What Happens When Your Boss Breaks His Own Rules?

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These types of videos are my favorite on this channel. I could watch an entire feature length film of Clint making sound effects and Wesley & Wesley Inc. representing criminals.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/CBcube 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Honestly this was hilarious lmao. I was surprised at how much they were able to keep a straight face throughout

"You can't talk during charades!"

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love these sidetrack videos u make, keep them up <3

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Tiny_Pay 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

So if Niko says he didn't do it, who did do it?

dun dun dunnnnnn.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/engineeringsquirrel 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Trial of the century

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/broundgeef 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Objection OVERRULED!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/0000000000000007 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

I went to high school with Clint, and a mutual friend of ours did that chest drill thing to me, and there is seriously no reacting to it other than making a weird guteral sound and waiting for it to end.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/AndrewSaidThis 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

A great video, throughly enjoyed it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Scyllarious 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is worse than i thought if you guys think this is my mess prove it in a court of law you guys are just looking for a scapegoat [Music] yeah how many days did you spend last year cleaning up the camera at least five days no no honestly at least five days at least five days you stood in the middle of that room and it was perfectly organized let's go in there right now and see if it looks anything like how it did at the beginning of last year whoa what is this stuff like what are those dirty bags what is this there's a box for allen you know about halfway through the year last year i kind of just was like you know what i'm gonna have a panic attack if i actually invest myself in this room clean clean it up clean clean clean it just gets nerdy i had to quit i had to quit this looks like some nico perfect camera stuff right here who knows what this is remember how he said if anyone puts anything on this table they get what was it like knuckles the drill the if you release thing on this table you get a quick stir number the drill the drill oh dude it hurts so bad it hurts it hurts so bad do it to me so i can see how bad it hurts okay let me get the drill going that's just the taste just like just a taste that's awful it's horrible it's just like five percent that's five percent but whoever left stuff on this table that's at least eighty percent i have to plug it into the wall look i'm in the same boat with you guys i like putting my gear away i like keeping it nice and organized the gear belongs in a case if it has a case nico has a different attitude about that we all know punishments are being dished out we need to go get some sternum rubs where's niko i think a good five seconds is that that will kill a man there's a hole in the box now let's just take a look at the camera room i have nothing to hide look you left that camera equipment out for months and it led to this situation i didn't do it who did it then the corruption started with you sir that's your rig you have any proof what do you mean proof that's your rig this is not my configuration this is a circus this is a circus no no no no no no nico it's yours these are not my pizzas you guys are just looking for a scapegoat [ __ ] look look if you guys think this is my mess prove it in a court of law nico you don't want to go there man you realize punishment is double 100 100 drill for five seconds jake would you be my prosecuting lawyer absolutely there's nothing even to prosecute this is open and shut up hi is this wesley and wesley incorporated we are wesley and wesley incorporated a lot of people don't know that jake's middle name is wesley i'm in need of legal representation to make sure that's conflict of interest wesley that is conflict of interest right there you can't do that you can't defend him i will defend you you realize if you do this your your business is through you're done our partnership is over if you do this wesley you don't ruin what you have hey hey hey hey oh you're up boom that's what i like i'll see you guys in court when's court after lunch i don't know how does this work yeah after lunch after lunch guys no one go in the camera room it's basically a crime scene do not go in there do not touch anything it's sealed off until further notice thank you issue rule analysis conclusion the analysis is the analysis of the facts i'm innocent tell me more what they're trying to peg me on is when i built my perfect camera the thing is i put all the equipment away here is the gear we found on the table here is this man using that exact same gear the thing is we have video proof of what those rigs look like currently none of the rigs on those tables look like the rigs from the perfect camera videos therefore they can't be from the perfect camera we also have the sound kit which i know nico used on his last production after we were in texas if we look at a schedule of when things were shot sam has shot two films since i shot my film he shot tiny guns and he shot the black rifle cops in texas and i represent everyone that wasn't in texas this is worse than i thought look at these bags this test is dead justice isn't about punishing people because you don't like them justice