this um we'll see so my traitor guard need to be a fast enough scheme that I can put together an army so something I'm starting to try and focus on more is learning ways to do a quicker paint job that still looks higher quality trying to take a little bit of inspiration from amazing painters that we recently worked with like Emil and Lucas from squidma I decided to use a bit higher contrast in between the brights and shades and a method of almost stippling on the layers to give texture to these larger armor panels and make them look more interesting as a bit of a dabble in an attempt I'm happy with how this worked it was certainly a lot quicker than trying to build up a gently gradiated blend and ultimately I actually liked the result now my Trader guard scheme I've covered in a little bit more detail Elsewhere for these ogrens it was just some lead voucher in the silver areas as well as some tin bits to bring out some detail in other locations such as the oxygen tanks on their back the pants are painted Stonewall gray and pretty much anywhere except for the armor that is silver or gray gets a null oil washer then recovered in the original base coat and anywhere that is gold brown or tidbits ends up with an agrax watch and another highlight over the top I think that this high contrast message you're using Works particularly well on the skin on these guys I think you've done an excellent lunch up here yeah this is probably some of the fastest skin paint jobs I've ever done and by trying to focus on where light would be sitting in a fairly quick way and knowing I'm not the best at this I really feel like I'm slowly growing as a painter doing little things like the underlining Reflections on the muscle really helps them look like good volumes and I'm quite happy with the results I did second guess myself and use a rikling fleshade shade on the first day that I painted and this is probably the only step that I regret in the whole process his skin did look fairly natural and now it kind of looks a little bit jaundice a little bit weird but hey for a Trader ogren maybe that is normal one thing I do like to do with my ragtag bunch of Traders from all different places all gathered together to fight the Imperium is to ensure I use a bunch of varied skin tones that's something I practiced here picking different skin tones for all three of the odd ones now the bonehead in particular once his skin was done got something extra special in the form of a little prison yard tattoo that's right he loves his mama I did go with the Australian or English spelling of mum here as opposed to the American mom and that is of course because all of games workshops Works uh seem to be based off some kind of future fantasy England so uh yeah I'm guessing that the old Oxford spelling Rings true when I turned around and saw that you were adding this like magenta pink to your Shield I got super excited and then you changed the color completely and hey it looks really really good but I kind of was vibing the magenta pink it actually does look pretty good with these dark Grays and dark colors I will admit that but no I did use the magenta color to add some vibrancy to the two layers of yellow that I painted over the top it really just helps them pop and stand out and makes them feel a lot more saturated and yeah well their Hazard Stripes so that's what I was going for another really clever for the shock mall I painted them silver with some really sharp highlight I used 10 bits for the little electrical components I made sure to do a soft glow just Feathering in some blues around the tip that little power node that runs electricity into the Baton that's right these augrans are rocking shock patterns so you know when they hit you with the power of a truck and break all the bones in your body you also get electrocuted [Music] are you tired of your craft projects getting your messy and ruining your clothes foreign [Music] we've got the perfect solution for you alongside other awesome merch on our online store we also have these cool tabletop time aprons I love them and they really do keep your clothes from getting ruined impervious so go check out the link in the description and grab yourself some tablet hook time merch it really helps support the channel and uh it's also fun to make these spots so you know thanks now the final touches for my traitors is of course the connection to the alpha Legion so that meant sponging on some lines of teal highlighting up to a temple guard blue these little markings run across all of my Army and it's basically just the accent color shows homage to the Legion of hydras I really like the technique you use to sponge it on it actually looks like well it has been sponge done by them originally because I wouldn't expect them to paint straight lines but to sponge it on I can expect them to do that yeah the idea with this on all of my Traders is that they're basically stealing equipment so they've got like planetary defense gear military gear from the Depots and when they turned coat they've got house paint or whatever is around them of their loyal colors and painted these Stripes by hand onto their hour now of course with a single hey tasty coat of paint dubbed on in the fires of rebellion stands to reason that this has rubbed off over the course of time or just generally looks more worn and torn than the color of the actual armor itself with these markings done all of my metals on all of my Traders get a little sponging of Browns and oranges to show the rust and wear and tear that they're poorly maintained