is about truth it doesn't matter who you are no one's above the law seems like they're trying to divert attention away he's whipping everybody into our friends they just create a mob here and distract people from the real real criminal in this situation and who is that this could be a tough case there's a lot of evidence piling up against our defendant here nico his perfect camera rig so to speak that created a huge disaster in the camera room maybe has something to do with this perfect camera you know what i mean maybe this perfect camera begets some sort of chaos and calamity or like it drives people insane once they find that perfect camera something just goes off in their brain in their mind that sets them off on a destructive path [Music] he's in the evidence room he's being placed under arrest sir at this very moment i'm going to sue the city for everything you got yeah classic nico we're not from the city we're from corridor did i just get some batteries please it's a crime scene matt get out of here matt you committed crimes this is a farce come on we are here to judge the case of nico perringer the defendant charged with uh what is he charged with again charged with one count of failing to put back items where they belong wes what you got in that briefcase is that evidence none of your business i never thought you'd betray me like this i never thought you'd betray me like this uh how may i refer to each of you you can refer to me as wesleyan wesley and yep the prosecution may lead with their opening statements are you guys done with your charade and circus you can't talk in charades and we're clearly talking or i'll have you ejected from my cord your honor uh gentlemen of the jury what we bring before you today is a very simple case you see this man right here can i see that can i say it's my turn to talk to my opening argument now this man set out to have a room cleaned the room went to hell i think honestly like most criminals they think they didn't do it the defense is going to convolute this make it seem all complicated it's all actually a lot simpler the truth of the matter is that he did do it and he will face justice for it the defense may now present their opening statements thank you judge of course gentlemen and gentleman of the jury i come to for you as a humble man a single man a young man my client nico over here is completely innocent and i plan to prove that jake aka wesley from a former arrangement i used to have he has pointed out the fact that at the beginning of the year nico took responsibility of said room we were all five years old at one point correct five years old until about right now that's safe to say and in that time we change we evolve and in that year we have changed and we have evolved i am going with the defense of change nico you have changed i'm going to leave it right there sir gorski your honor i have something in here that i would like to give you this is not a gift nor a bribe are you submitting so we got some solid evidence on the prosecution's behalf here present your first witness the prosecution calls mr wren wikeman to the stand beautiful ren ren wyman yes what do you have in your pocket my hand good do you remember the camera room looking like that it did look like this mr perringer made a perfect camera rig that involved this here camera mount that's absolutely part of nico's perfect camera rig do you recognize these photos as being part of nico's camera rig i would recognize that face anywhere and do you recognize the quick release tripod plate as the same that is in those photos it's like a carbon copy here is a photo taken from this morning that has that exact tripod plate misplaced and left out on what was once formerly it is the same [Applause] that's all sorted out now yeah may cross examine the witness no i'm not done with evidence i can't wait for more evidence now i'll present the rest of my case to you your owner the sound box your honor this is the quarter sound box from the time of the cleaning sound box currently as it was found in evidence this morning that man over there was the last person to go on a production to use this sound box and this is how we found it today long story short that man over there left gear out all over the place and you went from a situation like this your honor a camera station perfectly clean to a camera station junky and mean all right thank you [Applause] uh wesley and i'd like to thank jake for that level of bs objection your honor derogatory objective denied deny is that bullish bs is not derogatory i'm gonna go and take this piece of evidence one more time this right here seems like it's evidence that's been tampered with gentlemen if you guys please take a look at it does this look like that piece of rigmarole no i don't think so objection your honor objection deny i'd like to see where this one's heading look at that does this look like we'd film something nico being an expert filmmaker does it look like he would film with this my client used two hands not one hand the defendant does have in fact i'd like to call my client nico to the stand he can't plead the fifth if he takes the stand nico how many projects have you directed shot i've tracked the two projects two projects this year and your business partner the honorable sam gorski how many projects have sea shot this year five five projects that means scientifically he's been in that room more times than you okay okay i think we're getting someplace here i like to bring this sound equipment up we had a lot of oohs and eyes because equipment's missing do you also notice the residue that's on this box it smells like texas and nico was not in texas thank you gentlemen for your time i appreciate each and every one of you honorable gorsky i love you sir i know i rest my case gentlemen the jury the defense presents the case that the sound box there's texas dirt on it nico we went