gear starts to accumulate over time so have I bitten off more than I can chew well uh yes it's a ridiculous project for the amount of time I'm putting into it so I'm gonna get some help I'm going to enlist a Jen hello Jen's gonna paint my little dudes we're gonna do a quick paint job and get these uh little guys the victims I guess we're calling them we'll get them painted up quickly they're mostly uh going to be smashed and burnt so it shouldn't be too hard let's do it yeah thank you [Music] so to paint these guys up pretty quickly I decided just to follow the good old IG schemes this meant more cocky colored coats and some green plated armor I think this is a nice touch considering how dry and gray my Traders are to show that loyal Cadian homage Green in the Loyalists I also thought about the final concept as well so usually they'd be up against like shock troops or maybe even guys from the Army so I kind of wanted to keep with that green color scheme it's been a while since I've actually painted in this style starting from black and just adding the colors in usually I've been doing the Murray method but I decided to go back to my Grassroots this time laying in some initial colors some washers on top and going in with those really sharp highlights and it was a refreshing process I'm super impressed I knew Jen that you were the lady for the job as you got both of these dudes painted up in like an hour uh so thank you you've really saved my bacon I would have spent like six hours on them and they wouldn't have looked as good sometimes I wonder if I should enter a fast painting competition I wonder how I would do so literally over a year ago we had this massive idea to completely recreate kill team Rogue Trader in 3D and it never went anywhere but we did print the entire ship and this has been a resource that I've actually kept coming back to just having a pile of 3D printed like floor tiles and walls have been super convenient and this is the first thing I thought of when I thought about making that Rainbow Six Siege bit 40K Vibe so we need some boarding action pieces I'm gonna grab some tiles some floor tiles maybe a wall tile and I'm gonna make something up all right to bring this diorama home it was time for me to make a little base for me to use and I had those tiles had to glue a couple of them together and then I grabbed two doors from the Kelton Rogue Trader kit one of them I violently carved the door out of with power tools in a Dremel and the other one I just glued alongside I did have to do some trimming on the sides of these to allow them to glue flush together and once I had suitably scuffed up one of them and bent and buckled it I could then glue the door as if it was exploding out from the frame glary today okay so I'm going to spray these doing pretty much a Murray method undercoat with some top coats of silver hopefully that'll give a nice grungy effect to start with and I'll pick out some details and weather it up and we've got a little spaceship boarding action it's gonna be cool I promise I want to start with a whole bunch of brown because rust and dirt a bit of grain for some variants silver basically top coat that's our foundation [Music] it's time to make my spaceship real dirty which means it's time for streaking grime I love chicken grind freaking grime let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we'd like to do a big thank you to our patrons we'd like to do a big thank you to our patrons thank you so much for all your support it is because of your love your care your cherishing your kisses and cuddles that we're able to make the content we make twice a week you can get some really awesome perks for joining up so if you'd like to consider it all of the links are down in the description below subscribe it helps it helps us out immensely immensely like videos like this one if you're loving the trader guard the sisters of battle or you're excited for Murray to dive into tyranids at the start of 10th let us know what are you most excited for what do you want to see more videos on and yeah which one of us has the best hair it's me Ray yours is pink it's awesome well I had a super swell time what about you Jen watching me do this yeah it kind of reminded me a little bit of uh the video game we've been playing dark tide uh that has augrins in it and this was kind of Familiar of that so it had a really cool Vibe yeah thank you it's been fun if you want to see more Trader conversions uh give me some ideas of what you want to see in my trade at guard Army I mean you've got to at night to paint up as well don't you yes yes I do you know what they might just do that you know Dave I sometimes have wished that you're like as big as those algorithms and can like hold me and protect me interesting you are soft and I protect [Music] uh or green protect
Channel: Tabletop Time
Views: 65,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RPG, DnD, roleplay, role play, role, play, pathfinder, stream, live, livestream, dice, dragons, dungeons, LARP, tabletop, table, game, gaming, roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons, Roll Play, D&D, Dungeons, Dragons, Pen and Paper, roleplayoing, itmeJP, campaign, story, storytelling, matt mercer, Criticall Role, Critical Roll, D20, D6, cogent, cogent roleplay, warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, miniature, mini painting, kitbash, customize, custom chapter, greenstuff, sculpt, games workshop
Id: tZHWBmvWtvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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