to texas uh was it prior to november 14th when you shot the u-monster project it was it was ah and so it'd be perfectly reasonable that there would be texas dirt on it we all know that your shoot took place after we returned and the halo shoot which used that sound gear happened afterwards that's that's irrelevant to this trial sir when we returned from texas with the texas dirt on the sound box the gear was in there we also get to the issue of the server table rules when you were just asked you said uh those drives are part of server business there is a video at which 8 43 mrs barringer says anything on that table will result in a light sternum rub now if all the circumstantial evidence that i've presented doesn't convince you mr perringer are you or are you not one of the partners and directors of the company corridor digital i am outside of the circumstantial evidence points directly to you sir it would also be your responsibility as one of the partners and directors of the company to ensure that order is followed and cared for and accommodated for so ultimately regardless of whose hands or on which equipment it is ultimately your responsibility to look after these things i'll leave you with that yeah thank you we will proceed with our closing arguments in closing your honor guys i just want to say thank you thank you for believing in this innocent man right now um i'd like to thank you guys for your time today um and as a token of your honor our appreciation your honor hold on objection denied i i i want to see where this is heading defensive bribery i'm not offering this all i'm saying is my client paid me great money to defend him and if you guys are here to defend him as well there may be some gifts on your car not from me i'm just saying in first bribery i am not saying it's for me objection denied i said i'm curious to see where this is where this is going your honor and i rest my case closing statement mr watson the defense talks of honesty a talk of humility and yet all around you what do you see accusations the denial of responsibility he even comes to you guys and he says you'll defend this man you're not here to defend this man you're not here to prosecute this man what you're here to do is to seek the truth what do you say [Applause] that was gonna break court to let the jury deliberate on the matters and they shall return with a verdict i think at the end of the day money talk let's define bribery all right i'm feeling like i got the best goddamn lawyer on the planet i'm a little worried about the judge in this case potentially being the true mastermind behind the scenes man how deep does this rather whole goal so are you guys decided so okay please wait here all right all right all right all right let's begin wesley from wesley and wesley incorporated uh we find you guilty of perjury and bribery and i sense you to be disbarred it's better than i could have hoped that's how we're starting things off bribery you're the only one with money around here that's fantastic get this out of my face all right on to the verdict for the defendant nico p on the first charge of conspiracy to not clean the camera room we find you guilty of conspiracy to not clean the camera oh yeah oh yeah now on to sentencing um i sentence you to five seconds of sternum rubbing but i sentence you to five seconds of a strong sternum rub however after the first two seconds upon good behavior you will be able to forfeit and avoid the remaining three seconds [Music] if he has good behavior he will be released from the remaining three this is a kangaroo court this is a kangaroo court and here we go today justice prevails please restrain nico for his first let him keep the year one you're going to jail for bribery my friend remember he's putting me in jail are you ready stop stop stop that was two seconds that was 17 half a second and that was not gonna be all right you have another second and a half go now how are you feeling after those two seconds was that enough yeah that was enough you learned your lesson no this is corrupt it's [ __ ] wait are you telling me that you are not in good behavior i'll leave it up to you your honor oh wow he's quite defiant uh [Music] one more yeah he needs it one more second come on come on i'm not going easy anymore he's not a good behavior he's not on good behavior through the armor through the armor all right you're good you're released you're released he's good he's changed i can tell [Music] hey i think personally you did great out there i think i did great as well i know you have some bribery time to serve that that is what it is but there used to be a firm called wesley and wesley incorporated and at that firm he'll always be a partner i'll even put your name first like wesley and wesley incorporated with my name first [Music] wesley was incorporated well here i am a new man or am i anyways i just want to say this whole court wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for our patrons in a way they're bribing us all so i want to start off by thinking glitch cube and not a canadian spy for always having my back regardless of whether i'm guilty or innocent and of course alan almanza and phillip oxford skinky snack thank you harris regepatic and jack o'connell thanks for supporting us huge thanks to bobby hansel and alex duckworm jordan nick nolte abdullah saleh thanks for believing in my case and if you believe in our case here go to patreon.com corridor digital and consider supporting us we've got something really special coming up at the five dollar tier so stay tuned for that [Music]
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 2,197,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: corridor court, vfx artists, law, trial, lawyer, punishment, crimes, crime, funny
Id: oWcsViMmSuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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